Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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CCH. 2007. Cost Accounting Standards Board Regulations as of January 1, 2007. Commerce Clearing House.
CCH. 2010. Cost Accounting Standards Board Regulations as of January 2010. CCH Inc.
Cecchini, M., S. B. Jackson and X. Liu. 2012. Do initial public offering firms manage accruals? Evidence from individual accounts. Review of Accounting Studies 17(1): 22-40.
Cecil, B. 2000. Shared services: Moving beyond success. Strategic Finance (April): 64-68. (Consolidating finance functions).
Cecil, E. A. and E. F. Lundgren. 1975. An analysis of individual decision making behavior using a laboratory setting. The Academy of Management Journal 18(3): 600-604.
Cecil, E. A., L. L. Cummings, J. M. Chertkoff. 1973. Group composition and choice shift: Implications for administration. The Academy of Management Journal 16(3): 412-422.
Cecil, H. W. and T. A. King. 2017. Understanding the federal tax gap: A closer look at declining IRS enforcement activities. The CPA Journal (October): 38-41.
Cedeno, R. 2018. Realizing my American dream. The CPA Journal (January): 19-20.
Cedergren, M. C., C. Chen and K. Chen. 2019. The implications of unrecognized asset value on the relation between market valuation and debt valuation adjustment. Review of Accounting Studies 24(2): 426-455.
Cefaratti, M. and R. Barkhi. 2013. The effects of communication media and client familiarity on auditors' confidence on deception detection. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 5(2): 1-26.
Cefaratti, M. A. and H. Lin. 2018. Exploring data center migration: A case study. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-17.
Ceilos, J. B. D. 2020. Delivering impact. Strategic Finance (October): 64.
Celarier, M. 2012. Global positioning. CFO (January/February): 50-55.
Cellich, C. and S. Jain. 2004. Global Business Negotiations: A Practical Guide. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Cellini, G. L. 1993. Strategic alliances in the 90's. Management Accounting (June): 56-59. (Strategic alliances include: research collaboration, licensing programs, co-promotion deals, joint ventures, co-marketing deals, production collaborations, equity investments, and co-sourcing arrangements).
Cellini, G. L. 2000. Are you happy? Strategic Finance (June): 80-84, 86.
Cen, L., F. Chen, Y. Hou and G. D. Richardson. 2018. Strategic disclosures of litigation loss contingencies when customer-supplier relationships are at risk. The Accounting Review (March): 137-159.
Cendrowski, H. and W. C. Mair. 2009. Enterprise Risk Management and COSO: A Guide for Directors, Executives, and Practitioners. Wiley.
Cendrowsky, H., L. R. Donaldson and J. Martin. 2005. SSARS 10: Check your malpractice insurance. Journal of Forensic Accounting 6(1): 245-251.
Cenker, W. and R. Bloom. 1990. The valuation of an accounting practice and goodwill. Journal of Accounting Education 8(2): 311-319.
Cenker, W. J. and A. L. Nagy. 2004. Do audit charters need a reality check? Strategic Finance (January): 49-53.
Cenker, W. J. and A. L. Nagy. 2008. Auditor resignations and auditor industry specialization. Accounting Horizons (September): 279-295.
Cenker, W. J. and R. Bloom. 2000. The leasing conundrum . Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 34-42.
Cennamo, C. and J. Santalo. 2015. How to avoid platform traps. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 12-15.
Centola, D. 2019. The truth about behavioral change: The latest thinking about social networks explains why new technologies and innovative behaviors really spread. It's not about "going viral." MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-9.
Cereola, S. J. and R. J. Cereola. 2011. Breach of data at TJX: An instructional case used to study COSO and COBIT, with a focus on computer controls, data security, and privacy legislation. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 521-545.
Cerf, A. R. 1957. Price level changes, inventory valuations, and tax considerations. The Accounting Review (October): 554-565.
Cerf, A. R. 1975. Accounting for retail land sales. The Accounting Review (July): 451-465.
