Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Pratt, M. G., S. Kaplan and R. Whittington. 2020. Editorial essay: The tumult over transparency: Decoupling transparency from replication in establishing trustworthy qualitative research. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(1): 1-19.
Pratt, R. R. 1971. Wanted: Management accountants for U.S. orchestras. Management Accounting (January): 24-25.
Pratt, S. P. 1998. Business Valuation Body of Knowledge: Exam Review and Professional Reference. John Wiley & Sons.
Pratt, S. P. 1998. Cost of Capital: Estimation and Applications. John Wiley & Sons.
Pratt, S. P. 2000. The Market Approach to Valuing Businesses. John Wiley & Sons.
Pratt, S. P. 2001. Business Valuation Discounts and Premiums. John Wiley & Sons.
Pratt, S. P. 2002. Cost of Capital Set, Set contains: Cost of Capital Book and Workbook. John Wiley & Sons.
Pratt, S. P. 2003. Business Valuation Body of Knowledge. John Wiley & Sons.
Pratt, S. P. 2003. Business Valuation Body of Knowledge: Exam Review and Professional Reference. John Wiley & Sons.
Pratt, S. P. and A. V. Niculita. 2007. Valuing a Business, 5th Edition: The Analysis and Appraisal of Closely Held Companies. McGraw-Hill.
Pratt, S. P. and H. D. Laro. 2004. Business Valuation and Taxes: Procedures, Law & Perspective. John Wiley & Sons.
Pratt, S. P., R. P. Schwiehs and R. F. Reilly. 1998. Valuing Small Businesses and Professional Practices. McGraw-Hill.
Pratt, S. S. 1908. The speculator is the pioneer of enterprise. Journal of Accountancy (May): 1-8.
Prawitt, D. F. 1995. Staffing assignments for judgment-oriented audit tasks: The effects of structured audit technology and environment. The Accounting Review (July): 443-465.
Prawitt, D. F. 1998. Commentary on Anchoring effects associated with recommendations from expert decision aids: An experimental analysis. Behavioral Research In Accounting (10 Supplement): 170-181.
Prawitt, D. F., J. L. Smith and D. A. Wood. 2009. Internal audit quality and earnings management. The Accounting Review (July): 1255-1280.
Prawitt, D. F., N. Y. Sharp and D. A. Wood. 2011. Reconciling archival and experimental research: Does internal audit contribution affect the external audit fee? Behavioral Research In Accounting 23(2): 187-206.
Prawitt, D. F., N. Y. Sharp and D. A. Wood. 2012. Internal audit outsourcing and the risk of misleading or fraudulent financial reporting: Did Sarbanes-Oxley get it wrong? Contemporary Accounting Research 29(4): 1109-1136.
Preda, A. 2009. Brief encounters: Calculation and the interaction order of anonymous electronic markets. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(5): 675-693.
Preda, A. 2022. Book review: Prasad, E. S. 2021. The Future of Money: How the Digital Revolution is Transforming Currencies and Finance. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(4): NP65-NP68.
Preda, P. and T. Watts. 2004. Contemporary accounting innovations in Australia: Manufacturing versus service organizations. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 17-28. (The innovations include: value-based management, total quality management, balanced scorecard, activity-based costing, and activity-based management).
Preetika, J., E. Outslay, A. Persson, T. Shevlin and A. Venkat. 2020. Does public country-by-country reporting deter tax avoidance and income shifting? Evidence from the European banking industry. Contemporary Accounting Research 37(4): 2357-2397.
Preinreich, G. A. D. 1932. Stock yields, stock dividends and inflation. The Accounting Review (December): 273-289.
Preinreich, G. A. D. 1933. Accounting terminology. The Accounting Review (June): 113-116.
Preinreich, G. A. D. 1933. Taxation and the natural business year. The Accounting Review (December): 317-322.
Preinreich, G. A. D. 1936. The fair value and yield of common stock. The Accounting Review (June): 130-140.
