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Section F: FRA-FZ


Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Fraedrich, K. E. 1974. Inflation and financial reporting. Management Accounting (April): 18-22.

Fragale, A. R., J. J. Sumanth, L. Z. Tiedens and G. B. Northcraft. 2012. Appeasing equals: Lateral deference in organizational communication. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(3): 373-406.

Frakes, A. H. 1977. Introductory accounting objectives and intermediate accounting performance. The Accounting Review (January): 200-210.

Frakes, A. H. 1983. Emphasizing financial accounting theory in intermediate accounting. Issues in Accounting Education: 104-114.

Frakes, A. H. 1987. Survey of undergraduate auditing education. Journal of Accounting Education 5(1): 99-126.

Frakes, A. H. and M. F. Foran. 1978. A framework for examining the evaluative function of accounting learning activities. The Accounting Review (January): 148-154.

Frakes, A. H. and W. C. Lathen. 1985. A comparison of multiple-choice and problem examinations in introductory financial accounting. Journal of Accounting Education 3(1): 81-89.

Framel, J. E. 1988. Managing information as an asset. Management Accounting (July): 27-31.

Frampton, P. and M. Robilliard. 2020. The Joy of Accounting: A Game-Changing Approach That Makes Accounting Easy. Wealthvox Press.

Frampton, P., M. Robilliard and T. York. 2020. The Joy of Accounting: A Game-Changing Approach That Makes Accounting Easy. Wealthvox Press.

Francalanza, C. A. 1997. Accounting education and change in financial accounting. Journal of Accounting Education 15(1): 109-122.

Frances, J. and E. Garnsey. 1996. Supermarkets and suppliers in the United Kingdom: System integration, information and control. Accounting, Organizations and Society 21(6): 591-610.

Francesca, G. 2018. The business case for curiosity. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 48-57.

Francesconi, T. A. 1998. Transforming Lucent's CFO. Management Accounting (July): 22-24, 26, 28, 30.

Francia, A. J. and R. H. Strawser. 1971. Perceptions of financial reporting practices by accounting educators: An empirical study. The Accounting Review (April): 380-384.

Francia, A. J. and R. H. Strawser. 1972. Attitudes of management accountants on the state of the art. Management Accounting (May): 21-24.

Francia, A. J., S. D. Grossman and R. H. Strawser. 1978. The attitudes of management accountants. Management Accounting (November): 35-40.

Franciosa, S. and G. DeSanctis. 2023. Pluto-Charon Inc., or where the orbits of right-of-use assets and impaired value collide. The CPA Journal (January/February): 10-11.

Francis, A. E. and J. M. Gerwels. 1989. Building a better budget. Quality Progress (October): 70-75. (Summary).

Francis, B., I. Hasan and Q. Wu. 2013. The benefits of conservative accounting shareholders: Evidence from the financial crisis. Accounting Horizons (June): 319-346.

Francis, B., I. Hasan, J. C. Park and Q. Wu. 2015. Gender differences in financial reporting decision making: Evidence from accounting conservatism. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(3): 1285-1318.

Francis, B. B., D. M. Hunter, D. M. Robinson, M. N. Robinson and X. Yuan. 2017. Auditor changes and the cost of bank debt. The Accounting Review (May): 155-184.

Francis, B. B., D. M. Hunter, D. M. Robinson, M. N. Robinson and X. Yaun. 2018. Erratum: Auditor changes and the cost of bank debt. The Accounting Review (November): 395.

Francis, J. 1990. Accounting for futures contracts and the effect on earnings variability. The Accounting Review (October): 891-910.

Francis, J. 1990. Corporate compliance with debt covenants. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 326-347.

Francis, J. 1994. Discussion of lawsuits against auditors. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Accounting, Financial Disclosures, and the Law): 95-102.

Francis, J. 1997. Discussion of self-selection and analyst coverage. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Experts and the Application of Expertise in Accounting, Auditing, and Tax): 201-208.

Francis, J. 2001. Discussion of empirical research on accounting choice. Journal of Accounting and Economics (September): 309-319.

Francis, J. and A. Smith. 1995. Agency costs and innovation some empirical evidence. Journal of Accounting and Economics (March-May): 383-409.

Francis, J. and D. Philbrick. 1993. Analysts' decisions as products of a multi-task environment. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 216-230.

Francis, J. and K. Schipper. 1999. Have financial statements lost their relevance? Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 319-352.

