Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Dawar, N. 2004. What are brands good for? MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 31-37.
Dawar, N. 2013. When marketing is strategy. Harvard Business Review (December): 100-108.
Dawar, N. and C. K. Bagga. 2015. A better way to map brand strategy. Harvard Business Review (June): 90-97. (A new approach called the centrality-distinctiveness (C-D) map connects a brand's position on a perceptual map with business outcomes such as sales and price).
Dawar, N. and J. Stornnelli. 2013. Rebuilding the relationship between manufacturers and retailers. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 83-90.
Dawar, N. and M. Vandenbosch. 2004. The seller's hidden advantage. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 83-88.
Dawar, N. and N. Bendle. 2018. Marketing in the age of Alexa. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 80-86.
Dawes, I. D. 1941. Cost reports for operating heads. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 1): 597-610.
Dawes, I. D. 1944. Some observations and viewpoints on accounting problems. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November 15): 263-275. (Observations related to the installation of accounting systems, overhead, standards, depreciation and budgets).
Dawes, I. D. 1948. Duties and responsibilities of the accounting executive. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 15): 731-744.
Dawkins, M. C. 2023. Declining enrollments - A call to action! Issues in Accounting Education (February): 9-18.
Dawkins, M. C. 2023. Life experiences of a black accounting student and faculty member. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 19-33.
Dawkins, M. C. and M. T. Dugan. 2022. An update on the future of accounting education: A pessimistic outlook calls for major changes. The CPA Journal (September/October): 20-25. (Recommendations: 1. Drop the 150-hour requirement for CPA eligibility, 2. Extend the 18-month CPA testing window to 3-4 years, 3. Increase starting salaries to compete with fields such as data analytics, supply chain, logistics, finance, and MIS/computer science, 4. Provide work/life balance by reducing work hours, 5. Allow CPA exam candidates to qualify for the exam by "reading" or apprenticing under another CPA).
Dawkins, M. C., M. T. Dugan, S. S. Mezzio and J. E. Trapnell. 2020. The future of accounting education: In-demand skills, workplace readiness, the 150-hour requirement, MAcc programs, and the CPA exam. The CPA Journal (September): 28-35.
Dawkins, R. 1976. The Selfish Gene. Oxford University Press.
Dawkins, R. 1986. The Blind Watchmaker: Why the Evidence of Evolution Reveals a Universe without Design. Norton & Company, Inc.
Dawkins, R. 1997. Climbing Mount Improbable. W. W. Norton.
Dawkins, R. 1999. The Extended Phenotype: The Long Reach of the Gene, Revised Edition. Oxford University Press.
Dawkins, R. 2000. Unweaving the Rainbow: Science, Delusion and the Appetite for Wonder. Mariner Books.
Dawkins, R. 2005. The Ancestor's Tale: A Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution. Mariner Books.
Dawkins, R. 2006. The Selfish Gene: 30th Anniversary Edition. Oxford University Press.
Dawkins, R. 2008. The God Delusion. A Mariner Book, Houghton Mifflin Company. (Summary).
Dawkins, R. 2010. The Greatest Show on Earth: The Evidence for Evolution. Reprint Edition. Free Press.
Dawkins, R. 2011. The Magic of Reality: How We Know What's Really True. Free Press.
Dawkins, R. 2012. Attack of the Theocrats! How the Religious Right Harms Us All - and What We Can Do About it. Pitchstone Publishing.
Dawkins, R. 2016. The Extended Selfish Gene, 4th Edition; Including two key chapters for The Extended Phenotype. Oxford University Press.
Dawkins, R. 2019. Outgrowing God: A Beginner's Guide. Random House.
Dawson, A. and K. George. 2024. New rules for teamwork. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 44-50.
Dawson, C. O., A. Metzger and J. E. Hammond. 1936. Depreciation should be charged on a straight-line bases and should not vary with the volume of production - A debate. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 1): 1253-1266.
