Management And Accounting Web

Main Bibliography
Section H: HOS-HZ


Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Hosanagar, K., R. Krishnan, J. Chuang and V. Choudhary. 2005. Pricing and resource allocation in caching services with multiple levels of quality of service. Management Science (December): 1844-1859.

Hosasian, T., D. Minor and J. Morgan. 2011. Competing matchmakers: An experimental analysis. Management Science (November): 1913-1925.

Hosford, W. F. 1931. Wage incentive applications in the Western Clock Company. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 1): 1759-1775.

Hoshower, L. B. 1989. A comparison of accounting faculty views on the five-year educational requirement for CPAs. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 293-308.

Hoshower, L. B. and A. A. Verstraete. 1989. Controlling the cost of decentralized information systems. Management Accounting (June): 51-55.

Hoshower, L. B. and R. P. Crum. 1986. Straightening the tortuous - and treacherous - ROI path. Management Accounting (December): 41-45.

Hoshower, L. B. and R. P. Crum. 1987. Controlling service center costs. Management Accounting (November): 44-48.

Hoshower, L. B. and W. L. Ferrara. 1985. Deferred taxes and consolidations - A case for change. Management Accounting (December): 57-60.

Hosick, T. R. 1950. The accountant - and profitable operations. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October): 132-135.

Hoskin, K. W. and R. H. Macve. 1986. Accounting and examination: A genealogy of disciplinary power. Accounting, Organizations and Society 11(2): 105-136.

Hoskin, K. W. and R. H. Macve. 1988. The genesis of accountability: The west point connections. Accounting, Organizations and Society 13(1): 37-73.

Hoskin, K. W. and R. H. Macve. 2000. Knowing more as knowing less? Alternative histories of cost and management accounting in the U.S. and the U.K. The Accounting Historians Journal 27(1): 91-149.

Hoskin, R. E. 1983. Opportunity cost and behavior. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 78-95.

Hoskin, R. E., J. S. Hughes and W. E. Ricks. 1986. Evidence on the incremental information content of additional firm disclosures made concurrently with earnings. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Alternative Measures of Accounting Income): 1-32.

Hosking, D. and C. Schriesheim. 1978. Reviewed works: Improving Leadership Effectiveness: The Leader Match Concept. by Fred E. Fiedler; Martin M. Chemers and Linda Mahar. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(3): 496-505.

Hoskins, C. G. 1975. Theory versus practice in risk analysis: An empirical study: A comment. The Accounting Review (October): 835-838.

Hoskins, D. 2022. Reimaging office density can ease return-to-work resistance. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-3.

Hoskisson, R. E. 1987. Multidivisional structure and performance: The contingency of diversification strategy. The Academy of Management Journal 30(4): 625-644.

Hoskisson, R. E., L. Eden, C. M. Lau and M. Wright. 2000. Strategy in emerging economies. The Academy of Management Journal 43(3): 249-267.

Hoskisson, R. E., M. A. Hitt, R. A. Johnson and W. Grossman. 2002. Conflicting voices: The effects of institutional ownership heterogeneity and internal governance on corporate innovation strategies. The Academy of Management Journal 45(4): 697-716.

Hoskisson, R. E., R. A. Johnson, D. D. Moesel. 1994. Corporate divestiture intensity in restructuring firms: Effects of governance, strategy, and performance. The Academy of Management Journal 37(5): 1207-1251.

Hoskisson, R. E., R. D. Ireland and M. A. Hitt. 2004. Competing for Advantage. South-Western Educational Publishing.

Hosmer, A. W. 1943. Problems in the funding of tax and other reserves. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 1): 1049-1065.

Hosmer, C. L. 1957. Shorthand for defense planning: A proposal for comparing risks of war and capabilities. Management Science (January): 167-172.

Hosmer, D. W. and S. Lemeshow. 2001. Applied Logistic Regression, Textbook and Solutions Manual (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics). Wiley.

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Hosmer, W. A. 1938. The effect of direct charges to surplus on the measurement of income. The Accounting Review (March): 31-55.

Hossack, A. B. 1945. Postwar readjustments of property accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June 15): 947-957.

Hossain, M. and B. R. Marks. 2005. The value-relevance of voluntary disclosed quarterly foreign sales data of U.S. multinational corporations. Journal of International Accounting Research 4(2): 75-89.

Hossain, M. and H. Hammami. 2009. Voluntary disclosure in the annual reports of an emerging country: The case of Qatar. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 25(2): 255-265.

Hossain, S., J. Coulton and J. J. Wang. 2023. Client importance and audit quality at the individual partner, office, and firm levels. Abacus 59(2): 650-696.

