Management And Accounting Web

Main Bibliography
Section K: KAU-KIL


Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Kau, J. B., and P. H. Rubin. 1976. Measurement techniques, grades and ratings of instructors. Journal of Economic Education: 59-62.

Kauder, W. F. Jr. 1994. Should your firm go to Mexico? Management Accounting (May): 34-37.

Kauffman, C. 2010. Employee involvement: A new blueprint for success. Journal of Accountancy (May): 46-49.

Kauffman, R. J., Y. J. Lee, M. Prosch and P. J. Steinbart. 2011. A survey of consumer information privacy from the accounting information systems perspective. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 47-79.

Kauffman, G. E. 1952. Preparing to report for renegotiation. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January): 575-583.

Kauffman, J. H. 1910. The standing of the C.P.A. Journal of Accountancy (September): 385.

Kauffman, N. L. and P. R. Sopariwala. 1995. Market share and market size variances in a multi-product environment: An evaluation of competing formulations. Journal of Accounting Education 13(4): 463-478.

Kauffman, R. G. and T. A. Oliva. 1994. Multivariate catastrophe model estimation: Method and application. The Academy of Management Journal 37(1): 206-221.

Kaufman, A. 1968. The Science of Decision Making. McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Kaufman, F. 1952. Admission of the new partner. The Accounting Review (April): 247-248.

Kaufman, F. 1967. Professional consulting by CPAs. The Accounting Review (October): 713-720.

Kaufman, F. and A. Gleason. 1953. The effect of growth on the adequacy of depreciation allowances. The Accounting Review (October): 539-544.

Kaufman, F and L. A. Schmidt. 1957. Auditing electronic records. The Accounting Review (January): 33-41.

Kaufman, M. and M. A. Covaleski. 2019. Budget formality and informality as a tool for organizing and governance amidst divergent institutional logics. Accounting, Organizations and Society (75): 40-58.

Kaufman, M. and Y. Kristi. 2022. Learning analytics and technology through teaching. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 19(2): 235-247.

Kaufman, M., E. M. Matsumura and U. Wemmerlov. 2021. Accounting control, operational control, and the value of Continuous improvement: A capacity change perspective. Advances in Management Accounting (33): 1-29.

Kaufmann, G. 2020. Aligning Lean and Value-based Management: Operations and Financial Functions at the System Level. Springer.

Kaufmann, H. and D. Seidman. 1970. The morphology of organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(4): 439-451.

Kaufmann, M., P. Manolios and J. S. Moore. 2000. Computer-Aided Reasoning: An Approach (Advances in Formal Methods). Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Kaulback, F. S. Jr. 1951. Elementary accounting and the non-accounting major-A proposal. The Accounting Review (January): 102-104.

Kaulback, F. S. Jr. 1952. Accounting problems of price control. The Accounting Review (January): 37-43.

Kaulback, F. S. Jr. 1954. The faculty residency program. The Accounting Review (April): 194-195.

Kausar, A., N. Shroff and H. White. 2016. Real effects of the audit choice. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 157-181.

Kausar, A., R. J. Taffler and C. Tan. 2009. The going-concern market anomaly. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 213-239.

Kaushik, S. 2023. The self-effacing leader. Strategic Finance (May): 17-18.

Kavadias, S., K. Ladas and C. Loch. 2016. The transformative business model: How to tell if you have one. Harvard Business Review (October): 90-98. (Summary).

Kavanagh, M. J. 1972. Leadership behavior as a function of subordinate competence and task complexity. Administrative Science Quarterly 17(4): 591-600.

Kavanagh, M. J. and M. Halpern. 1977. The impact of job level and sex differences on the relationship between life and job satisfaction. The Academy of Management Journal 20(1): 66-73.

Kavanagh, M. J. and M. Thite. 2008. Human Resource Information Systems: Basics, Applications, and Future Directions. Sage Publications.

Kavčič, B., V. Rus and A. S. Tannenbaum. 1971. Control, participation, and effectiveness in four Yugoslav industrial organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(1): 74-86.

Kavenes, J. and A. Basu. 2006. Design of robust business-to-business electronic marketplaces with guaranteed privacy. Management Science (November): 1721-1736.

Kawada, M. and D. F. Johnson. 1993. Strategic management accounting - Why and how. Management Accounting (August): 32-38.

Kawaller, I. G. 2009. Paved with good intentions. The CPA Journal (August): 6-10.

Kawaller, I. G. 2012. Disclosures on derivatives and hedging transactions: A review of best practices. The CPA Journal (October): 38-39.

Kawaller, I. G. 2018. Update on hedge accounting rules: FASB addresses effectiveness concerns. The CPA Journal (March): 60-62.

Kawashima, S. and F. Takeda. 2013. Market reactions to the reform of shareholder derivative litigation in Japan. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 5(2): 200-223.

Kawaski, G. 2015. Managing yourself: The art of evangelism. Harvard Business Review (May): 108-111.

Kay, B. D. 2014. Tax practice corner. Journal of Accountancy (August): 70-71.

Kay, E. and W. Lewenstein. 2013. The problem with the "poverty premium. Harvard Business Review (April): 21-23.

Kay, M. 2006. The BPM convergence. Strategic Finance (September): 51-55. (Related to the convergence of balanced scorecard and OLAP).

Kay, P. W. and R. O. Wagner. 1967. Is there an optimum verification cycle of property records? Management Accounting (December): 25-32.

Kay, S. and C. Cordonnier. 2019. Bonus depreciation now available for used property. Journal of Accountancy (February): 48.

Kaya, D. and J. A. Pillhofer. 2013. Potential adoption of IFRS by the United States: A critical view. Accounting Horizons (June): 271-300.

Kaya, D., R. J. Kirsch and K. Henselmann. 2016. The role of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as intermediaries of the European Union decision to adopt international accounting standards: 1973-2002. The Accounting Historians Journal 43(2): 59-127.

Kaydos, W. 1998. Operational Performance Measurement: Increasing Total Productivity. CRC Press - St. Lucie Press.

Kays, A. 2022. Voluntary disclosure responses to mandated disclosure: Evidence from Australian corporate tax transparency. The Accounting Review (July): 317-344.

Kayser, A. S. 1934. Accounting and stock control for a producers' cooperative association. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 15): 1289-1304.

Kazanjian, R. K. 1988. Relation of dominant problems to stages of growth in technology-based new ventures. The Academy of Management Journal 31(2): 257-279.

Kazaz, B., M. Dada and H. Moskowitz. 2005. Global production planning under exchange-rate uncertainty. Management Science (July): 1101-1119.

Kazenski, P. M. and Y. L. E. Wong. 1994. Unifying accounting in the People’s Republic of China. The International Journal of Accounting 29(4): 352-263.

KC, D. S. and C. Terwiesch. 2011. The effects of focus on performance: Evidence from California hospitals. Management Science (November): 1897-1912.

Ke, B. 2001. Taxes as a determinant of managerial compensation in privately held insurance companies. The Accounting Review (October): 655-674.

Ke, B. 2004. Discussion of “How banks' value-at-risk disclosures predict their total and priced risk: Effects of bank technical sophistication and learning over time”. Review of Accounting Studies 9(2-3): 295-299.