Cerf, C. and H. Beard. 1986. The Pentagon Catalog: Ordinary Products at Extraordinary Prices. Workman Pub Co.
Cerf, D. C. and F. J. Elmy. 1998. Accounting for derivatives: The case of a currency rate swap used to hedge foreign exchange rate exposure. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 931-955.
Certification in Control Self-Assessment Examination Prep Guide. 2004. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Certified Business Manager Exam Preparation Guide: Theory for Core Areas. 2003. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Certified Business Manager Exam Preparation Guide: Practice for Core Areas. 2004. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Certified Business Manager Exam Preparation Guide: Practice for Functional Areas. 2004. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Certified Business Manager Exam Preparation Guide: Theory for Integrated Areas. 2004. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Certified Business Manager: CBM Examination Preparation Guide. 2004. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Certo, S. T., C. M. Daily, A. A. Cannella Jr. and D. R. Dalton. 2003. Giving money to get money: How CEO stock options and CEO equity enhance IPO valuations. The Academy of Management Journal 46(5): 643-653.
Cerullo, M. J. 1977. The data base concept. Management Accounting (November): 43-47.
Cerullo, M. J. 1979. MIS: What can go wrong? Management Accounting (April): 43-48.
Cerullo, M. J. 1985. Designing accounting information systems. Management Accounting (June): 37-42.
Cervellon, M. and P. Lirio. 2017. When employees don't 'like' their employers on social media. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 63-70.
Ceryan, O. 2019. Asymmetric pricing and replenishment controls for substitutable products. Decision Sciences 50(5): 1093-1119.
Cesarini, D., M. Johannesson, P. K. E. Magnusson and B. Wallace. 2012. The behavioral genetics of behavioral anomalies. Management Science (January): 21-34.
Cespedes, F. V. 2021. Selling after the crisis: Senior executives must understand how dramatically the process needs to change. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 52-57.
Cespedes, F. V. and R. M. Galford. 2004. Succession and failure. Harvard Business Review (June): 31-36, 38, 40, 42.
Cespedes, F. V., A. Gardner, S. Kerr, R. D. Kelley and A. L. Dixon. 2006. Old hand or new blood? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 28-40. (Case).
Cespedes, F. V., J. P. Dougherty and B. S. Skinner III. 2013. How to identify the best customers for your business. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 53-59.
Ceteris, M. A. Heimert and M. Johnson. 2010. Guide To International Transfer Pricing: Law, Tax Planning and Compliance Strategies. Kluwer Law International.
Cezar, A. and S. Raghunathan. 2023. Competitive location-based and trajectory-based mobile targeting. Decision Sciences 54(2): 177-192.
CFO. 2012. Keeping track of Dodd-Frank. CFO (July/August): 44.
CFO. 2012. 10 years after: The Sarbanes-Oxley Act. CFO (July/August): 43.
CFO. 2013. CFOs still waiting to fund Capex. CFO (April): 15.
CFO. 2013. Franchise nation. CFO (November): 21.
CFO. 2013. Happy birthday, Dodd-Frank! CFO (July/August): 10.
CFO. 2013. IPO outlook promising. CFO (January/February): 14.
CFO. 2013. Lend me your ears. CFO (November): 17. (Comment letters on FASB and IASB lease accounting).
CFO. 2013. Rebels with a smartphone. CFO (November): 30. (Forget trying to ban personal devices at work).
CFO. 2013. The 2013. CFO/REL working capital scorecard. CFO (June): 50-52.
Cha, Y., S. Gill and B. Wong-On-Wing. 2023. Clawback policy enforcement: To disclose or not to disclose. Advances in Accounting (62): 100661.
Chabi-Yo, F. 2012. Pricing kernels with stochastic skewness and volatility risk. Management Science (March): 624-640.
Chaboud, M. and C. Caseau. 2018. Austrian skills in East Africa: A story of knowledge, expertise, and impact investing. Cost Management (September/October): 36-41.
