Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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The Academy of Management Journal. 1965. In Memoriam: Charles L. Jamison 1885-1965. The Academy of Management Journal 8(2): 161.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1967. Research activities and interests of the academy membership. A summary. The Academy of Management Journal 10(2): 205-207.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1969. Obituary: Cameron Hawley. The Academy of Management Journal 12(1): 103.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1969. Obituary: C. Bertrand Thompson (1882-1969). The Academy of Management Journal 12(1): 66.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1970. President's message: The Academy of Management: An idea whose time has come? The Academy of Management Journal 13(2): 121-123.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1971. C. I. Barnard: Manager, SI; Philosopher,??? The Academy of Management Journal 14(3): 402-405.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1971. Errata: Negro students in schools of business: Comment. The Academy of Management Journal 14(1): 154.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1972. Errata: A contingency theory of organization re-examined in the context of a developing country. The Academy of Management Journal 15(3): 342.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1972. Errata: Long-range planning and organizational performance: A cross-valuation study. The Academy of Management Journal 15(2): 158.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1972. Errata: Organizational development: Description, issues, and some research results. The Academy of Management Journal 15(2): 146.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1976. Erratum: Boundary conditions for expectancy theory predictions of work motivation and job performance. The Academy of Management Journal 19(4): 685.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1977. Erratum: Leader effectiveness in small bureaucracies. The Academy of Management Journal 20(3): 487.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1978. Note: Errata: Selecting foreign plant sites: Economic, social and political considerations. The Academy of Management Journal 21(3): 519.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1979. Errata: Technical communication in R & D laboratories: The impact of project work characteristics. The Academy of Management Journal 22(1): 128.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1979. Erratum. The Academy of Management Journal 22(4): 823.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1982. Erratum: The impact of goal setting on survey returns. The Academy of Management Journal 25(1): 208.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1982. Erratum: The urban quality of life and entrepreneurship. The Academy of Management Journal 25(2): 298.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1983. Erratum: Administrative turnover as a response to unmanaged organizational interdependence. The Academy of Management Journal 26(1): 192.
The Academy of Management Journal. 1985. Errata: Technology and interorganizational activity as predictors of client referrals. The Academy of Management Journal 28(1): 33.
The Academy of Management Journal. 2002. Academy of Management code of ethical conduct. The Academy of Management Journal 45(1): 291-294.
The Academy of Management Journal. 2002. Academy of Management code of ethical conduct. The Academy of Management Journal 45(6): 1220-1223.
The Academy of Management Journal. 2005. In Memoriam. The Academy of Management Journal 48(5): 737.
The Academy of Management Journal. 2006. Editors' note: Streamlining the revise and resubmit process at "AMJ". The Academy of Management Journal 49(5): 873-874.
The Accountant, Volume 35. 1906. Lafferty Publications, Ltd.
The Accounting Historians Journal. 1977. In tribute to H. R. Hatfield. The Accounting Historians Journal 4(1): 1.
The Accounting Historians Journal. 1978. On the present and future importance of accounting history. Wichita State University Accounting Research Seminar. The Accounting Historians Journal 5(2): 63-65.
The Accounting Historians Journal. 1997. In Memoriam: Mary Ellen DeCoste. The Accounting Historians Journal 24(2): 151.
The Accounting Historians Journal. 1998. Follow-up to: "Recent insights into Mesopotamian accounting of the 3rd millennium B.C.": Correction to table 1. The Accounting Historians Journal 25(2): 147-149.
The Accounting Historians Journal. 1998. Point / Counterpoint. The Accounting Historians Journal 25(1): 56.
The Accounting Historians Journal. 2005. William D. Samson (1947-2005). The Accounting Historians Journal 32(2): 1.
The Accounting Historians Journal. 2006. In Memoriam: Celebrating the life of Bill Samson. The Accounting Historians Journal 33(1): 1-2.
The Accounting Historians Journal. 2012. XII National Conference of the Italian Society of Accounting History: "Ragioneria" and accounting between 19th and 20th centuries: A comparison in trends and theories: PARMA, November 2013. Department of Economics - University of Parma: Call for papers. The Accounting Historians Journal 39(2): 116-117.
The Accounting Historian Journal. 2014. Gary Schieneman: A retrospective on his career. The Accounting Historians Journal 41(2): 155-161.
The Accounting Historians Journal. 2012. How a medieval friar forever changes finance. The Accounting Historians Journal 39(2): 113-115.
The Accounting Historians Journal. 2013. Richard Brief's contributions to accounting thought: Enlivening accounting history. The Accounting Historians Journal 40(2): 147-155.
The Accounting Historians Journal. 2013. Some comments concerning 'How a medieval friar forever changed finance'. The Accounting Historians Journal 40(1): 105-107.
The Accounting Historians Journal. 2018. Erratum. The Accounting Historians Journal 45(2): 41. (Refers to Zeff, S. A. 2018. 45(1): 45-67).
The Accounting Historians Journal. 2018. Erratum. The Accounting Historians Journal 45(2): 43. (Refers to Zeff, S. A. 2018. 45(1): 35-140.).
The Accounting Review. 1926. Round table on the trend of accounting instruction. The Accounting Review (March): 112-113.
The Accounting Review. 1938. Syllabus of college preparation for accountancy. The Accounting Review (June): 195-198.
The Accounting Review. 1940. Accounting theses. The Accounting Review (September): 421-424.
The Accounting Review. 1940. Akron Brass Manufacturing Company, Inc.: Reorganization; appreciation of fixed Assets; parent and unprofitable subsidiary. The Accounting Review (September): 400-406.
The Accounting Review. 1940. Alleghany Corporation: Bond discount and expense; gains and losses on sale of investments; contracts to sell securities. The Accounting Review (December): 504-506.
The Accounting Review. 1940. Centrifugal Pipe Corporation: Recapitalization; accounting for patents. The Accounting Review (December): 499-504.
The Accounting Review. 1940. Cerro de Pasco Copper Corporation: Auditing of foreign subsidiaries; inventory valuation; dividends from subsidiaries. The Accounting Review (June): 265-271.
The Accounting Review. 1940. Deficiencies in federal accounting. The Accounting Review (September): 443-446.
The Accounting Review. 1940. Gimbel Brothers, Inc.: Appreciation of fixed assets; earnings of subsidiaries; retail store accounts. The Accounting Review (September): 406-412.
The Accounting Review. 1940. Inspiration Consolidated Copper Company: Net income without deduction for depletion: Control through minority stock ownership. The Accounting Review (June): 261-265.
The Accounting Review. 1940. Phillips-Jones Corporation: Reclassification of surplus; donated and leased assets; reserves. The Accounting Review (December): 495-499.
The Accounting Review. 1940. Underwood Elliott Fisher Company: Adjustments between earned and capital surplus; write-off of intangible assets. The Accounting Review (September): 412-416.
The Accounting Review. 1941. Accounting instructional staffs in colleges and universities. The Accounting Review (March): 109-112.
The Accounting Review. 1941. Accounting principles underlying corporate financial statements. The Accounting Review (June): 133-139.
The Accounting Review. 1941. Accounting systems and problems of particular industries. The Accounting Review (September): 288-301.
The Accounting Review. 1941. Accounting theses. The Accounting Review (September): 288.
