Management And Accounting Web

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Section J: JEO-JON


Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Jeong, A. Y and J. Lim. 2023. The impact of blockchain technology adoption announcements on  firm's market value. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 39-65.

Jeong, S., Z. S. Rogers and S. Washispack. 2023. Writing to advance knowledge: The impact of readability on knowledge diffusion in OSCM. Decision Sciences 54(3): 297-314.

Jeong, Y. and J. I. Siegel. 2017. Book review: H. Moon: The Strategy for Korea's Economic Success. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(2): NP18-NP22.

Jepperson, M. 2016. Designing a case study: Adding a real-world fraud risk assessment to your class. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 8(3): 546-561.

Jeppson, N. H., J. A. Ruddy and D. F. Salerno. 2016. The statement of cash flows and the direct method of presentation. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 1-9.

Jepsen, V. 1948. The objective versus problem type accounting test. The Accounting Review (July): 308-309.

Jepson, B. 2001. Internet solutions for web designers and builders professional: It takes a database. PC Magazine (July): ip1-2, 4.

Jermakowicz, E. K. and S. Gornik-Tomaszewski. 2006. IFRS and you. Strategic Finance (March): 42-48. (Converging international financial reporting standards with GAAP).

Jermakowicz, E. K., A. Reinstein and N. T. Churyk. 2014. IFRS framework-based case study: DaimlerChrysler - Adopting IFRS accounting policies. Journal of Accounting Education 32(3): 288-304.

Jermakowicz, E. K., B. J. Epstein and S. Ramamoorti. 2018. CAM versus KAM-A distinction without a difference?: Making judgments in reporting critical audit matters. The CPA Journal (February): 34-40.

Jermias, J. 2001. Cognitive dissonance and resistance to change: The influence of commitment confirmation and feedback on judgment usefulness of accounting systems. Accounting, Organizations and Society 26(2): 141-160.

Jermias, J. 2006. The influence of accountability on overconfidence and resistance to change: A research framework and experimental evidence. Management Accounting Research (December): 370-388.

Jermias, J. and F. Yigit. 2013. Budgetary participation in Turkey: The effects of information asymmetry, goal commitment, and role ambiguity on job satisfaction and performance. Journal of International Accounting Research 12(1): 29-54.

Jermias, J. and L. Gani. 2004. Integrating business strategy, organizational configurations and management accounting systems with business unit effectiveness: A fitness landscape approach. Management Accounting Research (June): 179-200.

Jermier, J. M. 1998. Introduction: Critical perspective on organizational control. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(2): 235-256.

Jermier, J. M. and L. J. Berkes. 1979. Leader behavior in a police command bureaucracy: A closer look at the quasi-military model. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(1): 1-23.

Jermier, J. M., D. Knights and W. R. Nord. 1995. Resistance and Power in Organizations: Agency, Subjectivity, and the Labour Process (Critical Perspectives on Work and Organizations). Routledge.

Jernigan, S., S. Ransbotham and D. Kiron. 2016. Data sharing and analytics drive success with IoT. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-17.

Jerrery, M. and I. Leliveld. 2004. Best practices in IT portfolio management. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 41-49.

Jerston, J. E. 1965. Analyst's view of deferred income taxes. The Accounting Review (October): 812-813.

Jervis, K. J. and C. A. Hartley. 2005. Learning to design and teach an accounting capstone. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 311-339.

Jervis, K. J., G. M. Goldberg and A. C. Cutting. 2012. Rights, needs, and equality of opportunity of health care: A financial analysis of morality. Accounting and the Public Interest (12): 62-86.

Jessee, K. 1979. Woodland Hospital computerizes to reduce administrative costs. Management Accounting (July): 37-39.

Jessup, C. M. and I. N. Noblet. 2012. Fraud insights derived from stories of auditors of financial institutions. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 4(2): 206-243.

Jesus Saenz, M. and E. Revilla. 2014. Creating more resilient supply chains. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 21.

Jesuthasan, R. and J. Boudreau. 2021. Work without jobs: We need a new operating system build on deconstructed jobs and organizational agility. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-5.

Jesuthasan, R. and J. W. Boudreau. 2022. Can't fill jobs? Deconstruct them. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 15-17.

Jeter, D. C. and P. E. Shaw. 1995. Solicitation and auditor reporting decisions. The Accounting Review (April): 293-315.

Jeter, D. C. and P. K. Chaney. 1988. A financial statement analysis approach to deferred taxes. Accounting Horizons (December): 41-49.

Jewell, L. M. and D. Harrington. 2015. Celebrating 85 years together of serving the profession. The CPA Journal (August): 13-15.

Jewell, W. S. 1962. A filing problem. Management Science (January): 210-214.

Jewell, W. S. 1965. Risk-taking in critical path analysis. Management Science (January): 438-443.

Jewett, R. F. 1967. A minimum risk manpower scheduling technique. Management Science (June): B578-B592.

Jeynes, P. H. 1965. A discipline for investment decisions. The Accounting Review (January): 105-118.

Jha, A. and Y. Chen. 2015. Audit fees and social capital. The Accounting Review (March): 611-639.

Jha, A., M. Kulchania and J. Smith. 2021. U.S. political corruption and audit fees. The Accounting Review (January): 299-324.

Jha, S. K., I. Parulka, R. T. Krishnan and C. Dhanaraj. 2016. Developing new products in emerging markets. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 55-62.

Ji, A. E., K. R. Kumar, H. Pei and Y. Xue. 2019. Does the market value auditors' industry specializations? Evidence from the contagion effects of restatements. Accounting Horizons (March): 125-152.

Ji, X. 2000. Evaluation of research on Chinese accounting issues. Managerial Finance 26(5): 41-62.

Ji, X. 2003. Concepts of cost and profit in Chinese agricultural treatises: With special reference to Shengshi Nongshu and Pu Nongshu in the seventeenth century. Accounting, Business & Financial History 13(1): 69-81.

Ji, X. W. Lu, W. Qu and V. J. Richardson. 2019. Changes in internal control disclosure and analyst forecasts around mandatory disclosure required by the China SOX. Accounting Horizons (September): 43-68.

Ji, Y., J. Potepa and O. Rozenbaum. 2020. The effect of ASU 2014-08 on the use of discontinued operations to manage earnings. Review of Accounting Studies 25(4): 1201-1229.

Ji-Yub, K., J Haleblian and S. Finkelstein. 2011. When firms are desperate to grow via acquisition: The effect of growth patterns and acquisition experience on acquisition premiums. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(1): 26-60.

Jia, J., Q. Sun and W. H. S. Tong. 2005. Privatization through an overseas listing: Evidence from China’s H-share firms. Financial Management 34(3): 5-30.

Jia, W., G. Pownall and J. Zhao. 2018. Avoiding China's capital market: Evidence from Hong Kong-listed red-chips and p- chips. Journal of International Accounting Research 17(2): 13-36.

Jia, W., G. Redigolo, S. Shu and J. Zhao. 2020. Can social meida distort price discovery? Evidence from merger rumors. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 101334.

Jia, W., L. K. Rickett and D. L. Smith. 2021. Uncovering the costs of bribery: Around the world, bribery results in hidden costs for multinational organizations in an era of heightened anticorruption enforcement. Strategic Finance (June): 26-33.

Jia, W., L. Rickett and D. L. Smith. 2023. Auditor independence and the C-Suite's growing role. Strategic Finance (September): 43-49.

Jia, Y., L. Van Lent and Y. Zeng. 2014. Masculinity, testosterone, and financial misreporting. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1195-1246.

Jia, Y., X. Gao and B. A. Billings. 2022. Corporate social responsibility and technological innovation. Journal of Management Accounting Research 34(1): 163-186.

Jia, Y., X. Gao and L. Fang. 2023. Managerial labor market mobility and corporate social responsibility. Journal of Management Accounting Research 35(3): 101-120.

Jiambalvo, J. 1976. Prediction achievement and simulated decision makers as an extension of the predictive ability criterion: Some comments. The Accounting Review (July): 667-671.

Jiambalvo, J. 1979. Performance evaluation and directed job effort: Model development and analysis in a CPA firm setting. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 436-455.

Jiambalvo, J. 1982. Measures of accuracy and congruence in the performance evaluation of CPA personnel: Replication and extensions. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 152-161.

Jiambalvo, J. 2003. Managerial Accounting. John Wiley & Sons.

Jiambalvo, J. and J. Pratt. 1982. Task complexity and leadership effectiveness in CPA firms. The Accounting Review (October): 734-750.

Jiambalvo, J., D. J. H. Watson and J. V. Baumler. 1983. An examination of performance evaluation decisions in CPA firm subunits. Accounting, Organizations and Society 8(1): 13-29.

Jian, L. and R. Sami. 2012. Aggregation and manipulation in prediction markets: Effects of trading mechanism and information distribution. Management Science (January): 123-140.

Jian, M. and T. J. Wong. 2010. Propping through related party transactions. Review of Accounting Studies 15(1): 70-105. (This study documents that Chinese firms prop up earnings by using abnormal related sales to their controlling owners).

Jian, M. and W. C. Koh. 2023. Accounting for Singapore Airlines Limited's mandatory convertible bonds. Journal of Accounting Education (65): 100869.

Jiang, B. and X. Zhang. 2011. How does a retailer's service plan affect a manufacturer's warranty? Management Science (April): 727-740.

Jiang, B., S. Talluri, T. Yao and Y. Moon. 2010. Breaking the winner's curse in outsourcing. Decision Sciences 41(3): 573-594.

Jiang, D., A. Kumar and K. K. F. Law. 2016. Political contributions and analyst behavior. Review of Accounting Studies 21(1): 37-88.

Jiang, G., C. M. C. Lee and Y. Zhang. 2005. Information uncertainty and expected returns. Review of Accounting Studies 10(2-3): 185-221.

Jiang, H. and A. Habib. 2012. Split-share reform and earnings management: Evidence from China. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 28(1): 120-127.

Jiang, H., A. Habib and D. Zhou. 2015. Accounting restatements and audit quality in China. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 31(1): 125-135.

Jiang, H., A. Habib and R. Gong. 2015. Business cycle and management earnings forecasts. Abacus 51(2): 279-310.

Jiang, H., D. Zhou and J. H. Zhang. 2019. Analysts' information acquisition and stock price synchronicity: A regulatory perspective from China. Accounting Horizons (March): 153-179.