Chabris, C. E. 1987. Artificial Intelligence and Turbo Pascal/Book and Disk. Irwin Professional Publication.
Chabris, C. and D. Simons. 2010. The Invisible Gorilla: And Other Ways Our Intuitions Deceive Us. Crown
Chacko, T. I. 1983. Job and life satisfactions: A causal analysis of their relationships. The Academy of Management Journal 26(1): 163-169.
Chacko, T. I. and J. C. McElroy. 1983. The cognitive component in Locke's theory of goal setting: Suggestive evidence for a causal attribution interpretation. The Academy of Management Journal 26(1): 104-118.
Chadwick, L. and D. Rogers. 1984. How to cost the right price. Accountant UK (October 11): 14-16.
Chadwick, L. and D. Rogers. 1984. Making the pricing decision. Accountancy UK (November 8): 4.
Chae, B. and D. L. Olson. 2013. Business analytics for supply chain: A dynamic-capabilities framework. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 12 (01): 9-26.
Chae, B. and D. Olson. 2021. A topical exploration of the intellectual development of Decision Sciences 1975-2016. Decision Sciences 52(3): 543-566.
Chae, B. K., C. Yang, D. Olson, and C. Sheu. 2014. The impact of advanced analytics and data accuracy on operational performance: A contingent resource based theory (RBT) perspective. Decision Support Systems (59): 119–126.
Chahed, Y. 2021. Words and numbers: Financialization and accounting standard-setting in the United Kingdom. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(1): 302-337.
Chahine, S., G. Colak, I. Hasan and M. Mazboudi. 2020. Investor relations and IPO performance. Review of Accounting Studies 25(2): 474-512.
Chahine, S., Y. Fang, I. Hasan and M. Mazboudi. 2021. CEO network centrality and the likelihood of financial reporting fraud. Abacus 57(4): 654-678.
Chai, M. and C. Winberg. 2007. China A to Z: Everything You Need to Know to Understand Chinese Customs and Culture. Plume.
Chai, S. and W. Shih. 2017. Why big data isn't enough. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 57-61.
Chaison, G. N. 1971. The need for a more intensive analysis of union organizing campaigns. The Academy of Management Journal 14(4): 518-520.
Chakraborty, I., A. J. Leone, M. Minutti-Meza and M. A. Phillips. 2022. Financial statement complexity and bank lending. The Accounting Review (May): 155-178.
Chakraborty, P. S., G. Majumder and B. Sarkar. 2010. Analytic network process for manufacturing supplier selection. Cost Management (January/February): 18-23.
Chakrabarty, B. and P. C. Moulton. 2012. Earnings announcements and attention constraints: The role of market design. Journal of Accounting and Economics (June): 612-634.
Chakrabarty, B., S. Duellman and M. A. Hyman. 2020. A new approach to estimating the relation between audit fees and financial misconduct. Accounting Horizons (June): 41-61.
Chakraborty, V., V. Chiu and M. Vasarhelyi. 2014. Automatic classification of accounting literature. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 15(2): 122-148.
Chakravarthy, B., G. Mueller-Stewens, P. Lorange and C. Lechner. Editors. 2003. Strategy Process: Shaping the Contours of the Field (Strategic Management Society). Blackwell Publishers.
Chakravarthy, B. S. 1985. Measuring strategic performance. Strategic Management Journal (July): 437-457.
Chakravarthy, J. 2019. Ideological diversity in standard setting. Review of Accounting Studies 24(1): 113-155.
Chakravarthy, J., E. deHaan and S. Rajgopal. 2014. Reputation repair after a serious restatement. The Accounting Review (July): 1329-1363.
Chakravarty, A. and R. Grewal. 2011. The stock market in the driver's seat! Implications for R&D and marketing. Management Science (September): 1594-1609.
Chakravarty, A. K. and A. Shtub. 1985. New technology investments in multistage production systems. Decision Sciences (Summer): 248-264.