The Accounting Review. 1941. Metropolitan Edison Company: Restriction on dividends on common stock; consent order. The Accounting Review (March): 94-97.
The Accounting Review. 1941. International Salt Company: Dividends out of subsidiary surplus at date of acquisition; amortization of bond discount. The Accounting Review (March): 97-102.
The Accounting Review. 1941. The Republic Company: Stop order, dividends on partly paid stock as interest income, investment trust accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 102-106.
The Accounting Review. 1942. Accounting principles underlying corporate financial statements. The Accounting Review (January): 60-66.
The Accounting Review. 1943. Fund statement terminology. The Accounting Review (April): 156-164.
The Accounting Review. 1943. Costs under government contracts. The Accounting Review (April): 164-167.
The Accounting Review. 1946. University faculties in accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 477-479.
The Accounting Review. 1947. University faculties in accounting. The Accounting Review (January): 108-114.
The Accounting Review. 1948. Accounting concepts and standards underlying corporate financial statements: 1948 revision. The Accounting Review (October): 339-344.
The Accounting Review. 1948. Statement of the responsibilities of the internal auditor. The Accounting Review (January): 84-85.
The Accounting Review. 1951. Editor's note-correction: Accounting for leaseholds. The Accounting Review (January): 8.
The Accounting Review. 1951. Prefix to Supplementary Statement No. 1. The Accounting Review (April): 152.
The Accounting Review. 1951. Report on examination of records. The Accounting Review (April): 255-258.
The Accounting Review. 1952. American Accounting Association receives grant from Merrill Foundation. The Accounting Review (July): 291.
The Accounting Review. 1952. Editor's note. The Accounting Review (October): 430.
The Accounting Review. 1952. Editor's note: Correction: Finding the yield on a bond. The Accounting Review (January): 14.
The Accounting Review. 1952. Report of the committee on cost concepts and standards. The Accounting Review (April): 174-188.
The Accounting Review. 1952. Report of the Committee on Internship Programs. The Accounting Review (July): 316-323.
The Accounting Review. 1952. Report of Committee on Selection of Personnel. The Accounting Review (October): 454-457.
The Accounting Review. 1952. Report on examination of records. The Accounting Review (April): 232-235.
The Accounting Review. 1953. Audit report: For the year ended December 31, 1952. The Accounting Review (April): 275-279.
The Accounting Review. 1953. Correction. The Accounting Review (July): 457.
The Accounting Review. 1953. Regional meetings. The Accounting Review (July): 325-326.
The Accounting Review. 1954. A report of the Committee on Auditing Education. The Accounting Review (July): 465-471.
The Accounting Review. 1954. American Accounting Association: Report of standards rating committee. The Accounting Review (January): 38-44.
The Accounting Review. 1954. Audit report: For the year ended December 31, 1953. The Accounting Review (April): 303-307.
The Accounting Review. 1954. Correction. The Accounting Review (January): 152.
The Accounting Review. 1954. Historical dates in accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 486-493.
The Accounting Review. 1954. Professional accountants library. The Accounting Review (October): 671-675.
The Accounting Review. 1955. A project report of the 1954 Task Committee on Internal Auditing Education. The Accounting Review (January): 58-69.
The Accounting Review. 1955. Accounting teachers' library. The Accounting Review (January): 119-124.
The Accounting Review. 1955. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (January): 27.
The Accounting Review. 1955. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (April): 230-231.
The Accounting Review. 1955. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (July): 428-429.
The Accounting Review. 1955. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (October): 600-601.
The Accounting Review. 1955. Report on examination of accounts: For the year ended December 31, 1954. The Accounting Review (April): 331-335.
The Accounting Review. 1956. American Accounting Association 1956 convention. The Accounting Review (July): 371-373.
The Accounting Review. 1956. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (April): 220-221.
The Accounting Review. 1956. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (July): 386-388.
The Accounting Review. 1956. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (October): 596-598.
The Accounting Review. 1957. Accounting and reporting standards for corporate financial statements 1957 revision. The Accounting Review (October): 536-546.
The Accounting Review. 1957. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (January): 55.
The Accounting Review. 1957. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (April): 199-200.
The Accounting Review. 1957. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (July): 386-388.
The Accounting Review. 1957. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (October): 566-568.
The Accounting Review. 1958. American Accounting Association personnel participating in the CPA theory examination question stockpiling project. The Accounting Review (April): 240-241.
The Accounting Review. 1958. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (January): 25.
The Accounting Review. 1958. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (April): 237-238.
The Accounting Review. 1958. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (July): 412-414.
The Accounting Review. 1958. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (October): 593-595.
The Accounting Review. 1958. Editorial note - Correction: Comments on "Accounting and reporting standards for corporate financial statements-1957 Revision". The Accounting Review (October): 560.
The Accounting Review. 1958. Editorial note - Correction: Price level changes and financial statements: A critical reappraisal. The Accounting Review (October): 558.
The Accounting Review. 1958. Program leading to the professional degree of master of accounting science (M.A.S.). The Accounting Review (October): 559-560.
The Accounting Review. 1958. Tentative statement on government accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 209.
The Accounting Review. 1959. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (April): 281-282.
The Accounting Review. 1959. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (July): 462.
The Accounting Review. 1959. Associate memberships. The Accounting Review (October): 649-650.
The Accounting Review. 1959. American Accounting Association members contributing theory questions to the CPA examination stockpiling project. The Accounting Review (April): 283.
The Accounting Review. 1959. Bachelor of accountancy program. The Accounting Review (January): 36.
The Accounting Review. 1960. AAA regional meetings gain interest. The Accounting Review (April): 363-367.
The Accounting Review. 1960. AICPA announces research projects. The Accounting Review (July): 553-554.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Association committees active. The Accounting Review (October): 756.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Association notes. The Accounting Review (April): 359-363.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Association notes. The Accounting Review (July): 559-560.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Association notes. The Accounting Review (October): 759-761.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Committee reports indicate accomplishments. The Accounting Review (April): 355-358.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Dean Paul Garner completes tour. The Accounting Review (October): 758.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Distribution of committee appointments. The Accounting Review (July): 551-553.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Executive committee actions. The Accounting Review (April): 358-359.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Midwestern group meeting. The Accounting Review (October): 758.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Report of the advisory committee on professional development. The Accounting Review (April): 228-232.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Report of the committee on management accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 400-404.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Report of the committee on the scope of the four year accounting major: Trends in undergraduate accounting education. The Accounting Review (April): 203-205.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Report on examination of accounts. The Accounting Review (July): 561-565.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Research publications sponsored by the American Accounting Association. The Accounting Review (January): 117.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Southeastern section. The Accounting Review (October): 757-758.
The Accounting Review. 1960. Southwestern section. The Accounting Review (October): 756-757.
The Accounting Review. 1961. AICPA announces additional research projects. The Accounting Review (January): 158.
The Accounting Review. 1961. American Accounting Association financial report: For the year ended December 31st, 1960. The Accounting Review (April): 290-292.