Dawson, J. D. 2003. Attention, shoppers. Strategic Finance (December): 52-55. (Related to mergers and acquisitions).
Dawson, P. C. and S. M. Miller. 2011. Opitmal negotiated transfer pricing and its implications for international transfer pricing of intangibles. International Journal of Intellectual Property Management 4(4): 239-269.
Day, C. F. 1959. "Shadow prices" for evaluating uses of available alternative capacity. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 67-76. (Illustration of a relatively simple linear programming problem).
Day, C. M. 1908. Accounting Practice. Appleton.
Day, D. W. 1985. How to fly the friendly (low-cost) skies of T&E. Management Accounting (June): 33-36.
Day, D. W. 1990. How to cut travel costs. Management Accounting (August): 36-37, 40.
Day, E. B. 1953. Income tax is a cost in "paying out" oil properties. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August): 1646-1650.
Day, G. S. 2003. Creating a superior customer-relating capability. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 77-82.
Day, G. S. 2006. Aligning the organization with the market. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 41-49.
Day, G. S. 2007. Is it real? can we win? Is it worth doing? Management risk and reward in an innovation portfolio. Harvard Business Review (December): 110-120.
Day, G. S. and G. P. Shea. 2019. Grow faster by changing your innovation narrative. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-9.
Day, G. S. and P. J. Schoemaker. 2020. How vigilant companies gain an edge in turbulent times. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 57-64.
Day, G. S. and P. J. H. Schoemaker. 2005. Scanning the periphery. Harvard Business Review (November): 135-148. (How to see the dangers to your company you normally would not see coming).
Day, G. S. and P. J. H. Schoemaker. 2008. Are you a 'vigilant leader'? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 43-51.
Day, G. S. and P. J. H. Schoemaker. 2011. Innovating in uncertain markets: 10 lessons for green technologies. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 37-45.
Day, J. E. 1975. A screening model for investment proposals. Management Accounting (January): 48-52.
Day, R. and J. Psaros. 1996. A study of accountants' judgments with respect to the provision of consolidated financial statements. Abacus 32(1): 62-80.
Day, R. A. 1989. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper. Cambridge University Press.
Day, R. W. 1956. Purchased parts variance accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September): 61-68.
Dayananda, D., R. Irons, S. Harrison, J. Herbohn and P. Rowland. 2002. Capital Budgeting: Financial Appraisal of Investment Projects. Cambridge University Press.
Daylor, J. and S. Saint Amant. 2017. Education. The CPA Journal (December): 12-13.
Dayson, K. and P. Vik. 2014. Toward an architecture of microcredit regulation: The case of the European code of good conduct. Cost Management (March/April): 18-25.
De, P., Y. J. Hu and M. S. Rahman. 2018. Avoid these five digital retailing mistakes: Today's retailers need to adopt a data-driven view - with the goal of understanding how website features and advances in AI will affect consumer behavior. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-4.
De Aguiar, A. B., P. N. Pinheiro, J. Carlos and T. Oyadomari. 2014. How do different performance measures affect managerial time orientation? Empirical evidence from sales managers in the oil and gas industry. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 30(1): 143-153.
De Andres, G. M. 2016. Opening new doors with hard work. Strategic Finance (December): 64.
De Anquita, P. M. and J. E. Wagner. 2010. Environmental Social Accounting Matrices: Theory and Applications. Routledge.
De Araujo Silva, A. and M. A. Gouvea. 2023. Study on the effect of sample size on type I error, in the first, second and first-two digits excessmad tests. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (48): 100599.
De Baerdemaeker, J. and W. Bruggeman. 2015. The impact of participation in strategic planning on managers' creation of budgetary slack: The mediating role of autonomous motivation and affective organisational commitment. Management Accounting Research (December): 1-12.
De Beelde, I. 2003. The development of a Belgian accounting code during the first half of the 20th century. The Accounting Historians Journal 30(2): 1-28.
De Beelde, I., N. Gonthier-Bescier and A. Mikol. 2009. Internationalizing the French auditing. The Accounting Historians Journal 36(1): 29-59.