Chakravorti, B. 2004. The new rules for bringing innovations to market. Harvard Business Review (March): 58-67.
Chakravorti, B. 2010. Finding competitive advantage in adversity. Harvard Business Review (November): 102-108.
Chakravorti, B., A. Bhalla and R. S. Chaturvedi. 2023. How digital trust varies around the world. Harvard Business Review (Winter Special Issue): 140-143.
Chalice, R. 2005. Stop Rising Healthcare Costs Using Toyota Lean Production Methods: 38 Steps for Improvement. ASQ Quality Press.
Chalker, J. A. 1993. Speeding up the price quote system. Management Accounting (September): 45-49.
Challagalla, G. and F. Dalsace. 2022. Moving the needle on sustainability: You can't just get the product right - you may need to change consumer behavior too. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 130-137.
Chalmers, K. and J. M. Godfrey. 2004. Reputation costs: The impetus for voluntary derivative financial instruments reporting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 29(2): 95-125.
Chalmers, T. M. 1946. What operating management needs from accountants. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December 15): 489-499.
Chalos, P. 1985. Financial distress: A comparative study of individual, model, and committee assessments. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 527-543.
Chalos, P. 1986. High tech production: The impact on cost reporting systems. Journal of Accountancy (March): 106-108, 110, 112.
Chalos, P. 1988. A spreadsheet analysis of different costing systems. Journal of Accounting Education 6(2): 345-353.
Chalos, P. 1989. The base rate fallacy: Evidence from bank loan committees. Behavioral Research In Accounting (1): 150-159.
Chalos, P. 1991. Conjunctive explanations in cost variance investigation: Experimental replications and extensions. Abacus 27(1): 1-14.
Chalos, P. 1993. Managing health care costs under diagnostically related groups. Advances in Management Accounting (2): 207-226.
Chalos, P. 1995. Costing, control, and strategic analysis in outsourcing decisions. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 31-37.
Chalos, P. and M. C. C. Poon. 2000. Participation and performance in capital budgeting teams. Behavioral Research In Accounting (12): 199-230.
Chalos, P. and M. Poon. 2001. Participative budgeting and performance: A state of the art review and re-analysis. Advances in Management Accounting (10): 171-201.
Chalos, P. and N. G. O’Connor. 1998. Management controls in Sino-American joint ventures: A comparative case study. Managerial Finance 24(5): 53-66.
Chalos, P. and N. G. O'Connor. 2004. Determinants of the use of various control mechanisms in US-Chinese joint ventures. Accounting, Organizations and Society 29(7): 591-707.
Chalos, P. and N. O'Connor. 2005. The perceived effect of accounting controls on U.S.-Chinese joint venture transaction costs and performance. Journal of International Accounting Research 4(2): 53-73.
Chalos, P. and R. E. Weigand. 1996. Constrained cost determination under the 1994 GATT antidumping code. Advances in Management Accounting (5): 83-98.
Chalos, P. and S. Haka. 1990. Transfer pricing under bilateral bargaining. The Accounting Review (July): 624-641. (Part of a forum on negotiation research in accounting).
Chalos, P., J. Cheerian and D. Harris. 1991. Financial disclosure effects on labor contracts: A Nash analysis. Contemporary Accounting Research 7(2): 431-448.
Chalos, P., N. O'Connor and X. Zijian. 1999. A comparative study of budgetary controls in Chinese State and foreign owned enterprises. Advances in Management Accounting (7): 169-185.