The Accounting Review. 1961. American Accounting Association 1961 convention. The Accounting Review (July): 514.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Association notes. The Accounting Review (January): 163-166.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Association notes. The Accounting Review (April): 328-329.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Association notes. The Accounting Review (July): 517-518.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Association notes. The Accounting Review (October): 676-678.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Australian teachers of accounting form association. The Accounting Review (October): 673-674.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Computer characteristics chart. The Accounting Review (January): 160.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Contribution to Fellowship Fund. The Accounting Review (April): 325.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Eighth International Congress of Accountants. The Accounting Review (April): 325.
The Accounting Review. 1961. 1962 Executive committee. The Accounting Review (October): 675.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Executive Committee action. The Accounting Review (January): 157.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Executive Committee action. The Accounting Review (April): 324-325.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Fellowship applications due March 1. The Accounting Review (January): 158.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Fellowship fund receives contributions. The Accounting Review (January): 157.
The Accounting Review. 1961. FGAA appoints special committee. The Accounting Review (January): 159.
The Accounting Review. 1961. FGAA holds conference. The Accounting Review (July): 513.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Fourteenth annual accounting conference at Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas. The Accounting Review (July): 512.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Illinois teachers hold conference. The Accounting Review (January): 159-160.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Louisiana State University offers CPA review courses. The Accounting Review (October): 674-675.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Michigan accounting educators conference. The Accounting Review (July): 513.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Middle Atlantic Association of Colleges of Business Administration: Statement of policy relative to a fifth year in the accounting curriculum. The Accounting Review (October): 635-637.
The Accounting Review. 1961. NAA offers Bulletins to students. The Accounting Review (October): 673.
The Accounting Review. 1961. National defense student loan program information. The Accounting Review (January): 161.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Northeast regional group officers. The Accounting Review (April): 326.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Ohio regional meeting. The Accounting Review (April): 325-326.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Perry Mason receives accounting award. The Accounting Review (January): 160.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Petroleum accounting conference. The Accounting Review (January): 161.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Report of the Committee on Doctoral Programs in Accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 213-216.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Report of the Committee on the Study of the Ford and Carnegie Foundation Reports. The Accounting Review (April): 191-196.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Reprints of The Accounting Review. The Accounting Review (April): 325.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Southwestern group meeting. The Accounting Review (July): 511-512.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Student rates to Federal Accountant. The Accounting Review (April): 326.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Summer graduate program in public school fund accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 674.
The Accounting Review. 1961. Tulsa conference of accountants. The Accounting Review (April): 326.
The Accounting Review. 1962. American Accounting Association: Financial report. The Accounting Review (July): 541-544.
The Accounting Review. 1962. Association notes. The Accounting Review (January): 152-156.
The Accounting Review. 1962. Eric L. Kohler receives award. The Accounting Review (January): 147.
The Accounting Review. 1962. Fellowship fund. The Accounting Review (January): 147.
The Accounting Review. 1962. Illinois conference of accounting teachers. The Accounting Review (January): 150.
The Accounting Review. 1962. Last minute notes. The Accounting Review (July): 588.
The Accounting Review. 1962. NAA offers recognition awards. The Accounting Review (January): 149-150.
The Accounting Review. 1962. New AICPA research projects. The Accounting Review (January): 147-149.
The Accounting Review. 1962. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 372-375.
The Accounting Review. 1962. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 589-594.
The Accounting Review. 1962. News notes. The Accounting Review (October): 795-800.
The Accounting Review. 1962. President's message. The Accounting Review (January): 146-147.
The Accounting Review. 1962. Report of the Committee on Income Tax Instruction: Statement of the aims and objectives of income tax instruction. The Accounting Review (July): 538-540.
The Accounting Review. 1962. Report of the Committee on the CPA Examination: Appraisal of the content of the CPA examination. The Accounting Review (April): 318-327.
The Accounting Review. 1962. Report of the Management Accounting Committee. The Accounting Review (July): 523-537.
The Accounting Review. 1962. Report of the Sub-Committee on Research and Publication. The Accounting Review (April): 315-317.
The Accounting Review. 1962. SBA management research summaries. The Accounting Review (January): 149.
The Accounting Review. 1963. American Accounting Association, Madison, Wisconsin, December 31, 1962: Financial report. The Accounting Review (July): 608-610.
The Accounting Review. 1963. News notes. The Accounting Review (January): 196-206.
The Accounting Review. 1963. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 436-440.
The Accounting Review. 1963. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 657-663.
The Accounting Review. 1963. News notes. The Accounting Review (October): 874-879.
The Accounting Review. 1963. Report of the Committee on Courses and Curricula: Accounting courses for accounting majors. The Accounting Review (July): 601-607.
The Accounting Review. 1964. News notes. The Accounting Review (January): 208-215.
The Accounting Review. 1964. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 516-520.
The Accounting Review. 1964. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 810-813.
The Accounting Review. 1964. News notes. The Accounting Review (October): 1092-1098.
The Accounting Review. 1964. American Accounting Association Madison, Wisconsin, December 31, 1963: Financial report. The Accounting Review (July): 739-741.
The Accounting Review. 1964. Report of the Committee on Accounting Systems Instruction. The Accounting Review (July): 715-720.
The Accounting Review. 1964. Report of the Committee on Concepts and Standards - General. The Accounting Review (April): 425-431.
The Accounting Review. 1964. Report of the Committee on Courses and Curricula-General. The Accounting Review (July): 721-738.
The Accounting Review. 1964. Report of the Committee on Educational Standards. The Accounting Review (April): 447-456.
The Accounting Review. 1964. Report of the Committee on Teaching Methods - Programed instruction. The Accounting Review (April): 432-446.
The Accounting Review. 1965. American Accounting Association financial report for 1964. The Accounting Review (July): 696-698.
The Accounting Review. 1965. American Accounting Association research projects in process. The Accounting Review (April): 497-498.
The Accounting Review. 1965. American Accounting Association research projects in process. The Accounting Review (July): 703-704.
The Accounting Review. 1965. American Accounting Association research projects in process. The Accounting Review (October): 917-918.
The Accounting Review. 1965. Doctoral programs in accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 414-421.
The Accounting Review. 1965. Electronic data processing in accounting education. The Accounting Review (April): 422-429.
The Accounting Review. 1965. News notes. The Accounting Review (January): 272-279.
The Accounting Review. 1965. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 494-497.
The Accounting Review. 1965. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 699-702.
The Accounting Review. 1965. News notes. The Accounting Review (October): 914-916.
The Accounting Review. 1966. American Accounting Association annual report. The Accounting Review (April): 376-378.
The Accounting Review. 1966. American Accounting Association research projects in process. The Accounting Review (January): 184-185.
The Accounting Review. 1966. American Accounting Association research projects in process. The Accounting Review (April): 373-374.
The Accounting Review. 1966. American Accounting Association research projects in process. The Accounting Review (July): 594-595.
The Accounting Review. 1966. American Accounting Association research projects in process. The Accounting Review (October): 807-808.
The Accounting Review. 1966. News notes. The Accounting Review (January): 180-183.
The Accounting Review. 1966. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 588-591.
The Accounting Review. 1966. News notes. The Accounting Review (October): 805-806.
The Accounting Review. 1967. American Accounting Association annual report. The Accounting Review (January): 194-196.
The Accounting Review. 1967. Membership questionnaire summary. The Accounting Review (July): 605-609.
