Management And Accounting Web

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Section W: WAO-WER


Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Warburg, J. P. 1924. American banks and American foreign trade. Harvard Business Review (October): 20-26.

Warburg, P. M. 1923. The Federal Reserve Banks and the open market for acceptances. Harvard Business Review (April): 257-268.

Ward, A. D. 2023. How authentication issues can affect financial data and financial statement audits. Journal of Accountancy (August): 1-4.

Ward, A. J., M. J. Lankau, A. C. Amason, J. A. Sonnenfeld and B. R. Agle. 2007. Improving the performance of top management teams. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 85-90.

Ward, B. H. 1975. Assessing prior distributions for applying Bayesian statistics in auditing: A comment. The Accounting Review (January): 155-157.

Ward, B. H. 1976. An investigation of the materiality construct in auditing. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 138-152.

Ward, D. 2021. Look for ways to inspire. Journal of Accountancy (March): 56.

Ward, D. D., R. J. Elder and S. C. Kattelus. 1994. Further evidence on the determinants of municipal audit fees. The Accounting Review (April): 399-411.

Ward, E. F. 1964. Making the proper make-or-buy decision. N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 31-32.

Ward, G. H. 1927. Financing cooperative marketing associations. Harvard Business Review (October): 66-73.

Ward, J. M. 1989. Opening address: Fifth World Congress of Accounting Historians. Abacus 25(1): 4-6.

Ward, S. P., D. R. Ward, T. E. Wilson Jr. and A. B. Deck. 1993. Further evidence on the relationship between ACT scores and accounting performance of black students. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 239-247.

Ward, T. B. and M. S. Sonneborn. 2009. Creative expression in virtual worlds: Imitation, imagination, and individualized collaboration. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts (November): 211-221.

Wardell, M. and L. W. Weisenfeld. 1991. Management accounting and the workplace in the United States and Great Britain. Accounting, Organizations and Society 16(7): 655-670.

Wardelle, D. 2021. Living lean: The application of continuous improvement to individual and community challenges. Cost Management (January/February): 16-20.

Wardle, P. A. 1965. Forest management and operational research: A linear programming study. Management Science (August): B260-B270.

Ware, G. A. 1926. Accounting in the news print industry. The Accounting Review (March): 93-97.

Ware, G. A. 1927. Budgetary control and standard costs in the newsprint paper industry. N.A.C.A Bulletin (November): 267-268.

Warfield, T. D. and J. J. Wild. 1992. Accounting recognition and the relevance of earnings as an explanatory variable for returns. The Accounting Review (October): 821-842.

Warfield, T. D. and T. J. Linsmeier. 1992. Tax planning, earnings management, and the differential information content of bank earnings components. The Accounting Review (July): 546-562.

Warfield, T. D., J. J. Wild and K. L. Wild. 1995. Managerial ownership, accounting choices, and informativeness of earnings. Journal of Accounting and Economics (July): 61-91.

Warfield, T. D., J. Gribble, M. H. Lang, C. M. C. Lee, T. J. Linsmeier, S. H. Penman, D. Shores, J. H. Smith and R. G. Stephens. 1996. AAA Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB exposure draft: Proposed statement of financial accounting standards - Accounting for certain liabilities related to closure or removal of long-lived assets. Accounting Horizons (December): 137-141.

Warfield, T. D., J. Gribble, M. H. Lang, C. M. C. Lee, T. J. Linsmeier, S. H. Penman, D. Shores, J. H. Smith and R. G. Stephens. 1996. AAA Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB exposure drafts: Proposed statement of financial accounting standards - Accounting for transfers and services of financial assets and extinguishment of liabilities. Accounting Horizons (September): 178-181.

Warfield, T. D., J. Gribble, M. H. Lang, C. M. C. Lee, T. J. Linsmeier, S. H. Penman, D. Shores, J. H. Smith and R. G. Stephens. 1996. AAA Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB exposure drafts: Proposed statement of financial accounting standards - Consolidated financial statements: Policy and procedures. Accounting Horizons (September): 182-185.