Preinreich, G. A. D. 1936. The law of goodwill. The Accounting Review (December): 317-329.
Preinreich, G. A. D. 1937. Valuation and amortization. The Accounting Review (September): 209-226.
Preinreich, G. A. D. 1938. The principles of public-utility depreciation. The Accounting Review (June): 149-165.
Premuroso, R. F. and S. Bhattacharya. 2008. Do early and voluntary filers of financial information in XBRL format signal superior corporate governance and operating performance? International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 9(1): 1-20.
Premuroso, R. F., L. Tong and T. K. Beed. 2011. Does using clickers in the classroom matter to student performance and satisfaction when taking the introductory financial accounting course? Issues in Accounting Education (November): 701-723.
Premuroso, R. F., T. R. Skantz and S. Bhattacharya. 2012. Disclosure of outsourcing in the annual report: Causes and market returns effects. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 13(4): 382-402.
Premuroso, R. F., W. S. Hopwood and S. Bhattacharya. 2011. Tasteless Tea Company: A comprehensive revenue transaction cycle case study. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 163-179.
Prencipe, A. 2012. Earnings management in domestic versus multinational firms: Discussion of "Where do firms manage earnings?". Review of Accounting Studies 17(3): 688-699.
Prenger, A. J. 1972. Divisional controllership. Management Accounting (November): 29-32.
Prentice, J. D., K. L. Bills and G. F. Peters. 2023. The impact of benefit plan audits on the financial statement audit. Accounting Horizons (June): 161-187.
Prentice, S. Jr. 1952. The case for profit sharing. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January): 605-609.
Prentice, W. C. H. 2004. Understanding leadership. Harvard Business Review (January): 102-109.
Presby, J. T. and M. L. Wolfson 1967. An algorithm for solving job sequencing problems. Management Science (April): B454-B464.
Prescott, G. L. 2023. Examining the highlights of the Secure Act 2.0: Further enhancements to Americans' retirement security. The CPA Journal (May/June): 42-47.
Prescott, G. L. and J. R. Hardin. 2013. In pursuit of revenues: Federal Income Tax reform. The CPA Journal (November): 16-21.
Prescott, G. L., J. R. Hardin and J. C. Rich. 2021. The Secure Act ushers in sweeping retirement plan changes: Greater incentives and flexibility for employers and employees. The CPA Journal (April/May): 52-57.
Prescott, G. L., T. G. Noland and C. E. Vann. 2017. Universities need you! Strategic Finance (April): 46-53. (There have been a number of articles like this one over the past few years. For my summary of the Accounting Doctoral shortage and opportunities to teach accounting see DoctoralShortage.htm
Prescott, J. E. 1986. Environments as moderators of the relationship between strategy and performance. The Academy of Management Journal 29(2): 329-346.
Presley, T. J. and L. J. Abbott. 2013. AIA submission: CEO overconfidence and the incidence of financial restatement. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 29(1): 74-84.
Presnick, W. J. 1980. Measuring managerial productivity. Administrative Management (May): 26-28, 46-48.
Press, E. and J. Weintrop. 1991. Financial statement disclosure of accounting-based debt covenants. Accounting Horizons (March): 64-74.
Press, E. G. and J. B. Weintrop. 1990. Accounting-based constraints in public and private debt agreements: Their association with leverage and impact on accounting choice. Journal of Accounting and Economics (January): 65-95.
Pressiee, A., T. W. Vance and R. A. Webb. 2013. The effects of reward type on employee goal setting, goal commitment, and performance. The Accounting Review (September): 1805-1831.
Presslee, A., G. Richins, S. Saiy and A. Webb. 2023. Small sample study: The effects of team-based recognition on employee engagement and effort. Management Accounting Research (June): 100829.
Pressler, S. A. 1946. College training for industrial accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 1): 1056-1063.
Pressler, S. A. 1965. Management accounting - Past and future. N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 13-16.