The Accounting Review. 1967. News notes. The Accounting Review (January): 174-179.
The Accounting Review. 1967. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 411-413.
The Accounting Review. 1967. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 610-612.
The Accounting Review. 1967. News notes. The Accounting Review (October): 806-808.
The Accounting Review. 1968. American Accounting Association annual report. The Accounting Review (January): 182-184.
The Accounting Review. 1968. American Accounting Association research projects in process. The Accounting Review (July): 599-601.
The Accounting Review. 1968. Correction: Prospective adventures in accounting ideas. The Accounting Review (October): 648.
The Accounting Review. 1968. News notes. The Accounting Review (January): 157-163.
The Accounting Review. 1968. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 390-393.
The Accounting Review. 1968. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 595-598.
The Accounting Review. 1968. News notes. The Accounting Review (October): 789-792.
The Accounting Review. 1969. American Accounting Association annual report. The Accounting Review (January): 205-207.
The Accounting Review. 1969. American Accounting Association research projects in process. The Accounting Review (January): 183-185.
The Accounting Review. 1969. A statement of tax concepts to be used as a basis for teaching income taxation. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 1-18.
The Accounting Review. 1969. Correction: Some conceptualizing on goodwill. The Accounting Review (October): 679.
The Accounting Review. 1969. News notes The Accounting Review (January): 176-181.
The Accounting Review. 1969. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 412-415.
The Accounting Review. 1969. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 628-631.
The Accounting Review. 1969. News notes. The Accounting Review (October): 843-846.
The Accounting Review. 1969. Research in accounting: 1968. The Accounting Review (January): 186-200.
The Accounting Review. 1969. Subject matter outline to accompany the statement of "concepts of federal income taxation". 1969. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 19-41.
The Accounting Review. 1970. American Accounting Association annual report. The Accounting Review (January): 187-189.
The Accounting Review. 1970. American Accounting Association research projects in process. The Accounting Review (April): 377-378.
The Accounting Review. 1970. Errata: Algebraic double entry. The Accounting Review (July): 584.
The Accounting Review. 1970. News notes. The Accounting Review (January): 164-167.
The Accounting Review. 1970. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 370-373.
The Accounting Review. 1970. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 585-588.
The Accounting Review. 1970. News notes. The Accounting Review (October): 798-801.
The Accounting Review. 1970. President's report. The Accounting Review (July): 589-591.
The Accounting Review. 1970. Research in accounting: 1969. The Accounting Review (January): 169-186.
The Accounting Review. 1971. American Accounting Association annual report. The Accounting Review (January): 180-183.
The Accounting Review. 1971. American Accounting Association Executive Committee 1970-71. The Accounting Review (April): 393-394.
The Accounting Review. 1971. News notes. The Accounting Review (January): 207-212.
The Accounting Review. 1971. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 403-409.
The Accounting Review. 1971. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 617-620.
The Accounting Review. 1971. News notes. The Accounting Review (October): 805-810.
The Accounting Review. 1971. The role of the American Accounting Association in the development of accounting principles. The Accounting Review (July): 609-616.
The Accounting Review. 1972. American Accounting Association annual report. The Accounting Review (January): 193-196.
The Accounting Review. 1972. Comments from the President. The Accounting Review (April): 397-400.
The Accounting Review. 1972. Editor's announcement. The Accounting Review (April): 396.
The Accounting Review. 1972. News notes. The Accounting Review (January): 210-215.
The Accounting Review. 1972. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 407-412.
The Accounting Review. 1972. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 630-635.
The Accounting Review. 1972. News notes. The Accounting Review (October): 841-847.
The Accounting Review. 1973. American Accounting Association annual report. The Accounting Review (January): 187-190.
The Accounting Review. 1973. Comments from the President. The Accounting Review (January): 175.
The Accounting Review. 1973. Editor's announcements. The Accounting Review (April): 433-435.
The Accounting Review. 1973. News notes. The Accounting Review (January): 213-220.
The Accounting Review. 1973. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 446-454.
The Accounting Review. 1973. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 627-630.
The Accounting Review. 1973. News notes. The Accounting Review (October): 805-807.
The Accounting Review. 1974. News notes. The Accounting Review (January): 192-204.
The Accounting Review. 1974. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 402-409.
The Accounting Review. 1974. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 613-618.
The Accounting Review. 1974. New notes. The Accounting Review (October): 868-875.
The Accounting Review. 1975. Editor's announcement. The Accounting Review (July): 619.
The Accounting Review. 1975. Editor's notice: An indifference approach to profit-volume analysis. The Accounting Review (April): 399.
The Accounting Review. 1975. News notes. The Accounting Review (January): 200-207.
The Accounting Review. 1975. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 400-409.
The Accounting Review. 1975. News notes. The Accounting Review (July): 620-624.
The Accounting Review. 1975. News notes. The Accounting Review (October): 914-923.
The Accounting Review. 1976. News notes. The Accounting Review (January): 195-205.
The Accounting Review. 1976. News notes. The Accounting Review (April): 443-453.
The Accounting Review. 1977. Editor's note: The contingency theory of managerial accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 765-767. (Corrected pages).
The Accounting Review. 1978. Erratum: Financial cost allocations: A game-theoretic approach. The Accounting Review (October): 1017.
The Accounting Review. 1978. Statement of editorial policy. The Accounting Review (July): 775.
The Accounting Review. 1979. Editorial: Theory and "intermediate" accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 592-594.
The Accounting Review. 1979. Postscript. The Accounting Review (October): 824.
The Accounting Review. 1979. Statement of editorial policy (Revised). The Accounting Review (October): 807.
The Accounting Review. 1983. Special section: Research perspectives from related disciplines. Introduction. The Accounting Review (April): 304. (Introduction to a special section that includes 8 papers on research perspectives from related disciplines. The section includes papers developed from plenary sessions at the 1982 AAA annual meeting by R. Wilson, M. C. Jensen, R. S. Kaplan, J. S. Demski, K. E. Weick, R. Libby, S. A. Ross and N. H. Hakansson).
The Accountng Review. 1987. Editorial: Overview of four years of submissions to The Accounting Review. The Accounting Review (January): 191-202.
The Accounting Review. 2013. Errata: The role of accounting conservatism in the equity market: Evidence from seasoned equity offerings. The Accounting Review (September): 1867. Article by Kim, Y., S. Li, C. Pan and L. Zuo. (July) 2013).
The Accounting Review. 2014. Capsule commentary: The Use of Information by Capital Providers: Academic Literature Review by Stefano Cascino, Mark Clatworthy, Beatriz Garcia Osma, Joachim Gassen, Shahed Imam, Thomas JeanJean. The Accounting Review (July): 1572.
The Accounting Review. 2014. Errata: An analysis of multiple consecutive years of material weaknesses in internal control. The Accounting Review (January): 413-415.
The Accounting Review. 2014. Errata: Is corporate social responsibility (CSR) associated with tax avoidance? Evidence from irresponsible CSR activities? The Accounting Review (January): 417.
The Accounting Review. 2014. Errata: The audit committee: Management watchdog or personal friend of the CEO? The Accounting Review (March): 803.
