Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Mosberg, J. F. 1991. Managing for profit. Management Accounting (August): 50-53. (Related to profit center incentives).
Mosbus, J. L. 2011. Developing collective intentionality and writing the rules of the game for environmental reporting: A content analysis of SOP 96-1 comment letters. Accounting and the Public Interest (11): 68-95.
Moscarello, L. C., F. C. Grau and R. C. Chapman. 1976. Retail Accounting and Financial Control, 4th edition. John Wiley & Sons.
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Mulling, B. R. 2016. Dealing with change. Strategic Finance (February): 8.
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Mulling, B. R. 2016. Proud of my CMA. Strategic Finance (May): 6.
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Mulling, B. R. 2016. Step forward and serve this year. Strategic Finance (January): 6.
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Mullins, J. W. 2004. Take the money - or run? Harvard Business Review (November): 35-47. (Case study).
Mullins, J. W. 2007. Discovering "unk-unks". MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 17-21. (Discovering the unknown unknowns. Discovering the things you don't know that you don't know, or things that your customers don't know that they don't know).
Mullins, J. W., I. Farneti, F. Hassan, R. M. Johnson, and C. Zott. 2007. Good money after bad. Harvard Business Review (March): 37-48. (Case study - marketing problem).
Mullins, K. D. 2023. Compliance is good, but a culture of ethics is better. Journal of Accountancy (July): 1-4.
Mullis, C. E. and R. C. Hatfield. 2018. The effects of multitasking on auditors judgment quality. Contemporary Accounting Research 35(1): 314-333.
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Munasinghe, L. and K. Gautier. 2020. Do you know who your best interviewers are? MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-8.
Munday, M. 1991. A case of Japanisation. Management Accounting U.K. (March): 32-33.
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Mundheim, R. H. and N. E. Leech, editors. 1985. The SEC and accounting: The first 50 years. Journal of Comparative Business and Capital Market Law (December). (See MAAW's SEC bibliography for more SEC history).
Mundy, J. 2010. Creating dynamic tensions through a balanced use of management control systems. Accounting, Organizations and Society 35(5): 499-523.
Munir, K., S. Ansari and D. Brown. 2021. From Patanjali to the "Gospel of Sweat": Yoga's remarkable transformation from a sacred movement into a thriving global market. Administrative Science Quarterly 66(3): 854-899.
Munser, R. K. 2022. Marketing dashboards: Between control and cost trap. Cost Management (July/August): 19-27.
Munsif, V., K. Raghunandan and D. V. Rama. 2013. Early warnings of internal control problems: Additional evidence. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32(2): 171-188.
Munsif, V., K. Raghunandan, D. V. Rama and M. Singhvi. 2011. Audit fees after remediation of internal control weaknesses. Accounting Horizons (March): 87-105.
Munter, P. 1996. Commentary on Ethics and environmental auditing: An investigation of environmental auditors' levels of moral reasoning. Behavioral Research In Accounting (8 Supplement): 215-218.
Munter, P. 2016. The new revenue recognition standard: Implications for healthcare companies. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 30-39.
Munter, P. 2018. Lessor accounting under ASC 842 - Not necessarily business as usual. Journal of Accounting Education (43): 57-60.
Munter, P. and P. M. J. Reckers. 2009. IFRS and collegiate accounting curricula in the United States: 2008 A survey of the current state of education conducted by KPMG and the Education Committee of the American Accounting Association. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 131-139.
Munter, P. and P. M. J. Reckers. 2010. Uncertainties and budget shortfalls hamper curriculum progress on IFRS. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 189-198.
Munter, P. and S. D. Willits. 1986. Understanding the new pension math. Management Accounting (December): 34-35, 38-39.
Munter, P. and T. A. Ratcliffe. 1980. On the attributes of an asset. Abacus 16(2): 116-123.
Munter, P., R. Sacasas and L. Dimatteo. 1997. Employee leasing's legal snares. Management Accounting (November): 28, 30, 32, 34.
Munter, P., T. Moores and T. A. Ratcliffe. 1994. A new look at market value accounting. Management Accounting (March): 41-45. (Related to the FASB's Statement of Financial Accounting Standards 115).
Muphy, P. R., M. Wynes, T. Hahn and P. G. Devine. 2020. Why are people honest? Internal and external motivations to report honestly. Contemporary Accounting Research 37(2): 945-981.
Murai, H. 1999. Review: Japanese Management Accounting: A Historical and Institutional Perspective by Hiroshi Okano. The Accounting Historians Journal 26(2): 170-172.
Muralidhar, K. and R. Sarathy. 2006. Data shuffling: A new masking approach for numerical data. Management Science (May): 658-670.
Muralidhar, K., C. M. O'Keefe and R. Sarathy. 2015. A bootstrap mechanism for response masking in remote analysis systems. Decision Sciences 46(6): 1199-1226.
Muras, A. 2022. Lessons applied at work: Improving the business through case-based learning. Cost Management (January/February): 6-11.
Murase, G. 1962. The present status of the public accounting profession in Japan. The Accounting Review (January): 88-91.
Murcia, F. D. 2016. Discussion of The determinants of firm-specific corporate governance arrangements, IFRS adoption, and the informativeness of accounting reports: Evidence from Brazil. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 125-128.
Murdoch, A. A. 1906. The proper treatment of machine costs - A criticism and a theory. Journal of Accountancy (December): 123-130.
Murdoch, B. 1986. The information content of FAS 33 returns on equity. The Accounting Review (April): 273-287.
Murdock, H. 2009. Using Surveys in Internal Audits. The Institute of Internal Auditors Research Foundation.
