Management And Accounting Web

Main Bibliography
Section R: RIO-ROS


Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Riordan, D. A. and D. L. Street. 1999. Type A behavior in the workplace: The good, the bad, and the angry. Strategic Finance (September): 28-32.

Riordan, D. A. and M. C. Sullivan. 1998. A moral perspective of the 150-hour requirement. Journal of Accounting Education 16(1): 53-64.

Riordan, D. A. and M. P. Riordan. 2009. IRB creep: Federal regulations protecting human research subjects and increasing instructors' responsibilities. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 31-43.

Riordan, D. A. and S. N. Cairns. 1994. Deduction of toxic waste cleanup costs may be a hazardous position. Management Accounting (February): 34-37.

Riordan, D. A., M. P. Riordan and A. P. Curatola. 2012. Deductibility of medical marijuana treatment. Strategic Finance (March): 10, 12-13.

Riordan, M. P. 2003. Who has your numbers? Strategic Finance (April): 22-26. (Related to identity fraud).

Ripley, W. Z. 1926. The problem of railway terminal operation. Harvard Business Review (April): 266-274.

Ripley, W. Z. 1926. The problem of railway terminal operation. Harvard Business Review (July): 385-392.

Rishell, M. and W. Becker. 2004. Pay for performance: The CFO's stake. Strategic Finance (November): 24-33. (Blue Cross Blue Shield's performance accountability system).

Riskin, R. 2018. Help clients balance retirement and education planning. Journal of Accountancy (February): 22-26.

Rismiller, G. H. 1970. A product line case study. Management Accounting (December): 39-41.

Rissing, B. A. 2017. Book review: N. K. Warikoo: The Diversity Bargain and Other Dilemmas of Race, Admissions, and Meritocracy at Elite Universities. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(4): NP51-NP53.

Ritchey, J. S. 1983. Acquisition valuation: DCF can be misleading. Management Accounting (January): 24-28.

Ritchi, H., M. Jans, J. Mendling and H. A. Reijers. 2020. The influence of business process representation on performance of different task types. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 167-194.

Ritchie, J. and S. Richardson. 2000. Small business governance: Exploring accountability and enterprise from the margins. Management Accounting Research (December): 451-474.

Ritchie, P. C., J. E. Rowcroft and b. A. Trenholm. 1988.An analytical basis for the treatment of corporate income tax. Accounting Horizons (December): 29-40.

Ritson, M. 2009. Should you launch a fighter brand? Harvard Business Review (October): 86-94.

Ritson, P. 2009. Social Accounting, Mega Accounting and Beyond: A Festschrift in Honour of M. R. Mathews by Rob Gray, James Guthrie. The Accounting Review (November): 2043-2045.

Rittenberg, L. and M. A. Covaleski. 2001. Internalization versus externalization of the internal audit function: An examination of professional and organizational imperatives. Accounting, Organizations and Society 26(7-8): 617-641.

Rittenberg, L. E. 1998. Hiring faculty: The "best fit" or "best athlete". Issues in Accounting Education (August): 717-719.

Rittenberg, L. E. 1998. Reply. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 725-726.

Rittenberg, L. E. and B. J. Schwieger. 2003. Auditing Concepts for a Changing Environment with IDEA Software, 4e. South-Western Publishing.

Rittenberg, L E. and R. J. Anderson. 2006. A strategic player. Journal of Accountancy (July): 51-54.

Rittenberg, L. E., F. Martens and C. E. Landes. 2007. Internal control guidance: Not just a small matter. Journal of Accountancy (March): 46-50.

Rittenhouse, C. F. and A. L. Percy. 1922. Accounting Problems: Intermediate. McGraw-Hill Book Company.

Rittenhouse, C. F. and P. F. Clapp. 1918. Accounting theory and practice, Volume 1. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc.

Ritter, B. M., A. Bynum, M. Gumpertz and T. L. Butler. 2021. An instructional exercise in gender bias. Journal of Accounting Education (54): 100710.

Ritter, S. and L. Watson. 2015. The basics of mobile computing. Strategic Finance (September): 62-63.

Ritti, R. R. and J. H. Silver. 1986. Early processes of institutionalization: The dramaturgy of exchange in interorganizational relations. Administrative Science Quarterly 31(1): 25-42.

Rittler, E. S. 1942. A case problem in lumber costs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January 1): 599-613.

Rittler, E. S. 1945. Current problems in the presentation of financial statements. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August 15): 1091-1104.

Ritts, B. A. 1974. A study of the impact of APB Opinions upon practicing CPAs. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 93-111.

Ritzman, L. P. and L. J. Krajewski. 1973. Multiple objectives in linear programming - An example in scheduling postal resources. Decision Sciences 4(3): 364-378.