Jiang, H., Y. Qin and M. Bai. 2020. Short-selling threats and real earnings management - International evidence. Journal of International Accounting Research 19(2): 117-140.

Jiang, J., I. Y. Wang and D. D. Wangerin. 2018. How does the FASB make decisions? A descriptive study of agenda-setting and the role of individual board members. Accounting, Organizations and Society (71): 30-46.

Jiang, J., I. Y. Wang and K. P. Wang. 2019. Big N auditors and audit quality: New evidence from quasi-experiments. The Accounting Review (January): 205-227.

Jiang, J., I. Y. Wang and Y. Xie. 2015. Does it matter who serves on the Financial Accounting Standards Board? Bob Herz's resignation and fair value accounting for loans. Review of Accounting Studies 20(1): 371-394.

Jiang, J., K. R. Petroni and I. Y. Wang. 2016. Private intermediary innovation and market liquidity: Evidence from the Pink Sheets® market. Contemporary Accounting Research 33(3): 920-948. (Over-the-counter market).

Jiang, J., T. W. Lin and Z. Yu. 2014. PetrocChina budget planning and performance evaluation systems. Cost Management (May/June): 22-28.

Jiang, J. X. 2008. Beating earnings benchmarks and the cost of debt. The Accounting Review (March): 377-416.

Jiang, L. and H. Zhou. 2017. The role of audit verification in debt contracting: Evidence from covenant violations. Review of Accounting Studies 22(1): 469-501.

Jiang, L., J. A. Pittman and W. Saffar. 2022. Policy uncertainty and textual disclosure. Accounting Horizons (December): 113-131.

Jiang, L., W. F. Messier and D. A. Wood. 2020. The association between internal audit operations-related services and firm operating performance. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 39(1): 101-124.

Jiang, L., Y. Gu and J. Dai. 2023. Environmental, social, and governance taxonomy simplification: A hybrid text mining approach. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 20(1): 305-325.

Jiang, W. and J. Wu. 2009. The impact of PCAOB auditing standard 5 on audit fees. The CPA Journal (April): 34-38.

Jiang, W., J. Legoria, K. J. Reichelt and S. Walton. 2022. Firm use of cybersecurity risk disclosures. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 151-180.

Jiang, W. Y. 2021. Sustaining meaningful work in a crisis: Adopting and conveying a situational purpose. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(3): 806-853.

Jiang, W. Y. 2022. Book review: Cech, E. A. 2021. The Trouble with Passion: How Searching for Fulfillment at Work Fosters Inequality. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(3): NP50-NP53.

Jiang, W. Y. and A. Wrzesniewski. 2023. Perceiving fixed or flexible meaning: Toward a model of meaning fixedness and navigating occupational destabilization. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(4): 1008-1055.

Jiang, X. 2016. Biases in accounting and nonaccounting information: Substitutes or complements? Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1297-1330.

Jiang, X. and B. Xin. 2022. Financial reporting discretion, managerial myopia, and investment efficiency. The Accounting Review (March): 291-316.

Jiang, X and L. Lin. 2017. Improving internal control over segment reporting: The principles of ASC Topic 280 pave the way toward meeting financial reporting objectives. Journal of Accountancy (November): 36-40.

Jiang, X. and M. Yang. 2017. Properties of optimal accounting rules in a signaling game. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 499-512.

Jiang, X., C. Kanodia and G. Zhang. 2023. Reporting of investment expenditure: Should it be aggregated with operating cash flows? The Accounting Review (July): 167-190.

Jiang, X., C. Tang and G. Zhang. 2023. Harmonized accounting standards and investment beauty contests. The Accounting Review (November): 377-404.

Jiang, Z., K. P. Scheibe, S. Nilakanta and X. Qu. 2017. The economics of public beta testing. Decision Sciences 48(1): 150-175.

Jiao, J., L. A. Myers, J. Ng and S. Lixin. 2023. Customer referencing and capital markets: Evidence from the cost of equity. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(2): 1448-1486.

Jiao, L., K. Baird and N. A. Nuhu. 2023. Traditional contemporary vs. management accounting practices. Strategic Finance (June): 34-39.

Jick, T. D. 1979. Mixing qualitative and quantitative methods: Triangulation in action. Administrative Science Quarterly 24(4): 602-611.

Jiles, L. 2014. Management accounting career readiness: Shaping your curriculum. Strategic Finance (August): 38-42.

Jiles, L. 2020. Technology workbook: Govern your bots! Strategic Finance (January): 24-31.

Jiles, L. 2020. Technology workbook: Upskilling with RPA. Strategic Finance (July): 60-61.

Jiles, L. 2021. Is your finance function agile? Strategic Finance (October): 28-35.

Jiles, L. 2021. Technology workbook: Agile and Scrum-based value delivery. Strategic Finance (January): 60-61.

Jiles, L. 2022. Teaching toward tomorrow: By integrating CMA exam content into their curricula, colleges and universities can ensure accounting students are being taught the critical skills and knowledge they'll need throughout their career. Strategic Finance (June): 42-49.

Jiles, L. and B. Nathan. 2020. Technology workbook: Technology and business continuity. Strategic Finance (June): 60-61.

Jiles, L., B. Monterio and D. Jules. 2021. Closing the diversity gap. Strategic Finance (February): 30-37.

Jiles, L., D. Jules and B. J. Monterio. 2022. Toward a culture of belonging: Collective action toward diversity, equity, and inclusion is needed to enact change in the global accounting profession. Strategic Finance (March): 24-33.

Jiles, L., Q. Duong and R. Gundling. 2023. Innovating healthcare costing. Strategic Finance (April): 24-31.

Jiles, L., Q. Duong and R. Venkatesh. 2024. Perceived organizational inclusion: Evidence from neurodivergent accountants in the U.S. Accounting Horizons (March): 95-110.

Jiliang, Y. 2018. Development of management accounting in China in the second half of the 20th century. Cost Management (March/April): 6-14.

Jimenez, J. 2012. The CEO of Novartis on growing after a patent cliff. Harvard Business Review (December): 39-42.

Jimenez, P. and G. S. Iyer. 2016. Tax compliance in a social setting: The influence of social norms, trust in government, and perceived fairness on taxpayer compliance. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (34): 17-26.

Jimenez-Angueira, C. E. 2018. The effect of interplay between corporate governance and external monitoring regimes on firms' tax avoidance. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (41): 7-24.

Jimenez-Angueira, C. E. and N. J. Mastracchio Jr. 2020. Using the guideline company method in valuing closely held companies: A comparison of traditional indicators and economic value added. The CPA Journal (July/August): 44-48.

Jimenez-Angueira, C. E. and N. V. Stuart. 2020. Overcoming common measure bias. Cost Management (November/December): 27-34.

Jimenez-Andrade, J. R., T. J. Fogarty and G. A. Jonas. 2021. Counselors, judges, or executioners: The role of financial analysts in capital markets' responses to alleged FCPA violations. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 13(3): 438-459.

Jimmerson, C. L. 2009. Value Stream Mapping for Healthcare Made Easy. Productivity Press.

Jin, L. and S. P. Kothari. 2008. Effect of personal taxes on managers’ decisions to sell their stock. Journal of Accounting and Economics (September): 23-46.

Jin, Q., Y. Jin, G. G. Tian and Y. Xuan. 2021. Does internal corporate governance complement or substitute for external auditing? Evidence from China's anti-corruption campaign. Abacus 57(1): 153-182.

Jin, W., J. Livnat and Y. Zhang. 2012. Option prices leading equity prices: Do option traders have an information advantage? Journal of Accounting Research (May): 401-431.

Jin, X. and A. X. Zhang. 2006. Reclaiming quasi-Monte Carlo efficiency in portfolio value-at-risk simulation through Fourier transform. Management Science (June): 925-938.

Jin, X. and H. Wu. 2021. Economic policy uncertainty and cost stickiness. Management Accounting Research (September): 100750.

Jin, Y., A. Muriel and Y. Lu. 2016. When to offer lower quality or remanufactured versions of a product. Decision Sciences 47(4): 699-719.

Jin, Y., F. Niu and L. Sheng. 2022. Fair value accounting for property, plant, and equipment: Impact of IFRS 1 adoption. Journal of International Accounting Research 21(2): 83-100.

Jin, Y., J. K. Ryan and W. Yund. 2014. Sourcing decisions with competitive suppliers and imperfect information. Decision Sciences 45(2): 229-254.

Jin, Z., B. Lin and C. Lin. 2022. Client relationships, analyst coverage, and earnings management. Accounting Horizons (March): 151-169.

Jing, B. 2011. Exogenous learning, seller-induced learning, and marketing of durable goods. Management Science (October): 1788-1801.

Jing, X. and J. Xie. 2011. Group buying: A new mechanism for selling through social interactions. Management Science (August): 1354-1372.

Jiu, L., B. Liu and Y. Liu. 2020. How a shared auditor affects firm-pair comparability: Implications of both firm and individual audit styles. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 39(3): 133-160.

Jo, H., Y. Kim and M. S. Park. 2007. Underwriter choice and earnings management: Evidence from seasoned equity offerings. Review of Accounting Studies 12(1): 23-59.

Jo, K. M. and S. Yang. 2020. SEC comment letters on firms' use of non-GAAP measures: The determinants and firms' responses. Accounting Horizons (June): 167-184.

Joachimsthaler, E., A. Chaudhuri, M. Kalthoff, A. Burgess-Webb and A. Bharadwaj. 2015. How smart, connected products are transforming competition. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 20.

Jobe, M. E. and D. L. Flesher. 2015. Eminent accountants during World War II. The CPA Journal (August): 44-53.

Jobe, M. E. and D. L. Flesher. 2015. The New York State Society of CPAs during World War II. The CPA Journal (August): 34-43.

Jobe, M. E. and D. L. Flesher. 2015. The role of the CPA Journal during World War II. The CPA Journal (August): 28-33.

Jobe, M. E. and D. L. Flesher. 2023. Rear Admiral N. Loyall McLaren: The highest ranking CPA in the U.S. Navy. The Accounting Historians Journal 50(2): 65-76.

Jobson, J. D. and R. Schneck. 1982. Constituent views of organizational effectiveness: Evidence from police organizations. The Academy of Management Journal 25(1): 25-46.

Jodka, J. 1962. PERT - A recent control concept. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 81-86.

Joe, J. 2023. Be the thought leaders! The Accounting Review (January): 479-489.