Chamberlain, D. C. 1975. Capitalization of lease obligations. Management Accounting (December): 37-38, 42.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1935. On the teaching of auditing. The Accounting Review (March): 17-19.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1937. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (December): 407-423.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1938. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 81-90.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1938. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (June): 199-211.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1938. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (September): 292-320.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1938. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (December): 411-423.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1939. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 65-75.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1939. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (June): 163-175.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1939. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (September): 297-308.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1939. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (December): 437-451.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1940. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 116-127.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1940. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (June): 274-289.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1940. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (September): 425-442.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1940. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (December): 514-525.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1941. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 113-125.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1941. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (June): 213-225.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1941. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (September): 302-310.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1941. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (December): 428-439.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1942. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 195-203.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1942. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 316-327.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1942. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 404-413.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1943. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 49-55.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1943. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 168-175.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1943. Professional examination: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 274-280.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1943. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 374-381.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1944. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 87-91.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1944. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 199-206.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1944. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 324-333.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1944. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 460-468.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1945. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 113-120.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1945. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 241-248.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1945. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 360-370.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1945. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 472-477.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1946. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 100-106.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1946. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 220-226.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1946. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 345-351.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1946. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 464-470.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1947. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 89-94.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1947. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 211-217.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1947. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 319-325.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1947. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 417-426.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1948. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 97-103.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1948. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 209-214.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1948. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 314-321.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1948. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 422-433.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1949. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 97-103
Chamberlain, H. T. 1949. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 210-218.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1949. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 321-327.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1949. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 442-448.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1950. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 101-112.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1950. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 199-203.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1950. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 327-339.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1950. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 449-459.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1951. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 112-120.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1951. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 266-271.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1951. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 421-429.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1951. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 582-591.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1952. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 138-145.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1952. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 249-258.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1952. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 386-395.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1952. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 556-561.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1953. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 128-140.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1953. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 287-292.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1953. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 444-455.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1953. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 581-591.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1954. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 143-152.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1954. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 324-336.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1954. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 509-521.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1954. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 693-700.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1955. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 145-154.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1955. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 351-365.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1955. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 540-553.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1955. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 706-715.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1956. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 136-146.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1956. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 319-327.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1956. Professional examinations: A department for students of accounting: Accounting Practice. The Accounting Review (July): 504-519.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1956. Professional examinations: A Department for Students of Accounting: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (October): 672-682.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1957. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (January): 128-142.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1957. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (April): 313-323.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1957. Professional examination: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (July): 488-498.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1957. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (October): 654-661.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1958. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (January): 131-141.
Chamberlain, H. T. 1958. Professional examination: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (April): 314-324.
Chamberlain, H. T. and J. H. Chamberlain. 1958. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (July): 504-515.
Chamberlain, H. T. and J. H. Chamberlain. 1958. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (October): 676-691.
Chamberlain, H. T. and J. H. Chamberlain. 1959. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (January): 136-147.
Chamberlain, H. T. and J. H. Chamberlain. 1959. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (April): 306-318.
Chamberlain, H. T. and J. H. Chamberlain. 1959. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (July): 477-490.
Chamberlain, H. T. and J. H. Chamberlain. 1959. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (October): 663-677.
Chamberlain, H. T. and J. H. Chamberlain. 1960. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (January): 139-149.
Chamberlain, H. T. and J. H. Chamberlain. 1960. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (April): 330-340.
Chamberlain, H. T. and J. H. Chamberlain. 1960. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (July): 523-537.
Chamberlain, H. T. and J. H. Chamberlain. 1960. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (October): 733-746.
Chamberlain, H. T. and J. H. Chamberlain. 1961. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (January): 138-147.
Chamberlain, H. T. and J. H. Chamberlain. 1961. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (April): 301-313.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1961. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (July): 488-500.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1961. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (October): 651-662.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1962. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (January): 122-134.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1962. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (April): 350-362.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1962. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (July): 562-574.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1962. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (October): 774-784.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1963. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (January): 168-183.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1963. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (April): 415-426.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1963. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (July): 633-644.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1963. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (October): 844-862.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1964. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (January): 176-194.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1964. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (April): 487-499.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1964. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (July): 770-787.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1964. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (October): 1054-1069.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1965. Professional examinations: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (January): 234-250.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1965. CPA examination: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (April): 463-476.
Chamberlain, J. H. 1965. CPA examination: Accounting practice. The Accounting Review (July): 660-674.
