Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Lizardo, O. 2011. Book review: Spiritual Economies: Islam, Globalization, and the Afterlife of Development by D. Rudnyckyj. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(3): 485-489.
Lizardo, O. 2017. Book review: M. DeSoucey: Contested Tastes: Foie Gras and the Politics of Food. Administrative Science Quarterly 62(3): NP31-NP34.
Ljungdahl, P. W. 1971. Enterprise account system for agricultural businesses. Management Accounting (April): 31-36.
Ljungqvist, A., L. Zhang and L. Zuo. 2017. Sharing risk with the government: How taxes affect corporate risk taking. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 669-707.
Llewellyn, S. 1993. Working in hermeneutic circles in management accounting research: Some implications and applications. Management Accounting Research (September): 231-249.
Llewellyn, S. 1998. Boundary work: Costing and caring in the social services. Accounting, Organizations and Society 23(1): 23-47.
Llewellyn, S. and D. Northcott. 2005. The average hospital. Accounting, Organizations, and Society 30(6): 555-583.
Lloréns, M. B. 2004. Financial crises and the publication of the financial statements of banks in Spain, 1844-1868. The Accounting Historians Journal 31(2): 1-26.
Lloyd, B. M. and J. J. Weygandt. 1971. Market value information for non-subsidiary investments. The Accounting Review (October): 756-764.
Lloyd, W. J. and L. E. Davis. 2007. Building long-term value. Journal of Accountancy (November): 56-60.
Lloyd-Jones, R., M. J. Lewis, M. D. Matthews and J. Maltby. 2005. Control, conflict and concession: Corporate governance, accounting and accountability at Birmingham Small Arms, 1906-1933. The Accounting Historians Journal 32(1): 149-184.
Lo, A. K. 2014. Do declines in bank health affect borrowers' voluntary disclosures? Evidence from international propagation of banking shocks. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 541-581.
Lo, A. K. 2015. Accounting credibility and liquidity constraints: Evidence from reactions of small banks to monetary tightening. The Accounting Review (May): 1079-1113.
Lo, A. W. and G. P. Pasano. 2016. Lessons from Hollywood: A new approach to funding R&D. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 47-54.
Lo, K. 2003. Economic consequences of regulated changes in disclosure: The case of executive compensation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 285-314.
Lo, K. 2008. Earnings management and earnings quality. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 350-357.
Lo, K. 2010. Materiality and voluntary disclosures. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 133-135.
Lo, K. 2012. What do analysts do? Discussion of "Information interpretation or information discovery: Which role of analysts do investors value more?" Review of Accounting Studies 17(3): 642-648.
Lo, K. and S. S. Wu. 2018. The impact of seasonal affective disorder on financial analysts. The Accounting Review (July): 309-333.
Lo, K., F. Ramos and R. Rogo. 2017. Earnings management and annual report readability. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 1-25.
Lo, M. and T. Wijaya. 2022. Two cofounders of Xendit on pioneering Fintech in Southeast Asia. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 36-39.
Loane, E. P. 1966. Note on level-debt-service municipal bidding. Management Science (November): 291-293. 1967. Errata: Note on level-debt-service municipal bidding. Management Science (November): 256-257.
Lobaugh, J. L. 1996. Paperless payables pays off. Management Accounting (September): 31-35.
Lobaugh, J. L. and A. V. Deshmukh. 2000. Supplementing Legacy Financial Systems by integrating high-end technology: Lessons from Lord Corporation. Strategic Finance (September): 52-56, 58-60. (Using off-the-shelf software).
Lobel, S. A. and L. St. Clair. 1992. Effects of family responsibilities, gender, and career identity salience on performance outcomes. The Academy of Management Journal 35(5): 1057-1069.
Lobo, G. J. and A. A. W. Mahmoud. 1989. Relationship between differential amounts of prior information and security return variability. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 116-134.
Lobo, G. J. and I. Song. 1989. The incremental information in SFAS No. 33 income disclosures over historical cost income and its cash and accrual components. The Accounting Review (April): 329-343.
Lobo, G. J. and J. Zhou. 2006. Did conservatism in financial reporting increase after the Sarbanes-Oxley Act? Initial evidence. Accounting Horizons (March): 57-73.
Lobo, G. J. and Y. Zhao. 2013. Relation between audit effort and financial report misstatements: Evidence from quarterly and annual restatements. The Accounting Review (July): 1385-1412.
Lobo, G. J., L. Paugam, D. Zhang and J. F. Casta. 2017. The effect of joints auditor pair composition on audit quality: Evidence from impairment tests. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(1): 118-153.