Murmann, J. P. and B. A. Schuler. 2020. Book review: Brent Goldfarb and David A Kirsch: Bubbles and Crashes: The Boom and Bust of Technological Innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(3): NP20-NP23.
Murnighan, J. K. and D. E. Conlon. 1991. The dynamics of intense work groups: A study of British string quartets. Administrative Science Quarterly 36(2): 165-186.
Murnighan, J. K. and M. H. Bazerman. 1990. A perspective on negotiation research in accounting and auditing. The Accounting Review (July): 642-657. (Part of a forum on negotiation research in accounting).
Murnighan, J. K., J. W. Kim and A. R. Metzger. 1993. The volunteer dilemma. Administrative Science Quarterly 38(4): 515-538.
Murolo, S. B. 2016. Security summit touts improvement in its first year. Journal of Accountancy (September): 78.
Murolo, S. B. 2017. The war on tax ID theft continues: CPAs' role. Journal of Accountancy (August): 62-63.
Murolo, S. B. 2018. Deduction disallowed for criminal restitution for fraudulent loan. Journal of Accountancy (November): 60-61.
Murolo, S. B. 2018. IRS clarifies identity theft procedures; Levy on husband-and-wife LLC is upheld. Journal of Accountancy (July): 68.
Murolo, S. B. 2018. IRS touts progress against taxpayer identity theft. Journal of Accountancy (January): 66.
Murolo, S. B. 2019. New tax transcript practice. Journal of Accountancy (March): 52-53.
Murolo, S. B. 2019. Planning for data security. Journal of Accountancy (October): 62-63.
Murolo, S. B. 2021. Time to opt in for an IP PIN? Journal of Accountancy (June): 34-35. (How to obtain an Identity Protection Personal Identification Number from the IRS).
Murolo, S. B. 2023. IRS and Security Summit urge tax pros to protect clients and themselves. Journal of Accountancy (December): 1-2.
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Murphy, M. E. 1958. Comparative professional accountancy. The Accounting Review (October): 615-621.
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Murphy, M. L. 2014. Enhancing financial reporting. The CPA Journal (February): 16-23.
Murphy, M. L. 2014. Improving audit quality. The CPA Journal (February): 24-31.
Murphy, M. L. 2014. Motivation and preparation can pave the path to CFO. Journal of Accountancy (November): 40-42, 44.
Murphy, M. L. 2014. The IASB's achievements in 2013: IASB Chair Hans Hoogervorst talks about IFRS in the United States and around the world. The CPA Journal (January): 10-11.
Murphy, M. L. 2015. Will simpler also be better? 7 ways reduced complexity will affect the financial reporting world. 30-34.
Murphy, M. L. 2016. Bringing leases into view. Journal of Accountancy (April): 23-26.
Murphy, M. L. 2016. Business practices that not-for-profits can't afford to overlook. Journal of Accountancy (May): 42-47.
Murphy, M. L. 2016. Maintaining independence with nonattest services. Journal of Accountancy (November): 34-39.
Murphy, M. L. 2017. Using surplus budgeting to advance and sustain your mission. Journal of Accountancy (February): 40-43.
Murphy, M. L. 2019. Developing your specialized niche practice. Journal of Accountancy (April/May): 26-30, 32.
Murphy, M. L. 2019. How the 'sandwich generation' affects retirement. Journal of Accountancy (April/May): 44-47.
Murphy, M. L. 2019. Making use of FASB delays. Journal of Accountancy (December): 13.
Murphy, M. L. 2019. Mastering accounting for business combinations. Journal of Accountancy (March): 24-28, 30.
Murphy, M. L. 2020. Hedge accounting may be more beneficial after FASB's changes. Journal of Accountancy (June): 26-29, 31-32.
Murphy, M. L. 2020. The art of the client email. Journal of Accountancy (September): 16.
Murphy, M. L. 2022. Goodwill triggering event alternative provides relief to some companies: Learn how FASB's goodwill accounting alternative for evaluating triggering events can make financial reporting easier for private companies and not-for-profit entities beyond the pandemic. Journal of Accountancy (June): 1-5.
Murphy, M. L. 2023. How to implement the risk-based quality management standards. Journal of Accountancy (October): 1-6.
Murphy, M. L. 2023. Peer review findings in audits of not-for-profits: What auditors need to know. Journal of Accountancy (August): 1-9.
Murphy, M. L. 2023. QM standards: How to perform a root cause analysis. Journal of Accountancy (December): 1-8.
Murphy, M. L. and K. Tysiac. 2015. Data analytics helps auditors gain deep insight: Technology provides opportunity to test full data sets rather than just samples. Journal of Accountancy (April/May): 52-54, 56, 58.
Murphy, M. L. and K. Tysiac. 2015. Preparing for what's next: Practice-continuation agreements can provide a smooth transition to a successor for a CPA practice. Journal of Accountancy (December): 41-45.
Murphy, M. L. and M. Smith.2017. How to audit fair value measurements. Journal of Accountancy (December): 32-36, 38-39.
Murphy, P. R. 2012. Attitude, Machiavellianism and the rationalization of misreporting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 37(4): 242-259.
Murphy, P. R. and C. Free. 2016. Broadening the fraud triangle: Instrumental climate and fraud. Behavioral Research In Accounting 28(1): 41-56.
Murphy, R. C. 1975. A computer model approach to budgeting. Management Accounting (June): 34-36, 38.
Murphy, R. J. 1971. Service bureaus and the bookkeeping function. Management Accounting (September): 36-38.
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