Ritzman, L. P., B. E. King, and L. J. Krajewski. 1984. Manufacturing performance - Pulling the right levers. Harvard Business Review (March-April): 143-152.

Rivard, S., B. A. Aubert, M. Patry, G. P. Pare and H. A. Smith. 2004. Information Technology and Organizational Transformation. Butterworth-Heinemann.

Rivera, J. and K. Milani. 2011. Budgeting for international operations: Impact on and integration with strategic planning. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 1-13.

Rivera, J. and K. Milani. 2020. Budgeting for international operations: Unexpected events can wreck a budget for a company expanding into new markets. Careful planning is key for organizations to adapt and succeed. Strategic Finance (December): 46-52.

Rivera, J. and K. Milani. 2020. Managing international operations in uncertain times: Foreign exchange rates, and interest rates can weigh heavily on accountants and financial executives in charge of budgeting for overseas subsidiaries. Strategic Finance (November): 24-31.

Rivera, J., and K. Milani. 2021. Strategies for global operations. Strategic Finance (January): 46-53.

Rivera, J. M. and K. W. Kubin, editors. 1987. Proceeding of the V International Accounting Congress on Accounting Education. American Accounting Association.

Rivest, G. 1991. Make your business more competitive. CMA Magazine (May): 16-19.

Rixom, B. A. and D. Plumlee. 2023. Eliciting deliberate and implemental mindsets in audit planning. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(3): 1856-1880.

Rixom, B. A., J. M. Rixom, S. Pippin and J. Wong. 2021. Contrasting public perceptions of government versus certified public accounting firm oversight of relief packages. Accounting and the Public Interest (21): 39-63.

Rizova, P. 2006. Are you networked for successful innovation? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 49-55.

Rizzi, J. V. 2007. Looking behind the financial curtain. Journal of Forensic Accounting 8(1-2): ?.

Rizzo, J. R., R. J. House and S. I. Lirtzman. 1970. Role conflict and ambiguity in complex organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(2): 150-163.

Ro, B. T. 1978. The disclosure of capitalized lease information and stock prices. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 315-340.

Ro, B. T. 1980. The adjustment of security returns to the disclosure of replacement cost accounting information. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 159-189.

Ro, B. T. 1981. The disclosure of replacement cost accounting data and its effect on transaction volumes. The Accounting Review (January): 70-84.

Ro, B. T. 1981. The disclosure of replacement cost accounting data and its effect on transaction volumes: A reply. The Accounting Review (January): 181-187.

Ro, B. T. 1988. Firm size and the information content of annual earnings announcements. Contemporary Accounting Research 4(2): 438-449.

Ro, B. T. 1989. Earnings news and the firm size effect. Contemporary Accounting Research 6(1): 177-195.

Roach, J. D. C. 1990. Reshaping corporate America. Management Accounting (March): 21-23.

Roach, M. E. and W. G. Jens Jr. 2012. Is real tax reform realistic: The election season raises a familiar question. The CPA Journal (October): 18-23. (Roach and Jens conclude that significant tax reform has no real chance of being implemented).

Roach, W. 1969. Management performance reporting. Management Accounting (June): 60-61.

Roache, G. R. 1956. Applying time standards to maintenance costs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September): 48-55.

Roane, D. 2014. Tax practice corner. Journal of Accountancy (March): 62-63.

Roane, D. 2015. Health reform prohibits most reimbursement plans. Journal of Accountancy (September): 78-80.

Roane, D. E. 2010. Tax court again strikes down innocent spouse filing limit. Journal of Accountancy (December): 56-58.

Roane, D. E. 2013. IRS acquiesces to broader tax court review of innocent spouse cases. Journal of Accountancy (September): 71-72.

Roane, D. E. 2014. Individual mandate hardship exemption expanded. Journal of Accountancy (March): 67.

Roane, D. E. 2016. Keeping clients' tax data secure. Journal of Accountancy (October): 64-65.

Roane, D. E. 2017. New PATH for depreciation. Journal of Accountancy (March): 58-59.

Roane, D. E. 2017. Wellness program benefits: Tax free or not? Journal of Accountancy (October): 56-57.

Roane, D. E. 2020. Deducting home office expenses. Journal of Accountancy (May): 36-37, 39-41.

Roane, D. E. 2020. Start or review an accountable plan: Employee reimbursements need careful compliance. Journal of Accountancy (February): 52-57.

Roane, D. E. 2023. Beneficiary IRAs: A guide to the RMD maze. Journal of Accountancy (April): 1-8.

Robak, E. 2009. Fair value is here to stay. The CPA Journal (October): 6-9.