Lobo, G. J., L. Paugam, H. Stolowy and P. Astolfi. 2017. The effect of business and financial market cycles on credit ratings: Evidence from the last two decades. Abacus 53(1): 59-93.
Lobo, G. J., M. Lyu, B. Wang and J. H. Zhang. 2022. Do chief audit executives matter? Evidence from turnover events. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 41(2): 165-190.
Lobo, G. J., M. Neel and A. Rhodes. 2018. Accounting comparability and relative performance evaluation in CEO compensation. Review of Accounting Studies 23(3): 1137-1176.
Lobo, G. J., M. Song and M. H. Stanford. 2017. The effect of analyst forecasts during earnings announcements on investor responses to reported earnings. The Accounting Review (May): 239-263.
Locati, C. 2017. Do you really know where the money's going? Fraud in the procurement-to-pay process is common and difficult to detect. Here are 7 steps small and medium-size companies can take to prevent it. Journal of Accountancy (May): 50-53.
Locati, C. 2021. Staying vigilant against fraud during the pandemic. Journal of Accountancy (March): 16-19.
Loch, C. H., F. J. Sting, A. Huchzermeier and C. Decker. 2012. Finding the profit in fairness. Harvard Business Review (September): 111-115. (Germany's TeamBank has built a brand on being equitable).
Loch, C. H., F. J. Sting, N. Bauer and H. Mauermann. 2010. How BMW is defusing the demographic time bomb. Harvard Business Review (March): 99-102.
Lochiel, R. G. 1953. All-level cost control for the management team. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May): 1158-1169.
Lochiel, R. G. 1957. Solving cost problems in airline management. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 1022-1032.
Lochner, P. R. Jr. 1993. Accountants' legal liability: A crisis that must be addressed. Accounting Horizons (June): 92-96.
Locke, C. C. 2023. When it's safe to rely on intuition (and when it's not). Harvard Business Review (September/October): 34-35.
Locke, E. A. 2000. The Blackwell Handbook of Principles of Organizational Behavior (Blackwell Handbooks in Management). Blackwell Publishers.
Locke, E. and D. Schweiger. 1979. Participation in decision making: One more look. Research in Organizational Behavior (1): 265-339.
Locke, J. 1952. The Second Treatise of Government. Peardon, T. P. Editor. Bobbs-Merrill.
Locke, K. and K. Golden-Biddle. 1997. Constructing opportunities for contribution: Structuring intertextual coherence and "problematizing" in organizational studies. The Academy of Management Journal 40(5): 1023-1062.
Locke, L. F., S. J. Silverman and W. W. Spirduso. Editors. 2009. Reading and Understanding Research, 3rd edition. Sage Publications Inc.
Locke, R. and M. Romis. 2007. Improving work conditions in a global supply chain. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 54-62.
Locke, R. R. 1979. Cost accounting an institutional yardstick for measuring British entrepreneural performance, circa 1914. The Accounting Historians Journal 6(2): 1-22.
Locke, R. R. 1979. New insights from cost accounting into British entrepreneurial performance circa 1914. The Accounting Historians Journal 6(1): 17-28.
Lockhart, J. and A. Taylor. 2007. Environmental considerations in product mix decisions using ABC and TOC. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 13-21.
Lockhart, J., A. Taylor, K. Thomas, B. Levetsovitis and J. Wise. 2011. When a higher price pays off. Strategic Finance (January): 29-36.
Lockrow, F. E. 1946. A study of operations of a salvage division. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January 1): 401-406.
Lockwood, C. 2006. Building the green way. Harvard Business Review (June): 129-137.
Lockwood, D. 1994. Allocating the cost of fringe benefits. Management Accounting (November): 50-53. (Using a chargeback system that reflects actual spending).
Lockwood, J. 1934. Some phases of T. V. A. accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October 15): 143-156.
Lockwood, J. 1938. Early university education in accountancy. The Accounting Review (June): 131-144.
Lococo, L. J. 1983. Selecting the right transfer pricing model. Management Accounting (March): 42-45.
Lodahl, T. M. 1964. Patterns of job attitudes in two assembly technologies. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(4): 482-519.
Lodahl, T. M. 1966. Editor's note. Administrative Science Quarterly 10(4): iv.
Lodahl, T. M. 1967. Editor's note. Administrative Science Quarterly 11(4): iv.
Lodahl, T. M. 1968. Editor's introduction. Administrative Science Quarterly 13(3): 367.