Joe, J., A. Wright and S. Wright. 2011. The impact of client and misstatement characteristics on the disposition of proposed audit adjustments. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 30(2): 103-124.

Joe, J. R. 2003. Why press coverage of a client influences the audit opinion. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 109-133.

Joe, J. R., B. Luippold and K. Sanderson. 2022. Does susceptibility to the numerosity heuristic impact juror assessments of auditors' liability? Contemporary Accounting Research 39(1): 87-116.

Joe, J. R., S. D. Vandervelde and Y. Wu. 2017. Use of high quantification evidence in fair value audits: Do auditors stay in their comfort zone? The Accounting Review (September): 89-116.

Joehnk, M. D. and G. R. McGrail. 1977. Benefit-cost ratios for family practice residency centers. Management Accounting (February): 41-46.

Joerres, J. 2016. Globalization, robots, and the future of work: An interview with Jeffrey Joerres, former CEO and chairman of ManpowerGroup. Harvard Business Review (October): 74-79.

Joglekar, N. and S. Phadnis. 2021. Accelerating supply chain scenario planning. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 72-76.

Johannes, J. 1948. Operating and procedural advantages of departmental group incentives. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September 15): 69-76.

Johanson, H. J. 1990. Preparing for accounting system changes. Management Accounting (July): 37-41.

Johanson, L. 2001. In memoriam: Robert N. Stern. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(2): iv.

Johanson, U., M. Martensson and M. Skoog. 2001. Mobilizing change through the management control of intangibles. Accounting, Organizations and Society 26(7-8): 715-733. (Note).

Johansson, F. 2004. The Medici Effect: Breakthrough Insights at the Intersection of Ideas, Concepts, and Cultures. Harvard Business School Press.

Johansson, H. 1987. Is inventory shrinking your bottom line? Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 49-51.

Johansson, I. and G. Baldvinsdottir. 2003. Accounting for trust: Some empirical evidence. Management Accounting Research (September): 219-234.

Johansson, T. and S. Siverbo. 2009. Why is research on management accounting change not explicitly evolutionary? Taking the next step in the conceptualisation of management accounting change. Management Accounting Research (June): 146-162.

Johansson, T. and S. Siverbo. 2011. Governing cooperation hazards of outsourced municipal low contractibility transactions: An exploratory configuration approach. Management Accounting Research (December): 292-312.

Johansson, T. and S. Siverbo. 2014. The appropriateness of tight budget control in public sector organizations facing budget turbulence. Management Accounting Research (December): 271-283.

Johed, G. and B. Catasus. 2018. Auditor face work at the annual general meeting. Contemporary Accounting Research 35(1): 365-393.

John, C. 1959. Standards for clerical activities - Example of a billing section. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 35-43.

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John, K. and L. Senbet. 1998. Corporate governance and board effectiveness. Journal of Banking and Finance (22): 371-403.

John, L., W. D. Piotrowicz and A. Ruggiero. 2024. Supply chain disruptions and their impact on energy sector during COVID-19. Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management: Sustainable and Resilient Supply Chain. (12): 65-92.

John, L. K. 2016. How to negotiate with a liar. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 114-117.

John, L. K. 2021. Savvy self-promotion: The delicate art, and science of bragging. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 145-148.

John, L. K. 2023. How to negotiate with a liar: Tactics for getting to the truth. Harvard Business Review (Winter Special Issue): 70-74.

John, L. K., D. Mochon, O. Emrich and J. Schwartz. 2017. What's the value of a like? Social media endorsements don't work the way you might think. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 108-115.

John, L. K., T. Kim and K. Barasz. 2018. Ads that don't overstep. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 62-69.

John, R. C. 1956. Accounting in a professional stock theatre. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October): 251-256.

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John, R. C. 1976. Improve your technical writing. Management Accounting (September): 49-52.

Johns, C. M. 1971. Credit information: A management tool. Management Accounting (September): 27-30.

Johns, G. 1978. Task moderators of the relationship between leadership style and subordinate responses. The Academy of Management Journal 21(2): 319-325.

Johns, R. S. 1976. In all my years - Classification of accounting services. The Accounting Historians Journal 3(1-4): 10-12.

Johns, S. and L. Maples. 2011. Advising clients in same-sex relationships. Journal of Accountancy (December): 48-53.

Johns, T. and L. Gratton. 2013. The third wave of virtual work: Knowledge workers are now untethered, able to perform tasks anywhere at any time. What do the best of them want from your organization. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 66-73.

Johnsen, D. and P. Sopariwala. 2000. Standard costing is alive and well at Parker Brass. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 12-20.

Johnsen, L. C., G. Voigt and C. J. Corbett. 2019. Behavioral contract design under asymmetric forecast information. Decision Sciences 50(4): 786-815.

Johnson, A. 2010. The IFRS theme park. The CPA Journal (December): 54-59. (A four themes approach to learning IFRS. More similar than different, the balance sheet reigns, what goes down can come up, and disclosure).

Johnson, A. H. 1926. Functions of municipal government which affect business and industry. Harvard Business Review (October): 27-40.

Johnson, A. H. 1927. Functions of municipal government which affect business and industry. Harvard Business Review (January): 175-185.

Johnson, A. W. 1943. Form, function, and interpretation of the profit and loss statement. The Accounting Review (October): 340-347.

Johnson, A. W. 1957. A Report by the Task Committee on Faculty Personnel: Source and supply of teachers. The Accounting Review (April): 241-242.

Johnson, A. W. 1961. "More" on "income-tax-allocation" accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 75-83.

Johnson, B. 1983. Should you convert to in-house EDP? Management Accounting (September): 52-57.

Johnson, B. 1984. Why your company needs three accounting systems. Management Accounting (September): 39-46.

Johnson, B. 2011. The CEO of Heinz on powering growth in emerging markets. Harvard Business Review (October): 47-50.

Johnson, B., J. Liu and M. Flagiello. 2016. Are project management credentials worth it for CPAs? The CPA Journal (May): 11.

Johnson, B. A., L. L. Lisic, J. S. Moon and M. Wang. 2023. SEC comment letters on form S-4 and M&A accounting quality. Review of Accounting Studies 28(2): 862-909.

Johnson, B. E. 1994. The ascent of the cash flow statement. Journal of Accounting Education 12(4): 375-383.

Johnson, B. G. and E. Slayter. 2012. Impact of structure of early practice on student performance in transaction analysis. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 101-112.

Johnson, B. G., F. Phillips and L. G. Chase. 2009. An intelligent tutoring system for the accounting cycle: Enhancing textbook homework with artificial intelligence. Journal of Accounting Education 27(1): 30-39.

Johnson, C. 1925. Introduction to D. M. Stenton (ed.), The Great Roll of the Pipe for the Second Year of the Reign of King Richard the First, Publications of the Pipe Roll Society, Vol. 39, NS Vol. 1.

Johnson, C. 1950. (trans. & ed.). Dialogus de Scaccario, Nelson.

Johnson, C. 2022. Rethinking how to grow a small business. Strategic Finance (January): 50-56.

Johnson, C. and M. Kelley. 1998. Productivity and competence: Post-tenure review in American universities. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 747-759.

Johnson, C. B. and T. C. Ireland. 2007. An empirical examination of manipulation in components of the income statement. Journal of Forensic Accounting 8(1-2): 1-28.

Johnson, C. B., T. C. Ireland and S. Rector. 2011. Impact of deceptive reclassification of administrative expense by nonprofits on perceived levels of efficiency. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 3(1): 258-305.

Johnson, C. E. 1954. Inventory valuation - The accountant's Achilles heel. The Accounting Review (January): 15-26.

Johnson, C. E. 1954. A case against the idea of an all-purpose concept of business income. The Accounting Review (April): 224-243.

Johnson, C. E. 1957. A course in income taxation for non-accounting majors? The Accounting Review (January): 90-92.

Johnson, C. E. 1966. Management's role in external accounting measurements. Research in Accounting Measurement. Edited by R. K. Jaedicke, Y. Ijiri and O. Nielson. American Accounting Association: 88-100.

Johnson, C. H. 1963. Devising daily and weekly operating reports. N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 31-32.

Johnson, D. A. and K. Pany. 1981. Expose or cover-up: Will an employee blow the whistle? Management Accounting (July): 32-36.

Johnson, D. A. and K. Pany. 1984. Forecasts, auditor review, and bank loan decisions. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 731-743.

Johnson, D. A., S. Kaplan and B. B. Hook. 1983. Looking for Mr. Overhead: An expanded role for management accountants. Management Accounting (November): 65-68.

Johnson, D. F. 1957. Integrating sales analysis and job pricing and billing. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February): 769-776.

Johnson, D. M. 2014. Tax practice corner. Journal of Accountancy (January): 54-55.

Johnson, D. W. and R. Johnson. 1974. Instructional structure: Cooperative, competitive, or individualization. Review of Educational Research (44): 213-240.

Johnson, D. W. and R. Johnson. 1975. Learning Together and Alone: Cooperation, Competition, and Individualization. Prentice-Hall.

Johnson, D. W., G. Maruyama, R. Johnson, D. Nelson and L. Skon. 1981. Effects of cooperative, competitive, and individualistic goal structures on achievement: A meta-analysis. Psychological Bulletin (89): 47-62. (Summary).

Johnson, D. W., R. T. Johnson and M. E. Stanne. 2000. Cooperative Learning Methods: A Meta -Analysis . University of Minnesota, Minneapolis: Cooperative Learning Center.

Johnson, E. 1950. Working capital yields to budgetary control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July): 1333-1346.

Johnson, E. 2023. How leaders can focus on the big picture. Harvard Business Review (Spring Special Issue): 58-59.

Johnson, E. and F. Murray. 2021. What a crisis teaches us about innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 58-65.

Johnson, E., N. B. Johnson and T. Pfeiffer. 2016. Dual transfer pricing with internal and external trade. Review of Accounting Studies 21(1): 140-164.

Johnson, E. A. 1963. Controlling labor costs through job tickets and standard data. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 53-56. (Ten categories of causes of labor variances include: operator efficiency, engineering changes, faulty materials, interrupted production, machine tool trouble, multiple machine operation, other such as alternative machine or non standard routing, etc., rework, training, e.g., inexperience, and waiting).

Johnson, E. A. 1972. The controllership function. Management Accounting (March): 45-48.

Johnson, E. B. 2012. A Beginner's Guide to the Brain: Major Discoveries that Will Change your Life. The Teaching & Learning Compact.