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Chamberlin, L. 2010. Cultivating leadership at every level of your organization. Strategic Finance (December): 17-19.
Chambers, A. D. 1978. Teaching internal auditing at a university - An example in context. The Accounting Review (January): 143-147.
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Chambers, D., D. R. Hermanson and J. L. Payne. 2010. Did Sarbanes-Oxley lead to better financial reporting? A survey of recent research. The CPA Journal (September): 24-27.
Chambers, D., J. Dooley and C. A. Finger. 2015. Preparing for the looming changes in lease accounting. The CPA Journal (January): 38-42.
Chambers, D., R. Jennings and R. B. Thompson. 1999. Evidence on the usefulness of capital expenditures as an alternative measure of depreciation. Review of Accounting Studies 4(3-4): 169-195.
Chambers, D., R. Jennings and R. B. Thompson. 2002. Excess returns to R&D-intensive firms. Review of Accounting Studies 7(2-3): 133-158.
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Chambers, J. C. and S. K. Mullick. 1971. Investment decision-making in a multinational enterprise. Management Accounting (August): 13-20.
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Chambers, R. J. 1965. Edwards and Bell on business income. The Accounting Review (October): 731-741.
Chambers, R. J. 1965. The price level problem and some intellectual grooves. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 242-252.
Chambers, R. J. 1966. A study of a price level study. Abacus 2(2): 97-118.
Chambers, R. J. 1966. Accounting and analytical methods: A review article. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 101-118.
Chambers, R. J. 1966. Accounting, Evaluation and Economic Behavior. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Chambers, R. J. 1966. A matter of principle. The Accounting Review (July): 443-457.
Chambers, R. J. 1967. A study of a study of a price level study: Response to Professor Moonitz. Abacus 3(1): 62-73.
Chambers, R. J. 1967. Continuously contemporary accounting - Additivity and action. The Accounting Review (October): 751-757.
Chambers, R. J. 1967. Price variation accounting - An improved representation. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 215-220.
Chambers, R. J. 1967. Prospective adventures in accounting ideas. The Accounting Review (April): 241-253.
Chambers, R. J. 1967. The mathematics of accounting and estimating. Abacus 3(2): 163-180.
Chambers, R. J. 1968. Measures and values: A reply to Professor Staubus. The Accounting Review (April): 239-247.
Chambers, R. J. 1968. Tax allocation and financial reporting. Abacus 4(2): 99-123.
Chambers, R. J. 1969. The missing link in supervision of the securities market. Abacus 5(1): 16-36.
Chambers, R. J. 1970. Second thoughts on continuously contemporary accounting. Abacus 6(1): 39-55.
Chambers, R. J. 1971. Income and capital: Fisher's legacy. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 137-149. Review of Fisher, I. 1965. The Nature of Capital and Income. Reprint of the 1906 original. Agustus M. Kelley.
Chambers, R. J. 1971. Value to the Owner. Abacus 7(1): 62-72.
Chambers, R. J. 1972. Measurement in current accounting practice: A critique. The Accounting Review (July): 488-509.
Chambers, R. J. 1973. Observation as a method of inquiry - The background of Securities and Obscurities. Abacus 9(2): 156-175.
Chambers, R. J. 1973. Securities and Obscurities: A Case for Reform of the Law of Company Accountants. Gower Press. For a review see Anderson, D. and R. Leftwich. 1974. Securities and obscurities: A case for reform of the law of company accounts. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 330-340. and Chambers, R. J. 1974. Trial-and error: A reply. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 341-347.
Chambers, R. J. 1974. Stock market prices and accounting research. Abacus 10(1): 39-54.
Chambers, R. J. 1974. Third thoughts. Abacus 10(2): 129-137.
Chambers, R. J. 1974. Trial-and error: A reply. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 341-347.
Chambers, R. J. 1975. A critical examination of Australian accounting standards. Abacus 11(2): 136-152.