Francis, J. and K. Schipper. 2011. Earnings Management: Emerging Insights in Theory, Practice, and Research by Joshua Ronen, Varda (Lewinstein) Yaari. The Accounting Review (November): 2193-2196.

Francis, J. and L. Soffer. 1997. The relative informativeness of analysts' stock recommendations and earnings forecast revisions. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 193-211.

Francis, J. and M. Smith. 2005. A reexamination of the persistence of accruals and cash flows. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 413-451.

Francis, J., D. Nanda and P. Olsson. 2008. Voluntary disclosure, earnings quality, and cost of capital. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 53-99.

Francis, J., D. Nanda and X. Wang. 2006. Re-examining the effects of regulation fair disclosure using foreign listed firms to control for concurrent shocks. Journal of Accounting and Economics (September): 271-292.

Francis, J., D. Pagach and J. Stephan. 1992. The stock market response to earnings announcements released during trading versus nontrading periods. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 165-184.

Francis, J., D. Philbrick and K. Schipper. 1994. Shareholder litigation and corporate disclosures. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 137-164.

Francis, J., J. D. Hanna and D. R. Philbrick. 1997. Management communications with securities analysts. Journal of Accounting and Economics (31 December): 363-394.

Francis, J., J. D. Hanna and L. Vincent. 1996. Causes and effects of discretionary asset write-offs. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Recognition, Measurement, and Disclosure Issues in Accounting, 1996): 117-134.

Francis, J., K. Schipper and L. Vincent. 2002. Earnings announcements and competing information. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 313-342.

Francis, J., K. Schipper and L. Vincent. 2002. Expanded disclosures and the increased usefulness of earnings announcements. The Accounting Review (July): 515-546.

Francis, J., K. Schipper and L. Vincent. 2005. Earnings and dividend informativeness when cash flow rights are separated from voting rights. Journal of Accounting and Economics (June): 329-360.

Francis, J., P. Olsson and D. R. Oswald. 2000. Comparing the accuracy and explainability of dividend, free cash flow, and abnormal earnings equity value estimates. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 45-70.

Francis, J., R. LaFond, P. M. Olsson and K. Schipper. 2004. Costs of equity and earnings attributes. The Accounting Review (October): 967-1010.

Francis, J., R. LaFond, P. Olsson and K. Schipper. 2005. The market pricing of accruals quality. Journal of Accounting and Economics (June): 295-327.

Francis, J. R. 1984. The effect of audit firm size on audit prices: A study of the Australian Market. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 133-151.

Francis, J. R. 1994. Auditing, hermeneutics, and subjectivity. Accounting, Organizations and Society 19(3): 235-269.

Francis, J. R. 2011. A framework for understanding and researching audit quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 30(2): 125-152.

Francis, J. R. 2011. Auditing without borders. Accounting, Organizations and Society 36(4-5): 318-323.

Francis, J. R. and B. Ke. 2006. Disclosure of fees paid to auditors and the market valuation of earnings surprises. Review of Accounting Studies 11(4): 495-523.

Francis, J. R. and B. M. Pollard. 1979. An investigation of nonaudit fees in Australia: Recent developments in the nonaudit services debate. Abacus 15(2): 136-144.

Francis, J. R. and D. J. Stokes. 1986. Audit prices, product differentiation, and scale economies: Further evidence from the Australian market. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 383-393.

Francis, J. R. and D. T. Simon. 1987. A test of audit pricing in the small-client segment of the U. S. audit market. The Accounting Review (January): 145-157.

Francis, J. R. and E. R. Wilson. 1988. Auditor changes: A joint test of theories relating to agency costs and auditor differentiation. The Accounting Review (October): 663-682.

Francis, J. R. and M. D. Yu. 2009. Big 4 office size and audit quality. The Accounting Review (September): 1521-1552.

Francis, J. R. and P. N. Michas. 2013. The contagion effect of low-quality audits. The Accounting Review (March): 521-552.

Francis, J. R. and S. A. Reiter. 1987. Determinants of corporate pension funding strategy. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 35-59.

Francis, J. R. and W. Wang. 2021. Common auditors and private bank loans. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(1): 793-832.

Francis, J. R. and X. Martin. 2010. Acquisition profitability and timely loss recognition. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 161-178.

Francis, J. R., C. Richard and A. Vanstraelen. 2009. Assessing France's joint audit requirement: Are two heads better than one? Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 28(2): 35-63.

Francis, J. R., D. J. Stokes and D. Anderson. 1999. City markets as a unit of analysis in audit research and the re-examination of big 6 market shares. Abacus 35(2): 185-206.