Robalo, R. C. and J. A. Moreira. 2020. The influence of power strategies in AIS implementation processes. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (39): 100487.

Robason, G. A. and L. P. Neeley. 1970. Financial reporting in municipalities. Management Accounting (March): 45-46.

Robb, A. J. 1985. Funds statements and the two-entity test. Abacus 21(1): 101-107.

Robb, A. J. 1986. Funds statements and the two-entity test: A reply. Abacus 22(1): 45-46.

Robbins, C. B. 1929. Business secrets. The Accounting Review (June): 65-79.

Robbins, C. B. 1929. Business secrets. The Accounting Review (September): 155-166.

Robbins, G. W. 1949. A pattern for professional business education. The Accounting Review (October): 392-402.

Robbins, S. 2008. Second Life For Dummies. For Dummies.

Robbins, S. M. 1960. Getting more mileage out of cash. N.A.A. Bulletin (September): 65-74.

Robbins, S. M. 1961. Emphasizing the marginal factor in the break-even analysis. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 53-60.

Robbins, S. P. and M. Coulter. 2011. Management, 11th edition. Prentice Hall.

Robbins, W. A., editor. 1989. Cases in Government and Nonprofit Accounting. American Accounting Association.

Robbins, W. A. 2009. GASB 53: New standards for derivative and hedging activities in the public sector. The CPA Journal (April): 14-21.

Robbins, W. A. and G. Taylor. 2008. SSVS 1: Applying new standards for CPAs providing valuation services. The CPA Journal (June): 54-60.

Robbins, W. A. and G. K. Taylor. 2014. What CPAs need to know about the FRF for SMEs. The CPA Journal (October): 22-27.

Robbins, W. A. and K. R. Austin. 1986. Disclosure quality in governmental financial reports: An assessment of the appropriateness of a compound measure. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 412-421.

Roberge, M. 2015. The right way to use compensation. Harvard Business Review (April): 70-75.

Roberge, M. D. 1973. Pricing for government contractors. Management Accounting (June): 28-34.

Robert, U. and J. J. Mulhern. 1922. Cost accounting in the oil refining industry. National Association of Cost Accountants Official Publications (June 15): 3-12.

Roberto, M. A. and L. C. Levesque. 2005. The art of making change initiatives stick. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 53-60. (This case study uncovered four critical processes: chartering, learning, mobilizing, and realigning that provide for a successful strategic change initiative).

Roberto, M. A., R. M. J. Bohmer and A. C. Edmondson. 2006. Facing ambiguous threats. Harvard Business Review (November): 106-113.

Roberts, A. 1995. The very idea of classification in international accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 20(7-8): 639-664.

Roberts, A. A. 2005. The implications of joint cost standards for charity reporting. Accounting Horizons (March): 11-23.

Roberts, A. A. and V. L. Valentina. 2012. One laptop per child: The $100 challenge. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 799-817.

Roberts, A. R. 1974. Electronic methodology: Accounting oral and visual history. The Accounting Historians Journal 1(1-4): 10-12.

Roberts, A. R. 1974. International accounting history symposium. The Accounting Historians Journal 1(1-4): 4.

Roberts, B. W. 1946. State unemployment insurance taxes - A controllable element of cost. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June 1): 966-978.

Roberts, C. B., C. A. Adams, R. W. K. Woo and X. Wu. 1995. Chinese accounting reform: The internationalization of financial reporting. Advances in International Accounting 8: 201-222.

Roberts, C. C. 1922. Planning an audit of an industrial company. Journal of Accountancy (April): 241-252.

Roberts, D. 2011. Unleashing the Power of IT: Bringing People, Business, and Technology Together. Wiley.

Roberts, D. 2020. The Myth of Chinese Capitalism: The Worker, the Factory, and the Future of the World. St. Martin's Press.

Roberts, D. H. 2018. An analysis of contributions, institutions, and content of Accounting and the Public Interest 2001-2015. Accounting and the Public Interest (18): 129-151.

Roberts, D. H. 2010. Changing legitimacy narratives about professional ethics and independence in the 1930's Journal of Accountancy. The Accounting Historians Journal 37(2): 95-122.

Roberts, D. H. 2015. Socialization of US novice accounting professionals through ethical disclosure in 1931. The Accounting Historians Journal 42(2): 63-89.

Roberts, D. H. 2020. U.S. public accounting practice and intergenerational occupation transfer 1850-1870. The Accounting Historians Journal 47(2): 21-33.

Roberts, D. H. 2022. Follow in footsteps: The first CPAs of 1896-1897 and accounting occupation adoption by the next generation. The Accounting Historians Journal 49(2): 73-89.