Chambers, R. J. 1975. Profit measurement, capital maintenance and service potential: A review article. Abacus 11(1): 97-104.
Chambers, R. J. 1976. Continuously contemporary accounting: Misunderstandings and misrepresentations. Abacus 12(2): 137-151.
Chambers, R. J. 1976. The possibility of a normative accounting standard. The Accounting Review (July): 646-652.
Chambers, R. J. 1976. Whatever happened to CCE? The Accounting Review (April): 385-390. (CCE refers to current cash equivalent).
Chambers, R. J. 1978. Discounted cash equivalents: A note in response. Abacus 14(2): 188-190.
Chambers, R. J. 1978. The use and abuse of a notation: A history of an idea. Abacus 14(2): 122-144.
Chambers, R. J. 1979. Review article: Canning's The Economics of Accountancy - After 50 years. The Accounting Review (October): 764-775.
Chambers, R. J. 1979. Usefulness - The vanishing premise in accounting standard setting. Abacus 15(2): 71-92.
Chambers, R. J. 1980. The myths and the science of accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 5(1): 167-180.
Chambers, R. J. 1981. The search for system in financial calculation. Abacus 17(1): 68-72.
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Chambers, R. J. 1983. Accounting for foreign business. Abacus 19(1): 14-28.
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Chambers, R. J. 1984. La comptabilite - "Une des plus belles inventions de l'homme." Contemporary Accounting Research 1(1): 23-46.
Chambers, R. J. 1984. Pursuit of an ideal. Contemporary Accounting Research 1(1): 58-63.
Chambers, R. J. 1987. Accounting education for the twenty-first century. Abacus 23(2): 97-106.
Chambers, R. J. 1989. Time in Accounting. Abacus 25(1): 7-21.
Chambers, R. J. 1991. Metrical and empirical laws in accounting. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-15.
Chambers, R. J. 1993. Positive accounting theory and the PA cult. Abacus 29(1): 1-26.
Chambers, R. J. 1994. Historical cost Tale of a false creed. Accounting Horizons (March): 76-89.
Chambers, R. J. 1995. An Accounting Thesaurus: 500 Years of Accounting. Pergamon. Previts, G. J. 1996. Review: An Accounting Thesaurus: 500 Years of Accounting by R. J. Chambers. The Accounting Historians Journal 23(2): 114-116.
Chambers, R. J. 1996. Ends, ways, means and conceptual frameworks. Abacus 32(2): 119-132.
Chambers, R. J. 1998. Wanted: Foundations of accounting measurement. Abacus 34(1): 36-47.
Chambers, R. J. 1999. The case for simplicity in accounting. Abacus 35(2): 121-137.
Chambers, R. J. 1999. The poverty of accounting discourse. Abacus 35(3): 241-251.
Chambers, R. J. 2000. Early beginnings: Introduction to Wisdom of Accounting. Abacus 36(3): 313-320.
Chambers, R. J. 2000. Life on the fringe - An accounting odyssey. Abacus 36(3): 321-326.
Chambers, R. J. 2000. Common sense, technology and science. Abacus 36(3): 327-333.
Chambers, R. J. and G. W. Dean. 2000. Aide-memoire. Abacus 36(3): 334-386.
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Chambers, V. 2020. Onslaught of the tax procrastinators. Journal of Accountancy (March): 60-61.
Chambers, V. and B. Elzweig. 2020. Working with a new IRS auditor. Strategic Finance (May): 17-18.
Chambers, V. and R. Zeidan. 2013. Stopping tax identity theft: Practical advice for CPAs and clients. Journal of Accountancy (February): 60-62, 64.
Chambers, V. A. and P. M. J. Reckers. 2022. Auditor interventions that reduce auditor liability judgments. Advances in Accounting (58): 100614.
Chambers, V. A., P. M. J. Reckers and A. Reinstein. 2020. Drivers of juror's malpractice assessments in auditor litigation involving offshoring and overtime: Generation and a management mindset. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (50): 100488.