De Berry, T. W. and M. E. Merritt. 2006. A study of the abilities of accounting and auditing professionals in recognizing red flags of fraud. Journal of Forensic Accounting 7(1): 89-108.
De Blieck, A. 2023. How to sustain growth in a volatile uncertain, complex, ambiguous world. Cost Management (September/October): 34-37.
De Cani, J. S. 1962. A queueing model for business students. Management Science (April): 278-286.
De Cani, J. S. 1964. A dynamic programming algorithm for embedded Markov chains when the planning horizon is at infinity. Management Science (July): 716-733.
De Carvalho, P. L., A. L. C. Callado. 2017. Financial performance of stocks of companies participating in the Carbon Efficient Index (ICO2). Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management: Social and Environmental Accounting in Brazil. (6): 105-132.
De Carvalho, P. L. and O. S. Martins. 2017. Performance of sustainability and negotiability indexes in the Brazilian stock market. Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management: Social and Environmental Accounting in Brazil. (6): 133-158.
De Cazaux, L. F. G. 1965. On the budget. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 264-265.
De Cesare, S. and C. Partridge. 2016. BORO as a foundation to enterprise ontology. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 83-112. (Business Object Reference Ontology).
De Cremer, D. 2024. For success with AI, bring everyone on board. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 124-131.
De Figueiredo, R. J. P. Jr. and E. Rawley. 2011. Skill, luck, and the mutiproduct firm: Evidence from hedge funds. Management Science (November): 1963-1978.
De Francesco, J. D. 1966. The accounting side of profit-center organization. Management Accounting (December): 56-60.
De Franco, G. and Y. Zhou. 2009. The performance of analysts with CFA® designation: The role of human-capital and signaling theories. The Accounting Review (March): 383-404.
De Franco, G., F. P. Vasvari and R. Wittenberg-Moerman. 2009. The informational role of bond analysts. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1201-1248.
De Franco, G., F. P. Vasvari, D. Vyas and R. Wittenberg-Moerman. 2014. Debt analysts' views of debt-equity conflicts of interest. The Accounting Review (March): 571-604.
De Franco, G., H. Fogel-Yaari and H. Li. 2020. MD&A textual similarity and auditors. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 39(3): 105-131.
De Franco, G., H. Lu and F. P. Vasvari. 2007. Wealth transfer effects of analysts' misleading behavior. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 71-110.
De Franco, G., I. Gavious, J. Y. Jin and G. D. Richardson. 2011. Do private company targets that hire big 4 auditors receive higher proceeds? Contemporary Accounting Research 28(1): 215-262.
De Franco, G., M. H. F. Wong and Y. Zhou. 2011. Accounting adjustments and the valuation of financial statement note information in 10-K filings. The Accounting Review (September): 1577-1604.
De Franco, G., O. Hope and S. Larocque. 2015. Analysts' choice of peer companies. Review of Accounting Studies 20(1): 82-109.
De Franco, G., O. Hope, D. Vyas and Y. Zhou. 2015. Analyst report readability. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(1): 76-104.
De Franco, G., S. P. Kothari and R. S. Verdi. 2011. The benefits of financial statement comparability. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 895-931.
De Franco, G., T. Shohfi, D. Xu and Z. Zhu. 2023. Fixed income conference calls. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 101518.
De Franco, G., Y. Hou and M. Ma. 2023. Do firms mimic industry leaders' accounting? Evidence from financial statement comparability. The Accounting Review (October): 125-148.
De Freitas, J. and E. Ofek. 2024. How AI can power brand management. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 108-114.
De Freitas, M. M., M. Codesso and A. L. R. Augusto. 2020. Implementation of continuous audit on the Brazilian Navy payroll. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 17(2): 151-171.
De Geus, A. 1999. The living company. Harvard Business Review (March-April): 51-59. (Summary).