Roberts, D. J. 2017. Uncertain tax consequences with IRC 1234A. Strategic Finance (June): 17-18. (Capital gain or loss?).

Roberts, D. J. 2018. Charitable giving with the increased standard deduction. Strategic Finance (May): 18, 20.

Roberts, D. J. 2019. Disallowed deductions for qualified parking. Strategic Finance (February): 17-18.

Roberts, D. L. and F. T. Piller. 2016. Finding the right role for social media in innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 41-47.

Roberts, D. M. 1975. Discussion of the real risks in audit sampling. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Statistical Methodology in Auditing): 92-94.

Roberts, D. M. 1979. Discussion of auditing: Incentives and truthful reporting. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Auditing-Selections from the "Research Opportunities in Auditing" Program): 30-32.

Roberts, D. M. 1986. Stratified sampling using a stochastic model. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 111-126.

Roberts, E. B. and W. K. Liu. 2001. Ally or acquire? MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 26-34.

Roberts, E. B., D. I. Abrams and H. B. Weil. 1968. A systems study of policy formulation in a vertically-integrated firm. Management Science (August): B674-B694.

Roberts, F. C. 1970. Accounting for multinational operations. Management Accounting (August): 20-26.

Roberts, G. E. 1907. The public accountant and the banker. Journal of Accountancy (December): 114-118.

Roberts, G. E. 1920. Foreign exchange. Journal of Accountancy (May): 321-334.

Roberts, H. K. 1966. To keep or not to keep - A record retention program. Management Accounting (April): 58-62.

Roberts, H. V. 1955. Statistics in middle management. Management Science (April-July): 224-232.

Roberts, H. V. and B. F. Sergesketter. 1993. Quality Is Personal: A Foundation for Total Quality Management. New York: The Free Press.

Roberts, I. A. 1991. Databases: The death of a spreadsheet? Management Accounting (January): 50-51.

Roberts, J. 1990. Strategy and accounting in a U.K. conglomerate. Accounting, Organizations and Society 15(1-2): 107-126.

Roberts, J. 1991. The possibilities of accountability. Accounting, Organizations and Society 16(4): 355-368.

Roberts, J. 2004. The Modern Firm: Organizational Design for Performance and Growth (Clarendon Lectures in Management Studies). Oxford University Press.

Roberts, J. 2009. No one is perfect: The limits of transparency and an ethic for ‘intelligent’ accountability. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(8): 957-970.

Roberts, J. and J. A. Coutts. 1992. Feminization and professionalization: A review of an emerging literature on the development of accounting in the United Kingdom. Accounting, Organizations and Society 17(3-4): 379-395.

Roberts, J. and M. Jones. 2009. Accounting for self interest in the credit crisis. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(6-7): 856-867.

Roberts, J. and R. Scapens. 1985. Accounting systems and systems of accountability - Understanding accounting practices in their organisational contexts. Accounting, Organizations and Society 10(4): 443-456.

Roberts, J., P. Sanderson, D. Seidl and A. Krivokapic. 2020. The UK corporate governance code principle of 'comply or explain': Understanding code compliance as 'subjection'. Abacus 56(4): 602-626.

Roberts, J., P. Sanderson, R. Barker and J. Hendry. 2006. In the mirror of the market: The disciplinary effects of company/fund manager meetings. Accounting, Organizations and Society 31(3): 277-294.

Roberts, J. A., I. Hann and S. A. Slaughter. 2006. Understanding the motivations, participation, and performance of open source software developers: A longitudinal study of Apache projects. Management Science (July): 984-999.

Roberts, J. H. 2005. Defensive marketing: How a strong incumbent can protect its position. Harvard Business Review (November): 150-157.

Roberts, J. T. 1907. Bonds as investment securities. Journal of Accountancy (November): 71-72.

Roberts, J. W. 1920. Taxable income and profit and loss. Journal of Accountancy (May): 351-358.

Roberts, J. W. 1920. Technique of consolidated returns. Journal of Accountancy (January): 43-52.

Roberts, K., R. E. Miles and L. V. Blankenship. 1968. Organizational leadership satisfaction and productivity: A comparative analysis. The Academy of Management Journal 11(4): 401-414.

Roberts, K. H. and C. A. O'Reilly III. 1974. Failures in upward communication in organizations: Three possible culprits. The Academy of Management Journal 17(2): 205-215. (Survey).

Roberts, K. H. and C. A. O'Reilly, III. 1979. Some correlations of communication roles in organizations. The Academy of Management Journal 22(1): 42-57.

Roberts, L. G. 2017. Integrated reporting: The South African experience. The CPA Journal (July): 10-13.

Roberts, L. M. and J. E. Dutton. 2009. Exploring Positive Identities and Organizations: Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation. Berrett-Koehler Publishers.