The Accounting Review. 2015. Retraction: Hunton, J. E. and R. A. McEwen. 1997. An assessment of the relation between analysts' earnings forecast accuracy, motivational incentives and cognitive information search strategy. The Accounting Review (October)The Accounting Review (July): 497-515.
The Accounting Review. 2017. IA1. Rating performance - Comparison to prior work. The Accounting Review (July): 2-16.
The Accounting Review. 2017. IA2. Rating performance - S&P/Moody's versus Fitch. The Accounting Review (July): 17-22.
The Accounting Review. 2017. IA4. Robustness test - Usage of accounting information. The Accounting Review (July): 23-25.
The Accounting Review. 2017. IA5. Debt contracting - Analysis of other contract terms. The Accounting Review (July): 26-28.
The Accounting Review. 2017. IA6. Debt pricing - Levels-based CDS value-relevance tests. The Accounting Review (July): 29-31.
The Accounting Review. 2017. IA7. Debt pricing - Changes-based CDS value-relevance tests. The Accounting Review (July): 32-35.
The Accounting Review. 2017. IA8. Analysis of CRA news coverage. The Accounting Review (July): 36-38.
The Accounting Review. 2017. IA9. References not in the main paper. The Accounting Review (July): 39.
The Accounting Review. 2017. Internet appendix. The Accounting Review (November): 55-63.
The Accounting Review. 2017. Online appendix B: Examples of analyst portfolio choices as the costs and benefits of coverage vary. The Accounting Review (November): 1-4.
The Accounting Review. 2018. Online appendix for "Frequent financial reporting and managerial myopia". The Accounting Review (March): 1-7.
The Accounting Review. 2018. The online appendix of "Strategic disclosures of litigation loss contingencies when customer-supplier relationships are at risk". The Accounting Review (March): 1-12.
The Accounting Review. 2021. Erratum. The Accounting Review (November): 477. (Related to Botosan, C. A. 2019. Pathway to an integrated conceptual framework...).
The Accounting Review. 2023. Erratum. The Accounting Review (May): 487. Refers to Murthy, U. S., J. C. Park, T. Smith and J. Whitworth. 2023. Audit efficiency and effectiveness consequences of accounting system homogeneity across audit clients: A new form of knowledge spillover? The Accounting Review (March): 389-418.
The Arthur Young Journal. 75th Anniversary Edition. (Historical articles about the firm).
The Concepts and Standards Research Study Committee. 1965. The entity concept. The Accounting Review (April): 358-367.
The Concepts and Standards Research Study Committee. 1965. The matching concept. The Accounting Review (April): 368-372.
The Concepts and Standards Research Study Committee. 1965. The realization concept. The Accounting Review (April): 312-322.
The Committee on Teacher Development. 1965. Teacher development. The Accounting Review (April): 434-440.
The CPA Journal. 2008. An interview with Thomas J. Linsmeier. The CPA Journal (October): 30-34.
The CPA Journal. 2008. An interview with Tom Jones. The CPA Journal (October): 24-27.
The CPA Journal. 2008. Case study: Rebuilding Iraq. The CPA Journal (February): 20-21.
The CPA Journal. 2009. FASB Chairman Robert H. Herz. The CPA Journal (July): 14-19. (Interview).
The CPA Journal. 2009. Grant Thornton CEO Edward E. Nusbaum. The CPA Journal (July): 34-39. (Interview).
The CPA Journal. 2009. IASB Vice Chairman Tom Jones. The CPA Journal (July): 20-25. (Interview).
The CPA Journal. 2009. PWC Global CEO Samuel A. Dipiazza, Jr. The CPA Journal (July): 28-33. (Interview).
The CPA Journal. 2009. State tax initiatives. The CPA Journal (January): 44-46.
The CPA Journal. 2009. The long arm of the law. The CPA Journal (October): 16-22.
The CPA Journal. 2009. The role of mark-to-market accounting in the financial crisis. The CPA Journal (January): 20-24.
The CPA Journal 2010. An interview with Ian Mackintosh, Chairman, U.K. Accounting Standards Board. The CPA Journal (June): 22-26.
The CPA Journal 2010. An interview with James L. Kroeker SEC Chief Accountant. The CPA Journal (June): 34-38.
The CPA Journal 2010. An interview with John B. Veihmeyer CEO of KPMG. The CPA Journal (June): 27-31.
The CPA Journal 2010. Panel discussion: Charting the course to safe harbor. The CPA Journal (June): 32-33.
The CPA Journal. 2010. Panel discussion: Navigating white waters. The CPA Journal (June): 19-21.
The CPA Journal. 2011. Accounting for financial instruments: A status report. The CPA Journal (August): 28-30.
The CPA Journal. 2011. Current developments at the SEC: Enforcement, red flags, and the IFRS work plan. The CPA Journal (August): 24-27.
The CPA Journal. 2011. Current developments in the private sector: Focus on transparency and comparability. The CPA Journal (August): 37-39.
The CPA Journal. 2011. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (December): 79. (Significant economic data reported monthly).
The CPA Journal. 2011. Fine-Tuning financial reporting: Views from regulators and the profession. The CPA Journal (August): 16.
The CPA Journal. 2011. Implementing ASU 2011-05. The CPA Journal (September): 25.
The CPA Journal. 2011. James L. Kroeker: SEC chief accountant. The CPA Journal (August): 21-23.
The CPA Journal. 2011. PCAOB proposed standards on the auditor's reporting model. The CPA Journal (August): 12.
The CPA Journal. 2011. Revenue recognition and leases: Controversial changes drive the discussion. The CPA Journal (August): 40-43.
The CPA Journal. 2011. Updates from FASB and the SEC: Making progress on convergence, transparency, and technology. The CPA Journal (August): 17-20.
The CPA Journal. 2012. Case study: Using the marketing concept to build an accounting practice. The CPA Journal (May): 56-58.
The CPA Journal. 2012. Cover story: IlluminatioQ financial reportinQ: Views from reQulators and the profession. The CPA Journal (July): 14-45.
The CPA Journal. 2013. Navigating financial reporting: 12th annual financial reporting conference. The CPA Journal (July): 12-19.
The CPA Journal. 2013. Current developments in the private sector: Digging deeper into complex topics. The CPA Journal (July): 38-41.
The CPA Journal. 2013. GAAP for private companies: Debating alternatives for small and medium-sized entities. The CPA Journal (July): 42-45.
The CPA Journal. 2013. Looking to the PCAOB: Its past and its future. The CPA Journal (July): 30-37.
The CPA Journal. 2013. The Big Three convergence projects: Revenue recognition, leases, and financial instruments. The CPA Journal (July): 20-25.
The CPA Journal. 2013. The latest from the SEC Corporation finance and enforcement divisions: Reporting issues and enforcement actions. The CPA Journal (July): 26-29.
The CPA Journal. 2014. Current developments at the SEC. The CPA Journal (July): 20-25.
The CPA Journal. 2014. Current developments in the private sector. The CPA Journal (July): 38-43.
The CPA Journal. 2014. Financial reporting issues for preparers. The CPA Journal (July): 44-49.
The CPA Journal. 2014. How to recognize revenue. The CPA Journal (July): 26-31.
The CPA Journal. 2014. SEC comment letter trends. The CPA Journal (February): 6, 8-15.