De Geus, A. 2002. The Living Company: Habits for Survival in a Turbulent Business Environment. Harvard Business School Press.
De George, E. T., C. B. Ferguson and N. A. Spear. 2013. How much does IFRS cost? IFRS adoption and audit fees. The Accounting Review (March): 429-462.
De George, E. T., X. Li and L. Shivakumar. 2016. A review of the IFRS adoption literature. Review of Accounting Studies 21(3): 898-1004.
De George, R. T. 2002. The Ethics of Information Technology and Business (Fundamentals of Business Ethics). Blackwell Publishing.
De Ghellinck, G. T. and G. D. Eppen. 1967. Linear programming solutions for separable Markovian decision problems. Management Science (January): 371-394.
De Giorgi, E. G. and T. Post. 2011. Loss aversion with a state-dependent reference point. Management Science (June): 1094-1110.
De Graaff, B. 2020. Big effort, bigger impact. Strategic Finance (July): 63.
De Graaff, B. 2022. Sustainable business management: Companies must make strategic, sustainable business decisions to create long-term value for all stakeholders. Strategic Finance (April): 28-35.
De Graaff, B. and P. E. Juras. 2023. Integrated thinking for sustainable business management. Strategic Finance (February): 32-37.
De Grazia, A. 1960. The science and values of administration-I. Administrative Science Quarterly 5(3): 362-397.
De Grazia, A. 1961. The science and values of administration-II. Administrative Science Quarterly 5(4): 556-582.
De Haas, M. and A. Kleingeld. 1999. Multilevel design of performance measurement systems: Enhancing strategic dialogue throughout the organization. Management Accounting Research (September): 233-261.
De Haas, M. and J. A. Algera. 2002. Demonstrating the effect of the strategic dialogue: Participation in designing the management control system. Management Accounting Research (March): 41-69.
De Haes, S. W. Van Grembergen and R. S. Debreceny. 2013. COBIT 5 and enterprise governance of information technology: Building blocks and research opportunities. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 307-324. (COBIT 5 is a framework for the governance and management of IT).
De Harlez, Y. and R. Malagueno. 2016. Examining the joint effects of strategic priorities, use of management control systems, and personal background on hospital performance. Management Accounting Research (March): 2-17.
De Holan, M. Pablo, N. Phillips and T. B. Lawrence. 2004. Managing organizational forgetting. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 45-51.
De Jager, P. 2014. Fair value accounting, fragile bank balance sheets and crisis: A model. Accounting, Organizations and Society 39(2): 97-116.
De Janasz, S. and M. Peiperl. 2015. CEOs need mentors too. Harvard Business Review (April): 100-103.
De Janasz, S. and M. Peiperl. 2015. CEOs need mentors too: Interaction. Harvard Business Review (June): 20.
De Janasz, S., K. van der Graaf and M. Watkins. 2013. It's all about day one. Harvard Business Review (June): 98-104. (Leadership).
De Jong, A., G. Mertens, M. Van der Poel and R. Van Dijk. 2014. How does earnings management influence investor's perceptions of firm value? Survey evidence from financial analysts. Review of Accounting Studies 19(2): 606-627.
De Jong, A., Ko de Ruyter and M. Wetzels. 2005. Antecedents and consequences of group potency: A study of self-managing service teams. Management Science (November): 1610-1625.
De Jong, J. J. and E. De Bruijn. 2013. Innovation lessons from 3-D printing. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 43-52.
De Jong, J. P. J., M. Mulhuijzen and K. V. Prasad. 2023. Mining underground innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 50-55.
De Joseph, A. J. 2009. Protecting and preserving net operating losses. The CPA Journal (December): 30-33.
De Keersmaecker, J., K Schmid, N. Brashier and C. Unkelbach. 2022. The cognitive shortcut that clouds decision-making. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-6.
De La Bruslerie, H. and H. Gabteni. 2014. Voluntary disclosure of financial information by French firms: Does the introduction of IFRS matter? Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 30(2): 367-380.
