Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Nidumolu, R., J. Ellison, J. Whalen and E. Billman. 2014. The collaboration imperative. New partnership models can protect the environment and create value for everyone. Harvard Business Review (April): 76-84.
Nie, D., 2021. Does voluntary management going concern disclosure predict bankruptcy in the oil and gas industry. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 13(2): 319-332.
Nie, P., A. B. Collins and S. Wang. 2013. China's progress with IFRS convergence: Interviews with Chinese professors. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 277-290.
Nie, W., D. Xiao and J. Barsoux. 2017. Rethinking the East Asian leadership gap: The difficulty Western companies have identifying managers with leadership potential in East Asia says more about prevailing Western views of leadership than it does about available talent. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 87-88.
Niehaus, D. 2022. Fixing the crisis in accounting: Five steps to attracting tomorrow's CPAs. The CPA Journal (September/October): 10-11.
Niehaus, D. and M. Pelton. 2023. How accounting leaders can embrace ESG for a strategic advantage. Journal of Accountancy (October): 1-7.
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Nielsen, O. 1938. Depreciation as a function of revenue. The Accounting Review (September): 265-275.
Nielsen, O. 1954. Direct costing - The case "for". The Accounting Review (January): 89-93. (The author's name was printed in TAR as Neilsen, but I believe it should be Nielsen).
Nielsen, O. 1955. Ramifications of the concept of seasonal costs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 1047-1054.
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Nienhaus, M. 2022. Executive equity incentives and opportunistic manager behavior: New evidence from a quasi-natural experiment. Review of Accounting Studies 27(4): 1276-1318.
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Nigrini, M. J. 2016. The implications of the similarity between fraud numbers and the numbers in financial accounting textbooks and test banks. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 1(1): A1-A26.
Nigrini, M. J. 2017. An analysis of tax evasion drivers in light of the Richard Hatch tax evasion saga. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 9(2): 849-869.
Nigrini, M. J. 2017. Audit sampling using Benford's Law: A review of the literature with some new perspectives. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 14(2): 29-46.
Nigrini, M. J. 2018. Round numbers: A fingerprint of fraud. Journal of Accountancy (May): 36-40, 42.
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Nigrini, M. J. 2022. An examination of and a commentary on the increased length of published research papers. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 7(1): 151-164.
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Nigrini, M. J. and J. S. Peters. 2018. Identity theft tax refund fraud: An analysis of the fraud schemes using IRS investigation summaries. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(1): 38-55.
Nigrini, M. J. and N. J. Mueller. 2014. Lessons from an $8 million fraud. Journal of Accountancy (August): 32-37.
Nigrini, M. J. and S. J. Miller. 2009. Data diagnostics using second-order tests of Benford's Law. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 28(2): 305-324.
Nikias, A. D. 2019. An experimental examination of the effects of information control on budget reporting with relative project evaluation. Journal of Management Accounting Research 31(2): 177-196.
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Nikias, A. D., S. T. Schwartz and R. A. Young. 2005. A note on the roles of aggregation and delay in management control. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 273-294.
Nikias, A. D., S. T. Schwartz and R. A. Young. 2009. A note on bundling budgets to achieve management control. Journal of Accounting Education 27(3): 168-184.
Nikitin, M. 1990. Setting up an industrial accounting system at Saint-Gobain (1820-1880). The Accounting Historians Journal 17(2): 73-93.
Nikitin, M. 2009. The Routledge Companion to Accounting History by John Richard Edwards, Stephen P. Walker. The Accounting Review (July): 1313-1315.
Nikitkov, A. 2006. Information assurance seals: How they impact consumer purchasing behavior. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-17.
Nikitkov, A. and D. Bay. 2015. Shill bidding: Empirical evidence of its effectiveness and likelihood of detection in online auction systems. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (16): 42-54.
Nikitkov, A. N. and D. Bay. 2010. Online auction fraud: An empirical analysis of shill-bidding practice. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 2(3): 191-228.
Nikitkov, A. and D. N. Stone. 2015. Eluding the lemons: Buyer mindfulness and seller deception in online auctions. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 7(2): 307-356.
Nikitkov, A. N., D. N. Stone and T. C. Miller. 2014. Internal controls, routine activity theory (RAT), and sustained online auction deception: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 311-337.
Nikolaev, V. V. 2010. Debt covenants and accounting conservatism. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 137-175.
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Niu, F. F. 2007. Transition method to adopt fair value accounting for employee stock options: Economic determinates and consequences. Journal of Forensic Accounting 8(1-2): 303-334.