Hossain, S., K. Yazawa and G. S. Monroe. 2017. The relationship between audit team composition, audit fees, and quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 36(3): 115-135.

Hossari, G. 2006. A dynamic ratio-based model for signaling corporate collapse. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 11-32.

Hossari, G. 2007. Modelling corporate collapse: Definitional issues of the collapse event. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 75-84.

Hosseinfard, Z., L. Shao and S. Tallluri. 2022. Service-level agreement with dynamic inventory policy: The effect of the performance review period and the incentive structure. Decision Sciences 53(5): 802-826.

Hosseinifard, Z., B. Abbasi, M. Fadaki and N. M. Clay. 2020. Post disaster volatility of blood donations in an unsteady blood supply chain. Decision Sciences 51(2): 255-281.

Hostak, P., T. Lys, Y. G. Yang and E. Carr. 2013. An examination of the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act on the attractiveness of U.S. capital markets for foreign firms. Review of Accounting Studies 18(2): 522-559.

Hostetler, D. 2010. Get results: Improve your accounting firm processes using lean six sigma. Journal of Accountancy (January): 38-43.

Hotchkiss, H. S. 1924. The evolution of the world rubber situation. Harvard Business Review (January): 129-138.

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Hou, K., M. A. van Dijk and Y. Zhang. 2012. The implied cost of capital: A new approach. Journal of Accounting and Economics (June): 504-526.

Hou, Q., Q. Jin, R. Yang, H. Yuan and G. Zhang. 2015. Performance commitments of controlling shareholders and earnings management. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(3): 1099-1127.

Hou, Y. 2006. Budgeting under central economic planning in China. Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management 18(4): 430-452.

Hou, Y. 2015. The role of diversification in the pricing of accruals quality. Review of Accounting Studies 20(3): 1059-1092.

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Hougaard, R., J. Carter and R. Stembridge. 2024. Three strategies for leading through difficult times. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 29-31.

Hough, B. O. 1924. A contrast of American with European export policies. Harvard Business Review (April): 319-333 .

Hough, E. L. 1962. Making management collection-conscious. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 52.

Houghton, D., E. S. Keenan, M. Edmonds and L. H. Blix. 2020. Are you managing your risks from social media? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-5.

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Houghton, J. W. Jr. 1974. Foreign long-term debt translation. Management Accounting (September): 17-18.

Houghton, K., N. Bagranoff and C. Jubb. 2021. The funding of higher education: An empirical examination of the cost of education in business schools. Abacus 57(4): 780-809.

Houghton, K. A. 1981. Law and accounting: Confusion surrounding the 'Rule in Garner. Murray'. Abacus 17(1): 41-51.

Houghton, K. A. 1982. Partnership dissolution: Treatment of the overdrawn capital of an insolvent partner. Abacus 18(1): 91-96.

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Houghton, K. A. 1986. Re-appraisal of Garner v. Murray: A comment. Abacus 22(1): 47-50.

Houghton, K. A. 1987. True and fair view: An empirical study of connotative meaning. Accounting, Organizations and Society 12(2): 143-152.

Houghton, K. A. 1988. The measurement of meaning in accounting: A critical analysis of the principal evidence. Accounting, Organizations and Society 13(3): 263-280.

Houghton, K. A. and R. Sengupta. 1984. The effect of prior probability disclosure and information set construction on bankers' ability to predict failure. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 768-775.

Houghton, K. A., M. Kend and C. Jubb. 2013. The CLERP 9 Audit Reforms: Benefits and costs through the eyes of regulators, standard setters and audit service suppliers. Abacus 49(2): 139-160.

Houk, L. E. 1965. The cost side of NASA PERT and companion cost. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 33-40.

Houk, L. E. 1969. Credit card/EDP control of engineering drawings. Management Accounting (August): 45-47.

Houlub, M. and J. Mitchell. 2012. On-market share buy-backs: ASX disclosure requirements and compliance. Abacus 48(1): 31-58.

Houmes, R., D. Dickins and R. O'Keefe. 2012. New evidence on the incremental information content of earnings reported using the LIFO inventory method. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 28(2): 235-242.

Houqe, M. N., R. M. Monem and T. van Zijl. 2012. Government quality, auditor choice and adoption of IFRS: A cross country analysis. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 28(2): 307-316.

House, R. J. 1962. An experiment in the use of management training standards. The Journal of the Academy of Management 5(1): 76-81.

House, R. J. 1968. Leadership training: Some dysfunctional consequences. Administrative Science Quarterly 12(4): 556-571.

House, R. J. 1971. A path goal theory of leader effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(3): 321-339.

House, R. J. 1975. The quest for relevance in management education: Some second thoughts and undesired consequences. The Academy of Management Journal 18(2): 323-333.