Ke, B. and K. Petroni. 2004. How informed are actively trading institutional investors? Evidence from their trading behavior before a break in a string of consecutive earnings increases. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 895-927.

Ke, B. and S. Ramalingegowda. 2005. Do institutional investors exploit the post-earnings announcement drift? Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 25-53.

Ke, B. and X. Zhang. 2021. Does public enforcement work in weak investor protection countries? Evidence from China. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(2): 1231-1273.

Ke, B. and Y. Yu. 2006. The effect of issuing biased earnings forecasts on analysts' access to management and survival. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 965-999.

Ke, B., C. S. Lennox and Q. Xin. 2015. The effect of China's weak institutional environment on the quality of Big 4 audits. The Accounting Review (July): 1591-1619.

Ke, B., K. Petroni and A. Safieddine. 1999. Ownership concentration and sensitivity of executive pay to accounting performance measures: Evidence from publicly and privately-held insurance companies. Journal of Accounting and Economics 28(2)(December): 185-209.

Ke, B., K. R. Petroni and D. A. Shackelford. 2000. The impact of state taxes on self-insurance. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 99-122.

Ke, B., K. R. Petroni and Y. Yu. 2008. The effect of regulation FD on transient institutional investors' trading behavior. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 853-883.

Ke, B., O. Rui and W. Yu. 2012. Hong Kong stock listing and the sensitivity of managerial compensation to firm performance in state-controlled Chinese firms. Review of Accounting Studies 17(1): 166-188.

Ke, B., S. Huddart and K. Petroni. 2003. What insiders know about future earnings and how they use it: Evidence from insider trades. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 315-346.

Ke, D., S. Ba, J. Stallaert and Z. Zhang. 2012. An empirical analysis of virtual goods permission rights and pricing strategies. Decision Sciences 43(6): 1039-1061.

Ke, R., M. Li and Y. Zhang. 2020. Directors' informational role in corporate voluntary disclosure: An analysis of directors from related industries. Contemporary Accounting Research 37(1): 392-418.

Ke, Z., D. Liu, A. Gupta and D. J. Brass. 2020. Assimilate or differentiate? Contributors' choice of subjects in user-generated content. Decision Sciences 51(5): 1265-1287.

Keachie, E. C. and R. J. Fontana. 1966. Effects of learning on optimal lot size. Management Science (October): B102-B108.

Kealey, B. T., J. Holland and M. Watson. 2005. Preliminary evidence on the association between critical thinking and performance in principles of accounting. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 33-49.

Kean, M. J. 1956. Preparing a chart and manual of accounts. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 1002-1009.

Keane, S. M. 1979. The internal rate of return and the reinvestment fallacy. Abacus 15(1): 48-55.

Kearnes, D. T. and J. Harvey. 2000. A Legacy of Learning: Your Stake in Standards and New Kinds of Public Schools. The Brookings Institution.

Kearney, E., D. Gebert and S. C. Voelpel. 2009. When and how diversity benefits teams: The importance of team members' need for cognition. The Academy of Management Journal 52(3): 581-598.

Kearney, L. W., S. K. Sevin and W. Solsky. 2020. How ASU 2018-12 affects the timing of earnings emergence. The CPA Journal (April): 40-47.

Kearney, T. 2000. Why outsourcing is in. Strategic Finance (January): 34-38.

Kearney, W. J. and D. D. Martin. 1974. Sensitivity training: An established management development tool? The Academy of Management Journal 17(4): 755-760.

Kearns, D. T. and D. A. Nadler. 1992. Prophets in the Dark: How Xerox Reinvented Itself and Beat Back the Japanese. New York: Harper Business.

Kearns, G. S. 2016. Countering mobile device threats: A mobile device security model. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 8(1): 36-48.

Keasey, K. and R. Watson. 1989. Consensus and accuracy in accounting studies of decision-making: A note on a new measure of consensus. Accounting, Organizations and Society 14(4): 337-345.

Keating, A. S. 1997. Determinants of divisional performance evaluation practices. Journal of Accounting and Economics (31 December): 243-273.

Keating, A. S. and J. L. Zimmerman. 1999. Depreciation-policy changes: Tax, earnings management, and investment opportunity incentives. Journal of Accounting and Economics 28(3)(December): 359-389.

Keating, E. G. and E. N. Loredo. 2006. Valuing programmed depot maintenance speed. The Journal of Cost Analysis & Management 8(1): 73-84.

Keating, E. K. 2000. Discussion of the eyeballs have it: Searching for the value in internet stocks. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Accounting Information and the Economics of the Firm): 163-169.

Keating, E. K. and E. S. Berman. 2007. Unfunded public employee health care benefits and GASB No. 45. Accounting Horizons (September): 245-263.

Keating, E. K., L. M. Parsons and A. A. Roberts. 2008. Misreporting fundraising: How do nonprofit organizations account for telemarketing campaigns? The Accounting Review (March): 417-446.

Keating, E. K., T. Z. Lys and R. P. Magee. 2003. Internet downturn: Finding valuation factors in Spring 2000. Journal of Accounting and Economics (January): 189-236.

Keating, M. 1999. An analysis of the value of reporting comprehensive income. Journal of Accounting Education 17(2-3): 333-339.

Keating, P. 1995. A framework for classifying and evaluating the theoretical contributions of case research in management accounting. Journal of Management Accounting Research (5): 66-86. (Summary).

Keats, B. W. and M. A. Hitt. 1988. A causal model of linkages among environmental dimensions, macro organizational characteristics, and performance. The Academy of Management Journal 31(3): 570-598. 1988. Correction: A causal model of linkages among environmental dimensions, macro organizational characteristics, and performance. The Academy of Management Journal 31(4): 827.

Kebodeaux, C. K. 2023. Accounting firm's distributed clients are intangible assets. Journal of Accountancy (February): 1-3.

Kebodeaux, K. 2013. CPAs and the Trust Fund Recovery Penalty. Journal of Accountancy (August): 58-59.

Kebodeaux, K. 2017. Tax Court approves surgeon's reclassification of interest in surgical center as passive. Journal of Accountancy (May): 76, 79.

Kebodeaux, K. 2018. IRA distribution to pay spousal support is taxable. Journal of Accountancy (June): 61-62.

Kebodeaux, K. 2019. Accounting method choice cuts both ways. Journal of Accountancy (December):  64-65, 64A-64B. (Cash vs. accrual method for small business).

Kebodeaux, K. 2020. Books: Dealing with a smart, rude boss. Strategic Finance (September): 13. (Review of Epstein and Sheldon. 2019. The Brilliant Jerk Conundrum).

Keck, S. L. and M. L. Tushman. 1993. Environmental and organizational context and executive team structure. The Academy of Management Journal 36(6): 1314-1344.

Kecskes, A., S. A. Mansi and A. Zhang. 2013. Are short sellers informed? Evidence from the bond market. The Accounting Review (March): 611-639.

Kedia, S. and S. Rajgopal. 2011. Do the SEC's enforcement preferences affect corporate misconduct? Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 259-278.

Kedia, S., K. Koh and S. Rajgopal. 2015. Evidence on contagion in earnings management. The Accounting Review (November): 2337-2373.

Kedong, C., Y. Li and K. Linderman. 2022. Supply network resilience learning: An exploratory data analytics study. Decision Sciences 53(1): 8-27.