Roberts, L. M., A. Mayo, R. Ely and D. Thomas. 2018. Beating the odds: Leadership lessons from senior African-American women. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 126-131.

Roberts, L. M., G. Spreitzer, J. Dutton, R. Quinn, E. Heaphy and B. Barker. 2005. How to play to your strengths. Harvard Business Review (January): 74-80. ("You may have more to gain by developing your gifts and leveraging your natural skills than by trying to repair your weaknesses. Here is a systematic way to discover who you are at your very best."). (Summary).

Roberts, M. 1991. No simple solutions. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 3-4.

Roberts, M. L. 2020. Supervisory approval of penalties. Journal of Accountancy (August): 50.

Roberts, M. L., B. A. Billings and T. D. Englebrecht. 1989. Phantom taxes and phantom income: A study in accounting misconceptions applied to regulated utilities. Accounting Horizons (March): 43-53.

Roberts, M. L., B. R. Neumann and E. Cauvin. 2017. Individual performance measures: Effects of experience on preference for financial or non-financial measures. Advances in Management Accounting (28): 191-221.

Roberts, M. L., T. L. Albright and A. R. Hibbets. Debiasing balanced scorecard evaluations. 2004. Behavioral Research in Accounting (16):75-88.

Roberts, M. L., W. D. Samson and M. T. Dugan. 1990. The stockholders' equity section: Form without substance? Accounting Horizons (December): 35-46.

Roberts, M. W. and K. J. Silvester. 1996. Why ABC failed and how it may yet succeed. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 23-35. (Summary).

Roberts, O. W. 1953. Opportunity costs in personnel administration. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August): 1599-1608.

Roberts, P. W. 2023. Book review: Edward F. Fischer. Making Better Coffee: How Maya Farmers and Third Wave Tastemakers Create Value. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(4): NP68-NP70.

Roberts, P. W. and P. Roberts. 2009. Book review: Why the Garden Club Couldn't Save Youngstown: The Transformation of the Rust Belt by Sean Safford. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(4): 686-688.

Roberts, R. W. 1925. Basis for property acquired for stock. Journal of Accountancy (August): 100-107.

Roberts, R. W. 1992. Determinants of corporate social responsibility disclosure: An application of stakeholder theory. Accounting, Organizations and Society 17(6): 595-612.

Roberts, R. W. 2011. Annual editor report: Leadership in accounting: The new face of an old profession. Accounting and the Public Interest (11): 130-137.

Roberts, R. W. 2012. Accounting and the Public Interest editor's report. Accounting and the Public Interest (12): xi-xvi.

Roberts, R. W. 2013. Accounting and the Public Interest editor's report. Accounting and the Public Interest (13): xi-xv.

Roberts, R. W. and D. D. Bobek. 2004. The politics of tax accounting in the United States: Evidence from the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. Accounting, Organizations and Society 29(5-6): 565-590.

Roberts, R. W., G. W. Glezen and T. W. Jones. 1990. Determinants of auditor change in the public sector. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 220-228.

Roberts, R. W., J. K. Kurtenbach and L. Seaton III. 2001. State conformity with provisions of the 1997 Uniformity Accountancy Act: Theory and evidence. Accounting and the Public Interest (1): 97-114.

Roberts, S. M. and B. Flores. 1966. An engineering approach to the traveling salesman problem. Management Science (November): 269-288.

Roberts, T. C. and J. G. Cannon 1987. The American Association of Public Accountants (1908). The Accounting Historians Journal 14(2): 99-108.

Roberts, W. H. 1906. The credit man and the public accountant. Journal of Accountancy (April): 465-474.

Roberts-Witt, S. L. 2001. Gold diggers: Let customers and partners mine your data using new e-business intelligence tools. It could turn into a gold rush. PC Magazine (February 20): ibiz 6-10.

Roberts-Witt, S. L. 2001. The internet business. PC Magazine (March 6): ibiz 9-12, 14, 16,18, 20,22, 23. (Review of hardware and software related to e-business).

Roberts-Witt, S. L. 2002. Data mining: What lies beneath? Finding patterns in customer behavior can deliver profitable insights into your business. PC Magazine (November 19): ibiz 1-6. (Summary).

Robertson, A. and D. D. Paul. 2022. Reimaging ABC principles: Today-inflation, tomorrow - carbon capture. Cost Management (November/December): 31-37.

Robertson, A. B. and J. Hansel. 2007. Sustainable performance improvement through predictive technologies. Strategic Finance (June): 56-65. (Related to the use of new forecasting techniques in healthcare).

Robertson, E. C. 1926. Use of standard labor costs in the manufacture of men's clothing. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 1): 790-797.