The CPA Journal. 2014. The future of the accounting profession and the value of the CPA. The CPA Journal (August): 14-23.
The CPA Journal. 2014. Updates from the FASB and the SEC. The CPA Journal (July): 14-19.
The CPA Journal. 2015. 2015: Year in review. The CPA Journal (December): 18.
The CPA Journal. 2015. Discovering simple truths in a complex world of financial reporting: Views on the current state of the profession. The CPA Journal (July): 20-49. (Topics include: How to recognize revenue 32-35, J. R. Doty keynote address 36-41, Current developments 42-45, and Leases and financial instruments 46-49).
The CPA Journal. 2015. FAE: Foundation for Accounting Education. The CPA Journal (April): S1-S20.
The CPA Journal. 2015. ICYMI: A look back at 2015: 85 years of progress. The CPA Journal (December): 15-17.
The CPA Journal. 2015. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (December): 14.
The CPA Journal. 2015. Technology in accounting history. The CPA Journal (November): 16-17.
The CPA Journal. 2015. The CPA Journal manuscript reviewers, 2014/15. The CPA Journal (December): 19.
The CPA Journal. 2015. The state of the profession: The first annual NYSSCPA-Roseburg survey: Analyzing the results of the 2015 practice management survey. The CPA Journal (December): 20-28.
The CPA Journal. 2016. 2016 year in review. The CPA Journal (December): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Accounting for leases the new standard. The CPA Journal (July): 38-41.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Attestation update blog. The CPA Journal (February): 65.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Case studies in sustainability reporting. The CPA Journal (June): 50-51.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Current developments at the SEC. The CPA Journal (July): 34-37.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Current developments in the private sector. The CPA Journal (July): 48-51.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Economic & Market data. The CPA Journal (August): 79.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Financial instruments where are we? The CPA Journal (July): 52-55.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Frank K. Ross, NYSSCPA lifetime achievement award winner. The CPA Journal (July): 8-9.
The CPA Journal. 2016. High school confidential. The CPA Journal (December): 19.
The CPA Journal. 2016. How investors judge sustainability information. The CPA Journal (June): 36-38.
The CPA Journal. 2016. In case you missed it" A look back at 2016. The CPA Journal (December): 16-17.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Listening to users on transition issues, non-GAAP measures, and disclosures. The CPA Journal (July): 28-33.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Making financial reporting more responsive to users' needs. The CPA Journal (July): 26.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Max Block awards presented at annul editorial board meeting. The CPA Journal (September): 12-13.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Opportunities for CPAs and lawyers. The CPA Journal (June): 32-35.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Overhead at the Moynihan Fund Gala. The CPA Journal (July): 9.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Re: The auditors. The CPA Journal (February): 65.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Sustainability reporting. The CPA Journal (June): 22-24.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (January): 12.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (February): 16.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (March): 13.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (April): 20.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (May): 15.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (June): 17.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (July): 24.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (August): 21.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (September): 14.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (October): 11-13.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (November): 13.
The CPA Journal. 2016. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (December): 20.
The CPA Journal. 2016. The CPA Journal at the dawn of the information age. The CPA Journal (May): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2016. The ethical state of the CPA profession. The CPA Journal (December): 6-9.
The CPA Journal. 2016. The first annual NYSSCPA hedge fund roundtable sustainability investment leadership conference. The CPA Journal (June): 18-19.
The CPA Journal. 2016. The roles and responsibilities of professional advisors. The CPA Journal (June): 46-49.
The CPA Journal. 2016. The state of the profession: Analyzing the results of the 2016 practice management survey. The CPA Journal (December): 28-35.
The CPA Journal. 2017. 2017 year in review. The CPA Journal (December): 10-11.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Bankruptcy versus offer in compromise: A comparison of resolution options. The CPA Journal (January): 32-34.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Building and leading sustainable business. The CPA Journal (July): 42-43. (Panel discussion).
The CPA Journal. 2017. Changes in the master glossary. The CPA Journal (April): 26.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Criminal investigation and prosecution of tax preparers. The CPA Journal (January): 35-37.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Current developments at the SEC. The CPA Journal (August): 24-27. (Panel discussion).
The CPA Journal. 2017. Current developments in the private sector. The CPA Journal (August): 38-40. (Panel discussion).
The CPA Journal. 2017. Dealing with nonfilers. The CPA Journal (January): 20-22.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Exhibit: Summary of New York State and City due date and extension changes for calendar year taxpayers. The CPA Journal (April): 73.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Federal tax preparation. The CPA Journal (January): 18-19.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Financial reporting: From rules to practice: Highlights from the 16th annual Baruch College Financial Reporting Conference. The CPA Journal (August): 16-17.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Financial reporting issues for preparers. The CPA Journal (August): 41-43. (Panel discussion).
The CPA Journal. 2017. Gift tax returns & IRS examination. The CPA Journal (January): 23-25.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Implementing new standards for revenue recognition, leases, and financial statements. The CPA Journal (August): 28-30. (Panel discussion).
The CPA Journal. 2017. In case you missed it: A look back at 2017. The CPA Journal (December): 5.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Investing in sustainable companies. The CPA Journal (July): 44-45. (Panel discussion).
The CPA Journal. 2017. Integrated reporting: A practical perspective from preparers and practitioners. The CPA Journal (July): 34-37. (Panel discussion).
The CPA Journal. 2017. Making the case for corporate community engagement: Legal, accounting, and business strategy considerations. The CPA Journal (July): 46-47. (Panel discussion).
The CPA Journal. 2017. 2016 Max Block Awards & 2017 editorial board meeting. The CPA Journal (September): 21-22.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Preparer penalties. The CPA Journal (January): 26-28.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Receipts? What receipts? The CPA Journal (January): 29-31.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Supply chain management: A case study. The CPA Journal (July): 38-41. (Panel discussion).
The CPA Journal. 2017. Sustainability assurance: Creating value through integrated thinking: The second annual NYSSCPA-Hedge Fund Roundtable Sustainability Investment Leadership Conference. The CPA Journal (July): 24-25.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (January): 16.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (February): 14.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (March): 14.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (April): 15.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (May): 12.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (June): 21.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (July): 17.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (August): 13.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (September): 24.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (October): 19.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (November): 13.
The CPA Journal. 2017. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (December): 19.
The CPA Journal. 2017. The changing landscape of financial reporting: Taking stock and looking forward. The CPA Journal (August): 18-23. (Opening remarks from Wesley Bricker (SEC) and Lawrence Smith (FASB)).
The CPA Journal. 2017. The eternal education debate. The CPA Journal (September): 23.
The CPA Journal. 2017. The future of auditing: A roundtable discussion. The CPA Journal (February): 18-31.
The CPA Journal. 2017. The historical need for computer controls and security. The CPA Journal (June): 20.
The CPA Journal. 2017. The state of the profession. The CPA Journal (December): 22-28.
The CPA Journal. 2018. 2018: Year in review. The CPA Journal (December): 20-21.
The CPA Journal. 2018. An interview with GRI CEO Tim Mohin. The CPA Journal (July): 21.