Kedslie, M. J. M. 1990. Mutual self interest - A unifying force; The dominance of societal closure over social background in the early professional accounting bodies. The Accounting Historians Journal 17(2): 1-19.

Kee, R. 1993. Data processing technology and accounting: A historical perspective. The Accounting Historians Journal 20(2): 187-216

Kee, R. 1995. Integrating activity-based costing with the theory of constraints to enhance production related decision making. Accounting Horizons (December): 48-61.

Kee, R. 1998. Integrating ABC and the theory of constraints to evaluate outsourcing decisions. Journal of Cost Management (January/February): 24-36. (Summary).

Kee, R. 2004. Evaluating product mix and capital budgeting decisions with an activity-based costing system. Advances in Management Accounting (13): 77-98.

Kee, R. and M. Matherly. 2006. Decision control of products developed using target costing. Advances in Management Accounting (15): 267-292.

Kee, R. and M. Matherly. 2013. Target costing in the presence of product and production interdependencies. Advances in Management Accounting (22): 135-158.

Kee, R. and O. Feltus. 1982. The role of abandonment value in the investment decision. Management Accounting (August): 34-35, 38-41.

Kee, R. C. 1999. Using economic value added with ABC to enhance production-related decision making. Journal of Cost Management (December): 3-15. (Summary).

Kee, R. C. 2001. Implementing cost-volume-profit analysis using an activity-based costing system. Advances in Management Accounting (10): 77-94. (Summary).

Kee, R. C. 2003. Operational planning and control with an activity-based costing system. Advances in Management Accounting (11): 59-84.

Kee, R. C. and C. M. Matherly. 2003. Integrating the cost of secondary support activities into an activity-based costing system. The Journal of Cost Analysis & Management (Summer): 21-42.

Keebler, R. S. 2010. The Rebirth of Roth: A CPA's Ultimate Guide for Client Care. AICPA.

Keebler, R. S. 2014. Creating the net investment income tax regulations: A conversation with David Kirk. Journal of Accountancy (July): 34-36, 38.

Keef, S. P. 1988. Preparation for a first level university accounting course: The experience in New Zealand. Journal of Accounting Education 6(2): 293-307.

Keef, S. P. and M. L. Roush. 1997. New Zealand evidence on the performance of accounting students: Race, gender and self-concept. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 315-330.

Keef, S. P. and M. L. Roush. 2002. The measurement of shareholder wealth creation: A transatlantic comparison. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 1-5. All of the articles in this issue start on page 1. (According to Keef and Roush, abnormal return (AR) is superior to market value added (MVA) and total shareholder return (TSR) as a measure of shareholder wealth creation).

Keefe, J. J. 1923. Cost accounting in the tool steel industry. National Association of Cost Accountants Official Publications (February 15): 3-14.

Keegan, D. P. and R. G. Eiler. 1994. Let's reengineer cost accounting. Management Accounting (August): 26-31. (Discussion of 11 starter ideas: Eliminate labor reporting, streamline job order costing, charge first-line management with inventory responsibility, eliminate actual costing, subdivide and group cost centers, use ABC to allocate budgeted costs, expand the number of elements in your product cost buildup, simplify variance reporting, link into the manufacturing system for value-adding transactions, prepare channel of distribution/product line operating reports, and augment the cost system with nonfinancial performance measurements).

Keegan, D. P. and S. W. Pesci. 1994. Why not reengineer the management process itself? Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 63-70.

Keegan, D. P. and S. W. Portik. 1995. Accounting will survive the coming century, won't it? Management Accounting (December): 24-29.

Keegan, D. P., R. G. Eiler and C. R. Jones. 1989. Are your performance measures obsolete? Management Accounting (June): 45-50.

Keegan, D. P., R. G. Eiler and J. V. Anania. 1988. An advanced cost management system for the factory of the future. Management Accounting (December): 31-37.

Keegan, W. J. 1974. Multinational scanning: A study of the information sources utilized by headquarters executives in multinational companies. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(3): 411-421.

Keehley, P. and N. Abercrombie. 2008. Benchmarking in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors: Best Practices for Achieving Performance Breakthroughs. Jossey-Bass.

Keehn, R. P. 1953. A material utilization incentive plan. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October): 224-235.

Keehn, R. P. 1959. A practical maintenance shop cost reduction incentive plan. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 11-19.

Keehn, R. P. 1960. Providing management with a sense of direction through the reporting system. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 5-14.

Keeley, M. 1977. Subjective performance evaluation and person-role conflict under conditions of uncertainty. The Academy of Management Journal 20(2): 301-314.

Keeley, M. 1978. A social-justice approach to organizational evaluation. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(2): 272-292.

Keeley, M. 1980. Organizational analogy: A comparison of organismic and social contract models. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(2): 337-362.

Keeley, M. 1984. Impartiality and participant-interest theories of organizational effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly 29(1): 1-25.

Keeling, D. 1997. The EMU time bomb. Management Accounting (September): 34-37. (Discussion of the European Union's economic and monetary union and the euro).

Keels, J. K. and N. T. Sheehan. 2012. Jensen Pharma: A governance role-play. IMA Educational Case Journal 5(1): 1-8.

Keena, T. 2019. A student's perspective. Strategic Finance (August): 47.

Keenan, J. and G. Gallup. 2003. The Face in the Mirror: The Search for the Origins of Consciousness. ECCO.

Keenan, J. P. and C. A. Krueger. 1992. Whistleblowing and the professional. Management Accounting (August): 21-24.

Keenan, R. M. 2003. Check your D&O insurance. Strategic Finance (May): 36-40. (Related to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and directors' and officers' insurance).

Keener, C. 2018. Networking with IMA. Strategic Finance (February): 64.

Keener, C. 2018. Outside the classroom. Strategic Finance (May): 42-45. (Lessons from the Women's Accounting Leadership Series).

Keeney, B. P. 1983. Aesthetics of Change. Guilford Press.

Keenoy, C. L. 1958. The impact of automation on the field of accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 230-236.

Keep, C. H. 1906. The American Association's Committee on the Business and Accounting Methods of the United States Government. Journal of Accountancy (June): 142-146.

Keesee, D. G. 1970. An alternative to hedging in foreign investments. Management Accounting (July): 74-76.

Keeves, G. D., J. D. Westphal and M. L. McDonald. 2017. Those closest wield the sharpest knife: How ingratiation leads to resentment and social undermining of the CEO. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(3): 484-523.

Kefalas, A. and P. P. Schoderbek. 1973. Application and implementation: Scanning the business environment - Some empirical results. Decision Sciences 4(1): 63-74.

Kefalas, A. G. and W. W. Suojanen. 1974. Organizational behavior and the new biology. The Academy of Management Journal 17(3): 514-527.

Kegan, D. L. 1971. Organizational development: Description, issues, and some research results. The Academy of Management Journal 14(4): 453-464.

Kegan, R., L. Lahey, A. Fleming and M. Miller. 2014. Making business personal. Harvard Business Review (April): 44-52.

Kehoe, J. 2010. How to save good ideas. Harvard Business Review (October): 129-132. (Interview with John P. Kotter).

Kehoe, J. 2016. Can capitalism be redeemed? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 128-129. (Books).

Kehoe, J. 2018. The triumph of spin over substance. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 152-153.