De La Villarmois, O. and Y. Levant. 2009. Simplified customer profitability evaluation: The equivalence-based method. Cost Management (July/August): 28-34.
De Langhe, B. and P. Fernbach. 2019. The dangers of categorical thinking: We're hardwired to sort information into buckets - and that can hamper our ability to make good decisions. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 80-91.
De Langhe, B., S. Puntoni and R. Larrick. 2017. Linear thinking in a nonlinear world. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 130-139.
De Leeuw, F. and M. J. McKelvey. 1984. Price expectations of business firms: Bias in the short and long run. American Economic Review (March): 99-110.
De Loo, I. 2012. Author-itative interpretation in understanding accounting practice through case research. Management Accounting Research (March): 3-16.
De Luca, M. 2018. How lean accounting promotes lean in the organization. Cost Management (January/February): 21-26.
De Lucia, A., R. Francese, I. Passero and G. Tortora. 2009. Development and evaluation of a virtual campus on Second Life: The case of SecondDMI. Computers & Education (January): 220-233.
De Luque, M. S., N. T. Washburn, D. A. Waldman and R. J. House. 2008. Unrequited profit: How stakeholder and economic values relate to subordinates' perceptions of leadership and firm performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 53(4): 626-654.
De Martinis, M. and K. Houghton. 2019. The business risk audit approach and audit production efficiency. Abacus 55(4): 734-782.
De Mello-e-Souza, C. A. and V. N. Awasthi. 2009. Probing financial statements in a post-Sarbanes-Oxley world. Strategic Finance (April): 37-45.
De Meyer, A., C. H. Loch and M. T. Pich. 2002. Managing project uncertainty: From variation to chaos. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 60-67.
De Modesti, M. A. and S. Eriksen. 2008. The redesign and implementation of a cost accounting system for América Latina Logística. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 11-19 .
De Montijo, C. I. 1995. Converting to a central financial database. Management Accounting (September): 64-67.
De Nalda, A. L., A. Montaner, A. C. Edmondson and P. Sotok. 2022. Unlock the power of purpose. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 20-24.
De Oliveira, F. H. 1980. Management accounting techniques for not-for-profit enterprises. Management Accounting (November): 30-34.
De Pooter, M. 2023. Is risk management redundant? Strategic Finance (April): 48-55.
De Roover, R. 1938. Characteristics of bookkeeping before Paciolo. The Accounting Review (June): 144-149.
De Roover, R. 1943. The lingering influence of medieval practices. The Accounting Review (April): 148-151.
De Roover, R. 1944. Early accounting problems of foreign exchange. The Accounting Review (October): 381-407.
De Roover, R. 1944. Paciolo or Pacioli? The Accounting Review (January): 68-69.
De Roover, R. 1955. New perspectives on the history of accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 405-420.
De Roover, R. (ed. J. Kirshner). 1974. Business, Banking, and Economic Thought in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe. University of Chicago Press.
De Rosnay, J. 1979. The Macroscope: A New World Scientific System. Translated from French by Robert Edwards. Harper & Row.
De Ruyter, K. and M. Wetzels. 1999. Commitment in auditor-client relationships: Antecedents and consequences. Accounting, Organizations and Society 24(1): 57-75.
De Simone, L. 2016. Does a common set of accounting standards affect tax-motivated income shifting for multinational firms? Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 145-165.
De Simone, L., B. Stomberg and B. Williams. 2023. Does tax enforcement disparately affect domestic versus multinational corporations around the world? Contemporary Accounting Research 40(4): 2816-2845.
De Simone, L., C. McClure and B. Stomberg. 2022. Examining the effects of the tax cuts and jobs act on executive compensation. Contemporary Accounting Research 39(4): 2376-2408.
De Simone, L., J. Huang and L. K. Krull. 2020. R&D and the rising foreign profitability of U.S. multinational corporations. The Accounting Review (May): 177-204.