Presley, T. J. 2019. A risk based approach to large datasets: Analysis of time series data for a large merchandising firm. Journal of Accounting Education (49): 100639.
Pressly, T. R. 2012. Linking strategic and project concepts to enhance management advisory services. The CPA Journal (July): 62-67.
Presthus, R. V. 1958. Toward a theory of organizational behavior. Administrative Science Quarterly 3(1): 48-72.
Presthus, R. V. 1959. Editor's commentary. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(1): Not numbered.
Presthus, R. V. 1959. Editor's commentary. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(2): Not numbered.
Presthus, R. V. 1960. Editor's commentary. Administrative Science Quarterly 5(1): iv-vi.
Presthus, R. V. 1961. Weberian v. welfare bureaucracy in traditional society. Administrative Science Quarterly 6(1): 1-24.
Preston, A. 1986. Interactions and arrangements in the process of informing. Accounting, Organizations and Society 11(6): 521-540.
Preston, A. and L. Oakes. 2001. The Navajo documents: A study of the economic representation and construction of Navajo. Accounting, Organizations and Society 26(1): 39-71.
Preston, A. M. 1989. The taxman cometh: Some observations on the interrelationship between accounting and inland revenue practice. Accounting, Organizations and Society 14(5-6): 389-413.
Preston, A. M. 1992. The birth of clinical accounting: A study of the emergence and transformations of discourses on costs and practices of accounting in U. S. hospitals. Accounting, Organizations and Society 17(1): 63-100.
Preston, A. M. 2006. Enabling, enacting and maintaining action at a distance: An historical case study of the role of accounts in the reduction of the Navajo herds. Accounting, Organizations and Society 31(6): 559-578.
Preston, A. M. and A. M. Vesey. 2008. The construction of US utility accounting: 1882-1944. Accounting, Organizations and Society 33(4-5): 415-435.
Preston, A. M. and J. J. Young. 2000. Constructing the global corporation and corporate constructions of the global: A picture essay. Accounting, Organizations and Society 25(4-5): 427-449.
Preston, A. M., C. Wright and J. J. Young. 1996. Imag[in]ing annual reports. Accounting, Organizations and Society 21(1): 113-137.
Preston, A. M., D. J. Cooper and R. W. Coombs. 1992. Fabricating budgets: A study of the production of management budgeting in the national health service. Accounting, Organizations and Society 17(6): 561-593.
Preston, A. M., D. J. Cooper, D. P. Scarbrough and R. C. Chilton. 1995. Changes in the code of ethics of the U. S. accounting profession, 1917 and 1988: The continual quest for legitimation. Accounting, Organizations and Society 20(6): 507-546.
Preston, A. M., W. F. Chua and D. Neu. 1997. The diagnosis-related group-prospective payment system and the problem of the government of rationing health care to the elderly. Accounting, Organizations and Society 22(2): 147-164.
Preston, D. S., D. Q. Chen, M. Swink and L. Meade. 2017. Generating supplier benefits through buyer-enabled knowledge enrichment: A social capital perspective. Decision Sciences 48(2): 248-287.
Preston, L. E. 1981. Research on corporate social reporting: Directions for development. Accounting, Organizations and Society 6(3): 255-262.
Preston, L. E. and J. E. Post. 1974. The third managerial revolution. The Academy of Management Journal 17(3): 476-486.
Preston, P. 1991. How to negotiate with tough people. Management Accounting (April): 49-51.
Preston, R. J. and A. M. Adamek. 1983. Who's minding the tax department? Management Accounting (May): 24-27.
Preu, F. L. and J. F. Schoen. 1940. Accounting for emergency relief funds. The Accounting Review (June): 170-176.
Preusch, N. 2015. Tax practice corner: Exercising due diligence: Avoid sanctions under Circular 230 and civil penalties. Journal of Accountancy (June): 72-73.
Preusch, N. and D. Holets. 2019. Updating the statements on standards for tax services. Journal of Accountancy (November): 58.