Robertson, E. E and D. Lockwood. 1994. Tapping the power of the PC at General Mills. Management Accounting (August): 46-47.

Robertson, J. 1976. When the name of the game is changing, How do we keep score? Accounting, Organizations and Society 1(1): 91-95.

Robertson, J. and W. Funnell. 2012. The Dutch East-India Company and accounting for social capital at the dawn of modern capitalism 1602-1623. Accounting, Organizations and Society 37(5): 342-360.

Robertson, J. B. 1914. Principal and income. Journal of Accountancy (September): 235-238.

Robertson, J. C. 1988. Analysts' reactions to auditors' messages in qualified reports. Accounting Horizons (June): 82-89.

Robertson, J. C. 2010. The effects of ingratiation and client incentive on auditor judgment. Behavioral Research In Accounting 22(2): 69-86.

Robertson, J. C. and C. H. Smith. 1973. Auditing and professionalism at the graduate level. The Accounting Review (July): 599-602.

Robertson, J. C. and R. Rouse. 1994. Substantive audit sampling - The challenge of achieving efficiency along with effectiveness. Accounting Horizons (March): 35-44.

Robertson, J. C. and R. W. Clarke. 1971. Verification of management representations: A first step toward independent audits of management. The Accounting Review (July): 562-571.

Robertson, J. C. and R. W. Houston. 2010. Investors expectations of the improvement in the credibility of audit opinions following PCAOB inspection reports with identified deficiencies. Accounting and the Public Interest (10): 36-56.

Robertson, J. C., C. M. Stefaniak and M. B. Curtis. 2011. Does wrongdoer reputation matter? Impact of auditor-wrongdoer performance and likeability reputations on fellow auditors' intention to take action and choice of reporting outlet. Behavioral Research In Accounting 23(2): 207-234.

Robertson, J. C., C. M. Stefaniak and R. W. Houston. 2014. Do PCAOB inspection reports influence corporate executives' perceptions of audit quality and the likelihood of switching auditors? Accounting and the Public Interest (14): 48-71.

Robertson, J. D. 1941. A payroll control plan. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 15): 1321-1332.

Robertson, J. G. Jr. 1948. The technique of financial forecasting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August 1): 1459-1472.

Robertson, L. H. 1968. Profitability commission plans relating sales compensation to profitability. Management Accounting (June): 39-45.

Robertson, L. H. and T. P. Hall. 1967. Network analysis and financial planning. Management Accounting (April): 43-46.

Robertson, P. J., D. R. Roberts and J. I. Porras. 1993. Dynamics of planned organizational change: Assessing empirical support for a theoretical model. The Academy of Management Journal 36(3): 619-634.

Robertson, P. Q. and W. T. Dancer. 2010. Deductibility of work-related educational expenses. Journal of Accountancy (December): 42-46.

Robertson, T. S. 2022. Selling on TikTok and Taobao. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 54-58.

Robertson, T. S. 2023. The resale revolution: Increasingly, companies are reselling their own products. Should you get into the game? Harvard Business Review (November/December): 82-91.

Robertson, T. S. and Y. Wind. 1983. Organizational cosmopolitanism and innovativeness. The Academy of Management Journal 26(2): 332-338.

Robertson, W. A. 1965. Make friends with your computer. Management Accounting (November): 30-34.

Robey, D. 1972. A cross-cultural perspective of supervisory values: Comment. The Academy of Management Journal 15(3): 367-369.

Robey, D. 1979. User attitudes and management information system use. The Academy of Management Journal 22(3): 527-538.

Robey, D., M. M. Bakr and T. S. Miller. 1977. Organizational size and management autonomy: Some structural discontinuities. The Academy of Management Journal 20(3): 378-397.

Robichaud, L. 2022. Change is the one constant. Strategic Finance (July): 64.

Robichaud, L. 2023. What young workers need leaders to hear. Strategic Finance (October): 15-16.

Robichek, A. A., D. Teichroew and J. M. Jones. 1965. Optimal short term financing decision. Management Science (September): 1-36.

Robin, A., Q. Wu and H. Zhang. 2017. Auditor quality and debt covenants. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(1): 154-185.

Robin, A. J. and H. Zhang. 2015. Do industry-specialist auditors influence stock price crash risk? Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 34(3): 47-79.

Robin, D. R. 1967. An input-output model of employee behavior. The Academy of Management Journal 10(3): 257-268.

Robins, J. A. 1987. Organizational economics: Notes on the use of transaction-cost theory in the study of organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 32(1): 68-86.

Robinson, A. G. and D. M. Schroeder. 1990. The limited role of statistical quality control in a zero defects environment. Production and Inventory Management Journal 31(3): 60-65.