House, R. J. and H. Tosi. 1963. An experimental evaluation of a management training program. The Academy of Management Journal 6(4): 303-315.

House, R. J. and J. B. Miner. 1969. Merging management and behavioral theory: The interaction between span of control and group size. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(3): 451-464.

House, R. J., A. C. Filley and S. Kerr. 1971. Relation of leader consideration and initiating structure to R and D subordinates' satisfaction. Administrative Science Quarterly 16(1): 19-30.

House, R. J., H. J. Shapiro and M. A. Wahba. 1974. Expectancy theory as a predictor of work behavior and attitude: A re-evaluation of empirical evidence. Decision Sciences 5(3): 481-506.

House, R. J., W. D. Spangler and J. Woycke. 1991. Personality and charisma in the U.S. Presidency: A psychological theory of leader effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly 36(3): 364-396.

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Housley, C. 1989. Building a communication network. Management Accounting (May): 50-53.

Houssain, S., G. S. Monro, M. Wilson and C. Jubb. 2016. The effect of networked clients' economic importance on audit quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 35(4): 79-103.

Houston, A. L. Jr. and C. O. Houston. 1991. The changing use of preferred stock. Management Accounting (December): 47-49.

Houston, C. O. and G. G. Mueller. 1988. Foreign exchange rate hedging and SFAS No. 52 - Relatives or strangers? Accounting Horizons (December): 50-57.

Houston, F. S. and D. L. Weiss. 1975. Cumulative advertising effects: The role serial correlation. Decision Sciences 6(3): 471-481.

Houston, J. F., B. Lev and J. W. Tucker. 2010. To guide or not to guide? Causes and consequences of stopping quarterly earnings guidance. Contemporary Accounting Research 27(1): 143-185.

Houston, J. F., C. Lin, S. Liu and L. Wei. 2019. Litigation risk and voluntary disclosure: Evidence from legal changes. The Accounting Review (September): 247-272.

Houston, J. F., J. Lee and F. Suntheim. 2018. Social networks in the global banking sector. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 237-269.

Houston, J. F., L. Jiang, C. Lin and Y. Ma. 2014. Political connections and the cost of bank loans. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 193-243.

Houston, R. W. 1998. Commentary on Influencing decision aid reliance through involvement in information choice. Behavioral Research In Accounting (10 Supplement): 201-206.

Houston, R. W. and C. M. Stefaniak. 2013. Audit partner perceptions of post-audit review mechanisms: An examination of internal quality reviews and PCAOB inspections. Accounting Horizons (March): 23-50.

Houston, R. W. and T. P. Howard. 2000. The UniCast Company: A case illustrating internal auditor involvement in consulting. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 635-655.

Houston, R. W., M. F. Peters and J. H. Pratt. 1999. The audit risk model, business risk and audit-planning decisions. The Accounting Review (July): 281-298.

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Houston, W. S. Jr. 1974. Vocational rehabilitation workshop costs. Management Accounting (August): 15-21, 39.

Hout, T. and D. Michael. 2014. A Chinese approach to management. Harvard Business Review (September): 103-107.

Hout, T. M. and P. Ghemawat. 2010. China vs the world. Harvard Business Review (December): 94-103.

Hovath, J. C. 2023. The limits of neuroscience in business. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 10-12.

Hover, E. T. 1971. Practical details of acquisitions. Management Accounting (June): 33-36.

Hoverland, H. A. and W. D. Stricklin. 1967. Management and accounting concepts of control. Management Accounting (June): 33-37.

Hovey, D. E. 1974. The low-powered leader confronts a messy problem: A test of Fiedler's theory. The Academy of Management Journal 17(2): 358-362.

Hovey, D. F. 1986. Memo to FASB: A cash flow statement suggestion. Management Accounting (November): 63-64, 66-67.

Hovey, M., L. Li and T. Naughton. 2003. The relationship between valuation and ownership of listed firms in China. Corporate Governance: An International Review 11(2): 112-122.

Hovland, T. 2019. Effective financial projections for a startup. Journal of Accountancy (March): 38-43.

How, F. 1906. Maintenance of way and structures. Journal of Accountancy (March): 372-378.

Howard, A. 1974. An assessment of assessment centers. The Academy of Management Journal 17(1): 115-134.

Howard, A. 2019. The regulation of AI - Should organizations be worried? MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-3.

Howard, B. 2016. Tax matters: Foreign earned income exclusion denied for State Department employee. Journal of Accountancy (May): 70-71.

Howard, B. 2016. Tax matters: Law firm is held liable for accuracy-related penalties. Journal of Accountancy (June): 78-79.