Johnson, E. C. 2002. Discussion of Holistic, continuous assurance integration: e-business opportunities and challenges. Journal of Information Systems (Spring Supplement): 21-24.

Johnson, E. K. 1944. Establishing control of billing and shop orders. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June 15): 1108-1116.

Johnson, E. K. 1945. Control of work in process inventories. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November 15): 232-252.

Johnson, E. K. 1949. An accounting procedure for expenditures on experimental projects. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 1): 1267-1278.

Johnson, E. K. 1950. Jim Jones writes up his cost procedures. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May): 1061-1070.

Johnson, E. L. 1967. Optimality and computation of (σ, S) policies in the multi-item infinite horizon inventory problem. Management Science (March): 475-491.

Johnson, E. L. 1968. On (s, S) policies. Management Science (September): 80-101.

Johnson, E. N., D. J. Lowe and P. M. J. Reckers. 2008. Alternative work arrangements and perceived career success: Current evidence from the big four firms in the US. Accounting, Organizations and Society 33(1): 48-72.

Johnson, E. N., D. J. Lowe and P. M. J. Reckers. 2012. Measuring accounting professionals' attitudes regarding alternative work arrangements. Behavioral Research In Accounting 24(1): 47-71.

Johnson, E. N., D. J. Lowe and P. M. J. Reckers. 2016. The influence of mood on subordinates' ability to resist coercive pressure in public accounting. Contemporary Accounting Research 33(1): 261-287.

Johnson, E. N., G. M. Fleischman, S. Valentine and K. B. Walker. 2012. Managers' ethical evaluations of earnings management and its consequences. Contemporary Accounting Research 29(3): 910-927.

Johnson, E. N., J. Baird, P. Caster, W. N. Dilla, C. E. Earley and T. J. Louwers. 2003. 2000-2001 Auditing Section Education Committee. Challenges to audit education for the 21st century: A survey of curricula, course content, and delivery methods. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 241-263.

Johnson, E. N., J. R. Kuhn Jr., B. A. Apostolou and J. M. Hassell. 2013. Auditor perceptions of client narcissism as a fraud attitude risk factor. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32(1): 203-219.

Johnson, E. N., P. M. J. Reckers and G. D. Bartlett. 2014. Influences of timeline and perceived strategy effectiveness on balanced scorecard performance evaluation judgments. Journal of Management Accounting Research 26(1): 165-184.

Johnson, E. N., S. E. Kaplan and P. M. J. Reckers. 1998. An examination of potential gender-based differences in audit managers' performance evaluation judgments. Behavioral Research In Accounting (10): 47-75.

Johnson, E. S. 2016. Do changes in the SG&A ratio provide different information about changes in future earnings, analyst forecast revisions, and stock returns under different circumstances? Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (34): 90-98.

Johnson, F. Editor. 1973. Alienation: Concept, Term and Meaning. Seminar Press.

Johnson, F. P. and C. F. Muenzberg. 1980. Can cost analysis improve your mortgage loan function? Management Accounting (February): 22-25.

Johnson, G., G. S. Yip and M. Hensmans. 2012. Achieving successful strategic transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 25-32.

Johnson, G. A. 1962. Accounting training for accounting students. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 56.

Johnson, G. A. 1975. Curriculum integration in the decision sciences: An evaluation. Decision Sciences 6(4): 786-796.

Johnson, G. G. 2005. Financial sleuthing using Benford's law to analyze quarterly data with various industry profiles. Journal of Forensic Accounting 6(2): 293-316.

Johnson, G. H. 1923. Amortization and depreciation in public service corporations. Journal of Accountancy (July): 7-14.

Johnson, G. H. 1923. Going value of inventories. Journal of Accountancy (March): 202-203.

Johnson, G. L. 1965. The monetary and nonmonetary distinction. The Accounting Review (October): 821-823.

Johnson, G. L. 1966. Funds-flow equations. The Accounting Review (July): 510-517.

Johnson, G. L. and S. S. Simik, II. 1971. Multiproduct C-V-P analysis under uncertainty. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 278-286.

Johnson, G. L. and S. S. Simik, II. 1974. The use of probability inequalities in multiproduct C-V-P analysis under uncertainty. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 67-79.

Johnson, G. L. and S. W. Newton. 1967. Tax considerations in equipment replacement decisions. The Accounting Review (October): 738-746.

Johnson, H. 1999. Making Capital Budgeting Decisions - Maximizing the Value of the Firm. Financial Times Prentice Hall.

Johnson, H. S. 1961. Inventory and maintenance cost controls by use of punched cards. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 81-85.

Johnson, H. S. 1967. Internal auditing in the goal oriented firm. Management Accounting (May): 41-49.

Johnson, H. T. 1972. Early cost accounting for internal management control: Lyman Mills in the 1850s. Business History Review (Winter): 466-474.

Johnson, H. T. 1975. Managerial accounting in an early integrated industrial: E. I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Company, 1903-1912. Business History Review (Summer): 184-204.

Johnson, H. T. 1975. The role of accounting history in the study of modern business enterprise. The Accounting Review (July): 444-450.

Johnson, H. T. 1978. Management accounting in an early multidivisional organization: General Motors in the 1920s. Business History Review (Winter): 490-517.

Johnson, H. T. 1980. Markets, hierarchies, and the history of management accounting. Third International Congress of Accounting Historians (August).

Johnson, H. T. Editor. 1980. Systems and Profits: Early Management Accounting at DuPont and General Motors. Arno Press.

Johnson, H. T. 1981. Toward a new understanding of nineteenth-century cost accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 510-518.

Johnson, H. T. 1983. The search for gain in markets and firms: A review of the historical emergence of management accounting systems. Accounting, Organizations and Society 8(2-3): 139-146. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. 1986. Accounting, organizations and rules: Towards a sociology of price - A comment on Zald. Accounting, Organizations and Society 11(4-5): 341-343.

Johnson, H. T. 1987. Organizational design versus strategic information procedures for managing corporate overhead cost: Weyerhaeuser Company. Accounting and Management Field Study Perspectives. Edited by W. J. Bruns, Jr. and R. S. Kaplan. Harvard Business School Press: 49-72.

Johnson, H. T. 1987. The decline of cost management: A reinterpretation of 20th-century cost accounting. Journal of Cost Management (Spring): 5-12. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. 1988. Review of H. Jones. Accounting, Costing, and Cost Estimation. The Accounting Review (63): 178-179.

Johnson, H. T. 1988. Activity based information: A blueprint for world class management accounting. Management Accounting (June): 23-30. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. 1989. Managing costs: An outmoded philosophy. Manufacturing Engineering (May).

Johnson, H. T. 1989. Professors, customers, and value: Bringing a global perspective to management accounting education. Proceedings of the Third Annual Management Accounting Symposium. Sarasota: American Accounting Association: 7-20. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. 1990. Managing cost versus managing activities - Which strategy works? Financial Executive (January/February): 32-36.

Johnson, H. T. 1990. Activity management: Reviewing the past and future of cost management. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 4-7.

Johnson, H. T. 1990. Beyond product costing: A challenge to cost management's conventional wisdom. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 15-21. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. 1990. Performance measurement for competitive excellence. Measures for Manufacturing Excellence. Edited by R. S. Kaplan. Harvard Business School Press. Chapter 3: 63-89.

Johnson, H. T. 1991. Managing by remote control: Recent management accounting practice in historical perspective. In Inside the Business Enterprise, edited by P. Temin, 66-69. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.

Johnson, H. T. 1992. Relevance Regained: From Top-Down Control to Bottom-up Empowerment. New York: The Free Press. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. 1992. It's time to stop overselling activity-based concepts. Management Accounting (September): 26-35. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. 1995. Management accounting in the 21st century. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 15-20. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. 1996. A shadow from the past haunts the future of management accounting. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 4-5. (This is a letter to the editor).

Johnson, H. T. 1997. A different perspective on quality: Bringing management to life. Deming Electronic Network Keynote address. (DEN link).

Johnson, H. T. 1997. Accounting and the rise of remote-control management: Holding firm by losing touch. in Rondo Cameron and Leo F. Schnore, eds., Cities and Markets: Studies in the Organization of Human Space presented to Eric E. Lampard. 191-221. University Press of America.

Johnson, H. T. 2002. A former management accountant reflects on his journey through the world of cost management. Accounting History (May): 9-21.

Johnson, H. T. 2004. Confronting the tyranny of management by numbers: How business can deliver the results we care about most. Reflections: The Sol Journal of Knowledge, Learning, and Change 5(4): 51-61.

Johnson, H. T. 2006. Lean accounting: To become lean, shed accounting. Cost Management (January/February): 6-17. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. 2006. Sustainability and "Lean Operations". Cost Management (March/April): 40-45. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. 2010. How Toyota ran off the road - and how it can get back on track. Leverage Points Blog. Pegasus Communications (February 9).

Johnson, H. T. 2010. Toyota's current crisis: The price of focusing on growth not quality. The Systems Thinker (February): 2-6.

Johnson, H. T. 2012. A global system growing itself to death - and what we can do about it. The Systems Thinker (May): 2-6. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. 2014. Accounting, accountability, and misplaced concreteness. Process Studies. (Fall/Winter): 47-60.

Johnson, H. T. and A. Broms. 2000. Profit Beyond Measure: Extraordinary Results through Attention to Work and People. New York: The Free Press. (Summary and additional Graphics and Notes).

Johnson, H. T. and D. A. Loewe. 1987. How Weyerhaeuser manages corporate overhead costs. Management Accounting (August): 20-26.

Johnson, H. T., G. J. Fults, and P. Jackson. 1990. Activity Management and performance measurement in a service organization. Proceedings of the Third Annual Management Accounting Symposium. American Accounting Association: 63-73.

Johnson, H. T. and R. S. Kaplan. 1987. Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of Management Accounting. Boston: Harvard Business School Press. (Summary).

Johnson, H. T. and R. S. Kaplan. 1987. Rise and fall of management accounting. Management Accounting (January): 22-30.

Johnson, H. V. 1976. Merchant-accountants. Management Accounting (October): 57-61.

Johnson, H. W. 1960. A message from the Dean of the School of Industrial Management. Industrial Management Review (April): 5-6 .

Johnson, H. W. 1962. Measuring the earning power of investments - A comparison of methods. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 37-55. (Focus on the DCF method).