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Rosenthal, C. and A. Kaur. 2016. Nevada's new tax revenue plan. The CPA Journal (August): 68-69.

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Rosenthal, C. and A. Kaur. 2021. An overview of current developments in D.C., Florida, and Maryland. The CPA Journal (October/November): 74-75. (Related to taxes).

Rosenthal, C. and A. Yang. 2016. New York's enhanced collection procedures for delinquent taxpayers driver's license suspension program. The CPA Journal (May): 64-65.

Rosenthal, C. and K. Schipp. 2022. Recent California State and local tax development. The CPA Journal (March/April): 68-69.

Rosenthal, C. and P. Duffany. 2015. An overview of unclaimed property: Planning opportunities and strategies to minimize risk. The CPA Journal (February): 60.

Rosenthal, C., A. Kaur and P. Duffany. 2015. New York City commerical rent tax. The CPA Journal (November): 58-59.

Rosenthal, C., F. Komarow and P. Duffany. 2015. Who is a New York resident? The CPA Journal (April): 50-52.

Rosenthal, C., F. Komarow and P. Duffany. 2016. The New York State bulk sale notification requirement. The CPA Journal (March): 56-57.

Rosenthal, C., J. Lanza and P. Duffany. 2015. New York tax credits and incentives. The CPA Journal (June): 66-67.

Rosenthal, C., J. Morhart, P. Rabinowitz and P. Duffany. 2015. The New York City unincorporated business tax: Understanding the effect on pass-through entities. The CPA Journal (December): 64-65.

Rosenthal, C., P. Duffany and S. Smith. 2015. Developments in the sales tax of electronic commerce. The CPA Journal (May): 42-43.

Rosenthal, C., P. Rabinowitz and A. Yang. 2016. New York State and City prior net operating loss conversion. The CPA Journal (June): 72-73.

Rosenthal, C., P. Rabinowitz and A. Yang. 2017. Tax changes in the 2017/2018 New York State budget. The CPA Journal (June): 70-71.

Rosenthal, C., P. Rabinowitz and F. Liu. 2017. Adapting to new federal tax returns due dates in New York. The CPA Journal (April): 72-73.

Rosenthal, C., P. Rabinowitz and F. Liu. 2017. State and local tax roundup of current developments. The CPA Journal (May): 62-63.

Rosenthal, C., S. Smith and K. Paton. 2017. Understanding click-through Nexus: States seek to collect sales and use taxes from remote vendors. The CPA Journal (January): 62-63.

Rosenthal, C., S. Solomon and A. Yang. 2016. New York State and city real estate transfer taxes. The CPA Journal (April): 58-59.

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Rosenthal, C. L. and A Kaur. 2017. Changes to Washington's B&O tax economic nexus standard and use tax notice and reporting. The CPA Journal (October): 60-61.

Rosenthal, C. L., and A. Kaur. 2017. New York State Department of Labor unemployment insurance tax audits: A growing trend. The CPA Journal (August): 62-63.

Rosenthal, C. L. and A. Kaur. 2017. Sales and use tax update. The CPA Journal (September): 64-65.

Rosenthal, C. L. and A. Kaur. 2020. An overview of current developments in California and Texas. The CPA Journal (February): 66-67.

Rosenthal, C. L. and A. Kaur. 2021. New York State's new pass-through entity tax. The CPA Journal (June/July): 74-75.

Rosenthal, C. L. and A. Kaur. 2023. SALT round-up-key updates in several jurisdictions: Looking at Maryland, New Jersey, North Carolina. The CPA Journal (September/October): 73-75.

Rosenthal, C. L. and A.  Kaur. 2023. Legislative changes in the 2023/24 New York State Budget Act. The CPA Journal (May/June): 70-71.

Rosenthal, C. L. and A. Yang. 2016. State and local tax roundup of current developments. The CPA Journal (December): 58-59.

Rosenthal, C. L. and A. Yang. 2018. New York City commercial rent tax: Recent developments and the small business tax credit. The CPA Journal (August): 65.

Rosenthal, C. L. and A. Yang. 2018. The IRS shutdown of SALT deduction workarounds: A comparison of states. The CPA Journal (December): 68-69.

Rosenthal, C. L. and B. Wexler. 2019. New York State decouples from certain federal personal income tax changes: An overview of key changes. The CPA Journal (February): 68-69.

Rosenthal, C. L. and C. Bernier. 2020. Foreign exchange losses and state compliance. The CPA Journal (April): 60-61.

Rosenthal, C. L. and C. Galamgam. 2019. Changes affecting Connecticut personal income taxes: A refresher of key revisions. The CPA Journal (April): 70.