Howard, B. 2017. Deductions disallowed for operator of Larry Bird's former house as a B&B. Journal of Accountancy (August): 68-69.

Howard, B. 2019. Casualty loss deduction from drug-induced gambling is disallowed. Journal of Accountancy (June): 52-54.

Howard, B. 2021. Compulsive gambler's losses are substantiated using Cohan rule. Journal of Accountancy (June): 28-29.

Howard, C. L. 2020. What happens when an employee calls the ombudsman? Harvard Business Review (May/June): 59-60.

Howard, C. T. and L. J. D'Antonio. 2005. Cost-effective hedges and accounting standards. Accounting Horizons (December): 205-222.

Howard, D. C. 1964. Contractor performance evaluation. N.A.A. Bulletin (September): 45-51.

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Howard, D. C. 1976. Cost/schedule control systems. Management Accounting (October): 21-25.

Howard, E. D. 1906. Profits on bank deposits. Journal of Accountancy (January): 205-214.

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Howard, J. and J. Zhou. 2021. The timeliness of XBRL filings: An empirical examination. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 65-77.

Howard, J. A. and B. H. Lubich. 2003. Comment on "The five-year program debate continues: An updated analysis of the supply of and demand for master's degrees in accounting". Issues in Accounting Education (November): 409-415.

Howard, J. A. and W. M. Morgenroth. 1968. Information processing model of executive decision. Management Science (March): 416-428.

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Howard, L. W. and J. L. Miller. 1993. Fair pay for fair play: Estimating pay equity in professional baseball with data envelopment analysis. The Academy of Management Journal 36(4): 882-894.

Howard, M. 2017. Carl Menconi Case Competition: Trouble with transfer pricing. An accounting manager encounters some corporate tax planning decisions that open up ethical questions. Strategic Finance (July): 48-53.

Howard, M. and R. Newman. 1993. From job shop to just-in-time - A successful conversion. Production and Inventory Management Journal (Third Quarter): 70-74.

Howard, P. 1995. Architecture for an activity-based costing system. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 14-21.

Howard, R. A. 1966. Dynamic programming. Management Science (January): 317-348. 1966. Errata: Dynamic programming. Management Science (September): 154.

Howard, R. A. 1967. An open letter to the newer (and senior) members of TIMS. Management Science (August): C416.

Howard, R. A. 1968. The practicality Gap. Management Science (March): 503-507.

Howard, R. A. Jr. 1948. Yardsticks for motion picture theater revenue and costs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October 1): 131-139.

Howard, R. H., J. Weiser, A. Shuchman and H. Tobey. 1967. Free for all. Management Science (June): B681-B692.

Howard, S. E. 1926. Some cost problems in university accounting. The Accounting Review (December): 55-62.

Howard, S. E. 1930. Accounting instruction in the liberal arts curriculum. The Accounting Review (June): 146-149.

Howard, S. E. 1931. Charge and discharge. The Accounting Review (March): 51-56.

Howard, S. E. 1932. Business partnerships in France before 1807. The Accounting Review (December): 242-257.

Howard, S. E. 1932. Public rules for private accounting in France, 1673 and 1807. The Accounting Review (June): 91-102.

Howard, S. E. 1933. The societe anonyme: From joint account to business corporation. The Accounting Review (March): 11-21.

Howard, S. E. 1934. The private business corporation under modern French law. The Accounting Review (June): 105-113.

Howard, S. E. 1937. Concepts of capital and income. The Accounting Review (March): 1-2.

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Howard, T. P. 1981. Attitude measurement: Some further considerations. The Accounting Review (July): 613-621.

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Howard, T. P. 2004. Editor's report. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 157.

Howard, T. P. 2004. Editor's report. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 267.

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Howard, T. P. and D. E. Stout. 2006. Reasons accounting case/instructional resource papers are rejected for publication. Journal of Accounting Education 24(1): 1-15.

Howard, T. P. and L. A. Nikolai. 1983. Attitude measurement and perceptions of accounting faculty publication outlets. The Accounting Review (October): 765-776.

Howard, T. W. 1930. The value to industry of association work in cost accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November 1): 381-388.

Howard-Grenville, J. 2020. How to sustain your organization's culture when everyone is remote. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-4.

Howard-Grenville, J., A. J. Nelson, A. G. Earle, J. A. Haack and D. M. Young. 2017. "If chemists don't do it, who is going to?" Peer-driven occupational change and the emergence of green chemistry. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(3): 524-560.

Howarth, J. H. Jr. 1962. We are keeping track of our computer's pay out. N.A.A. Bulletin (April): 78-84.

Howe, A. S. Jr. 1929. The Lake Cargo Coal case. Harvard Business Review (July): 452-461.

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