Kehoe, J. 2020. Presidential obsession: The complex and crucial relationship between our leaders, the media, and us. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 146-147.

Keil, M., A. Tiwana, R. Sainsbury and S. Sneha. 2010. Toward a theory of whistleblowing intentions: A benefit-to-cost differential perspective. Decision Sciences 41(4): 787-812.

Keil, M., H. J. Smith, C. L. Iacovou and R. L. Thompson. 2014. The pitfalls of project status reporting. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 57-64.

Keil, T. and M. Zangrillo. 2024. Why leadership teams fail. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 51-56.

Keil, T. and T. Laamanen. 2011. When rivals merge. Think before you follow suit. Harvard Business Review (December): 25-27.

Keim, G. D. 1978. Managerial behavior and the social responsibility debate: Goals versus constraints. The Academy of Management Journal 21(1): 57-68.

Keim, M. T. and C. T. Grant. 2003. To tell or not to tell: An auditing case in ethical decision making and conflict resolution. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 397-407.

Keinan, Y. 2019. The real estate trade or business exception from IRC Section 163(j). The CPA Journal (August): 63-65.

Keinath, A. K. 1999. Impact of accounting information on attributional conflicts and employee performance in an unstable environment. Advances in Management Accounting (7): 217-237.

Keinath, A. K. and J. C. Walo. 2008. Audit committee responsibilities disclosed since Sarbanes-Oxley. The CPA Journal (June): 32-37.

Keiningham, T., K. Aksoy, B. Cooil and T. W. Andreassen. 2008. Linking customer loyalty to growth. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 51-57.

Keiningham, T., S. Gupta, L. Aksoy and A. Buoye. 2014. The high price of customer satisfaction. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 37-46.

Keiningham, T. L., L. Aksoy, A. Buoye and B. Cooil. 2011. Customer loyalty isn't enough. Grow your share of wallet. Harvard Business Review (October): 29-31.

Keiningham, T. L., T. G. Vavra and L. Aksoy. 2006. Managing through rose-colored glasses. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 15-18.

Keiser, A. A. 1935. Mechanical check writing. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October 1): 148-155.

Keister, D. A. and H. C. White. 1912. Keister's Corporation Accounting and Auditing: A Practical Treatise on Higher Accounting... The Burrows Brothers Company.

Keister, O. R. 1963. Commercial record-keeping in ancient Mesopotamia. The Accounting Review (April): 371-376.

Keister, O. R. 1964. The Incan quipu. The Accounting Review (April): 414-416. (The quipu (ke'poo) is an ancient record keeping or counting device involving knotted strings).

Keister, O. R. 1965. The mechanics of Mesopotamian record-keeping. N.A.A. Bulletin (February): 18-24. (Predecessor of today's accountants, the Mesopotamia scribes kept improving their tools from tablet to stylus to cuneiform script to seal).

Keister, O. R. 1967. Consolidations and intercompany bond holdings. The Accounting Review (April): 375-376.

Keister, O. R. 1970. The influence of Mesopotamian record-keeping. Abacus 6(2): 169-181.

Keister, O. R. 1974. Internal control for churches. Management Accounting (January): 40-42.

Keister, O. R. 1974. Unexpected Accounting? The Accounting Historians Journal 1(1-4): 16-18.

Keister, O. R. 1975. LIFO and inflation. Management Accounting (May): 27-31.

Keister, O. R. 1983. Cable TV: Clearing up the financial picture. Management Accounting (April): 43-47.

Keister, O. R. 1985. Test your acronym skills. Management Accounting (August): 68-70.

Keith, E. G. 1943. Excess-profits taxation and profit limitation. The Accounting Review (April): 103-110.

Keith, M., H. Demirkan and M. Goul. 2017. The role of task uncertainty in IT project team advice networks. Decision Sciences 48(2): 207-247.

Kekes, J. 2001. A Case for Conservatism. Cornell University Press.

Kelemen, D. M., J. B. MacArthur and C. R. Menzel. 2007. A strategic planning and cost management model for managed care companies. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 37-47.

Kell, W. G. 1953. Should the accounting entity be personified? The Accounting Review (January): 40-43.

Kell, W. G. 1958. The commission's long run goals. The Accounting Review (April): 198-205.

Kell, W. G. 1963. President's message. The Accounting Review (January): 150.

Kell, W. G. 1964. Report of the 1963 President. The Accounting Review (April): 421-424.

Kell, W. G. 1968. Public accounting's irresistible force and immovable object. The Accounting Review (April): 266-273.

Kellar, G. and M. Preis. 2004. Effects of components of satisfaction on overall satisfaction in industrial markets. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing (4): 1-5.

Kellenbenz, H. 1974. The state of bookkeeping in upper Germany at the time of the Fuggers and Welsers. The Accounting Historians Journal 1(1-4): 4.

Keller, A. C. and M. R. Hammond. 2018. 2019 student case competition: Angie's Empanadas: Pricing decisions for a start-up. Strategic Finance (August): 82-86.

Keller, C. 2005. Simpler than ABC: New ideas for using Microsoft Excel for allocating costs. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 24-33.

Keller, D. and P. Krause. 1990. 'World class' down on the farm. Management Accounting (May): 39, 42-45.

Keller, E. 2006. The last mile of finance. Strategic Finance (March): 26-33. (The integrated financial close).

Keller, I. W. 1939. The function of costs in a joint-products industry. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November 15): 359-372.

Keller, I. W. 1945. The application of standards to a job-order cost system. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September 1): 3-21. (Volume 27, issue 1).

Keller, I. W. 1946. Administration expense standards. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 15): 1079-1094.

Keller, I. W. 1948. The critical areas of material cost control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 15): 1409-1420.

Keller, I. W. 1949. Is the raw material wood? - The elements of sylviculture accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December): 415-430. (Related to forestry operations on company owned timberlands).

Keller, I. W. 1949. Relative profit margin approach to distribution costing. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March 1): 759-770.

Keller, I. W. 1951. Up-to-the-minute costs for management planning. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 782-794.

Keller, I. W. 1953. Shall we lease or buy equipment? N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September): 34-47.

Keller, I. W. 1955. Faster depreciation - The glitter's not all gold. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 1027-1040.

Keller, I. W. 1957. Management Accounting For Profit Control. McGraw-Hill.

Keller, I. W. 1957. Pricing for return on capital employed. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January): 635-646.

Keller, I. W. 1958. The return on capital concept. N.A.A. Bulletin (March): 13-21.

Keller, I. W. 1962. Profit planning in depth - A case study. N.A.A. Bulletin (September): 23-29.

Keller, I. W. 1967. Controlling contribution. Management Accounting (June): 21-32. (Related to handling capacity cost changes).

Keller, I. W. 1967. The accountant's role in the expanding international economy. Management Accounting (February): 3-7.

Keller, I. W. 1969. The link between accounting and management. Management Accounting (June): 36-40.

Keller, I. W. 1973. Concepts, standards, and rules. Management Accounting (May): 13-15, 25.

Keller, I. W. 1975. Planning corporate social performance. Management Accounting (June): 19-24.

Keller, I. W. 1976. All accounting is management accounting. Management Accounting (November): 13-15.

