Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Mao, J. and M. Ettredge. 2016. Internal control deficiency disclosures among Chinese reverse merger firms. Abacus 52(3): 441-472.
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Mao, J. C. T. and E. Särndal. 1966. A decision theory approach to portfolio selection. Management Science (April): B323-B333.
Mao, Y. 2021. Managing innovation: The role of collateral. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 101419.
Mapes, L. D. 1919. Accounting of commission for relief in Belgium. Journal of Accountancy (January): 1-16.
Maples, L. 2005. Pay now or defer. Journal of Accountancy (November): 91-94. (Slotting fees - "Slotting" refers to fees paid by product manufacturers to display, pay-to-stay, failure, and presentation. This article relates to the tax treatment of these promotion allowances).
Maples, L. 2008. Tax treatment of rebates may be clearing up. Journal of Accountancy (October): 42-46.
Maples, L. and M. Turner. 2006. Matching deductions to payments. Journal of Accountancy (October): 59-63.
Maples, L., M. Turner and B. Howard. 2009. Tax considerations for buying and selling property with a burdensome lease. Journal of Accountancy (April): 51-55.
Maragno, L. M. D., C. J. Skousen and J. A. Borba. 2023. Whistleblowing research: Experimental method choices from accounting and management. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 8(1): 461-485.
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Marakkath, N. and T. R. Ramanan. 2013. What discriminates the operational self-sustainability status of Indian MFIs? Cost Management (July/August): 12, 14-26.
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March, J. G. 1987. Reply. In Accounting and Culture: Plenary Session Papers and Discussants' Comments from the 1986 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, edited by B. E. Cushing. American Accounting Association: 76-77. (This is a reply to discussion comments by Ashton, Biddle and Swieringa.) (Summary).
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Marchant, G. 1990. Accounting changes and information processing: Some further empirical evidence. Behavioral Research In Accounting (2): 93-103.
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Mardak, D. 2002. The world of barter. Strategic Finance (July): 44-47. (Bartering unused capacity and inventory through barter exchanges).
Marden, R. E. and K. S. Brackney. 2009. Audit risk and IFRS. The CPA Journal (June): 32-36.
Marden, R. E., S. L. Schneider and G. L. Holstrum. 1996. Instructional case: Using professional judgment in control environment evaluation. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 419-441.
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Margeson, C. F. 1946. Control of printed forms. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August 15): 1202-1208.
Margheim, L. and T. Kelley. 1992. The perceived effects of fixed fee audit billing arrangements. Accounting Horizons (December): 62-75.
Margheim, L., J. A. Hora and T. Kelley. 2008. The preferred stock dilemma of Appllo Technology: The impact of SFAS #150. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (5): 55-62.
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Marginson, D. 2006. Information processing and management control: A note exploring the role played by information media in reducing role ambiguity. Management Accounting Research (June): 187-197.
Marginson, D. and B. Bui. 2009. Examining the human cost of multiple role expectations. Behavioral Research in Accounting 21(1): 59-81.
Marginson, D. and S. Ogden. 2005. Coping with ambiguity through the budget: The positive effects of budgetary targets on managers' budgeting behaviours. Accounting, Organizations, and Society 30(5): 435-456.
Marginson, D., L. McAulay, M. Roush and T. van Zijl. 2014. Examining a positive psychological role for performance measures. Management Accounting Research (March): 63-75.
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Mariello, A. 2007. The five stages of successful innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 8-9. (Idea generation and mobilization, advocacy and screening, experimentation, commercialization, and diffusion and implementation).
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Marinich, E. 2020. Accounting information aggregation and managerial cooperation. Journal of Management Accounting Research 32(3): 193-210.
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Marquez-Illescas, G. and L. Zhou. 2023. CEO narcissism and properties of analysts' forecasts. Accounting Horizons (September): 221-241.
Marquez-Ramos, L. and J. A. Aparisi-Caudeli. 2013. The impact of management accounting systems on international markets: Theory and evidence using the balanced scorecard approach. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 5-28.
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Marquis, C. and K. Qiao. 2020. Waking from Mao's dream: Communist ideological imprinting and the internationalization of entrepreurial ventures in China. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(3): 795-830. Corrigendum: 831-843.
Marquis, C. and Z. Huang. 2009. The contingent nature of public policy and the growth of U.S. commercial banking. The Academy of Management Journal 52(6): 1222-1246.
Marquis, C., J. Almandoz, K. LaRoe and J. Replogle. 2014. Can an "ethical" bank support guns and fracking? Harvard Business Review (April): 123-127.
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Marquis, H. A. 2006. Finishing off IT. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 12-15.
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Martin, J. R. Not dated. 200 years of accounting history dates and events. Management And Accounting Web. Accounting History Dates And Events
Martin, J. R. Not dated. A note on comparative economic systems and where our system should be headed. (Note).
Martin, J. R. Not dated. AACSB International. Salary Survey Reports: Executive Summary. AACSB. (Summary).
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Martin, J. R. Not dated. Chapter 9: The Master Budget or Financial Plan. Appendix: Example 9-2. Management Accounting: Concepts, Techniques & Controversial Issues. Management And Accounting Web. Chapter 9 Appendix
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Martin, J. R. Not dated. Inflation History: CPI 1920-2021 and CPI-W Social Security COLAs 1975-2022. MAAW.
Martin, J. R. Not dated. Investment management. Management And Accounting Web. Investment Manage Summary
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Martin, J. R. Not dated. World Competitiveness Reports. Management And Accounting Web. World Competitiveness Reports
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