Francis, J. R., I. K. Khurana and R. Pereira. 2005. Disclosure incentives and effects on cost of capital around the world. The Accounting Review (October): 1125-1162.

Francis, J. R., I. K. Khurana, X. Martin and R. Pereira. 2011. The relative importance of firm incentives versus country factors in the demand for assurance services by private entities. Contemporary Accounting Research 28(2): 487-516.

Francis, J. R., K. Reichelt and D. Wang. 2005. The pricing of national and city-specific reputations for industry expertise in the U.S. audit market. The Accounting Review (January): 113-136.

Francis, J. R., M. L. Pinnuck and O. Watanabe. 2014. Auditor style and financial statement comparability. The Accounting Review (March): 605-633.

Francis, J. R., M. N. Mehta and W. Zhao. 2017. Audit office reputation shocks from gains and losses of major industry clients. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(4): 1922-1974.

Francis, J. R., N. Golshan and N. J. Hallman. 2022. Does distance matter? An investigation of partners who audit distant clients and the effects on audit quality. Contemporary Accounting Research 39(2): 947-981.

Francis, J. R., P. N. Michas and M. D. Yu. 2013. Office size of Big 4 auditors and client restatements. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(4): 1626-1661.

Francis, J. R., P. N. Michas and S. E. Seavey. 2013. Does audit market concentration harm the quality of audited earnings? Evidence from audit markets in 42 countries. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(1): 325-355.

Francis, J. R., S. Huang, I. K. Khurana and R. Pereira. 2009. Does corporate transparency contribute to efficient resource allocation? Journal of Accounting Research (September): 943-989.

Francis, J. R., S. S. Neuman and N. J. Newton. 2019. Does tax planning affect analysts' forecast accuracy? Contemporary Accounting Research 36(4): 2663-2694.

Francis, J. R., S. X. Huang and I. K. Khurana. 2016. The role of similar accounting standards in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Contemporary Accounting Research 33(3): 1298-1330.

Francis, M. C., T. C. Mulder and J. S. Stark. 1995. Intentional Learning: A Process for Learning to Learn in the Accounting Curriculum. Accounting Education Series (12). American Accounting Association.

Francis, M. E. 1973. Accounting and the evaluation of social programs: A critical comment. The Accounting Review (April): 245-257.

Francis, R. N. 2010. The presence of foreign private issuers in the North American Compustat Database: A note for empirical research in accounting and finance. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 26(2): 221-226.

Francis, R. N. 2011. Out-of-sample cash flow prediction and cash distributions to shareholders. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 27(1): 1-9.

Francis, R. N. and P. Eason. 2012. Accruals and the naive out-of-sample prediction of operating cash flow. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 28(2): 226-234.

Francis-Gladney, L., H. T. Little, N. R. Magner and R. B. Welker. 2004. Does organization-mandated budgetary involvement enhance managers' budgetary communication with their supervisor? Advances in Management Accounting (13): 167-182.

Francis-Gladney, L., R. B. Welker and N. Magner. 2008. An experimental study of the effect of budget favorability on the formation of pseudo-participation perceptions. Advances in Management Accounting (17): 217-245.

Francl, T. J. 1986. Planning, Budgeting and Control for Data Processing: How to Make Zero Base Budgeting Work for You. Wan Nostrand Reinhold Co.

Franco, F. 2013. Book review: Corporate Governance Failures: The Role of Institutional Investors in the Global Financial Crisis by Andrew T. Williams. The Accounting Review (May): 1132-1135.

Franco, F. 2016. Book review: Institutional Investor Activism: Hedge Funds and Private Equity, Economics and Regulation. The Accounting Review (March): 707-710.

Franco, F., O. Urcan and F. P. Vasvari. 2016. Corporate diversification and the cost of debt: The role of segment disclosures. The Accounting Review (July): 1139-1165.

Franco, T. and O. Urcan. 2022. Executive deferral plans and insider trading. Contemporary Accounting Research 39(2): 1054-1084.

Franco de Lima, G. A. S., A. D. Gois, M. M. Mendes De Luca and E. Patrocinio de Sousa. 2018. Effect of institutional investor participation on price lead earnings quality: International evidence. Journal of International Accounting Research 17(1): 103-119.

Franco-Santos, M., L. Lucianetti and M. Bourne. 2012. Contemporary performance measurement systems: A review of their consequences and a framework for research. Management Accounting Research (June): 79-119.

Francoeur, C., Y. Li, Z. Singer and J. Zhang. 2023. Earnings forecasts of female CEOs: Quality and consequences. Review of Accounting Studies 28(3): 1721-1764.

