Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Den Butter, F. A. G. and K. A. Linse. 2008. Rethinking procurement in the era of globalization. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 76-80.
Den Hertog, J. F. 1978. The role of information and control systems in the process of organizational renewal: Roadblock or road bridge? Accounting, Organizations and Society 3(1): 29-45.
Den Hertog, F. 1992. Control systems in dissonance: The computer as an ink blot. Accounting, Organizations and Society 17(2): 103-127.
Denardo, E. V. 1968. Separable Markovian decision problems. Management Science (March): 451-462.
Dencker, J. C., M. Gruber and S. K. Shah. 2009. Individual and opportunity factors influencing job creation in new firms. The Academy of Management Journal 52(6): 1125-1147.
DENCOR ENERGY COST CONTROLS, INC.: International Competitive Benchmarks and Financial Analysis. 2000. ICON Group International Inc.
Dencker, J. C. 2009. Relative bargaining power, corporate restructuring, and managerial incentives. Administrative Science Quarterly 54(3): 453-485.
Deng, C., K. Kanagaretnam and Z. Zhou. 2020. Do locally based independent directors reduce corporate misconduct? Evidence from Chinese listed firms. Journal of International Accounting Research 19(3): 61-90.
Deng, J. F., K. M. Haddad and P. D. Harrison. 2003. The roles of self-interest and ethical reasoning in project continuance decisions: A comparative study of US and the People’s Republic of China. Managerial Finance 29(12): 45-56.
Deng, M., E. Kim and M. Ye. 2023. Audit partner identification, matching, and the labor market for audit talent. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(3): 2140-2163.
Deng, M., L. Nan and X. Wen. 2021. Seniority orders between inside debts and external debts. Journal of Management Accounting Research 33(2): 43-73.
Deng, M., N. Lin and X. Wen. 2019. Information quality and endogenous outcomes. Contemporary Accounting Research 36(2): 732-757.
Deng, M., N. Melumad and T. Shibano. 2012. Auditors' liability, investments, and capital markets: A potential unintended consequence of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1179-1244.
Deng, M., T. Lu, D. A. Simunic and M. Ye. 2014. Do joint audits improve or impair audit quality? Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1029-1060.
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Deng, S., Y. Li, G. J. Lobo and P. Shao. 2018. Loan sales and borrowers accounting conservatism. Contemporary Accounting Research 35(2): 1166-1194.
Deng, X. and T. Wang. 2014. Understanding post-implementation support for enterprise systems: An empirical study of IT personnel's customer-oriented citizenship behaviors. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 17-39.
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Denhaan, A. E. 1968. Dynamic business models - A tool to meet new business challenges. Management Accounting (May): 3-11. (Related to research and development projects).
Denhardt, R. B. 1968. Bureaucratic socialization and organizational accommodation. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(3): 441-450.
Denholm, D. H. 1968. Acquisitions - And the management accountant. Management Accounting (December): 15-19.
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Denis, D. J. and J. Xu. 2013. Insider trading restrictions and top executive compensation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (July): 91-112.
Denis, D. K. 2012. Mandatory clawback provisions, information disclosure, and the regulation of securities markets. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October-December): 197-200.
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Denison, C. 2018. Preparing students for real accounting. Strategic Finance (October): 37-43.
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Denison, C. A., S. P. Ravenscroft and P. F. Williams. 2014. Accounting and public policy: The importance of credible research. Accounting and the Public Interest (14): 113-127.
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Dennehy, D., S. Raut and A. Estevam. 2024. Should I pitch a new project-management system? Harvard Business Review (January/February): 140-145.
Denning, S. 2004. Telling tales. Harvard Business Review (May): 122-129. (Story telling to achieve management goals such as: communicating who you are, transmitting values, fostering collaboration, taming the grapevine, sharing knowledge, and leading people into the future).
Dennis, A. 2005. Second-CPA-firm update: Sarbanes-Oxley cloud has a silver lining - unzip it. Journal of Accountancy (September): 61-62, 64, 66, 68.
Dennis, A. 2005. Succession-planning dos and don'ts. Journal of Accountancy (February): 47-50.
Dennis, A. 2006. Be a great manager. Journal of Accountancy (May): 55-57.
Dennis, A. 2006. Understanding the best and brightest. Journal of Accountancy (November): 41-46.
Dennis, A. 2006. Weather any storm. Journal of Accountancy (December): 47-50.
Dennis, A. 2012. The JOBS Act of 2012: Tools, Tips, and Tactics. AIPCA.
Dennis, A. 2020. 10 steps for getting practice growth right. Journal of Accountancy (January): 38-41.
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Dennis, A. 2021. Assessment is key to a successful D&I effort: To track your organization's diversity and inclusion progress, you first need to have a baseline. Journal of Accountancy (March): 24-27.
Dennis, A. 2021. Commemorating 100 years of Black CPAs and looking forward: On the anniversary of John W. Cromwell Jr.'s 1921 licensure, the profession honored the accomplishments of past and present Black CPAs. Journal of Accountancy (December): 32-34, 36.
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Dennis, A. 2022. Deliver business insights with CAS 2.0. Journal of Accountancy (November): 1-7. (Client advisory services is the fastest-growing service area in the profession).
Dennis, A. 2022. The legacy of the Paycheck Protection Program. Journal of Accountancy (March): 6-10.
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Dennis, S. A. and K. M. Johnstone. 2016. A field survey of contemporary brainstorming practices. Accounting Horizons (December): 449-472.
Dennis, S. A. and K. M. Johnstone. 2018. A natural field experiment examining the joint role of audit partner leadership and subordinates' knowledge in fraud brainstorming. Accounting, Organizations and Society (66): 14-28.
Dennis, S. A., B. M. Goodson and C. A. Pearson. 2020. Online worker fraud and evolving threats to the integrity of Murk data: A discussion of virtual private servers and the limitations of IP-based screening procedures. Behavioral Research In Accounting 32(1): 119-134.
Dennis, S. A., J. B. Griffin and K. M. Zehms. 2019. The value relevance of managers' and auditors' disclosures about material measurement uncertainty. The Accounting Review (July): 215-243.
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Dennis-Escoffier, S. and A. Curatola. 2023. Reporting ownership information under the Corporate Transparency Act. Strategic Finance (July): 22-24.
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