Previts, G. J. 1974. Hazy history: Fact and folklore in accounting. The Accounting Historians Journal 1(1-4): 7-9.
Previts, G. J. 1974. Now and then: Your role in the academy. The Accounting Historians Journal 1(1-4): 2.
Previts, G. J. 1974. Old wine and . . . The new Harvard bottle. The Accounting Historians Journal 1(1-4): 19-20.
Previts, G. J. 1975. For example...the value of pretending. The Accounting Historians Journal 2(1-4): 25-26.
Previts, G. J. 1975. It's about time... Pathways to a new vista of accountancy's past. The Accounting Historians Journal 2(1-4): 3-5.
Previts, G. J. 1978. The SEC and its chief accountants: Historical impressions. Journal of Accountancy (August): 83-91.
Previts, G. J. 1980. A Critical Evaluation of Comparative Financial Accounting Thought in America 1900 to 1920. Arno Press.
Previts, G. J. 1984. Frameworks of American financial accounting thought: An historical perspective to 1973. The Accounting Historians Journal 11(2): 1-17.
Previts, G. J. 1986. The Scope of CPA Services: A Study of the Development of the Concept of Independence and the Professional's Role in Society. Wiley.
Previts, G. J. 1987. Editorial. The Accounting Historians Journal 14(1): 135.
Previts, G. J. 1988. Editorial: Sydney and beyond. The Accounting Historians Journal 15(2): 213-214.
Previts, G. J. 1988. Editor's correction to volume 15, No 1, Spring, 1988. The Accounting Historians Journal 15(2): 215-218.
Previts, G. J. 1996. Review: An Accounting Thesaurus: 500 Years of Accounting by R. J. Chambers. The Accounting Historians Journal 23(2): 114-116.
Previts, G. J. 2005. Education with purpose. Journal of Accountancy (October): 32-34. (Related to the history of accounting education).
Previts, G. J. 2015. Weatherhead School of Management Case Western Reserve University: Acct 601 Seminar syllabus: Development of accounting thought - Preclassical, classical and contemporary periods. The Accounting Historians Journal 42(1): 129-138.
Previts, G. J. and B. Committee. 1980. An Index to the Accounting Review 1926-1978. American Accounting Association.
Previts, G. J. and B. D. Merino. 1998. A History of Accountancy in the United States: The Cultural Significance of Accounting. Ohio State University Press.
Previts, G. J. and D. L. Flesher. 1996. Retrospective: Andrew Barr: Longest serving SEC Chief Accountant. The Accounting Historians Journal 23(1): 117-125.
Previts, G. J. and P. Walton. 2010. A Global History of Accounting, Financial Reporting and Public Policy: Europe. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Previts, G. J. and R. E. Brown. 1993. The development of government accounting: A content analysis of the Journal of Accountancy, 1905 to 1989. The Accounting Historians Journal 20(2): 119-138.
Previts, G. J. and T. K. Sheldahl. 1977. Accounting and 'countinghouses': An analysis and commentary. Abacus 13(1): 52-59.
Previts, G. J. and T. R. Robinson. 1996. Samuel J. Broad's contribution to the accounting profession. The Accounting Historians Journal 23(2): 69-85.
Previts, G. J. and W. D. Samson. 1997. S. Paul Garner: Accountancy's ambassador to the world. The Accounting Historians Journal 24(2): 153-169.
Previts, G. J. and W. D. Samson. 2000. Exploring the contents of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad annual reports: 1827-1856. The Accounting Historians Journal 27(1): 1-42.
Previts, G. J., D. L. Flesher and A. D. Sharp. 2007. Eight special women in accounting. Journal of Accountancy (August): 61-63.
Previts, G. J., H. M. Roybark and E. N. Coffman. 2003. Keeping watch! Recounting twenty-five years of the Office of Chief Accountant, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 1976–2001. Abacus 39(2): 147-185.