Frandsen, A. and E. G. McGoun. 2010. To be human is to account? Accounting and the Public Interest (10): 1-12.

Frank, C. and S. R. Valenti. 2021. Energize your practice with a tax innovation challenge: A new type of competition can generate ideas, inspiration, and tangible improvements for accounting firms and CPAs. Journal of Accountancy (August): 36-40.

Frank, C. L. 1907. The United States Customs Service. Journal of Accountancy (June): 131-137.

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Frank, G. B., M. H. Sarhan and S. A. Fisher. 1990. Business & academe: Forging an ethics partnership. Management Accounting (June): 47-49.

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Frank, G. W. 1950. Ratio analysis calls for internal standards. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December): 373-382.

Frank, G. W. 1952. Will direct costing theory stand inspection? N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December): 490-499.

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Frank, G. W. 1956. Procedure to make the budget work. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July): 1342-1356.

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Frank, H. A. 1912. Partnership and partnership relations. Journal of Accountancy (December): 466-477.

Frank, J. E. 1973. A framework for analysis of PPB success and causality. Administrative Science Quarterly 18(4): 527-543.

Frank, K. E. 2001. Making sense of spin-offs, tracking stock, and equity carve-outs. Strategic Finance (December): 38-43.

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Frank, K. E. and D. J. Lowe. 2003. An examination of alternative work arrangements in private accounting practice. Accounting Horizons (June): 139-151.

Frank, K. E., R. K. Hanson, D. J. Lowe and J. K. Smith. 2001. CPAs' perceptions of the emerging multidisciplinary accounting/legal practice. Accounting Horizons (March): 35-48.

Frank, M. and C. Lenns. 2018. Consolidated group tax allocation agreements: How to handle tax attribute carryovers. The CPA Journal (October): 30-33.

Frank, M., E. Maksymov, M. Peecher and A. Reffett. 2021. Beyond risk shifting: The knowledge-transferring role of audit liability insurers. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(3): 2224-2263.

Frank, M. L. 2020. When do auditors' professional values constrain the biasing effects of self interest" An experimental investigation. Behavioral Research In Accounting 32(2): 41-55.

Frank, M. L. and V. B. Hoffman. 2015. How audit reviewers respond to an audit preparer's affective bias: The ironic rebound effect. The Accounting Review (March): 559-577.

Frank, M. L. and V. B. Hoffman. 2015. Discussion of construal instructions and professional skepticism in evaluating complex estimates. Accounting, Organizations and Society (46): 56-58.

Frank, M. L., J. H. Grenier and J. S. Pyzoha. 2019. How disclosing a prior cyberattack influences the efficacy of cybersecurity risk management reporting and independent assurance. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 183-200.

Frank, M. M. 2002. The impact of taxes on corporate defined benefit plan asset allocation. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 1163-1190.

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Frank, R. E. and W. F. Massy. 1971. The effect of retail promotional activities on sales. Decision Sciences 2(4): 405-431.

Frank, R. H. 2017. Success and Luck: Good Fortune and the Myth of Meritocracy. Princeton University Press.

Frank, R. H. 2022. Book review essay: Luck's expanding footprint. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(3): NP38-NP41. Based on Paige, H. K. 2021. The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality. Princeton University Press.

Frank, T. B. 1928. Depreciation accounting in the machine tool industry. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August 15).

Frank, W. 1965. A computer application in process cost accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 854-862.

Frank, W. 1969. A study of the predictive significance of two income measures. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 123-136.

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Frank, W. G. 1964. A closer look at two accelerated depreciation methods. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 35-40.

Frank, W. G. 1972. Evaluation of wage incentives: Fixed costs, revisited. The Accounting Review (January): 155-160.

Frank, W. G. 1974. Solving financial planning problems using input-output models. The Accounting Review (April): 371-376.

Frank, W. G. 1976. Laspeyres indexes for variance analysis in cost accounting: A comment. The Accounting Review (April): 427-431.

Frank, W. G. 1979. An empirical analysis of international accounting principles. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 593-605.

Frank, W. G. 1990. Back to the future: A retrospective view of J. Maurice Clark's Studies In The Economics of Overhead Costs. Journal of Management Accounting Research (2): 155-166. (Summary).

Frank, W. G. and J. J. Weygandt. 1970. Convertible debt and earnings per share: Pragmatism vs. good theory. The Accounting Review (April): 280-289.