Keller, J. 2018. Posting and slotting: How hiring processes shape the quality of hire and compensation in internal labor markets. Administrative Science Quarterly 63(4): 848-878.

Keller, J. 2019. Book review: James E. Coverdill and William Finlay: High Tech and High Touch: Headhunting, Technology, and Economic Transformation. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(4): NP36-NP37.

Keller, J. A. 1965. Avoiding the accumulated earnings tax. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 55-60.

Keller, J. H., J. M. Hassell, S. A. Webber and J. N. Johnson. 2009. A comparison of academic performance in traditional and hybrid sections of introductory managerial accounting. Journal of Accounting Education 27(3): 147-154.

Keller, K. L. and S. Sood. 2003. Brand equity dilution. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 12-15.

Keller, K. L., B. Sternthal and A. Tybout. 2002. Three questions you need to ask about your brand. Harvard Business Review (September): 80-86.

Keller, R. 2008. Make the most of mentoring. Journal of Accountancy (August): 76-80.

Keller, R. T. 1984. The role of performance and absenteeism in the prediction of turnover. The Academy of Management Journal 27(1): 176-183.

Keller, R. T. 1986. Predictors of the performance of project groups in R & D organizations. The Academy of Management Journal 29(4): 715-726.

Keller, R. T. 1994. Technology-information processing fit and the performance of R&D project groups: A test of contingency theory. The Academy of Management Journal 37(1): 167-179.

Keller, R. T. 2001. Cross-functional project groups in research and new product development: Diversity, communications, job stress, and outcomes. The Academy of Management Journal 44(3): 547-555.

Keller, R. T. and A. D. Szilagyi. 1976. Employee reactions to leader reward behavior. The Academy of Management Journal 19(4): 619-627.

Keller, R. T. and W. E. Holland. 1975. Boundary-spanning roles in a research and development organization: An empirical investigation. The Academy of Management Journal 18(2): 388-393.

Keller, R. T. and W. E. Holland. 1983. Communicators and innovators in research and development organizations. The Academy of Management Journal 26(4): 742-749.

Keller, R. T., J. W. Slocum, Jr. and G. I. Susman. 1974. Uncertainty and type of management system in continuous process organizations. The Academy of Management Journal 17(1): 56-68.

Keller, T. F. 1965. The investment tax credit and the annual tax charge. The Accounting Review (January): 184-189.

Keller, T. F. 1968. Discussion of the auditing standard of consistency. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 18-22.

Keller, T. F. 1969. Another look at financial disclosure. Management Accounting (February): 19-22.

Keller, T. F. and D. J. Laughhunn. 1973. An application of queuing theory to a congestion problem in an outpatient clinic. Decision Sciences 4(3): 379-394.

Keller, W. 1941. Accounting problems under priority regulations of production and sales. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December 1): 425-434.

Kellerman, B. 2004. Bad Leadership: What It Is, How It Happens, Why It Matters. Harvard Business School Press.

Kellerman, B. 2004. Leadership wards and all. Harvard Business Review (January): 40-45.

Kellerman, B. 2006. When should a leader apologize and when not? Harvard Business Review (April): 72-81.

Kellerman, B. 2007. What every leader needs to know about followers. Harvard Business Review (December): 84-91.

Kellerman, G. R. and M. Seligman. 2023. Reimaging HR for better well-being and performance. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 38-43.

Kellerman, G. R. and M. E. P. Seligman. 2023. Cultivating the four kinds of creativity. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 139-143.

Kellett, B. M. and R. C. Sweeting. 1991. Accounting innovations and adaptations: A U.K. case. Management Accounting Research (March): 15-26.

Kelley, A. C. 1936. In defense of the accountant. The Accounting Review (March): 63-65.

Kelley, A. C. 1941. Is accountancy a science? The Accounting Review (September): 231-234.

Kelley, A. C. 1942. Cost analysis of a cost-plus contract. The Accounting Review (October): 370-376.

Kelley, A. C. 1948. Definitive income determinations: The measurement of corporate incomes on an objective scientific basis. The Accounting Review (April): 148-153.

Kelley, A. C. 1949. The presentation of corporate income and earned surplus. The Accounting Review (July): 285-289.

Kelley, A. C. 1951. Can corporate incomes be scientifically ascertained? The Accounting Review (July): 289-298.

Kelley, A. C. 1958. Comments on the 1957 revision of corporate accounting and reporting standards. The Accounting Review (April): 214-215.

Kelley, C. L. and C. K. Eller. 2018. Understanding the community-supported business model: A primer for tax professionals. The CPA Journal (April): 46-53.

Kelley, E. H. 1985. Toward better collections. Management Accounting (September): 30-34.

Kelley, E. H. 1987. Strategies for a successful job search. Management Accounting (October): 32-34.

Kelly, E. L. and P. Moen. 2020. Fixing the overload problem at work. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-8.

Kelley, E. W. 1951. Distribution cost control - and beyond. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 907-922.

Kelley, E. W. 1960. Marketing cost analysis - The accountant's most neglected opportunity. N.A.A. Bulletin -1960 Conference Proceedings (July): 11-21.

Kelley, L. and C. Reeser. 1973. The persistence of culture as a determinant of differentiated attitudes on the part of American managers of Japanese ancestry. The Academy of Management Journal 16(1): 67-76.

Kelley, L. and R. Worthley. 1981. The role of culture in comparative management: A cross-cultural perspective. The Academy of Management Journal 24(1): 164-173.

Kelley, M. and M. Gershon. 2020. Investing in qualified opportunity funds with irrevocable grantor trusts: A powerful combination to reduce taxes. The CPA Journal (January): 55-59.

Kelley, P. J. and J. A. Collins. 1984. Good Stuff Bakery: Making more 'Dough' via computer control. Management Accounting (February): 26-30.

Kelley, T. J., D. L. Koontz and J. M. Kadet. 2016. Profit shifting: Effectively connected income and financial statement risks. Multinational corporations could be subject to high levels of tax on effectively connected income. Journal of Accountancy (February): 48-52, 54-55.

Kelliher, C., T. Fogarty and P. Goldwater. 1996. Introducing uncertainty in the teaching of pensions: A simulation approach. Journal of Accounting Education 14(1): 69-98.

Kellner, F., A. Otto and B. Lienland. 2014. Cost assignment paradox: Indirect tooling cost and production orders. Advances in Management Accounting (23): 211-252.

Kellner, R. 2016. One CPA's 30-year journey. The CPA Journal (January): 80.

Kellogg, K. C. 2019. Subordinate activation tactics: Semi-professionals and micro-level institutional change in professional organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(4): 928-975.

Kellogg, K. C., M. Sendak and S. Balu. 2022. AI on the front lines: AI progress can stall when end users resist adoption. Developers must think beyond a projects business benefits and ensure that end users' workflow concerns are addressed. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 44-50.

Kellogg, L. B. and J. C. Gilson. 1958. A farm management utilizes flexible budgeting control. N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 19-34.

Kellogg, M. N. 1962. Fundamentals of responsibility accounting. N.A.A. Bulletin (March): 5-16.

Kellogg, R. L. 1984. Accounting activities, security prices, and class action lawsuits. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 185-204.

Kelly, A. 2003. Decision Making using Game Theory: An Introduction for Managers. Cambridge University Press.