De Simone, L., J. Nickerson, J. Seidman and B. Stomberg. 2020. How reliably do empirical test identify tax avoidance? Contemporary Accounting Research 37(3): 1536-1561.
De Simone, L., J. R. Robinson and B. Stomberg. 2014. Distilling the reserve for uncertain tax positions: The revealing case of black liquor. Review of Accounting Studies 19(1): 456-472.
De Simone, L., K. J. Klassen and J. K. Seidman. 2017. Unprofitable affiliates and income shifting behavior. The Accounting Review (May): 113-136.
De Simone, L., K. J. Klassen and J. K. Seidman. 2022. The effect of income-shifting aggressiveness on corporate investment. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 101491.
De Simone, L., L. F. Mills and B. Stomberg. 2019 Using IRS data to identify income shifting to foreign affiliates. Review of Accounting Studies 24(2): 694-730.
De Simone, L. and M. Olbert. 2022. Real effects of private country-by-country disclosure. The Accounting Review (November, Issue 6): 201-232.
De Simone, L., M. S. Ege and B. Stomberg. 2015. Internal control quality: The role of auditor-provided tax services. The Accounting Review (July): 1469-1496.
De Simone, L., R. C. Sansing and J. K. Seidman. 2013. When are enhanced relationship tax compliance programs mutually beneficial? The Accounting Review (November): 1971-1991.
De Simone, L., R. Lester and K. Markle. 2020. Transparency and tax evasion: Evidence from the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). Journal of Accounting Research (March): 105-153.
De Ste Croix, G. E. M. 1956. Greek and Roman accounting, in A. C. Littleton and 9. S. Yamey (eds). Studies in the History of Accounting, Sweet and Maxwell.
De Swaan, J. C. 2020. Seeking Virtue in Finance: Contributing to Society in a Conflicted Industry. Cambridge University Press.
De Swaan Arons, M., F. van den Driest and K. Weed. 2014. The ultimate marketing machine. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 54-63.
De Treville, S. and L. Trigeorgis. 2010. It may be cheaper to manufacture at home. Harvard Business Review (October): 84-87.
De Villiers, C. and C. J. van Staden. 2006. Can less environmental disclosure have a legitimising effect? Evidence from Africa. Accounting, Organizations and Society 31(8): 763-781.
De Vriend, G. K., P. A. Von der Heide and J. C. Steigstra. 2000. What are we worth? Strategic Finance (March): 56-60, 62. (Describes a method referred to as the consumer value measurement framework used to analyze marketing costs).
De Vries, J. 2015. Life's work. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 124.
De Waal, A. 2001. Power of Performance Management: How Leading Companies Create Sustained Value. John Wiley & Sons.
De Waal, A. A. 2002. Quest for Balance: The Human Element in Performance Management Systems. John Wiley & Sons.
De Waegenaere, A., R. C. Sansing and J. L. Wielhouwer. 2012. Multinational taxation and R&D investments. The Accounting Review (July): 1197-1217.
De Waegenaere, A., R. Sansing and J. L. Wielhouwer. 2015. Financial accounting effects of tax aggressiveness: Contracting and measurement. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(1): 223-242.
De Waegenaere, A., R. C. Sansing and J. L. Wielhouwer. 2017. Development cost capitalization during R&D races. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(3): 1522-1546.
De Waegenaere, A., R. Sansing and J. L. Wielhouwer. 2021. Tax loss carryovers in a competitive environment. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(1): 180-207.
De With, E. 2012. The Dutch Way. Strategic Finance (September): 54-59.
De With, E. and A. Dijkman. 2008. Budgeting practices of listed companies in the Netherlands. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 26-36.
Deak, E. J. 2004. Economics of E-Commerce and the Internet With Economic Applications Card. South-Western Educational Publishing.
Deakin, E. B. 1972. A discriminant analysis of predictors of business failure. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 167-179.
Deakin, E. B. 1974. A class project for risk analysis in capital budgeting. The Accounting Review (January): 146-149.