The CPA Journal. 2018. An interview with SASB Chair Jeffrey Hales. The CPA Journal (November): 6-11.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Financial reporting: Entering uncharted waters: Highlights from the 17th annual Baruch College financial reporting conference. The CPA Journal (August): 18-27.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (January): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (February): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (April): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (March): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (June): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (May): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (July): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (August): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (September): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (October): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (November): 80. (Quarterly real U.S. GDP growth; ISM manufacturing PMI; U.S. world equity indexes; Forte Capita's proprietary market risk barometer; Selected interest rates; Equity market statistics; Key economic statistics.)
The CPA Journal. 2018. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (December): 80. (Treasury yield curve; CPI-12-month change; U.S. & World equity indexes; Forte Capital's proprietary market barometer; Selected interest rates; Equity market statistics; Key economic statistics.)
The CPA Journal. 2018. Highlights from Baruch College's 2017 Auditing Conference. The CPA Journal (February): 16-19.
The CPA Journal. 2018. How to lose a good employee gracefully. The CPA Journal (October): 74.
The CPA Journal. 2018. In case you missed it: A look back at 2018. The CPA Journal (December): 6-7.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Letter to the editor. The CPA Journal (August): 17.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Letters to the editor. The CPA Journal (February): 22-23.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Letters to the editor. The CPA Journal (May): 20-21.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Max Block awards and editorial board meeting. The CPA Journal (September): 15-16.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (January): 21.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (February): 15.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (March): 21.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (April): 33.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (May): 19.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (June): 16-17.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (July): 25.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (August): 16.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (September): 17-18.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (October): 15-16. (Proposed regulations would eliminate the benefit of SALT limitation workarounnds. IASB news: Hoogervorst sees uncertain outcome for reassessment of goodwill impairment. AICPA news: Test sites for uniform CPA examination expand in Europe. GASB news: Guidance for separate legal entities clarified.)
The CPA Journal. 2018. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (November): 17. (Tax news: House passes new tax bills. FASB news: EITF proposes aligning accounting for television, movie production costs. IASB news: Performance reporting project becomes major priority. PCAOB news: Comment letters back more relevant release of inspection results. GASB news: Comments sought on plan to update government financial reporting model.)
The CPA Journal. 2018. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (December): 22-23. (Tax news: IRS adds five new issues to LB&I audit strategy; FASB news: Government assistance, income tax disclosures up for debate. IASB news: Delay of insurance standard's effective date unlikely. AICPA news: ASB agrees to align final standard with PCAOB guidance. PCAOB news: Hamm reminds auditors to follow established audit rules despite advances in technology. SEC news: Bricker stresses importance of intangible asset standard for cryptocurrencies.)
The CPA Journal. 2018. The decision relevance of financial reporting: An exclusive CPA Journal panel discussion. The CPA Journal (February): 24-33.
The CPA Journal. 2018. The state of the profession: Analyzing the results of the 2018 practice management survey. The CPA Journal (December): 26-33.
The CPA Journal. 2018. The state of the profession: Opinions from the experts. The CPA Journal (December): 34-35.
The CPA Journal. 2018. Virtual roundtable: State of the profession 2018. The CPA Journal (December): 36-53.
The CPA Journal. 2019. 2019: Year in review. The CPA Journal (December): 18-19.
The CPA Journal. 2019. An interview with former Congressman Joseph DioGuardi. The CPA Journal (April): 9.
The CPA Journal. 2019. An interview with Richard Howitt, IIRC CEO. The CPA Journal (March): 20-23.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (January): 72. (Effective Federal funds rate, 1954-2018, ISM manufacturing PMI, U.S. & World equity indexes, Selected interest rates, Equity market statistics, Key economic statistics).
The CPA Journal. 2019. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (February): 80. (Real wages: All employees, CPI: 12 month change, U.S. & world equity indexes, selected interest rates, Equity market statistics, Key economic statistics).
The CPA Journal. 2019. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (March): 72.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (April): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (May): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (June): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (July): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (August): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (September): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (October): 80. (Non-farm Payroll, ISM Manufacturing Index, U.S. & World Equity Indexes, Forte Capital's Proprietary Market Risk Barometer, Selected Interest Rates, Equity Market Statistics, Key Economic statistics).
The CPA Journal. 2019. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (November): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (December): 96.
The CPA Journal. 2019. How the new ethics code will affect your standards: An interview with Stavros Thomadakis, IESBA Chair. The CPA Journal (May): 11-13.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Improving audit quality: Highlights from the 13th Annual Baruch College Audit Conference. The CPA Journal (February): 18-19.
The CPA Journal. 2019. In case you missed it: A look back at 2019. The CPA Journal (December): 6-7.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Internal auditing: Trends and challenges. The CPA Journal (June): 8-10.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Letters to the editors. The CPA Journal (June): 14.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Letters to the editors. The CPA Journal (August): 14-15.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Max Block awards and editorial board meeting. The CPA Journal (September): 24-25.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Monitoring risk in financial reporting: Regulators look closer at cybersecurity, sustainability, and governance. The CPA Journal (August): 16-17.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Regarding CPA exam performance and the accounting curriculum. The CPA Journal (November): 14-15.
The CPA Journal. 2019. State of the profession 2019. The CPA Journal (December): 28-49.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (January): 16-17.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (February): 17.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (March): 19.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (April): 23.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Tax & Accounting update. The CPA Journal (May): 17.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (June): 12.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (July): 15.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (August): 13.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (September): 17.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Tax & Accounting update. The CPA Journal (October): 14.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Tax & Accounting update. The CPA Journal (November): 11.
The CPA Journal. 2019. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (December): 17.
The CPA Journal. 2019. The state of the profession: Analyzing the results of the 2019 practice management survey. The CPA Journal (December): 20-27.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Applying auditing standards in a scalable manner. The CPA Journal (February): 28-30.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Building a diverse professional community. The CPA Journal (October/November): 15-17.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Congratulations to The CPA Journal, the voice of the profession. The CPA Journal (October/November): 20.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Ensuring integrity. The CPA Journal (February): 16-17.
The CPA Journal. 2020. 'Financing Social Security' through the years. The CPA Journal (March): 18.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (January): 72. (Industrial production index; Effective Fed Funds rate; U.S. & world equity indexes; Forte Capital's Proprietary market risk barometer; Selected interest rates; Equity market statistics; Key economic statistics).
The CPA Journal. 2020. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (February): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (March): 72.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (April): 72. (U.S. Treasury yield curve; Initial unemployment claims; U.S. & World equity indexes; Forte Capital's Market risk barometer; Selected interest rates; Equity market statistics; Key economic statistics).
The CPA Journal. 2020. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (June): 72.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Forte Capitals selected statistics. The CPA Journal (July/August): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (September): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (October/November): 96.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Implications of blockchain on the audit. The CPA Journal (February): 38-41.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Join our team at Perelson Weiner LLP. The CPA Journal (June): 68.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Keynote address: William D. Duhnke III. The CPA Journal (February): 32-37.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Leading the way on sustainable development. The CPA Journal (January): 18-25.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Litigation and regulatory risks. The CPA Journal (February): 46-47.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Regulators and standard setters. The CPA Journal (February): 18-27.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Reporting critical audit matters: A first look. The CPA Journal (February): 42-45.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Searching for the causes of fraud. The CPA Journal (February): 14.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (January): 17. (IRS updates adequate rules for reducing or avoiding certain penalties; FASB to hold roundtable in early 2020 on implementation of lease accounting; PCAOB finally names enforcement director, general counsel after prolonged delay; Development of international accounting rules for crypto assets stifled by lack of stability, readiness).