Previts, G. J., L. D. Parker and E. N. Coffman. 1986. Investigacih de la Historia de la Contabilidad: una Perspectiva desde Mediados de 1980. Contaduria (Universidad de Antiquoia, Colombia) (September).
Previts, G. J., L. D. Parker and E. N. Coffman. 1990. Accounting history: Definition and relevance. Abacus 26(1): 1-16.
Previts, G. J., L. D. Parker and E. N. Coffman. 1990. An accounting historiography: Subject matter and methodology. Abacus 26(2): 136-158.
Previts, G. J., L. D. Parker and E. N. Coffman. 1993. Historical interpretation: The Worthington commentary. Abacus 29(1): 111-112.
Previts, G. J., R. J. Bricker, T. R. Robinson and S. J. Young. 1994. A content analysis of sell-side financial analyst company reports. Accounting Horizons (June): 55-70.
Previts, J. P. 1974. “FASBing”: Abracadabra again? The Accounting Historians Journal 1(1-4): 23-24.
Prewett, K., T. J. Schaefer and D. Wengler. 2019. WrecksAll Drug Company. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 31-38.
Price, B. W. 2005. Get your BV niche out there: Referral sources are the key to building business. Journal of Accountancy (November): 38-43. (Related to business valuation services).
Price, C. R. 2012. Gender, competition, and managerial decisions. Management Science (January): 114-122.
Price, D. W. and D. L. Smith. 2008. Income tax service learning opportunities: A look at alternative models. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (5): 43-53.
Price, H. R. 1957. Qualifications for college accounting teachers. The Accounting Review (January): 83-89.
Price, J. B. and N. Lankton. 2018. A framework and guidelines for assessing and developing board-level information technology committee charters. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 109-129.
Price, J. E. 1995. Interactive learning through the use of student federal tax clinics. Journal of Accounting Education 13(4): 413-423.
Price, J. L. 1963. The impact of governing boards on organizational effectiveness and morale. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(3): 361-378.
Price, J. L. 1968. Design of proof in organizational research. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(1): 121-134.
Price, J. L. 1968. Rejoinder to Starbuck's comments on "Design of proof in organizational research" and organizational effectiveness: An inventory of propositions. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(1): 162-166.
Price, J. L. and C. W. Mueller. 1981. A causal model of turnover for nurses. The Academy of Management Journal 24(3): 543-565.
Price, K. 1972. Characteristics of corporate executives: A research note. The Academy of Management Journal 15(3): 378-381.
Price, R. 1999. Voluntary earnings disclosures in uniform franchise offering circulars. Journal of Accounting and Economics 28(3)(December): 391-423.
Price, R. A. 1997. The FASB project on present value-based measurements: An educator's perspective from participation in an FASB roundtable discussion. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 215-218.
Price, R. A. III. 2013. Cash flows at Issues in Accounting Education (May): 353-374.
Price, R. A. III., N. Y. Sharp and D. A. Wood. 2011. Detecting and predicting accounting irregularities: A comparison of commercial and academic risk measures. Accounting Horizons (December): 755-780.
Price Waterhouse LLP and the American Accounting Association. 1997. Price Waterhouse - Auditing/Accounting Teaching Cases and Exercises. American Accounting Association.
Price, W. S. Jr. and E. J. Neppl. 1966. Automated inventory control. Management Accounting (October): 52-58.
Prickett, A. L. 1928. Development of high school commercial curriculum and university courses. The Accounting Review (March): 53-68.
Prickett, A. L. 1929. Fixed property records - Their forms and uses. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October 15).
Prickett, A. L. 1931. Labor turnover rate and cost. The Accounting Review (December): 261-276.
Prickett, A. L. 1944. General principles of cost accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 169-180.
Prickett, A. L. 1947. Suggestions for beginning teachers in accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 405-411.
Prickett, A. L. 1958. The master's degree with courses in business, yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The Accounting Review (January): 76-83.
Pridemore, C. 1983. Houston '83: New horizons for management accountants. Management Accounting (May): 63, 65.