Lodge, G. C. 1991. Perestroika for America: Restructuring U.S. Business-Government Relations for Competitiveness in the World Economy. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
Lodi, A., S. Martello, M. Monaci, C. Cicconetti, L. Lenzini, E. Mingozzi, C. Eklund and J. Moilanen. 2011. Efficient two-dimensional packing algorithms for mobile WiMAX. Management Science (December): 2130-2144.
Lodish, L. M. and C. F. Mela. 2007. If brands are built over years, why are they managed over quarters? Harvard Business Review (July-August): 104-112.
Loeb, I. 1927. The place of accounting instruction. The Accounting Review (March): 46-47.
Loeb, M. 1974. Comments on budget forecasting and operating performance. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 362-366.
Loeb, M. 2002. Return on information security investments: Myths vs. realities. Strategic Finance (November): 26-31.
Loeb, M. and W. A. Magat. 1978. Soviet success indicators and the evaluation of divisional management. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 103-121.
Loeb, M. P. and K. Sunrysekar. 1994. On the optimality of cost-based contracts in sole source procurement. Management Accounting Research (March): 31-44.
Loeb, M. P. and K. Surysekar. 1998. Payment ceilings in cost-plus contracting. Management Accounting Research (September): 311-327.
Loeb, S. E. 1971. A survey of ethical behavior in the accounting profession. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 287-306.
Loeb, S. E. 1972. Enforcement of the code of ethics: A survey. The Accounting Review (January): 1-10.
Loeb, S. E. 1975. The auditor-firm conflict of interests: Its implications for independence: A comment. The Accounting Review (October): 844-847.
Loeb, S. E. 1988. Teaching students accounting ethics: Some crucial issues. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 316-329.
Loeb, S. E. 1990. A code of ethics for academic accountants? Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 123-128.
Loeb, S. E. 1990. Whistleblowing and accounting education. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 281-294.
Loeb, S. E. 1994. Accounting academic ethics: A code is needed. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 191-200.
Loeb, S. E. 2012. Education in accountancy and social control: Questions and comments. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 1059-1069.
Loeb, S. E. and J. P. Bedingfield. 1972. Teaching accounting ethics. The Accounting Review (October): 811-813.
Loeb, S. E. and P. J. Maranti, Jr. 2004. The Institute of Accounts: Nineteenth-Century Origins of Accounting Professionalism in the United States. Routledge.
Loeb, S. S. 1989. Ethics committees and consultants in public accounting. Accounting Horizons (December): 1-10.
Loebbecke, J. K. and B. H. Ward. 1979. Discussion of materiality allocation in audit planning: A feasibility study. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Auditing-Selections from the "Research Opportunities in Auditing" Program): 217-230.
Loebbecke, J. K. and J. Neter. 1975. Considerations in choosing statistical sampling procedures in auditing. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Statistical Methodology in Auditing): 38-52.
Loebbecke, J. K. and J. Neter. 1975. [Discussion of considerations in choosing statistical sampling procedures in auditing]: A reply. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Statistical Methodology in Auditing): 68-69.
Loerzel, T. 2019. Smashing the barriers to employee engagement. Journal of Accountancy (January): 28-32.
Loesch, D. E. and H. Banister. 1967. The accountant's role in value analysis. Management Accounting (November): 52-56.
Loester, R. K. 1959. Depreciation accounting for idle equipment. N.A.A. Bulletin (February): 41-42.
Loester, R. K. 1960. Equitable allocation of home office expense. N.A.A. Bulletin (August): 52.
Loether, H. J., and D. G. McTavish. 1974. Descriptive Statistics for Sociologists: An Introduction. Allyn & Bacon.
Loevy, J. H. 1965. Basic values offered by the consultant. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 26-32.
Loewe, D. 1982. How Weyerhaeuser made its MIS work. Management Accounting (January): 16-20.
Loewe, D. 1989. Quality management at Weyerhaeuser. Management Accounting (August): 36-41.
Loffier, C. 2019. Divisionalization and domestic transfer pricing for tax considerations in the multinational enterprise. Management Accounting Research (December): 100646.
Lofgren, M. 2012. The Party is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless, and the Middle Class Got Shafted. Viking Adult.
Lofland, C. and S. McNeal. 2014. What's your fraud IQ? Journal of Accountancy (March): 46-50.