The CPA Journal. 2020. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (February): 15.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (March): 19.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (April): 21.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (May): 15.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (June): 12-13.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (July/August): 19.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (September): 21.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (October/November): 21.
The CPA Journal. 2020. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (December/January): 19.
The CPA Journal. 2020. The impact of COVID-19 on the profession. The CPA Journal (December/January): 28-29.
The CPA Journal. 2020. The state of the profession: Analyzing the results of the 2020 practice management survey. The CPA Journal (December/January): 22-26.
The CPA Journal. 2020. The state of the profession: The impact of COVID-19: Opinions from experts. The CPA Journal (December/January): 27.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Auditors' biases. The CPA Journal (February/March): 28-31.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Charitable contribution benefits extended by the Consolidated Appropriations Act: Private foundations may benefit. The CPA Journal (April/May): 11-12.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Covid-19 and client risk profile. The CPA Journal (February/March): 32-34.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Critical audit matters. The CPA Journal (February/March): 24-26.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Debating the guideline method. The CPA Journal (October/November): 18.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (February/March): 80. (U.S. Treasury yield curve; Non-farm payroll; U.S. & world equity indexes; Forte Capital's propriety market risk barometer; Selected interest rates; Equity market statistics; Key economic statistics).
The CPA Journal. 2021. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (April/May): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (June/July): 80. (Index of help wanted on line ads; U.S. unemployment rate; U.S. & World equity indexes; Forte Capital's proprietary market risk barometer; Selected interest rates; Equity market statistics; Key economic statistics).
The CPA Journal. 2021. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (August/September): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (December): 64. (Non-farm payroll; Annualized inflation; U.S. & world equity indexes; Forte Capitals proprietary market risk barometer; Selected interest rates; Equity market statistics; Key economic statistics).
The CPA Journal. 2021. Litigation and enforcement update. The CPA Journal (February/March): 35-37.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Regulators and standards setters update. The CPA Journal (February/March): 21-23.
The CPA Journal. 2021. State of the profession: Analyzing the results of the 2021 practice management survey. The CPA Journal (December): 20-24.
The CPA Journal. 2021. The state of the profession: Predictions for 2022. The CPA Journal (December): 26-31.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (February/March): 14.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (April/May): 19-20.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (June/July): 21.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (August/September): 23.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (October/November): 19.
The CPA Journal. 2021. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (December): 18-19.
The CPA Journal. 2021. The volunteer treasurer's handbook. The CPA Journal (April/May): 21.
The CPA Journal. 2022. Digital assets. The CPA Journal (May/June): 34-37. (Panel discussion of valuation, loans and custodianship etc.).
The CPA Journal. 2022. ESG: The latest in sustainability reporting. The CPA Journal (May/June): 42-45. (Panel discussion of the SEC proposal, investors' perspectives, the ISSB, mandates vs. voluntary disclosure, governance and assurance).
The CPA Journal. 2022. Financial reporting today: Highlights from the 20th annual Baruch College Financial Reporting Conference. The CPA Journal (May/June): 16-23.
The CPA Journal. 2022. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (January/February): 80. (U.S. Treasury Yield Curve; Inflation annualized change in CPI; U.S. & World equity indexes; Forte Capital's market risk behavior; Selected interest rates; Equity market statistics; Key economic statistics).
The CPA Journal. 2022. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (March/April): 80. (US Treasury Yield Curve; Annualized inflation, April vs. January; U.S. & world equity indexes; Forte Capital's proprietary market risk barometer; Selected interest rates; Equity market statistics; Key economic statistics).
The CPA Journal. 2022. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (May/June): 80. (U.S. New Home Sales; Annualized quarterly real U.S. GDP growth; U.S. & world equity indexes; Forte Capital's propriety market risk barometer; Selected interest rates; Equity market statistics; Key economic statistics).
The CPA Journal. 2022. Forte Capital selected statistics. The CPA Journal (July/August): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2022. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (September/October): 80. (U.S. Treasury yield curve; ISM manufacturing index; U.S. & World equity indexes; Forte Capital's proprietary market risk barometer; Selected interest rates; Equity market statistics; Key economic statistics).
The CPA Journal. 2022. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (November/December): 80. (12-Month change in Inflation; U.S. Treasury Yield Curve; U.S. & World Equity Indexes; Forte Capital's Market Risk Barometer; Selected Interest Rates; Equity Market Statistics; Key Economic Statistics).
The CPA Journal. 2022. Hot topics at FASB. The CPA Journal (May/June): 38-41. (Panel discussion of government assistance, deferred revenue, discount rates, intangible assets, and goodwill).
The CPA Journal. 2022. Opening remarks from the SEC and FASB. The CPA Journal (May/June): 24-29.
The CPA Journal. 2022. State of the profession. The CPA Journal (November/December): 20-26. (2022 NYSSCPA-Rosenberg Survey identifies trends).
The CPA Journal. 2022. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (January/February): 18.
The CPA Journal. 2022. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (March/April): 15.
The CPA Journal. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (May/June): 12-13.
The CPA Journal. 2022. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (July/August): 17.
The CPA Journal. 2022. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (September/October): 19.
The CPA Journal. 2022. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (November/December): 19.
The CPA Journal. 2022. Trends and challenges 2022 opinions from the experts. The CPA Journal (November/December): 27.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Current developments at the SEC. The CPA Journal (May/June): 24-29.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Economic & market data: Monthly update. The CPA Journal (July/August): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Ensuring integrity. The CPA Journal (January/February): 14-19.
The CPA Journal. 2023. ESG: Environmental, social, and governance issues. The CPA Journal (May/June): 36-41.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Financial reporting today: Highlights from the 21st annual Baruch College Financial Reporting conference. The CPA Journal (May/June): 18.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Forte Capital selected statistics. The CPA Journal (January/February): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (March/April): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (May/June): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (September/October): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Forte Capital's selected statistics. The CPA Journal (November/December): 80.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Keynote - Fireside chat with PCAOB Chair Erica Y. Williams. The CPA Journal (May/June): 30-35.
The CPA Journal. 2023. More on shedding light on audit deficiencies. The CPA Journal (January/February): 12.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Opening remarks: A conversation with Paul Munter and Richard Jones. The CPA Journal (May/June): 19-23.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Regulators and standard setters: Updates and panel discussion. The CPA Journal (January/February): 20-23.
The CPA Journal. 2023. State of the profession: Analyzing the results of the 2023 practice management survey. The CPA Journal (November/December): 24-29.
The CPA Journal. 2023. State of the profession: Predictions for 2024 from NYSSCPA members. The CPA Journal (November/December): 32-35.
The CPA Journal. 2023. The state of the profession: Trends and challenges 2023 excerpts from the experts. The CPA Journal (November/December): 30-31.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (January/February): 13.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (March/April): 14.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (May/June): 16-17.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (July/August): 17.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (September/October): 19.
The CPA Journal. 2023. Tax & accounting update. The CPA Journal (November/December): 23.
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