Johnson, I. R. and L. Walther. 2010. Interpreting 'legally permissible' in applying fair value guidelines. The CPA Journal (December): 28-29.

Johnson, J. A., J. Theis, A. Vitalis and D. Young. 2020. The influence of firms' emissions management strategy disclosures on investors' valuation judgments. Contemporary Accounting Research 37(2): 642-664.

Johnson, J. E. 1962. The administrative revolution. N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 3-8. (A unified information service within the company).

Johnson, J. E. 1963. Electronic data processing as it affects the accountant. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 41-48.

Johnson, J. E. V., O. Jones and L. Tang. 2006. Exploring decision makers' use of price information in a speculative market. Management Science (June): 897-908.

Johnson, J. F. 1907. Corporation securities. Journal of Accountancy (June): 141-143.

Johnson, J. F. 1907. Editorial. Professional ethics. Journal of Accountancy (October): 467-469.

Johnson, J. F. 1907. Dividends on watered stock. Journal of Accountancy (May): 47-48.

Johnson, J. F. 1907. Professional accountancy and education. Journal of Accountancy (December): 119-122.

Johnson, J. F. 1907. Professional education for business. Journal of Accountancy (July): 191-197.

Johnson, J. F. 1907. Railroad over-capitalization - A symposium. Journal of Accountancy (September): 327-330.

Johnson, J. F. 1907. The capitalization of franchises. Journal of Accountancy (June): 138-139.

Johnson, J. F. 1907. The tyranny of the bookbinder. Journal of Accountancy (July): 216-218.

Johnson, J. F. 1907. Training in the science of business essential. Journal of Accountancy (January): 208-210.

Johnson, J. F. 1908. Schemes for currency reform. Journal of Accountancy (January): 224-235.

Johnson, J. F. 1909. Accounting definitions. Journal of Accountancy (April): 479-480.

Johnson, J. F. 1909. Adults and high school studies. Journal of Accountancy (April): 477-479.

Johnson, J. F. 1910. A university memorial for an accountant. Journal of Accountancy (October): 463-464.

Johnson, J. F. 1910. The currency and banking problem. Journal of Accountancy (August): 289-291.

Johnson, J. F. 1910. Dominion Association of Chartered Accountants. Journal of Accountancy (August): 293-295.

Johnson, J. F. 1910. Rhode Island's recognition of the certified public accountant. Journal of Accountancy (August): 292-293.

Johnson, J. F. 1910. The demand for certified public accountants. Journal of Accountancy (September): 368-371.

Johnson, J. F. 1910. The New Jersey State Board: Change of rules. Journal of Accountancy (September): 379-381.

Johnson, J. F. 1910. Value of membership in professional societies. Journal of Accountancy (September): 381.

Johnson, J. F. 1910. Why not Latin? Journal of Accountancy (October): 460-463.

Johnson, J. F. 1911. Editorial: The journal. Journal of Accountancy (December): 608-609.

Johnson, J. F. 1914. Modern Business: Accounting Practice. Alexander Hamilton Institute.

Johnson, J. F. and W. H. Lough Jr. 1907. Street railway securities - A symposium. Journal of Accountancy (June): 87-89.

Johnson, J. F., L. Greendlinger and J. W. Schulze. 1914. Accounting Practice: A comprehensive statement of accounting principles and methods, illustrated by modern forms and problems. Alexander Hamilton Institute.

Johnson, J. L. and P. M. Podsakoff. 1994. Journal influence in the field of management: An analysis using Salancik's index in a dependency network. The Academy of Management Journal 37(5): 1392-1407.

Johnson, J. R., R. A. Leitch and J. Neter. 1981. Characteristics of errors in accounts receivable and inventory audits. The Accounting Review (April): 270-293.

Johnson, J. R., R. R. Rice and R. A. Roemmich. 1980. Pictures that lie: The abuse of graphs in annual reports. Management Accounting (October): 50-56.

Johnson, J. M., R. J. Dowen and C. L. Norton. 1993. An assessment of lessor accounting for residual values. Accounting Horizons (September): 55-65.

Johnson, J. T. 1959. Is the trust fund theory of capital stock dead? The Accounting Review (October): 609-611.

Johnson, J. W. Jr. 1962. Use of profit-type management procedures in nonprofit organizations. N.A.A. Bulletin (September): 16.

Johnson, K. and Z. Swanson. 2007. Quantifying legal risk: A method for managing legal risk. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 22-30.

Johnson, K. H. and D. L. Shannon. 1973. Effects of linear transformations of variables in regression analysis. Decision Sciences 4(3): 437-438.

Johnson, K. P. 1970. Discussion of toward an empirical measure of materiality. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 154-156.

Johnson, L. 2024. The case for taking naps (Even at work). Harvard Business Review (Spring Special Issue): 38-40.

Johnson, L. E. 1982. Using LIFO to measure performance. Management Accounting (December): 28-31.

Johnson, L. K. 2002. The real value of customer loyalty. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 14-17.

Johnson, L. K. 2003. Dueling pricing strategies. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 10-11.

Johnson, L. M., M. B. Keune and J. Winchel. 2019. U.S. auditors' perceptions of the PCAOB inspection process: A behavioral examination. Contemporary Accounting Research 36(3): 1540-1574.

Johnson, L. T. 1977. Current replacement costs and potential managerial benefits. Management Accounting (December): 31-36.

Johnson, L. T. 1992. Research on disclosure. Accounting Horizons (March): 101-103.

Johnson, L. T. 1993. Research on environmental reporting. Accounting Horizons (September): 118-123.

Johnson, L. T. and K. R. Petrone. 1998. Is goodwill an asset? Accounting Horizons (September): 293-303.

Johnson, L. T. and R. J. Swieringa. 1996. Anatomy of an agenda decision: Statement No. 115. Accounting Horizons (June): 149-179.

Johnson, L. T. and R. J. Swieringa. 1996. Derivatives, hedging and comprehensive income. Accounting Horizons (December): 109-122.

Johnson, L. T., B. P. Robbins, R. J. Swieringa and R. L. Weil. 1993. Expected values in financial reporting. Accounting Horizons (December): 77-90.

Johnson, L. T., C. L. Reither and R. J. Swieringa. 1995. Toward reporting comprehensive income. Accounting Horizons (December): 128-137.

Johnson, M. 2015. Sharpening your soft skills. Strategic Finance (January): 17-18.

Johnson, M. 2019. How to handle a loss of business income. Strategic Finance (December): 19-20.

Johnson, M. 2020. Mentor-mentee collaborations. Strategic Finance (January): 21-22.

Johnson, M. 2022. Navigating the perfect storm. Strategic Finance (October): 21-22. (Inflation).

Johnson, M. D. and F. Selnes. 2005. Diversifying your customer portfolio. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 11-14.

Johnson, M. D., J. R. Hollenbeck, S. E. Humphrey, D. R. Ilgen, D. Jundt and C. J. Meyer. 2006. Cutthroat cooperation: Asymmetrical adaptation to changes in team reward structures. The Academy of Management Journal 49(1): 103-119.

Johnson, M. F. 1999. Business cycles and the relation between security returns and earnings. Review of Accounting Studies 4(2): 93-117.

Johnson, M. F., R. Kasznik and K. K. Nelson. 2000. Shareholder wealth effects of the private securities litigation reform act of 1995. Review of Accounting Studies 5(3): 217-233.

Johnson, M. F., R. Kasznik and K. K. Nelson. 2001. The impact of securities litigation reform on the disclosure of forward-looking information by high technology firms. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 297-327.

Johnson, M. K. 1968. A system of modified direct costing for planning and control. Management Accounting (June): 51-56. (Related to alleviating problems in the conversion to direct costing).

Johnson, M. W. and J. Suskewicz. 2009. How to jump-start the clean tech economy. Harvard Business Review (November): 52-60.

Johnson, M. W., C. M. Christensen and H. Kagermann. 2008. Reinventing your business model. Harvard Business Review (December): 50-59. (Summary).

Johnson, N. A., R. B. Cooper and R. D. Holowczak. 2018. The influences of media, power, and male communication on concession making by females during negotiations. Decision Sciences 49(3): 553-586.

Johnson, N. B. 2006. Divisional performance measurement and transfer pricing for intangible assets. Review of Accounting Studies 11(2-3): 339-365.

Johnson, N. B. 2010. Residual income compensation plans and deferred taxes. Journal of Management Accounting Research (22): 103-114.

Johnson, N. B., C. Loeffler and T. Pfeiffer. 2018. An evaluation of alternative market based transfer prices. Contemporary Accounting Research 35(4): 1868-1887.

Johnson, N. B., T. Pfeiffer and G. Schneider. 2017. Two-stage capital budgeting, capital charge rates, and resource constraints. Review of Accounting Studies 22(2): 933-963.

Johnson, P. and S. Scarpati. 2012. Teaching and advising a new generation of accounting students: A glimpse into the NYSSCPA's 2012 Higher Education Conference. The CPA Journal (August): 14-17.

Johnson, P. A. 2019. A refresher on not-for-profit board governance. The CPA Journal (April): 16-17.

Johnson, P. L. and P. A. Dierks. 1982. What are women accountants really like? Management Accounting (March): 24-28, 46.

Johnson, O. 1965. Corporate giving: A note on profit maximization and accounting disclosure. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 75-85.

Johnson, O. 1967. A consequential approach to accounting for R & D. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 164-172.

Johnson, O. 1968. Some reservations on the significance of prospective income data. The Accounting Review (July): 546-548.

Johnson, O. 1968. DR Scott Memorial Lectures. The Curators of the University of Missouri. Review by R. E. Boggs.

Johnson, O. 1968. Two general concepts of depreciation. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 29-37.

Johnson, O. 1970. Toward an "Events" theory of accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 641-653.

Johnson, O. 1974. The art of enquiry: A seminar in accounting research. The Accounting Review (January): 159-165.

Johnson, O. 1976. Contra-equity accounting for R&D. The Accounting Review (October): 808-822.

Johnson, O. 1981. [Discussion of some implications of the United States constitution for accounting institution alternatives]: A reply. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Standardization of Accounting Practices: An Assessment of Alternative Institutional Arrangements): 129-133.

Johnson, O. 1981. Some implications of the United States constitution for accounting institution alternatives. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Standardization of Accounting Practices: An Assessment of Alternative Institutional Arrangements): 89-119.

Johnson, O. and S. Gunn. 1974. Conflict resolution: The market and/or accounting? The Accounting Review (October): 649-663.