Lofland, J. and L. H. Lofland. 1984. A Guide to Qualitative Observation and Analysis. Second edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Lofland, J. and L. H. Lofland. 1994. Analyzing Social Settings: A Guide to Qualitative Observation and Analysis. Second edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Loft, A. 1986. Towards a critical understanding of accounting: The case of cost accounting in the U.K. 1914-1925. Accounting, Organizations and Society 11(2): 137-169.
Loft, A. 1992. Accountancy and the gendered division of labour: A review essay. Accounting, Organizations and Society 17(3-4): 367-378.
Loftus, J. A. 2003. The CF and accounting standards: The persistence of discrepancies. Abacus 39(3): 298-309.
Loftus, J. T. and T. E. Vermeer. 2003. Pro-active fraud auditing: Technology, fraud auditing, and liquor. Journal of Forensic Accounting (4): 307-310.
Loftus, S. and L. J. Tanlu. 2018. Because of "because": Examining the use of causal language in relative performance feedback. The Accounting Review (March): 277-297.
Loftus, S. and L. Tanlu. 2021. Causal language and effective performance evaluations. Strategic Finance (February): 17-18.
Loftus, S., S. S. McCoy, E. G. Valentine and T. West. 2023. Labor cost visualization at Carescript: An introductory data analytics case for management accounting. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 199-209.
Logan, G. A. 1949. Justification of and explanation of sinking fund reserves. The Accounting Review (April): 203-205.
Logan, G. T. Jr. 1968. The direct costing controversy. Management Accounting (September): 9-12.
Logan, H. R. Jr. 2001. Controlling the uncontrollable. Strategic Finance (April): 56-61.
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Loh, A. L. C. and T. H. Tan. 2002. Asset write-offs - Managerial incentives and macroeconomic factors. Abacus 38(1): 134-151.
Loh, C., M. M. Cheng and R. Coyte. 2022. The effect of mood and information sequence on third party evaluation of escalating capital investment projects. Management Accounting Research (March): 100819.
Loh, C., R. Coyte and M. M. Cheng. 2019. Is a fresh pair of eyes always better? The effect of consultant type and assigned task purpose on communicating project escalation concerns. Management Accounting Research (June): 1-14.
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Lohmann, L. 2009. Toward a different debate in environmental accounting: The cases of carbon and cost-benefit. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(3-4): 499-534.
Lohrey, P. L. 2020. The Dodd-Frank Act and the Private Company Discount: An empirical investigation. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 5(1): 298-318.
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Loizu, S. M., A. Hinterhuber, S. Perelli and R. Boland. 2012. Mindful pricing: Transforming organizations through value-based pricing. Journal of Strategic Marketing 20(3): 197-209.
Lojacono, G. and G. Zaccai. 2004. The evolution of the design-inspired enterprise. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 75-79.
Lok, S. and S. Richardson. 2011. Credit markets and financial information. Review of Accounting Studies 16(3): 487-500.
Lokanan, M. 2021. Applying four quantitative modeling techniques to detect fraud in financial statements. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 13(2): 362-383.
Lokanan, M. and S. Sharma. 2018. A fraud triangle analysis of the Libor Fraud. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(2): 187-212.
Lombardi, D. R. and R. B. Dull. 2016. The development of AudEx: An audit data assessment system. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 13(1): 37-52.
Lombardi, D. R., J. C. Sipior and S. Dannemiller. 2023. Auditor judgment bias research: A 50-year trend analysis and emerging technology use. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 109-141.
Lombardi, D. R., M. A. Vasarhelyi and J. Verver. 2014. Continuous controls monitoring: A case study. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (11): 83-98.
Lomborg, B. 2001. The Skeptical Environmentalist: Measuring the Real State of the World. Cambridge University Press.
Lomborg, B. 2004. Global Crises, Global Solutions. Cambridge University Press.
Lomi, A. 1995. The population ecology of organizational founding: Location dependence and unobserved heterogeneity. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(1): 111-144.
Lomi, A. and E. R. Larsen. 1996. Interacting locally and evolving globally: A computational approach to the dynamics of organizational populations. The Academy of Management Journal 39(5): 1287-1321.
Lomi, A., E. R. Larsen and J. H. Freeman. 2005. Things change: Dynamic resource constraints and system-dependent selection in the evolution of organizational populations. Management Science (June): 882-903.
Loncar, F. E. 1956. Budgetary planning - Yesterday and today. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 949-955.
London, M. and G. R. Oldham. 1976. Effects of varying goal types and incentive systems on performance and satisfaction. The Academy of Management Journal 19(4): 537-546.
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Lonergan, T. 1963. Site factors in acquiring a computer. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 20.