Pridemore, C. 1983. Software: Expense or capitalize? Management Accounting (November): 33-36.
Pridemore, C. 1984. A new era for operating and financial management - NAA's 5th annual controller's conference. Management Accounting (January): 66-69.
Pridgen, A. K. and W. M. Wilder. 2013. Relevance of GASB No. 34 to financial reporting by municipal governments. Accounting Horizons (June): 175-204.
Priebe, E. P. 1937. The Skelgas Company's plan of container control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 15): 1247-1257.
Pries, F. and S. Scott. 2015. Lakeview Hotel Investment Corp. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 105-112.
Priestland, A. and R. Hanig. 2005. Developing first-level leaders. Harvard Business Review (June): 112-120.
Prieto, L. C., S. T. Phipps and C. H. McKoy Jr. 2022. Supporting black business ecosystems: Lessons from Durham's Black Wall Street. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-4.
Prieto, T. 2010. Displaced workers and deduction for travel expenses. Journal of Accountancy (December): 54-55.
Prieto, T. 2017. Trading virtual currencies. Journal of Accountancy (November): 60-61.
Primm, J. L. 1962. Setting sights on office cost reduction. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 28.
Primoff, W. 2012. Fiduciary financial management in nonprofit organizations. The CPA Journal (November): 48-52.
Primoff, W. 2018. How a tax bill becomes a law, 1986 vs. 2017: An historical perspective on the passage of TRA '86. The CPA Journal (January): 6-9.
Primoff, W. 2023. Loss of CPA giant, mentor, and friend. The CPA Journal (September/October): 12-13.
Primoff, W. and S. Kess. 2017. The Equifax data breach. The CPA Journal (December): 14-17.
Primrose, J. and A. Ward. 2015. Tax practice corner: Business and tax ID theft. Journal of Accountancy (December): 70-71.
Primrose, P. L. 1992. Is anything really wrong with cost management? Journal of Cost Management (Spring): 48-57. (Summary).
Primrose, P. L., and R. Leonard. 1987. Performing investment appraisals for advanced manufacturing technology. Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 34-42.
Primrose, P. L. 1988.The effect of AMT investment on costing systems. Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 27-30.
Prince, E. T. 2005. The fiscal behavior of CEOs. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 23-26.
Prince, J. T. and D. H. Simon. 2009. Multimarket contract and service quality: Evidence from on-time performance in the U.S. airline industry. The Academy of Management Journal 52(2): 336-354.
Prince, M. 2004. Does active learning work? A review of the research. Journal of Engineering Education 93(3): 223-231.
Prince, M. J., and R. M. Felder. 2006. Inductive teaching and learning methods: Definitions, comparisons, and research bases. Journal of Engineering 95(2): 123-138. (This paper includes 119 references.
Prince, T. R. 1963. Extension of the Boundaries of Accounting Theory. South-Western Publishing Co.
Prince, T. R. 1964. Information systems for management control. The Accounting Review (April): 467-472.
Prince, T. R. 1964. The motivational assumption for accounting theory. The Accounting Review (July): 553-562.
Pringle, C., and M. Michel. 2007. Assessment practices in AACSB-accredited business schools. Journal of Education for Business 82 (4): 202-211.
Pringle, L. M., R. P. Crum and R. J. Swetz. 1990. Do SAS No. 59 format changes affect the outcome and the quality of investment decisions? Accounting Horizons (September): 68-75.
Prins, N. 2004. Other People's Money: The Corporate Mugging of America. The New Press.
Pritchard, R., et al. 1988. Designing a goal-setting system to enhance performance: A practical guide. Organizational Dynamics (Summer): 69-78.
Pritchard, R. T. 1946. Shakespeare and accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 67-70.
Pritchett, J. C. 1975. Cost control in a logging operation. Management Accounting (September): 51-53.
Probst, F. R. 1971. Probabilistic cost controls: A behavioral dimension. The Accounting Review (January): 113-118.