Deakin, E. B. 1976. Accounting reports, policy interventions and the behavior of securities returns. The Accounting Review (July): 590-603.
Deakin, E. B. 1976. Distributions of financial accounting ratios: Some empirical evidence. The Accounting Review (January): 90-96.
Deakin, E. B. 1987. Cost accounting in a capital-intensive economy. Today's CPA (April/May): 18-22.
Deakin, E. B. 1989. Accounting for contingencies: The ennzoll-Texaco case. Accounting Horizons (March): 21-28.
Deakin, E. B. 1989. Rational economic behavior and lobbying on accounting issues: Evidence from the oil and gas industry. The Accounting Review (January): 137-151.
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Deakin, E. B. III. 1979. An analysis of differences between non-major oil firms using successful efforts and full cost methods. The Accounting Review (October): 722-734.
Deakin, E. B. III and E. L. Summers. 1975. A survey of curriculum topics relevant to the practice of management accounting. The Accounting Review (April): 380-383.
Deakin, E. B. III, M. H. Granof and C. H. Smith. 1974. Educational objectives for an accounting program. The Accounting Review (July): 584-589.
Deakin, M. D. 1975. Pricing for return on investment. Management Accounting (December): 43-44, 50.
Deal, J. J. and A. Levenson. 2021. Figuring out social capital is critical for the future of hybrid work. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-4.
Deal, P. M. 1953. Continuous cost reduction. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November): 338-343.
Deam, P., T. Taylor and A. Laura. 2023. Cultivate diversity of thought. Strategic Finance (October): 17-19.
Dean, A. H. 1953. The relation of law and economics to the measurement of income. The Accounting Review (July): 328-342.
Dean, B. V. 1958. Application of operations research to managerial decision making. Administrative Science Quarterly 3(3): 412-428.
Dean, B. V. 1964. Allocation of research and development resources in U.S. and Israel industry. Management Science (September): 94-104.
Dean, B. V. and R. H. Culhan. 1965. Contract research proposal preparation strategies. Management Science (June): B187-B199.
Dean, B. V. and S. S. Cowen.1979. Zero-base budgeting in the private sector. Business Horizons (August): 73-83.
Dean, D., F. Bruttin and P. McCracken. 1998. Applying best practices in production of large and small volume parenterals to achieve a 2:1 cost and performance advantage. Proceedings PDA 1998 International Congress - Advances in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: 253-258 and Basel (February): 23-25.
Dean, G. 1998. Editorial. Abacus 34(1): i-ii.
Dean, G. 1999. Editorial. Abacus 35(3): i-ii.
Dean, G. 2000. Editorial. Abacus 36(3): i-x.
Dean, G. 2001. Editorial. Abacus 37(2): i.
Dean, G. 2001. Editorial. Abacus 37(3): i-ii.
Dean, G. 2002. Editorial. Abacus 38(1): i.
Dean, G. 2002. Editorial. Abacus 38(3): i.
Dean, G. 2003. Editorial. Abacus 39(2): i-v.
Dean, G. 2004. Forty plus - Continuing the journey to 'better financial reporting'. Abacus 40(3): i-iii.
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Demerjian, P. R., B. Lev, M. F. Lewis and S. E. McVay. 2013. Managerial ability and earnings quality. The Accounting Review (March): 463-498.
Demerjian, P. R., E. L. Owens and M. Sokolowski. 2023. Lender capital management and financial covenant strictness. The Accounting Review (October): 149-172.
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Demski, J. S. and R. P. Magee. 1992. A perspective on accounting for defense contracts. The Accounting Review (October): 732-740. (Part of a forum on accounting for defense contracts).
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Demski, J. S., J. C. Fellingham and H. H. Lin. 2008. Useful additional evaluation measures. Journal of Management Accounting Research 20 (Special Issue): 165-173.
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Demystified, T. 2021. Microsoft Access 365 For Beginners & Power Users 2021: The Concise Microsoft Access 365 A-Z Mastery Guide for All Users. Independently Published.