Lonergan, T. F. 1956. Housecleaning the corporate records. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February): 767-773.
Lonergan, T. F. 1965. A factory labor incentive plan in operation. Management Accounting (October): 22.
Lonergan, W. 2009. Discussion of Bloom. Abacus 45(3): 390-396.
Long, B. J. and B. L. McGuire. 2001. Reforming an accounting program: Sailing the ship through the academic doldrums. Management Accounting Quarterly (Summer): 18-26.
Long, C. 2016. Access: Building a menu. Strategic Finance (July): 60-61.
Long, C. 2016. Access: Calculating running sums. Strategic Finance (February): 60-61.
Long, C. 2016. Access: Chart a secondary axis. Strategic Finance (March): 68-69.
Long, C. 2016. Access: Control names in calculations. Strategic Finance (June): 60-61.
Long, C. 2016. Access: Creating a graph. Strategic Finance (January): 60-61.
Long, C. 2016. Access: Creating a grouped report. Strategic Finance (October): 60-61.
Long, C. 2016. Access: Customize the quick access toolbar. Strategic Finance (December): 60-61.
Long, C. 2016. Access: Enhancing a menu. Strategic Finance (August): 84-85.
Long, C. 2016. Access: Grouped report. Strategic Finance (May): 60-61.
Long, C. 2016. Access: Refining the sales report. Strategic Finance (November): 60-61.
Long, C. 2016. Access: Stacked column chart. Strategic Finance (April): 60-61.
Long, C. A. 2016. Access: Use VBA to modify a crosstab query. Strategic Finance (September): 60-61.
Long, C. 2017. Access: Aging accounts receivable. Strategic Finance (June): 60-61.
Long, C. 2017. Access: Data types. Strategic Finance (February): 60-61.
Long, C. 2017. Access: Formulas. Strategic Finance (April): 60-61.
Long, C. 2017. Access: Numbers. Strategic Finance (March): 68-69.
Long, C. 2017. Access: The expression builder. Strategic Finance (May): 68-69.
Long, C. 2017. Technology workbook: Access: Create a shareable calendar. Strategic Finance (September): 60-61.
Long, C. 2017. Technology workbook: Access: Creating a combo box. Strategic Finance (October): 60-61.
Long, C. 2017. Technology workbook: Access: Database tables. Strategic Finance (January): 60-61.
Long, C. 2017. Technology workbook: Access: Graphs in a query using unicode. Strategic Finance (July): 60-61.
Long, C. 2017. Technology workbook: Access: Main forms and subforms. Strategic Finance (November): 68-69.
Long, C. 2017. Technology workbook: Access: Subform to display calculations. Strategic Finance (December): 60-61.
Long, C. 2017. Technology workbook: Access: Visualizing value changes. Strategic Finance (August): 84-85.
Long, C. 2018. Technology workbook: Access: Change a list box using VBA. Strategic Finance (February): 60-61.
Long, C. 2018. Technology workbook: Access: Cross-reference contacts and lists. Strategic Finance (December): 58-59.
Long, C. 2018. Technology workbook: Access: Date (+ Time) Format. Strategic Finance (July): 60-61.
Long, C. 2018. Technology workbook: Access: Dates and times. Strategic Finance (June): 60-61.
Long, C. 2018. Technology workbook: Access: Highlight the current record. Strategic Finance (October): 66-67.
Long, C. 2018. Technology workbook: Access: Localized international information. Strategic Finance (September): 66-67.
Long, C. 2018. Technology workbook: Access: Managing contracts. Strategic Finance (November): 68-69.
Long, C. 2018. Technology workbook: Access: User-defined functions. Strategic Finance (March): 68-69.
Long, C. 2018. Technology workbook: Access: Use Excel with a wrapper function. Strategic Finance (May): 60-61.
Long, C. 2018. Technology workbook: Access: Using Excel's PMT function in Access. Strategic Finance (April): 60-61.
Long, C. 2018. Technology workbook: Access: Using SQL in the row source property. Strategic Finance (January): 60-61.
Long, C. 2018. Technology workbook: Access: Windows region settings. Strategic Finance (August): 92-93.
Long, C. 2019. How to attract, retain all-stars. Strategic Finance (July): 15.
Long, C. 2019. Technology workbook: Access: Age overdue accounts with partition. Strategic Finance (February): 58-59.
Long, C. 2019. Technology workbook: Access: Append and update data from Excel. Strategic Finance (May): 64-65.
Long, C. 2019. Technology workbook: Access: Data structure. Strategic Finance (October): 58-59.