Niven, J. B. 1913. Income tax department: Income tax law. Journal of Accountancy (November): 384-391.
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Niven, J. B. 1914. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (August): 130-133.
Niven, J. B. 1914. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (September): 214-219.
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Niven, J. B. 1915. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (August): 140-142.
Niven, J. B. 1915. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (October): 307-312.
Niven, J. B. 1915. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (November): 370-384.
Niven, J. B. 1915. Income tax department: Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (July): 46-57.
Niven, J. B. 1915. Income tax department: Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (September): 224-229.
Niven, J. B. 1915. Income tax department: Treasury decisions. Journal of Accountancy (April): 310-312.
Niven, J. B. 1915. Income tax department: Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (May): 381-384.
Niven, J. B. 1915. Income tax ruling test. and treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (June): 462-473.
Niven, J. B. 1915. Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (December): 457-459.
Niven, J. B. 1916. A bill to increase the revenue, and for other purposes. Journal of Accountancy (August): 128-146.
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Niven, J. B. 1916. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (March): 219-220.
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Niven, J. B. 1916. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (November): 389-393.
Niven, J. B. 1916. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (December): 456-476.
Niven, J. B. 1916. Revenue bill. Journal of Accountancy (September): 215-220.
Niven, J. B. 1916. Treasury decisions. Journal of Accountancy (May): 377-388.
Niven, J. B. 1916. Treasure rulings. Journal of Accountancy (February): 143-144.
Niven, J. B. 1916. Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (March): 220-230.
Niven, J. B. 1916. Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (July): 56-57.
Niven, J. B. 1916. Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (September): 221.
Niven, J. B. 1917. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (January): 50-63.
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Niven, J. B. 1917. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (August): 120-121.
Niven, J. B. 1917. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (September): 223-225.
Niven, J. B. 1917. Income tax department: treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (December): 457-463.
Niven, J. B. 1917. Summary of the provisions of the War Revenue Act, approved October 3, 1917. Journal of Accountancy (November): 386-401.
Niven, J. B. 1917. Treasury decisions. Journal of Accountancy (November): 402.
Niven, J. B. 1917. Treasury rulings on income tax, and treasury rulings on capital-stock tax. Journal of Accountancy (August): 122-133.
Niven, J. B. 1918. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (December): 455-456.
Niven, J. B. 1918. Income tax department: Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (January): 57-63.
Niven, J. B. 1918. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (February): 126-139.
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Niven, J. B. 1918. Income tax department: Treasury decisions. Journal of Accountancy (June): 452-459.
Niven, J. B. 1918. Income tax department: Treasury decisions. Journal of Accountancy (July): 43-59.
Niven, J. B. 1918. Income tax department: Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (September): 221.
Niven, J. B. 1918. Income tax department: Treasury decisions. Journal of Accountancy (October): 304-305.
Niven, J. B. 1918. Regulations no. 33 (revised). Journal of Accountancy (April): 270-273.
Niven, J. B. 1918. Treasury decisions. Journal of Accountancy (March): 203-224.
Niven, J. B. 1918. Treasury decisions. Journal of Accountancy (April): 273-302.
Niven, J. B. 1918. Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (November): 381-383.
Niven, J. B. 1918. Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (December): 456-459.
Niven, J. B. 1918. Undistributed net income tax, and Treasury decisions. Journal of Accountancy (August): 113-142.
Niven, J. B. 1919. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (February): 138; (March): 176-177; (April): 272-273; (May): 372; (June): 441-442; (July): 44-46; (August): 131-132; (October): 297; (November): 374-384; (December): 458.
Niven, J. B. 1919. Regulation 45 relating to the income tax and war profits and excess profits tax under titles II and III of the Revenue Act of 1918. Journal of Accountancy (April): 273-301.
Niven, J. B. 1919. Regulations relating to the income tax and war profits and excess profits taxes. Journal of Accountancy (June): 442-463.
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Niven, J. B. 1919. Title II - Income tax. Journal of Accountancy (March): 179-213.
Niven, J. B. 1919. Title III - War-profits and excess-profits tax. Journal of Accountancy (March): 213-226.
Niven, J. B. 1919. Title XIV - General provisions. Journal of Accountancy (March): 223-226.
Niven, J. B. 1919. Treasury decisions. Journal of Accountancy (March): 177-178; (June): 463-465.