Kelly, C. L. and F. D. Roberts. 2012. Ban on political activities: An election-year warning for charities. Journal of Accountancy (September): 44-48.

Kelly, D. and T. L. Amburgey. 1991. Organizational inertia and momentum: A dynamic model of strategic change. The Academy of Management Journal 34(3): 591-612.

Kelly, E. M. and M. R. Sussman. 1966. Operating leverage: A clarification. Management Accounting (October): 34-35.

Kelly, F. S. 1964. Does your training program stand up? N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 33-34.

Kelly, H. 1921. The mechanism of numbers. Journal of Accountancy (July): 24-27.

Kelly, J. L. 1964. Payroll problems solved through use of EDP. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 49-50.

Kelly, K. 1988. That old-time accounting isn't good enough anymore. Business Week. (June 6): 112.

Kelly, K. 2010. Accuracy of relative weights on multiple leading performance measures: Effects on managerial performance and knowledge. Contemporary Accounting Research 27(2): 577-608.

Kelly, K. 2010. The effects of incentives on information exchange and decision quality in groups. Behavioral Research In Accounting 22(1): 43-65.

Kelly, K. and A. Presslee. 2017. Tournament group identity and performance: The moderating effect of winner proportion. Accounting, Organizations and Society (56): 21-34.

Kelly, K. and H. Tan. 2017. Mandatory management disclosure and mandatory independent audit of internal controls: Evidence of configural information processing by investors. Accounting, Organizations and Society (56): 1-20.

Kelly, K. and J. L. Seow. 2016. Investor reactions to company disclosure of high CEO pay and high CEO-to-employee pay ratio: An experimental investigation. Journal of Management Accounting Research 28(1): 107-125.

Kelly, K. and J. L. Seow. 2018. Research note: Investor perceptions of comparable-to-industry versus higher-than-industry pay ratio disclosures. Management Accounting Research (March): 51-58.

Kelly, K. and P. Mui-Siang Tan. 2010. The effects of profit-sharing contract and feedback on the sustainability of cooperation. Journal of Management Accounting Research (22): 251-269.

Kelly, K., A. Presslee and A. Webb. 2019. Motivating employees with gift cards. Strategic Finance (August): 18, 20.

Kelly, K., A. Presslee and R. A. Webb. 2017. The effects of tangible rewards versus cash rewards in consecutive sales tournaments: A field experiment. The Accounting Review (November): 165-185.

Kelly, K., B. Low, H. Tan and S. Tan. 2012. Investors' reliance on analysts' stock recommendations and mitigating mechanisms for potential overreliance. Contemporary Accounting Research 29(3): 991-1012.

Kelly, K., D. Valtchanov and A. Webb. 2021. Behavioral implications of using an online slot machine game to motivate employees: A cautionary tale. Accounting, Organizations and Society (89): 101196.

Kelly, K., R. Dinovitzer, H. Gunz and S. P. Gunz. 2020. The interaction of perceived subjectivity and pay transparency on professional judgment in a profit pool setting: The case of large law firms. The Accounting Review (September): 227-246.

Kelly, K., W. Liu and A. Presslee. 2023. The interactive effect of organizational identification and reward type on reward valuation. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(3): 1733-1759.

Kelly, K. H. 1987. Measures for manufacturing excellence: A Summary. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 3-4.

Kelly, K. O., R. A. Webb and T. Vance. 2015. The interactive effects of ex post goal adjustment and goal difficulty on performance. Journal of Management Accounting Research 27(1): 1-25.

Kelly, L. 1985. Corporate management lobbying on FAS No. 8: Some further evidence. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 619-632.

Kelly, M. and M. Alam. 2008. Management accounting and the stakeholder value model. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 75-86.

Kelly, P. 2017. Developing ethical leaders for the accounting profession. The CPA Journal (March): 42-49.

Kelly, P. and C. Rohland. 2017. The United States federal budget project. Journal of Accounting Education (41): 48-57.

Kelly, R. R. 1967. Sales and use taxation in interstate commerce. Management Accounting (March): 29-35.

Kelly, R. R. 1969. Growing role of corporate tax administration. Management Accounting (March): 47-50.

Kelley, T. and D. Kelley. 2012. Reclaim your creative confidence. Harvard Business Review (December): 115-118.

Kelly, W. E. 1971. Computer systems: Slaves or masters? Management Accounting (October): 9-11.

Kelly, W. H. 1959. Shall we join the revolution? N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 45-46.

Kelly, W. H. 1975. Cost accounting and control of routine operations. Management Accounting (November): 15-18.

Kelly-Newton, L. 1980. A sociological investigation of the U.S.A. mandate for replacement cost disclosures. Accounting, Organizations and Society 5(3): 311-321.

Kelm, K. M., V. K. Narayanan and G. E. Pinches. 1995. Shareholder value creation during R&D innovation and commercialization stages. The Academy of Management Journal 38(3): 770-786.

Kelman, H. C. 1989. Crimes of Obedience: Toward a Social Psychology of Authority and Responsibility. New Haven: Yale University Press.

Kelman, S. 2005. Public management needs help! The Academy of Management Journal 48(6): 967-969.

Kelso, K. 2011. Building blocks of a successful financial close process. Journal of Accountancy (December): 18-21.

Kelso, R. L. 1965. Surplus equipment - An asset or a liability? N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 35-37.

Kelso, R. L. and R. R. Elliott. 1969. Bridging communications gap between accountants and managers. Management Accounting (November): 41-43.

Keltner, D. 2016. Don't let power corrupt you. Harvard Business Review (October): 112-115.

Kelton, A. S. and N. R. Montague. 2018. The unintended consequences of uncertainty disclosures made by auditors and managers on nonprofessional judgments. Accounting, Organizations and Society (65): 44-55.

Kelton, A. S. and R. R. Pennington. 2020. Do voluntary disclosures mitigate the cybersecurity breach contagion effect? Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 133-157.

Kelton, A. S. and R. R. Pennington. 2020. If you tweet, they will follow: CEO tweets, social capital, and investor say-on-pay judgments. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 105-122.

Kelton, A. S. and U. S. Murthy. 2016. The effects of information disaggregation and financial statement interactivity on judgments and decisions of nonprofessional investors. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 99-118.

Kelton, A. S. and U. S. Murthy. 2023. Reimagining design science and behavioral science AIS research through a business activity lens. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (50): 100623.

Kelton, A. S., R. R. Pennington and B. M. Tuttle. 2010. The effects of information presentation format on judgment and decision making: A review of information systems research. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 79-105.

Kelton, S. 2020. The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People's Economy. PublicAffairs. (Note).

Kemery, E. R., A. G. Bedeian, K. W. Mossholder and J. Touliatos. 1985. Outcomes of role stress: A multisample constructive replication. The Academy of Management Journal 28(2): 363-375.

Kemp, N. J. 1957. A job order cost system for a heavy machinery company. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 1033-1046.

Kemp, P. S. 1961. Does the accounting profession extend beyond the practice of public accounting? N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 52-54.

Kemp, P. S. 1962. Accounting data for planning, motivation, and control. The Accounting Review (January): 44-50.

Kemp, P. S. 1962. Contribution margin analysis by company segments - Three uses. N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 29-37. (Related to direct, controllable, and avoidable costs).