Johnson, O. 1992. Business judgment v. audit judgment: Why the legal distinction? Accounting, Organizations and Society 17(3-4): 205-222.

Johnson, O. K. Jr. 1958. How to help your bank to help you. N.A.A. Bulletin (August): 36.

Johnson, P. 2010. Second Life, Media and the Other Society. Peter Lang.

Johnson, P. E., K. Jamal and R. G. Berryman. 1989. Audit judgment research. Accounting, Organizations and Society 14(1-2): 83-99.

Johnson, P. E., S. Grazioli and K. Jamal. 1993. Fraud detection: Intentionality and deception in cognition. Accounting, Organizations and Society 18(5): 467-488.

Johnson, P. F. and M. R. Leenders. 2010. Minding the supply savings gaps. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 25-31.

Johnson, P. F. and R. D. Klassen. 2005. E-procurement. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 7-10.

Johnson, P. M., S. Jurney and T. C. Rodgers. 2015. How does the market process sequential earnings information? Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 31(1): 55-67.

Johnson, P. M., T. J. Lopez and J. M. Sanchez. 2011. Special items: A descriptive analysis. Accounting Horizons (September): 511-536.

Johnston, R. 2010. What's new for CPAs in Office 2010. Journal of Accountancy (February): 40-45.

Johnson, R. and A. Beard. 2019. You shouldn't volunteer to help your coworkers. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 30-31.

Johnson, R. and A. S. Tsui. 1999. From the editor. The Academy of Management Journal 42(5): 476-478.

Johnson, R. A. 2002. Whistleblowing: When it Works-And Why. Lynne Rienner Pub.

Johnson, R. A. and D. W. Greening. 1999. The effects of corporate governance and institutional ownership types on corporate social performance. The Academy of Management Journal 42(5): 564-576.

Johnson, R. A. and J. M. Middleton. 2008. Accounting for second life. Journal of Accountancy (June): 54-58. (Summary).

Johnson, R. A., F. E. Kast and J. E. Rosenzweig. 1964. Systems theory and management. Management Science (January): 367-384.

Johnson, R. D. and J. J. Beren. 1973. Commodity straddle: A viable tax-shelter. Management Accounting (November): 35-37, 44.

Johnson, R. E. 1956. Laboratory stores on tabulating machines. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July): 1371-1380.

Johnson, R. E. 1960. Alternatives in converting the statements of foreign subsidiaries. N.A.A. Bulletin (February): 83-91.

Johnson, R. E. 2005. Health and productivity programs: The business case. Strategic Finance (March): 46-53, 67.

Johnson, R. E. and P. G. Johnson. 2003. Are H&P programs for you? Strategic Finance (December): 39-45. (Healthcare and productivity programs).

Johnson, R. I. 1948. A post-sale record for manufacturing equipment. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April 1): 955-960.

Johnson, R. T. and M. Benis. 1975. The premature retirement of debt. Management Accounting (January): 43-44, 47.

Johnson, R. V. and J. L. Shinn. 1959. Constructing and using profit and loss statements by division and market. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 5-10.

Johnson, S. 2010. Nonplussed by non-GAAP: CFOs are dismayed and discouraged by the SEC's approach to non-GAAP reporting. CFO (March): 27-29.

Johnson, S. 2010. The SEC has a few questions for you: Receiving a comment letter is no cause for panic, particularly if you know what to expect. CFO (May): 25-28.

Johnson, S. 2010. What's new? Don't ask: The pace of accounting rule changes is beginning to wear on finance staffs. CFO (June): 25-28.

Johnson, S. 2011. Attention deficit: How to balance important strategic projects with routine responsibilities. CFO (May): 29-31.

Johnson, S. 2011. Making audits more audible. CFO (October): 33-35.

Johnson, S. 2011. On the inside looking out: As CFO's gear up for growth, they are seeking targets that can help their companies innovate. CFO (March): 21-24.

Johnson, S. 2011. Risk management: Very big, yet hard to see. CFO (November): 29-32.

Johnson, S. 2011. Sources of misery: A controversial new rule requires companies to peer deep into their supply chains to see if they are unwittingly supporting violence in Africa. CFO (July/August): 37-39.

Johnson, S. 2012. A new risk factor: The JOBS Act. CFO (June): 24-25.

Johnson, S. 2012. An emerging concern. CFO (June): 29-30. (Top emerging risks cited by risk managers: Financial volatility, failed and failing states, cybersecurity/interconnectedness of infrastructure, Chinese economic hard landing, oil-price shock, and regional instability).

Johnson, S. 2012. Coverage for uncovered secrets: New insurance products will compensate companies for the costs of internal investigations. CFO (April): 25-26.

Johnson, S. 2012. Don't trust, verify. CFO (January/February): 21-22.

Johnson, S. 2012. FASB change targets intangibles tests. CFO (March): 30-31.

Johnson, S. 2012. Risk management: Dismay on pay. CFO (March): 25-26.

Johnson, S. and B. Pike. 2018. Employee retention: The state of engagement in public accounting firms and why it matters. The CPA Journal (December): 64-66.

Johnson, S. and K. H. Blanchard. 1993. The One Minute Manager. Berkley Pub Group.

Johnson, S. and K. H. Blanchard. 1998. Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life. Putnam Publishing Group.

Johnson, S. B. 1985. The economic function of doctoral programs in accounting: Alternative theories and educational implications. The Accounting Review (October): 736-743.

Johnson, S. C. 1973. An accounting system for joint ventures. Management Accounting (April): 37-38.

Johnson, S. D. 1998. The ABCs of the electric utility industry. Management Accounting (November): 25-26, 28, 30-32.

Johnson, S. D., L. N. Killough and R. Schulman. 1999. The impact of organizational and professional differences on the effectiveness of management accounting communication. Advances in Management Accounting (8): 71-93.

Johnson, S. G. 1978. An evaluation of expectancy-instrumentality theory as a model of organizational interaction. Johnson.

Johnson, S. J. and M. J. Raymond. 1994. Controlling end-user computing. Management Accounting (September): 66-69.

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Johnson, S. M. 1957. Sequential production planning over time at minimum cost. Management Science (July): 435-437.

Johnson, S. M. 1959. Discussion: Sequencing n jobs on two machines with arbitrary time lags. Management Science (April): 299-303.

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Johnson, T. B., J. Rich and T. G. Noland. 2020. Why risk assessment merits increased auditor focus. Journal of Accountancy (November): 31-33.

Johnson, T. E. Jr. 1975. Optimizing university admissions planning: Comment. Decision Sciences 6(1): 190-191.

Johnson, T. E. and D. J. Werner. 1975. Management education: An interdisciplinary problem solving approach. The Academy of Management Journal 18(2): 276-287.

Johnson, T. L. and E. C. So. 2018. Asymmetric trading costs prior to earnings announcements: Implications for price discovery and returns. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 217-263.

Johnson, V. 2009. Book review: The Search for Social Entrepreneurship by Paul C. Light. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(2): 341-343.

Johnson, V. E. and S. E. Kaplan. 1996. Auditors' decision-aided probability assessments: An analysis of the effects of list length and response format. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 87-101.

Johnson, W. 2018. How to lose your best employees: Interaction. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 17.

Johnson, W. 2022. Manage your organization as a portfolio of learning curves: Use this approach for talent development, succession planning, and team configuration. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 102-111. (Using the S curve of learning).

Johnson, W. B. 1979. A test of the expectancy theory of motivation in an accounting environment: A comment. The Accounting Review (April): 409-411.

Johnson, W. B. 1982. The impact of confidence interval information on probability judgments. Accounting, Organizations and Society 7(4): 349-367.

Johnson, W. B. 1983. "Representativeness" in judgmental predictions of corporate bankruptcy. The Accounting Review (January): 78-97.

Johnson, W. B. 1985. Discussion of valuation implications of SFAS No. 33 data for electric utility investors. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Accounting Earnings and Security Valuation: Current Research Issues): 48-53.

Johnson, W. B. 1987. Discussion of management compensation contracts and merger-induced abnormal returns. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Stewardship Uses of Accounting Information): 77-84.

Johnson, W. B. and D. S. Dhaliwal. 1988. LIFO abandonment. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 236-272.

Johnson, W. B. and R. P. Magee. 1985. On executive succession. Administrative Science Quarterly 30(3): 420-422.

Johnson, W. B. and R. Ramanan. 1988. Discretionary accounting changes from "Successful efforts" to "full cost" methods: 1970-1976. The Accounting Review (January): 96-110.

Johnson, W. B. and T. Lys. 1990. The market for audit services: Evidence from voluntary auditor changes. Journal of Accounting and Economics (January): 281-308.

Johnson, W. B., R. P. Magee, N. J. Nagarajan, and H. A. Newman. 1985. An analysis of the stock price reaction to sudden executive deaths: Implications for the managerial labor market. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 151-174.

Johnson-Driscoll, H. 2023. CPAs rev up for a new tax season. Journal of Accountancy (January): 1-6.

Johnsson, M. 2002. The changing role of the CFO. Strategic Finance (June): 54-57, 67.

Johnston, A. C. M. Warkentin, A. R. Dennis and M. Siponen. 2019. Speak their language: Designing effective messages to improve employees' information security decision making. Decision Sciences 50(2): 245-284.

Johnston, H. R. 1976. A new conceptualization of source of organizational climate. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(1): 95-103.

Johnston, H. R. 1976. Reply to Schneider. Administrative Science Quarterly 21(3): 505-506.

Johnston, J. 1960. Statistical Cost Control. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Johnston, J. 1963. Econometric Methods. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Johnston, J. 2020. Extended XBRL tags and financial analysts' forecast error and dispersion. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 105-131.

Johnston, J. A. and J. H. Zhang. 2018. Information technology investment and the timeliness of financial reports. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 15(1): 77-101.

Johnston, J. A. and J. H. Zhang. 2021. Auditor style and financial reporting similarity. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 79-99.

Johnston, J. A., L. Sun and J. H. Zhang. 2018. Environmental uncertainty, managerial ability, goodwill impairment, and earnings management. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(3): 392-421.

Johnston, R. 1975. Reply to Lorsch and Morse. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(4): 631.

Johnston, R. and R. Petacchi. 2017. Regulatory oversight of financial reporting: Securities and exchange commission comment letters. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(2): 1128-1155.