Long, C. 2019. Technology workbook: Access: Fractions and Greek characters. Strategic Finance (December): 58-59.
Long, C. 2019. Technology workbook: Access: Importing Excel spreadsheets. Strategic Finance (April): 58-59.
Long, C. 2019. Technology workbook: Access: Normalize imported data. Strategic Finance (July): 56-57.
Long, C. 2019. Technology workbook: Access: Organizing imported data from Excel. Strategic Finance (June): 74-75.
Long, C. 2019. Technology workbook: Access: Pop-up forms. Strategic Finance (January): 56-57.
Long, C. 2019. Technology workbook: Access: Random numbers. Strategic Finance (March): 66-67.
Long, C. 2019. Technology workbook: Access: Undoing updates. Strategic Finance (September): 58-59.
Long, C. 2019. Technology workbook: Access: Using a subreport multiple times. Strategic Finance (November): 58-59.
Long, C. 2019. Technology workbook: Access: Using VBA's split function. Strategic Finance (August): 74-75.
Long, C. 2020. Technology workbook: Access: Access files. Strategic Finance (February): 58-59.
Long, C. 2020. Technology workbook: Access: Add data to a combo box list. Strategic Finance (October): 58-59.
Long, C. 2020. Technology workbook: Access: Finding records. Strategic Finance (April): 58-59.
Long, C. 2020. Technology workbook: Access: Input mask to enter GL codes. Strategic Finance (June): 58-59.
Long, C. 2020. Technology workbook: Access: Mail merge using Access data. Strategic Finance (August): 66-67.
Long, C. 2020. Technology Workbook: Access: Making a calendar. Strategic Finance (January): 58-59.
Long, C. 2020. Technology workbook: Access: Managing hierarchical data. Strategic Finance (November): 58-59.
Long, C. 2020. Technology workbook: Access: Organizing project files. Strategic Finance (March): 66-67.
Long, C. 2020. Technology workbook: Access: Quick access toolbar. Strategic Finance (May): 58-59.
Long, C., C. Liao, A. Tsang and Y. Li. 2023. CEO career concerns in early tenure corporate social responsibility reporting. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(3): 1545-1575.
Long, C. P. 2018. To control and build trust: How managers use organizational controls and trust-building activities to motivate subordinate cooperation. Accounting, Organizations and Society (70): 69-91.
Long, J. H. and J. D. Stanley. 2012. Managing interruption in the accounting workplace. The CPA Journal (May): 60-63.
Long, J. H. and K. A. Bassoglu. 2016. The impact of task interruption on tax accountants' professional judgment. Accounting, Organizations and Society (55): 96-113.
Long, J. H. and R. Nothhelfer. 2020. Chemotech International, Inc.: Accounting for international differences in the measurement of raw material and work-process inventories. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 57-67.
Long, J. H., L. Mertins and B. Vansant. 2015. The effects of firm-provided measure weightings on evaluators' incorporation of non-contractible information. Journal of Management Accounting Research 27(1): 47-62.
Long, J. H., L. Mertins and D. L. Searcy. 2013. IRCS: Valuing ethics at the expense of inventory. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 36-50.
Long, J. H., L. Mertins, D. L. Searcy and B. Vansant. 2018. Toomer's Energy Drinks: Fueling earnings management? Issues in Accounting Education (February): 29-43.
Long, J. M. 2019. Lasting friendships. Strategic Finance (November): 63.
Long, K. 2021. Medicare's tricky rules on HSAs after age 65: Specific enrollment procedures must be followed to avoid significant penalties. Journal of Accountancy (July): 38-41. (HSAs refers to Health Savings Accounts).
Long, K. 2023. Funding health care when retiring before Medicare. Journal of Accountancy (April): 1-7.
Long, K. C. 2022. Help clients make 3 critical shifts in retirement. Journal of Accountancy (September): 1-6.
Long, R. G., W. P. Bowers, T. Barnett and M. C. White. 1998. Research productivity of graduates in management: Effects of academic origin and academic affiliation. The Academy of Management Journal 41(6): 704-714.
Long, R. J. 1979. Desires for and patterns of worker participation in decision making after conversion to employee ownership. The Academy of Management Journal 22(3): 611-617.
Long, R. J. 1980. Job attitudes and organizational performance under employee ownership. The Academy of Management Journal 23(4): 726-737.
Longenecker, J. G., J. W. Petty, L. E. Palich and C. W. Moore. 2009. Small Business Management, 15th edition. South-Western College Pub.
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