Chambers, V. A., P. M. J. Reckers and S. M. Whitecotton. 2023. It's not always black and white - Identifying characteristics of managers who perceive and use ambiguity in accounting to their advantage. Behavioral Research In Accounting 35(1): 45-65.
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Chamorro-Premuzic, T. 2015. Managing yourself: Ace the assessment: More employers are using tests as part of the hiring process. Here's how to prepare for them. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 118-121.
Chamorro-Premuzic, T. 2017. Could your personality derail your career? Don't take these traits to the extreme. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 138-141.
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Chan, A. L., A W. Hsu and E. Lee. 2013. Does mandatory IFRS adoption affect the credit ratings of foreign firms cross-listed in the U.S.? Accounting Horizons (September): 491-510.
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Chan, A. S. 2016. It's amazing what CPAs can do. The CPA Journal (February): 72.
Chan, A. S. 2019. Leveraging common sense in building an effective ERM program. The CPA Journal (March): 24-28. (Key qualities of an effective risk management process and well-developed ERM program).
Chan, C. and S. P. Landry. 2019. Financial statements too good to be true? An instructional case assessing that question using analytical procedures and Beneish's M-Score. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 11(2): 380-394.
Chan, C. K. and M. Anteby. 2016. Task segregation as a mechanism for within-job inequality: Women and men of the Transportation Security Administration. Administrative Science Quarterly 61(2): 184-216.
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Chan, D. K. and K. Wong. 2002. Scope of auditors' liability, audit quality, and capital investment. Review of Accounting Studies 7(1): 97-122.
Chan, D. K. and N. Liu. 2023. The effects of critical audit matter disclosure on audit effort, investor scrutiny, and investment efficiency. The Accounting Review (March): 97-121.
Chan, D. K. W. and N. Liu. 2022. Financial reporting, auditing, analyst scrutiny, and investment efficiency. The Accounting Review (September): 163-188.
Chan, D. Y. and A. Kogan. 2016. Data analytics: Introduction to using analytics in auditing. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 13(1): 121-140.
Chan, D. Y. and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2011. Innovation and practice of continuous auditing. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 12(2): 152-160.
Chan, E. W. 2018. Promotion, relative performance information, and the Peter Principle. The Accounting Review (May): 83-103.
Chan, E. W. and J. B. Lill. 2023. The effects of explicit versus implicit targets on worker performance, reciprocity, and trust and the role of peer benchmarking. Journal of Management Accounting Research 35(1): 69-91.
Chan, E. W. and T. A. Thornock. 2022. Disaggregated versus holistic performance evaluations in a promotion setting. Journal of Management Accounting Research 34(3): 77-97.
Chan, E. W. and T. A. Thornock. 2023. Subjective performance evaluation systems and employee ratings. Strategic Finance (August): 30-32.
Chan, E. W. and X. Zhang. 2021. Understanding and deterring misreporting in nonprofits: The joint effects of pay level and penalty type. The Accounting Review (July): 157-177.
Chan, E. W., J. B. Lill and V. S. Maas. 2023. Promote internally or hire externally? The role of gift exchange and performance measurement precision. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 493-530.
Chan, E. W., J. H. Evans III. and D. Hong. 2022. Losers of CEO tournaments: Incentives, turnover, and career outcomes. The Accounting Review (November, Issue 6): 123-148.
Chan, E. W., S. J. Kachelmeier and X. Zhang. 2021. Working longer but not harder: The effects of incentivizing inputs versus outputs in a heterogeneous workforce. The Accounting Review (September): 133-156. (An experiment where participants solve anagram puzzles).
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Chatfield, M. 1968. A writing program in intermediate accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 592-594.
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Chavez, C. M. 2016. Reinventing myself. Strategic Finance (November): 64.
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Chawla, S. K., Z. Khan, R. E. Jackson and A. W. Gray III. 2015. Evaluating ethics education for accounting students. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 16-25.
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