Johnston, R., A. J. Leone, S. Ramnath and Y. Yang. 2012. 14-Week quarters. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February-April): 271-289.

Johnston, R., S. Markov and S. Ramnath. 2009. Sell-side debt analysts. Journal of Accounting and Economics (March): 91-107.

Johnston, R. P. 2005. A tour of tomorrow's technology. Journal of Accountancy (October): 95-96.

Johnston, R. P. 2005. High tech for the small office. Journal of Accountancy (December): 41-45.

Johnston, R. P. 2007. Get ready for VISTA. Journal of Accountancy (May): 54-60.

Johnston, R. P., R. H. Spencer and E. Mendlowitz. 2005. Time to go paperless. Journal of Accountancy (June): 44-50.

Johnston, T. I., and M. Caygill. 1971. The development of accountancy links in the Commonwealth. Accounting and Business Research (Spring).

Johnson-Snyder, A. and M. J. Kohlbeck. 2018. Valuing the business of JH Outfitters. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 57-75.

Johnstone, D. 2002. Public sector outsourcing as an exchange option. Abacus 38(2): 153-176.

Johnstone, D. 2007. Discussion of Altman and Sabato. Abacus 43(3): 358-362.

Johnstone, D. 2016. Editorial: Advances in equity valuation: Research on accounting valuation. Abacus 52(1): 1-4.

Johnstone, D. 2016. The effect of information on uncertainty and the cost of capital. Contemporary Accounting Research 33(2): 752-774.

Johnstone, D. 2020. Fama's ratio and the effect of operating leverage on the cost of capital under CAPM. Abacus 56(2): 268-287.

Johnstone, D. 2020. Reply to Linnenluecke, Shen, Smith, Zhu, and Liang (2020). Abacus 56(2): 292-294.

Johnstone, D. and A. Wagenhofer. 2018. Capacity planning under uncertainty and the cost of capital. Journal of Management Accounting Research 30(3): 169-185.

Johnstone, D. J. 1990. Sample size and the strength of evidence: A Bayesian interpretation of binomial tests of the information content of qualified audit reports. Abacus 26(1): 17-35.

Johnstone, D. J. 1994. A statistical paradox in auditing. Abacus 30(1): 44-49.

Johnstone, D. J. 2003. Replacement cost asset valuation and regulation of energy infrastructure tariffs. Abacus 39(1): 1-41.

Johnstone, D. J. 2009. Discussion of Penman. Abacus 45(3): 372-378.

Johnstone, D. J. 2011. Economic interpretation of probabilities estimated by maximum likelihood or score. Management Science (February): 308-314.

Johnstone, D. J. 2013. The CAPM debate and the logic and philosophy of finance. Abacus 49(Supplement): 1-6.

Johnstone, K., C. Li and K. H. Rupley. 2011. Changes in corporate governance associated with the revelation of internal control material weaknesses and their subsequent remediation. Contemporary Accounting Research 28(1): 331-383.

Johnstone, K. M. and J. C. Bedard. 2001. Engagement planning, bid pricing, and client response in the market for initial attest engagements. The Accounting Review (April): 199-220.

Johnstone, K. M. and J. C. Bedard. 2003. Risk management in client acceptance decisions. The Accounting Review (October): 1003-1025.

Johnstone, K. M. and J. C. Bedard. 2004. Audit firm portfolio management decisions. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 659-690.

Johnstone, K. M. and S. F. Biggs. 1998. Problem-based learning: Introduction, analysis, and accounting curricula implications. Journal of Accounting Education 16(3-4): 407-427.

Johnstone, K. M. and S. R. Muzatko. 2002. Resolving difficult accounting issues: A case study in client-auditor interaction. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 27-39.

Johnstone, K. M., C. Li and S. Luo. 2014. Client-auditor supply chain relationships, audit quality, and audit pricing. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 33(4): 119-166.

Johnstone, K. M., M. H. Sutton and T. D. Warfield. 2001. Antecedents and consequences of independence risk: Framework for analysis. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-18.

Johnstone, N., B. Mackintosh and F. Phillips. 2013. Second Round Electronics: A case for critical thinking. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 98-116.

Johsson, S. and R. Solli. 1993. 'Accounting talk' in a caring setting. Management Accounting Research (December): 301-320.

Joiner, C. A. 1961. Adaptations of operating structures of government administrative organizations. The Journal of the Academy of Management 4(3): 189-197.

Joiner, G. L. and M. A. Gaudard. 1990. Variation, management, and W. Edwards Deming. Quality Progress (December): 29-37. (Summary).

Jokisaari, M. and J. Nurmi. 2009. Change in newcomers' supervisor support and socialization outcomes after organizational entry. The Academy of Management Journal 52(3): 527-544.

Jolivet, V. 1964. The current French approach to inventory price level problems. The Accounting Review (July): 689-692.

Jollineau, S. J., L. J. Tanlu and A. Winn. 2014. Evaluating proposed remedies for credit rating agency failures. The Accounting Review (July): 1399-1420.

Jollineau, S. J., T. W. Vance and A. Webb. 2012. Subordinates as the first line of defense against biased financial reporting. Journal of Management Accounting Research (24): 1-24.

Jolly, P. 1930. The state and its subdivisions as members of business corporations. Harvard Business Review (October): 18-25.

Jolson, M. A. 1974. Criteria for promotion and tenure: A faculty view. The Academy of Management Journal 17(1): 149-154.

Joly, H. 2024. Five principles of purposeful leadership. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 72-74.

Jome, H. L. 1928. Commercial air transport. Harvard Business Review (January): 198-217.

Jona, J. and N. S. Soderstrom. 2023. Management accounting research opportunities in climate change reporting. Journal of Management Accounting Research 35(3): 13-20.

Jonas, G. J. and J. Blanchet. 2000. Assessing quality of financial reporting. Accounting Horizons (September): 353-363.

Jonas, G. J. and S. J. Young. 1998. Bridging the gap: Who can bring a user focus to business reporting? Accounting Horizons (June): 154-159.

Jones, A. III. and C. S. Norman. 2006. Decision making in a public accounting firm: An instructional case in risk evaluation, client continuance, and auditor independence within the context of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 431-447.

Jones, A. III. and G. A. Jonas. 2011. Corporate social responsibility reporting: The growing need for input from the accounting profession. The CPA Journal (February): 65-71. (Summary).

Jones, A. III. and V. M. Iyer. 2020. Who aspires to be a partner in a public accounting firm? A study of individual characteristics and gender differences. Accounting Horizons (September): 129-151.

Jones, A. III., C. S. Norman and B. Wier. 2010. Healthy lifestyle as a coping mechanism for role stress in public accounting. Behavioral Research In Accounting 22(1): 21-41.

Jones A. F. 1918. Accounting for liberty loan subscriptions. Journal of Accountancy (June): 426-432.

Jones, A. P., L. A. Johnson, M. C. Butler and D. S. Main. 1983. Apples and oranges: An empirical comparison of commonly used indices of interrater agreement. The Academy of Management Journal 26(3): 507-519.

Jones, C. 2015. Book review: P. R. Carlile, D. Nicolini, A. Langley, and H. Tsoukas, eds.: How Matter Matters: Objects, Artifacts, and Materiality in Organization Studies. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(4): NP50-NP53.

Jones, C. G. and K. Dosanjh-Zucker. 2018. Using a forensic accounting novel to increase student engagement with accounting ethics and the profession. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(2): 250-257.

Jones, C. H. 1967. Parametric production planning. Management Science (July): 843-866.

Jones, C. L. and A. A. Roberts. 2006. Management of financial information in charitable organizations: The case of joint-cost allocations. The Accounting Review (January): 159-178.

Jones, C. L., K. A. Kitching, A. A. Roberts and P. C. Smith. 2013. The spend-save decision: An analysis of how charities respond to revenue changes. Accounting Horizons (March): 75-90.

Jones, C. R. and C. R. Pryor. 2013. Supreme Court rulings may not eliminate tax complexities unique to same-sex couples. The CPA Journal (September): 32-34.

Jones, C. R. and Y. A. Sejati. 2016. Sales and use tax. The CPA Journal (November): 54-55.

Jones, C. R. and Y. A. Sejati. 2018. Sales tax holidays: Not always pain free. The CPA Journal (October): 10-12.

Jones, C. S. 1985. An empirical study of the role of management accounting systems following takeover or merger. Accounting, Organizations and Society 10(2): 177-200.

Jones, C. S. 1985. An empirical study of the evidence for contingency theories of management accounting systems in conditions of rapid change. Accounting, Organizations and Society 10(3): 303-328.

Jones, C. S. 1992. The attitudes of owner-managers towards accounting control systems following management buyout. Accounting, Organizations and Society 17(2): 151-168.

Jones, D. and B. Hansen. 2002. Productivity grows in spite of recession. USA Today (July 29): 1B and 3B. (This article provides a ranking of the Fortune 100 companies in terms of total factor productivity (TFP). The TFP measurement is based on the work of Robert Solow and extended by Hariolf Grupp and Shlomo Maital).

Jones, D. A. 2013. Changes in the funded status of retirement plans after the adoption of SFAS No. 158: Economic improvement or balance sheet management. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(3): 1099-1132.

Jones, D. A. and K. J. Smith. 2011. Comparing the value relevance, predictive value, and persistence of other comprehensive income and special items. The Accounting Review (November): 2047-2073.

Jones, D. C. 1971. Characteristics of inner-city students and the implications for management (administrative) education. The Academy of Management Journal 14(3): 391-393.

Jones, D. C. and W. G. Titmas. 1955. Dimensions of effective budgeting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October): 198-203.

Jones, D. J. 1991. JIT & the EOQ model: Odd couple no more. Management Accounting (February): 54-57.

Jones, D. R., D. Brown and P. Wheeler. 2001. The effect of justification type on agreement with a decision aid and judgment performance. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research (4): 187-206.

Jones, E., H. Li and O. Adamolekun. 2022. Excess cash holdings, stock returns, and investment organicity: Evidence from UK investment announcements. Abacus 58(4): 603-647.

Jones, E. R. and T. L. Capperauld. 2014. Addressing commodity price volatility in product development through a mature target costing process. Cost Management (July/August): 5-10.

Jones, F. D. 1925. Trade statistics and public policy. Harvard Business Review (July): 394-403.

Jones, G. 2008. Managing yourself: How the best of the best get better and better. Harvard Business Review (June): 123-127.