Proctor, P. L. 1945. Effective cost control - or catastrophe. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 1): 575-585.
Procter, P. L. 1948. Cost and financial tests for the veteran's business adventure. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January 1): 499-508.
Proell, C. A., Y. Zhou and M. W. Nelson. 2022. It's not only what you say ... How communication style and team culture affect audit issue follow-up and auditor performance evaluations. The Accounting Review (March): 373-395.
Profitos, X. S. I., T. Keil and P. Kuusela. 2022. The two blades of the scissors: Performance feedback and intrinsic attributes in organizational risk taking. Administrative Science Quarterly 67(4): 1012-1048.
Project Management Institute. 2008. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Project Management Institute.
Prokesch, S. 2009. How GE teaches teams to lead change. Harvard Business Review (January): 99-106.
Prokesch, S. 2010. The sustainable supply chain. Harvard Business Review (October): 70-72.
Prokesch, S. 2011. The reluctant social entrepreneur. Harvard Business Review (June): 124-126.
Prokesch, S. 2017. Five transformations. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 47.
Prokesch, S. 2017. Reinventing talent management: How GE uses analytics to guide a more digital, farflung workforce. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 54-55.
Prokesch, S. 2017. The Edison of medicine: Lessons from one of the world's most productive and profitable research facilities. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 134-143.
Prokesch, S. 2023. "You've got to set your people up to succeed." Harvard Business Review (May/June): 56-59.
Prokofieva, M. 2015. Twitter-based dissemination of corporate disclosure and the intervening effects of firms' visibility: Evidence from Australian-listed companies. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 107-136.
Prosch, M. 2009. Preventing identity theft throughout the data life cycle. Journal of Accountancy (January): 58-63.
Proske, R. J. 1992. The quality quandary. Financial Executive. (May/June): 35-39.
Prothero, S. 2007. Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know - And Doesn't. Harper San Francisco. (Summary).
Proudhon, P. J. 2008. The Evolution of Capitalism: System of Economical Contradictions or, The Philosophy of Misery. Forgotten Books. (First published in 1847.)
Prouty, M. D. Jr. 1964. Tax allocation - An extension of the depreciation concept. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 45-49.
Prouty, M. D. Jr. 1965. Maintenance - A question of timing. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 28-30.
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Provan, K. G. 1980. Board power and organizational effectiveness among human service agencies. The Academy of Management Journal 23(2): 221-236.
Provan, K. G. 1981. Errata: Environmental linkages and power in resource-dependence relations between organisations. Administrative Science Quarterly 26(3): 496.
Provan, K. G. 1982. Interorganizational linkages and influence over decision making. The Academy of Management Journal 25(2): 443-451.
Provan, K. G. 1984. Technology and interorganizational activity as predictors of client referrals. The Academy of Management Journal 27(4): 811-829.
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Provan, K. G. and H. B. Milward. 1995. A preliminary theory of interorganizational network effectiveness: A comparative study of four community mental health systems. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(1): 1-33.
Provan, K. G. and J. G. Sebastian. 1998. Networks within networks: Service link overlap, organizational cliques, and network effectiveness. The Academy of Management Journal 41(4): 453-463.
Provan, K. G. and S. J. Skinner. 1989. Interorganizational dependence and control as predictors of opportunism in dealer-supplier relations. The Academy of Management Journal 32(1): 202-212.
Provan, K. G., J. M. Beyer and C. Kruytbosch. 1980. Environmental linkages and power in resource-dependence relations between organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 25(2): 200-225.
Provost, F. and T. Dawcett. 2013. Data Science for Business: What You Need to Know about Data Mining and Data-Analytic Thinking. O'Reily Media.
Provost, T. 2012. Gaming the system: Companies may get more from their salespeople by adding some friendly competition to the mix. CFO (December): 33-34. (CRM gamification application for salespeople).
Provost, T. 2013. Cyber-attack order raises questions. CFO (March): 25.
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