Kemp, P. S. 1962. Depreciation for income measurement - A response. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 34-36.

Kemp, P. S. 1963. A "current topics" course in the accounting curriculum?. The Accounting Review (April): 398-400.

Kemp, P. S. 1963. Controversies on the construction of financial statements. The Accounting Review (January): 126-132.

Kemp, P. S. 1965. The authority of the Accounting Principles Board. The Accounting Review (October): 782-787.

Kemp, P. S. 1966. Post-completion audits of capital investment projects. Management Accounting (August): 49-54.

Kemp, P. S. 1968. Contribution margin reporting for diversified companies. Management Accounting (May): 14-17.

Kemp, P. S. 1973. A further look at fairness in accounting. Management Accounting (January): 15-16, 28.

Kemp, W. S. 1926. Budgets and pre-determination of costs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 15): 817-827.

Kempner, J. J. 1952. Revaluation and depreciation of plant assets. The Accounting Review (October): 506-513.

Kempner, J. J. 1957. Funds statement practices of certified public accounting firms. The Accounting Review (January): 71-82.

Kempner, J. J. 1960. A new look at the classification of inventories. The Accounting Review (April): 264-271.

Kempner, J. J. 1961. A two-week CPA coaching course. The Accounting Review (July): 477-480.

Kempner, J. J. 1970. An argument for small class size. The Accounting Review (April): 364-366.

Kempster, J. H. 1949. Break-even analysis - Common ground for the economist and the cost accountant. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 15): 711-720.

Kempster, J. H. 1953. Using N.A.C.A. publications in teaching. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August): 1618-1625.

Kempster, J. H. 1953. You can say it by formula. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December): 513-514.

Kempster, J. H. 1956. How we project our capital needs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May): 1080-1091.

Kempster, J. H. 1958. Economic yardsticks in management reports. N.A.A. Bulletin (September): 5-18.

Kempster, J. H. 1965. Marginal cost and income accounting - Some perennial problems. N.A.A. Bulletin (March): 21-30.

Kempster, J. H. 1977. The financial disclosure problem of municipalities. Management Accounting (July): 21-23.

Kempster, J. H. and V. A. Clark. 1954. Avenues for inventory control analysis. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July): 1406-1415.

Kemsley, D. 1998. The effect of taxes on production location. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 321-341.

Kenchington, D. G. 2019. Does a change in dividend tax rates in the U.S. affect equity prices of non-U.S. stocks? Review of Accounting Studies 24(2): 593-628.

Kenchington, D. G., T. D. Shohfi, J. D. Smith and R. M. White. 2022. Do sin tax hikes spur cheating in interpersonal exchange? Accounting, Organizations and Society (96): 101281. (Cigarette taxes).

Kendall, J. P. 1924. The expense of power and building service. National Association of Cost Accountants Official Publications (February 1): 3-9.

Kenderdine, J. M. and P. D. Larson. 1988. Quality and logistics: A framework for strategic integration. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Materials Management 18(6): 5-10.

Kendrick, H. W. 1931. The need for accounting in the law school curriculum. The Accounting Review (March): 38-41.

Kendrick, H. W. 1948. Report of the Committee on Statement of Cost Accounting Concepts: The relationship of cost accounting to income determination. The Accounting Review (January): 35-39.

Kendrick, J. W. 1965. Summary and evaluation of recent work in measuring the productivity of federal agencies. Management Science (December): B120-B134.

Kendrick, J. W. and D. Creamer. 1965. Measuring Company Productivity: Handbook with Case Studies. Revised edition. The Conference Board.

Kenis, I. 1979. Effects of budgetary goal characteristics on managerial attitudes and performance. The Accounting Review (October): 707-721.

Kennedy, B. 2020. How I did it. Tilray's CEO on becoming the first mover in a controversial industry. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 33-37. (The marijuana industry).

Kennedy, C. 2023. Leading with a culture of kindness to optimize profits. Cost Management (May/June): 42-44.

Kennedy, C. and L. Weld. 2016. Not-for-profit organizations and UBTI. Strategic Finance (April): 15-16. (Unrelated business taxable income).

Kennedy, D. 2003. WorkingMoms.Calm: How Smart Women Balance Family and Career. South-Western Educational Publishing.

Kennedy, D. B. 1992. Classification techniques in accounting research: Empirical evidence of comparative performance. Contemporary Accounting Research 8(2): 419-442.

Kennedy, D. B. and W. H. Shaw. 1991. Evaluating financial distress resolution using prior audit opinions. Contemporary Accounting Research 8(1): 97-114.

Kennedy, D. M., R. R. Vozdolska and S. A. McComb. 2010. Team decision making in computer-supported cooperative work: How initial computer-mediated or face-to-face meetings set the stage for later outcomes. Decision Sciences 41(4): 933-954.

Kennedy, E. 2016. $100M to whistleblowers. Strategic Finance (November): 11.

Kennedy, E. 2016. Are accountants the best CFOs? Strategic Finance (June): 9.

Kennedy, E. 2016. COSO seeks public comment. Strategic Finance (July): 14. (Related to enterprise risk management).

Kennedy, E. 2016. Establishing accountancy's role in sustainability goals. Strategic Finance (December): 10.

Kennedy, E. 2016. Howitt named IIRC CEO. Strategic Finance (October): 9.

Kennedy, E. 2016. New credibility and trust paper. Strategic Finance (September): 14.

Kennedy, E. 2016. New pocket guide to IFRS. Strategic Finance (July): 10.

Kennedy, E. 2016. Not-for-profit reporting change. Strategic Finance (September): 10.

Kennedy, E. 2016. Supply chain fraud, and Alex C. Eng named IMA chair-elect. Strategic Finance (May): 10-11.

Kennedy, E. 2017. Campus influencer superstars. Strategic Finance (March): 20.

Kennedy, E. 2017. Controllers: Get strategic! Strategic Finance (May): 13.

Kennedy, E. 2017. IMA milestone: Career driver. Strategic Finance (November): 11.

Kennedy, E. 2018. Campus influencers superstars. Strategic Finance (March): 12. (The Campus Influences program was launched in January 2016 with a mission to reach accounting students to tell them about IMA and the CMA).

Kennedy, E. 2018. Martin Baumann named new IAASB chair. Strategic Finance (October): 9.

Kennedy, E. 2018. New COSO appointment: Georgia Pacific's Paul Sobel named new chairman. Strategic Finance (March): 12.

Kennedy, E. 2018. Proposed ASU for leases standard. Strategic Finance (February): 11.

Kennedy, E. 2018. Smaller accounting firms embrace tech. Strategic Finance (December): 11.

Kennedy, E. J. 2021. Can data drive racial equity? MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 9-11.

Kennedy, F. and L. Schleifer. 2007. Team performance measurement: A system to balance innovation and empowerment with control. Advances in Management Accounting (16): 261-285.

Kennedy, F., L. Owens-Jackson, L. Burney and M. Schoon. 2007. How do your measurements stack up to lean? Strategic Finance (May): 32-41. (Lean accounting note).

Kennedy, F. A. and J. E. Sorensen. 2006. Enabling the management accountant to become a business partner: Organizational and verbal analysis toolkit. Journal of Accounting Education 24(2-3): 149-171.