Jones, G. 2012. The growth opportunity that lies next door. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 141-145.

Jones, G. E. and D. E. VanDyke. 1998. The Business of Business Valuation: The Professional's Guide to Leading Your Client Through the Valuation Process. McGraw-Hill.

Jones, G. E. and M. J. Kavanagh. 1996. An experimental examination of the effects of individual situational factors on unethical behavioral intentions in the workplace. Journal of Business Ethics 15(5): 511-523.

Jones, G. G. and M. Abrahams. 2006. The rise of corporate nationality. Harvard Business Review (October): 20-22.

Jones, G. K. 1969. Capital budgeting: A modified approach to simplify sound investment decisions. Management Accounting (March): 33-34.

Jones, G. M. 1958. University responses to EDP. The Accounting Review (October): 645-649.

Jones, G. M. 1960. Educators, electrons, and business models: A problem in synthesis. The Accounting Review (October): 619-626.

Jones, G. M. 1962. Accounting innovation and the psychology of change. The Accounting Review (April): 244-250.

Jones, G. M. 1964. Controlling retail inventory through planned open-to-buy positions. N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 7-12.

Jones, G. M. 1965. Linear algebra for the neophyte. The Accounting Review (July): 636-640.

Jones, G. M. 1968. Some problems in accounting for land development. Management Accounting (August): 27-33.

Jones, G. M. 1968. But is it income? Management Accounting (February): 42-45.

Jones, G. M. and D. R. L. Gabhart. 1979. Danger: This city is in financial trouble. Management Accounting (October): 19-22, 39.

Jones, G. M. and S. A. Awad. 1972. The use of accounting techniques in small firms. Management Accounting (February): 41-44.

Jones, G. M. and W. T. Yard. 1962. A practical application of present-value analysis. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 63-68.

Jones, G. R. 1983. Transaction costs, property rights, and organizational culture: An exchange perspective. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(3): 454-467.

Jones, G. R. 1986. Socialization tactics, self-efficacy, and newcomers' adjustments to organizations. The Academy of Management Journal 29(2): 262-279.

Jones, G. R. 1987. Organization-client transactions and organizational governance structures. The Academy of Management Journal 30(2): 197-218.

Jones, H. M. and V. E. Pontius. 1965. Survey of accounting teaching via television. The Accounting Review (October): 863-867.

Jones, H. R. and M. Johnson. 1972. LPC as a modifier of leader-follower relationships. The Academy of Management Journal 15(2): 185-196.

Jones, H. W. 1935. A cost system for a sparkling ginger ale company. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January 1): 511-533.

Jones, J. and S. Iacobelli. 2012. Superior Construction Inc.: An assessment of risks and controls as part of a post-acquisition engagement. Journal of Accounting Education 30(2): 173-193.

Jones, J., C. Mac Tavish and W. Schultz. 2019. The effect of gender and firm identification on auditor pre-negotiation judgments. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (44): 49-57.

Jones, J. C. 2010. Book review: Accountants' Truth: Knowledge and Ethics in the Financial World by M. Gill. Administrative Science Quarterly 55(2): 324-327.

Jones, J. C. 2012. Zoom Snowboards Incorporated: Understanding the impact of management decisions on the audit plan. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 1193-1213.

Jones, J. J. 1991. Earnings management during import relief investigations. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 193-228.

Jones, J. P. 2016. The state of FASB's simplification initiative. The CPA Journal (July): 56-59.

Jones, J. P. and D. Pagach. 2013. The next step for revenue recognition. The CPA Journal (October): 30-34.

Jones, J. P. and K. T. Fields. 2001. The role of supplemental instruction in the first accounting course. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 531-547.

Jones, J. P., J. H. Long and J. D. Stanley. 2019. Pane in the Glass: A review of the accounting cycle. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 35-50.

Jones, J. R. 2021. Cattle farm with no cattle denied farming losses. Journal of Accountancy (June): 29-30.

Jones, J. W. 1942. The execution of the federal budget. The Accounting Review (April): 88-94.

Jones, J. W. 1970. Pitfalls of misinformation: A case study. Management Accounting (June): 17-19, 23.

Jones, J. W. 1971. Accounting for amusement parks. Management Accounting (April): 20-21.

Jones, J. W. 1973. Accounting practices in ship chandlery. Management Accounting (August): 28-30, 34.

Jones, J. W. 1974. Tobacco auction warehouse accounting. Management Accounting (April): 35-38.

Jones, J. W. 1978. Rainbows, catfish, and other cash crops. Management Accounting (September): 43-46.

Jones, J. W. 1983. A description of a Baltimore merchant's journal. The Accounting Historians Journal 10(1): 99-110.

Jones, K. and R . Whitehead, Jr. 2011. The IRS and the 'responsible person' for paying employment taxes: A case study. The CPA Journal (November): 50-51.

Jones, K. T. and C. C. Chen. 2010. The pervasive success of 6 sigma at Caterpillar. Strategic Finance (April): 29-33.

Jones, K. T. and R. Hamm. 2020. Look before you leap into a 529 plan. Journal of Accountancy (June): 46-48, 50-54.

Jones, L. 1988. Competitor cost analysis at Caterpillar. Management Accounting (October): 32-38.

Jones, L. C. and H. Carter. 2018. Will the U.S. Supreme Court overturn Quill? The Court's ruling in the case of South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc. could change how states apply sales taxes to online retail activity. Strategic Finance (April): 16-18.

Jones, L. C., J. Johnson and S. C. Anderson. 2008. Master limited partnerships: Tax and investment issues. The CPA Journal (December): 48-53.

Jones, L. C., T. Meyer and C. A. Obana. 2018. Sales tax for e-commerce still in limbo. Strategic Finance (September): 18, 20.

Jones, L. D. and E. M. Babb. 1975. An analysis of behavior and performance in the food retailing industry using experimental business gaming. Decision Sciences 6(3): 541-555.

Jones, L. F. 1991. Product costing at Caterpillar. Management Accounting (February): 34-35, 38-42.

Jones, M. 2016. Book review: Accounting at Durham Cathedral Priory. Management and control of a major ecclesiastical corporation 1083-1539 by Alisdair Dobie. The Accounting Historians Journal 43(1): 164-166.

Jones, M. H. 1960. Evolving a business philosophy. The Journal of the Academy of Management 3(2): 93-98.

Jones, M. J. 2008. The Dialogus de Scaccario (c.1179): The first western book on accounting? Abacus 44(4): 443-474.

Jones, M. J. 2010. Sources of power and infrastructural conditions in medieval governmental accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 35(1): 81-94.

Jones, M. T. 2008. Artificial Intelligence: A Systems Approach. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Jones, O. 1924. The agitation for control of the Lancashire cotton industry. Harvard Business Review (July): 447-452.

Jones, O. 1925. The Indian market for cotton goods. Harvard Business Review (October): 40-48.

Jones, P. A. 1971. The computer: A cost-benefit analysis. Management Accounting (July): 23-25, 51.

Jones, R. 1985. Accounting in English local government from the middle ages to c.1835. Accounting and Business Research (Summer).

Jones, R. 2008. Proving Continuous Improvement with Profit Ability. ASQ Quality Press.

Jones, R. and H. Mendelson. 2011. Information goods vs. industrial goods: Cost structure and competition. Management Science (January): 164-176.

Jones, R. A. 2007. NPO software measures up. Journal of Accountancy (July): 68-72.

Jones, R. C. 1937. Current practice in teaching elementary accounting. The Accounting Review (June): 174-180.

Jones, R. C. 1950. Accounting concepts and standards: A report for the 1949 committee. The Accounting Review (April): 139-141.

Jones, R. C. 1950. A flexible test grading formula which emphasizes quality. The Accounting Review (October): 445-448.

Jones, R. C. 1951. Research projects in accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 400-413.

Jones, R. C. 1952. Supplementary list of research projects in accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 124-125.

Jones, R. C. 1953. Supplementary list of research projects in accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 258-264.

Jones, R. C. 1954. List of research projects in accounting: 1952-1953. The Accounting Review (April): 286-293.

Jones, R. C. 1955. Price Level Changes and Financial Statements, Case Studies of Four Companies. American Accounting Association.

Jones, R. C. 1956. Effects of Price Level Changes on Business Income, Capital and Taxes. American Accounting Association.

Jones, R. C. 2010. IFRS adoption: Some general issues to remember. The CPA Journal (July): 36-38.

Jones, R. C. 2012. Potential changes to the auditor's reporting model: Exploring the PCAOB's concept release. The CPA Journal (December): 14-16.

Jones, R. C. 2018. Common control entities and consolidation of variable interest entities. The CPA Journal (August): 50-55.

Jones, R. C. 2023. Sustainability reporting and practitioners' responsibilities. The CPA Journal (July/August): 42-47.

Jones, R. G. Jr. 1979. Analyzing initial and growth financing for small businesses. Management Accounting (November): 30-34, 38.

Jones, R. G. Jr. 1982. You can call it earnings, you can call it income, or ... Management Accounting (May): 16-21, 38.

Jones, R. H. 1973. The challenge of capital attraction. Management Accounting (June): 52-53, 58.

Jones, R. K. 1957. Why not capacity costing? N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 13-21.

Jones, R. K. 1969. Integrated budget: A tool for planning and control. Management Accounting (June): 78-79.

Jones, R. L. 1966. Cost control for engineering programs. Management Accounting (June): 25-32.

Jones, R. L. and H. J. Trentin. 1966. Budgeting general and administrative expenses: A planning and control system. Management Bulletin 74. New York: American Management Association.

Jones, R. P. 1956. Developing a machine operation incentive. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January): 619-625.

Jones, R. P. 1958. The Evaluation of Learning costs and Determination of Optimum Production Quantities. Manufacturing Services Department, Raytheon Manufacturing Company.

Jones, R. P. 1962. Practical control of preparatory programming time for a computer installation. N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 71-78.

Jones, S. 2005. Exploring the global marketplace. Journal of Accountancy (October): 100-104.

Jones, S. 2006. Discussion of García Lara, García Osma and Gill de Albornoz Noguer. Abacus 42(3-4): 455-460.

Jones, S. 2009. Editorial. Abacus 45(4): i-xiv.

Jones, S. 2010. The contributions of Graeme W. Dean to Abacus. Abacus 46(4): i-iii.

Jones, S. 2011. Announcement of the winners of the 2010 Abacus Manuscript Award. Abacus 47(3): i-iii.

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