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Franke, G., H. Schlesinger and R. C. Stapleton. 2006. Multiplicative background risk. Management Science (January): 146-153.

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Franke, R. 1975. A process model for costing. Management Accounting (January): 45-47.

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Frankel, M. and R. Trezevant. 1994. The year-end LIFO inventory purchasing decision: An empirical test. The Accounting Review (April): 382-398.

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Frankel, R. and C. M. C. Lee. 1998. Accounting valuation, market expectation, and cross-sectional stock returns. Journal of Accounting and Economics (30 June): 283-319.

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Frazer, L. 2015. Failure to launch. The CPA Journal (May): 34-36.

Fraser, W. M. 1989. To buy or not to buy? Management Accounting (December): 34-37. (Related to buying a business).

Frasier, C. E., S. C. Galbreath and P. G. Moore. 2006. Accounting academy. Journal of Accountancy (May): 65-68.

Frazer, G. E. 1912. The pro-rating of distribution expense to sales orders. Journal of Accountancy (January): 25-43.

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Frecka, T. J. and P. M. J. Reckers. 2010. Rekindling the debate: What's right and what's wrong with masters of accountancy programs: The staff auditor's perspective. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 215-226.

Frecka, T. J., and R. McIlhattan 1987. Does your direct labor-based cost system make sense? Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 32-38.

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Frederick, A. 2021. Endless possibilities. Strategic Finance (May): 64.

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Frederick, D. M. and R. Libby. 1986. Expertise and auditors' judgments of conjunctive events. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 270-290.

Frederick, J. G. 1928. A balance sheet of American business. Harvard Business Review (January):152-159.

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Frederickson, H. G. 1969. Role occupancy and attitudes toward labor relations in government. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(4): 595-606.

Frederickson, J. R. 1992. Relative performance information: The effects of common uncertainty and contract type on agent effort. The Accounting Review (October): 647-669.

Frederickson, J. R. and J. Pratt. 1995. A model of the accounting education process. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 229-246.

Frederickson, J. R. and J. S. Miller. 2004. The effects of pro forma earnings disclosures on analysts' and nonprofessional investors' equity valuation judgments. The Accounting Review (July): 667-686.

Frederickson, J. R. and L. Zolotoy. 2016. Competing earnings announcements: Which announcement do investors process first? The Accounting Review (March): 441-462.

Frederickson, J. R. and W. Waller. 2005. Carrot or stick? Contract frame and use of decision-influencing information in a principal-agent setting. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 709-733.

Frederickson, J. R., F. D. Hodge and J. H. Pratt. 2006. The evolution of stock option accounting: Disclosure, voluntary recognition, mandated recognition, and management disavowals. The Accounting Review (October): 1073-1093.

Frederickson, J. R., S. A. Peffer and J. Pratt. 1999. Performance evaluation judgments: Effects of prior experience under different performance evaluation schemes and feedback frequencies. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 151-165.

Fredin, A. 2012. The unexpected cost of staying silent: Not blowing the whistle may seem like the easy way out, but those who choose silence pay a price. Strategic Finance (April): 52-59.

Fredrick, S. E. 1990. Tapping the hidden value of your assets. Management Accounting (March): 28-31, 34. (Related to sale leasebacks and using assets as loan collateral).

Frederiksen, L. 2020. Eleven ways to reboot business momentum in the midst of COVID-19. The CPA Journal (July/August): 15-16.

Fredrickson, J. W. 1984. The comprehensiveness of strategic decision processes: Extension, observations, future directions. The Academy of Management Journal 27(3): 445-466.

Fredrickson, J. W. 1985. Effects of decision motive and organizational performance level on strategic decision processes. The Academy of Management Journal 28(4): 821-843.

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Free, C. 2008. Walking the talk? Supply chain accounting and trust among UK supermarkets and suppliers. Accounting, Organizations and Society 33(6): 629-662.

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Free, C., S. E. Salterio and T. Shearer. 2009. The construction of auditability: MBA rankings and assurance in practice. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(1): 119-140.

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Freear, J. 1986. An accountant in the Bolivian jungle. The Accounting Historians Journal 13(2): 145-150.

Freedman, D. H. 2000. Corps Business: The 30 Management Principles of the U.S. Marines. Harper Business.

Freedman, E. B. 2002. No Turning Back: The History of Feminism and the Future of Women. Ballantine Books.

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Freedman, R. 2007. How to Make Real Money in Second Life: Boost your Business, Market Your Services, and Sell Your Products in the World's Hottest Virtual community. McGraw-Hill.

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