Niven, J. B. 1919. Treasury ruling. Journal of Accountancy (January): 66-67; (February): 138-140; (April): 301-304; (July): 46-54; (August): 132-142; (September): 219-225; (October): 298-301; (December): 458-460.
Niven, J. B. 1920. "Notes" by the treasury department. Journal of Accountancy (January): 60-63.
Niven, J. B. 1920. Recommendations by the treasury department. Journal of Accountancy (January): 57-60.
Niven, J. B. 1920. Treasury decisions. Journal of Accountancy (February): 131-134.
Niven, J. B. 1920. Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (January): 64-66; (February): 134-144.
Niven, J. B. 1920. Liberty bond exemptions. Journal of Accountancy (February): 131.
Niven, J. B. 1923. Audit working papers - Their preparation and content. Journal of Accountancy (March): 228-230.
Niven, J. B. and W. P. Barrows. 1923. Need for accountants as receivers and trustees. Journal of Accountancy (November): 321-326.
Niven, J. B. and D. C. Roper. 1919. Income tax department. Journal of Accountancy (September): 217-219.
Niven, J. B. and D. C. Roper. 1919. Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (May): 372-378.
Niven, J. B. and T. W. Gregory. 1917. Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (September): 225-226.
Niven, J. B., W. H. Osborn and L. T. Speer. 1916. Treasury rulings. Journal of Accountancy (June): 455-463.
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Noguchi, M. and J. R. Edwards. 2004. Corporatism and unavoidable imperatives: Recommendations on accounting principles and the ICAEW Memorandum to the Cohen Committee. The Accounting Historians Journal 31(2): 53-95.
Noguchi, M. and J. R. Edwards. 2008. Professional leadership and oligarchy: the case of the ICAEW. The Accounting Historians Journal 35(2): 1-42.
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Nohria, N. 2012. Why U.S. Competitiveness matters to all of us. Harvard Business Review (March): 49-51.
Nohria, N. 2013. Envy and the American dream. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 142-143. (Review of three related books: The Betrayal of the American Dream, Who Stole the American Dream? and Working Scared (or Not at All): The Lost Decade, Great Recession, and Restoring the Shattered American Dream. "The optimism of the past has given way to raw fear - middle America worries over how to pay the bills... The insecurity is rampant.").
Nohria, N. 2022. As the world shifts, so should leaders: Research shows that different eras call for different approaches. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 58-61.
Nohria, N. 2024. As the world shifts, so should leaders. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 10-14.
Nohria, N. 2024. Leaders must react. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 50-55.
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Nohria, N. and R. Gulati. 1996. Is slack good or bad for innovation? The Academy of Management Journal 39(5): 1245-1264.
Nohria, N. and R. Khurana, Editiors. 2010. Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice. Harvard Business Press.
Nohria, N., B. Groysberg and L. Lee. 2008. Employee motivation: A powerful new model. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 78-84.
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Nohria, N., K. Tsang, M. Javidan and J. Champy. 2009. From regional star to global leader. Harvard Business Review (January): 33-39. (Case study).
Nohria, N., L. Huston, J. Seely, J. Hagel III, J. Lipman-Blumen and A. Premji. 2005. Feed R&D - or farm it out? Harvard Business Review (July/August): 17-28.
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Nohria, N., W. Joyce and B. Roberson. 2003. What really works. Harvard Business Review (July): 42-52. (Excel at four primary practices: Strategy, Execution, Culture, and Structure. And embrace two of four secondary practices: Talent, Innovation, Leadership, and Mergers & partnerships).
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Nolder, C. and Z. Palmsrose. 2018. Economic analysis of proposed PCAOB standards: Finding a path forward. Accounting Horizons (June): 183-200.
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Nonaka, I. and H. Takeuchi. 2021. Strategy as a way of life: Businesses must root strategy in moral purpose to thrive in a complex, rapidly changing world. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 56-63.
Nondorf, M. E., Z. Singer and H. You. 2012. A study of firms surrounding the threshold of Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 Compliance. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 28(1): 96-110.
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Nooyi, I. K. and V. Govindarajan. 2020. Becoming a better corporate citizen: How PepsiCo moved toward a healthier future. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 94-103.
Nooyi, R. 2015. Supply-chain resilience: Not just for big events. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 78-79.
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Nord, W. 1978. Theory Y assumptions in a non - theory Y world. Interfaces (February): 61-66.
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Nouri, H. 2018. The use of zappers by financial terrorists. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(2): 213-224. (Nouri examines the use of zapper software (i.e., automated sales suppression device) to finance terrorist activities).
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