Rosenthal, C. L. and C. Galamgam. 2019. Summary of key Connecticut budget and tax changes. The CPA Journal (September): 64-66.

Rosenthal, C. L. and C. Galamgam. 2018. Connecticut legislative update: Personal, corporate, and estate and gift tax changes. The CPA Journal (February): 72-73.

Rosenthal, C. L. and C. Li. 2018. State and local tax roundup: Current developments in New Jersey and Connecticut. The CPA Journal (July): 66-67.

Rosenthal, C. L. and F. Gorman. 2023. Current developments in California, Florida, Indiana, and Pennsylvania. The CPA Journal (March/April): 68-70.

Rosenthal, C. L. and F. Komarow. 2018. New York State residency update: Tax tribunal provides clarity on "permanent place abode" definition. The CPA Journal (August): 62-64.

Rosenthal, C. L. and F. R. Komarow. 2017. Proper utilization of cellphone records to determine statutory residence in New York. The CPA Journal (March): 60-63.

Rosenthal, C. L. and F. Komarow. 2016. New York residency audits and the enhanced utilization of electronic data records. The CPA Journal (November): 60-61.

Rosenthal, C. L. and H. Golematis. 2019. New Jersey update: Guidance on the unitary business test and combined reporting requirement. The CPA Journal (December): 84.

Rosenthal, C. L. and J. Hu. 2019. Oregon's new commercial activity tax. The CPA Journal (August): 66-67.

Rosenthal, C. L. and J. Morhart. 2017. An update on the sourcing of financial receipts for broker-dealers. The CPA Journal (November): 62-63.

Rosenthal, C. L. and K. Schipp. 2021. California approves SALT Cap workaround: An overview of the key provisions. The CPA Journal (August/September): 75. (Related to the limitation on the deduction for state and local taxes paid for individuals).

Rosenthal, C. L. and L. E. Rothenberg. 2018. New Jersey enacts sales tax reforms: Taxing remote sellers and marketplace facilitators. The CPA Journal (November): 63.

Rosenthal, C. L. and L. E. Rothenberg. 2019. How to win a New York sales tax audit, despite poor recordkeeping. The CPA Journal (March): 62-63.

Rosenthal, C. L. and L. E. Rothenberg. 2019. New York sales tax economic nexus update. The CPA Journal (September): 67.

Rosenthal, C. L. and L. E. Rothenberg. 2019. The continuing fight over the SALT deduction cap. The CPA Journal (October): 61.

Rosenthal, C. L. and L. E. Rothenberg. 2020. COVID-19 and the 'great lockdown'. The CPA Journal (July/August): 66-69.

Rosenthal, C. L. and L. E. Rothenberg. 2020. Current tax issues in the cloud. The CPA Journal (June): 58-59.

Rosenthal, C. L. and L. E. Rothenberg. 2020. Recent New York sales tax litigation leaves auto dealership at side of road. The CPA Journal (October/November): 78-79.

Rosenthal, C. L. and L. E. Rothenberg. 2021. The exodus from New York due to Covid-19: Income tax residency considerations. The CPA Journal (April/May): 68-71.

Rosenthal, C. L. and L. E. Rothenberg. 2022. Key personal income tax decision: New York Appeals Court holds taxpayer's vacation home did not qualify as 'Permanent Place of Abode.' The CPA Journal (July/August): 66-67.

Rosenthal, C. L. and L. E. Rothenberg. 2022. The complexity of sales taxation of information services: A review of recent New York litigation. The CPA Journal (January/February): 70-71.

Rosenthal, C. L. and M. L. Castilla. 2019. California State and local tax update. The CPA Journal (July): 60-61.

Rosenthal, C. L., A. Kaur and D. Isaeva. 2021. Changes to 'business activity' on the horizon? The CPA Journal (February/March): 74-75.

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Rosenthal, C. L., A. Kaur and M. H. Levin. 2020. Tax provisions of New York State's 2020/21 budget and COVID-19 due date extensions. The CPA Journal (May): 56-57.

Rosenthal, C. L., C. Povilonis and C. Galamgam. 2018. Connecticut enacts new tax pass-through entities. The CPA Journal (September): 67-68.

Rosenthal, C. L., L. E. Rothenberg and M. H. Levin. 2019. Tax changes in the 2019/2020 New York State budget: Summary of key provisions. The CPA Journal (June): 66-67.

Rosenthal, C. L., P. Rabinowitz and C. Li. 2018. Changes to the New York City commerical rent tax: A victory for small business owners. The CPA Journal (March): 63.

Rosenthal, C. L., P. Rabinowitz and A. Yang. 2018. New York State and City net operating loss conversions: Common errors and important highlights. The CPA Journal (January): 68-69.

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