Kennedy, F. A. and J. Huntzinger. 2005. Lean accounting: Measuring and managing the value stream. Cost Management (September/October): 31-38.

Kennedy, F. A. and P. C. Brewer. 2005. Lean accounting: What's it all about? Strategic Finance (November): 26-34. (See Lean Accounting for some notes on this paper).

Kennedy, F. A. and S. K. Widener. 2008. A control framework: Insights from evidence on lean accounting. Management Accounting Research (December): 301-323.

Kennedy, F. A. and S. K. Widener. 2019. Socialization mechanisms and goal congruence. Accounting, Organizations and Society (76): 32-49.

Kennedy, H. A. 1975. A behavioral study of the usefulness of four financial ratios. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 97-116.

Kennedy, J. 1993. Debiasing audit judgment with accountability: A framework and experimental results. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 231-245.

Kennedy, J. 1995. Debiasing the curse of knowledge in audit judgment. The Accounting Review (April): 249-273.

Kennedy, J. 1997. Commentary on Auditors' uncertainty representation and evidence aggregation. Behavioral Research In Accounting (9 Supplement): 148-156.

Kennedy, J. 1997. Commentary on The effects of audit structure and experience on auditors' decisions to isolate errors. Behavioral Research In Accounting (9 Supplement): 94-97.

Kennedy, J. 1999. Discussion of the joint effect of management's prior forecast accuracy and the form of its financial forecasts on investor judgment. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Credible Financial Reporting): 125-134.

Kennedy, J. and M. E. Peecher. 1997. Judging auditors' technical knowledge. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 279-293.

Kennedy, J., D. N. Kleinmuntz and M. E. Peecher. 1997. Determinants of the justifiability of performance in ill-structured audit tasks. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Experts and the Application of Expertise in Accounting, Auditing, and Tax): 105-123.

Kennedy, J., T. Mitchell and S. E. Sefcik. 1998. Disclosure of contingent environmental liabilities: Some unintended consequences? Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 257-277.

Kennedy, J. L. and G. H. Putt. 1956. Administration of research in a research corporation. Administrative Science Quarterly 1(3): 326-339.

Kennedy, J. T. 1917. Dividends and the new income tax law. Journal of Accountancy (January): 39-42.

Kennedy, M. 1963. A critique of game theory for capital budgeting. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 43-48.

Kennedy, M. 1963. Statistical inference and accounting: A review article. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 225-231.

Kennedy, M. 1963. The values of accounting and of corporations: A review article. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 108-115.

Kennedy, M. E. 2004. Using customer relationship management to increase profits. Strategic Finance (February): 36-42.

Kennedy, M. N. 2003. Product Development for the Lean Enterprise: Why Toyota's System Is Four Times More Productive and How You Can Implement It. Oaklea Press.

Kennedy, M. T. and P. C. Fiss. 2009. Institutionalization, framing, and diffusion: The logic of TQM adoption and implementation decisions among U.S. hospitals. The Academy of Management Journal 52(5): 897-918.

Kennedy, R. E. and A. Sharma. 2009. The Services Shift: Seizing the Ultimate Offshore Opportunity. FT Press.

Kennedy, T. and J. Affleck-Graves. 2001. The impact of activity-based costing techniques on firm performance. Journal of Management Accounting Research (13): 19-45.

Kennelly, J. W. 1972. Discussion of the predictive ability of alternative parts of interim financial statements. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 125-131.

Kenney, A. 2017. Figuring out transfer pricing: How to set terms of negotiation between departments. Journal of Accountancy (February): 46-50.

Kenney, A. 2018. Patagonia: A case study in managing a mission. Journal of Accountancy (July): 44-45.

Kenney, A. 2022. How firms are seizing the ESG opportunity. Journal of Accountancy (October): 1-7.

Kenney, A. 2022. How to go easier on staff during busy season. Journal of Accountancy (October): 1-7.

Kenney, A. 2022. Smart strategies that prepared these firms for a tough labor market. Journal of Accountancy (May): 1-7.

Kenney, A. 2023. Build your skills for a career in ESG. Journal of Accountancy (January): 1-6.

Kenney, A. 2023. CFOs prepare to face a turbulent economy. Journal of Accountancy (March): 1-7.

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Kess, S. and E. Mendlowitz. 2016. Financial and retirement planning for CPA sole practitioners or partners. The CPA Journal (December): 60-61.

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Kess, S. and E. Mendlowitz. 2017. Assisting individuals with analyzing an investment manager's proposal. The CPA Journal (February): 64-65.

Kess, S. and E. Mendlowitz. 2017. Assisting insolvent clients. The CPA Journal (March): 64-67.

Kess, S. and E. Mendlowitz. 2017. Helping business owners understand valuation approaches. The CPA Journal (November): 64-66.

Kess, S. and E. Mendlowitz. 2017. Helping sole proprietors prepare financially for sudden death or disability. The CPA Journal (January): 64-65.

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Kess, S. and E. Mendlowitz. 2019. Understanding the duties of a trustee in administering a trust. The CPA Journal (May): 28-33.

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Kess, S., J. A. J. Revels, J. R. Grimaldi and T. K. Lauletta. 2018. Selling and (perhaps) buying a home under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The CPA Journal (October): 58-63.

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Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. Buble. 2021. Tax changes for individuals in the American Rescue Plan Act. The CPA Journal (April/May): 6-8.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. Buble. 2021. Tax changes for businesses in the American Rescue Plan Act. The CPA Journal (April/May): 9-10.

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Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2016. Tax and financial aspects of disasters. The CPA Journal (December): 62-65.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2016. Tax planning after the death of a spouse. The CPA Journal (November): 66-69.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J Revels. 2016. Tax planning for unmarried couples. The CPA Journal (October): 64-67.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2017. Benefiting from Social Security's often overlooked programs. The CPA Journal (May): 68-70.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2017. Covering risks through property/casualty insurance. The CPA Journal (September): 66-70.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2017. Financial, legal, and tax concerns about long-term care. The CPA Journal (May): 64-66.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2017. How a birthday impacts legal, financial, and tax planning. The CPA Journal (August): 64-66. (Legal aspects of ages 13, 17, 18, 19, 24, 26, 30, 50, 55, 59½,  62, 65, 66, 70, 70½ and 85).

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2017. Identity theft: Tax and financial considerations. The CPA Journal (January): 66-68.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2017. Legal, tax, and financial issues for working minor children. The CPA Journal (July): 65-67.

Kess, S., J. R.  Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2017. Paying off student loans. The CPA Journal (March): 68-70.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2017. Planning for charitable giving by high-income taxpayers. The CPA Journal (November): 68-70.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2017. Starting a business from home: Legal, tax, and financial concerns. The CPA Journal (June): 65-67.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2017. Tax and financial strategies for windfalls. The CPA Journal (October): 68-70.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi, and J. A. J. Revels. 2018. Financial knowledge for recent graduates. The CPA Journal (August): 66-67.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. Financial planning for workers in the gig economy. The CPA Journal (August): 68-79.

Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2018. First look at the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017: Impact on investors. The CPA Journal (February): 9-11.

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Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2018. Moving to another state: Financial, legal, and tax issues. The CPA Journal (May): 72-74.

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Kess, S., J. R. Grimaldi and J. A. J. Revels. 2018. Planning for collectibles. The CPA Journal (February): 69-71.

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