Warhurst, C. 1998. Recognizing the possible: The organization and control of a socialist labor process. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(2): 470-497.

Warhurst, C. 2011. Book review: Beauty Imagined: A History of the Global Beauty Industry by G. Jones. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(2): 314-316.

Warhurst, C. 2013. Book review: Good Jobs America: Making Work Better for Everyone by P. Osterman, B. Shulman. Administrative Science Quarterly 58(1): 155-157.

Waring, M. E. and P. W. Demarest. 1962. The follow through - Necessity in planning. N.A.A. Bulletin (August): 83-84.

Warne, R. A. 1958. Reporting - The accountant's share in scientific management. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 81-88.

Warne, R. A. 1960. Emphasizing rate of growth in rate of return. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 77-82.

Warne, R. A. 1982. A controller looks at regulation. Management Accounting (June): 14-20.

Warnecki, H. J. and M. Juser. 1995. Lean production. International Journal of Production Economics (41): 37-43.

Warner, D. 2001. How to Have a Great Retirement on a Limited Budget. Betterway Publications.

Warner, G. H. 1954. Depreciation on a current basis. The Accounting Review (October): 628-633.

Warner, J. B. 1985. Stock market reaction to management incentive plan adoption: An overview. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April): 145-149.

Warner, R. S. 1949. Accounting for government contracts under the armed services procurement regulations. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 1): 975-986.

Warner, S. E. Jr. and F. D. Whitehurst. 1982. A graphical approach to lower of cost or market. The Accounting Review (July): 631-637.

Warner, S. E. Jr. and F. D. Whitehurst. 1987. Inconsistency in inventory loss measurements under the LCM rule. Journal of Accounting Education 5(2): 277-285.

Warner, S. E. Jr. and F. D. Whitehurst. 1988. The educational impact of unresolved conceptual issues in interest capitalization. Journal of Accounting Education 6(2): 209-217.

Warner, S. W. 1940. Production and inventory control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September 15): 43-65.

Warner, W. K. and A. E. Havens. 1968. Goal displacement and the intangibility of organizational goals. Administrative Science Quarterly 12(4): 539-555.

Warren, C. S. 1974. Confirmation informativeness. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 158-177.

Warren, C. S. 1975. Discussion of a statistical technique for analytical review. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Statistical Methodology in Auditing): 10-13.

Warren, C. S. 1975. Uniformity of auditing standards. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 162-176.

Warren, C. S. 1977. Characteristics of firms reporting consistency exceptions - A cross-sectional analysis. The Accounting Review (January): 150-161.

Warren, C. S. 1980. Uniformity of auditing standards: A replication. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 312-324.

Warren, D. I. 1966. Social relations of peers in a formal organization setting. Administrative Science Quarterly 11(3): 440-478.

Warren, D. I. 1969. The effects of power bases and peer groups on conformity in formal organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(4): 544-556.

Warren, D. L. and M. N. Young. 2012. Integrated accounting principles: A best practices course for introductory accounting. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 247-266.

Warren, Gorham & Lamont. 2003. A conversation with David M. Walker, comptroller general of the United States. Journal of Cost Management (January/February): 15-22.

Warren, J. D. Jr., K. C. Moffitt and P. Byrnes. 2015. How big data will change accounting. Accounting Horizons (June): 397-407.

Warren, J. P. 1964. The seven deadly sins in communications. N.A.A. Bulletin (March): 58-60. (The pad, the translation, the ramble, the collegiate, the shift, the twist or the hole in the middle, and the shuffle).

Warren, L. and W. Seal. 2018. Using investment appraisal models in strategic negotiation: The cultural political economy of electricity generation. Accounting, Organizations and Society (70): 16-32.

Warren, L. K. 1986. Charting staff functions for better management. Management Accounting (December): 49-50. (Linear responsibility charts).

Warren, N., M. T. Neto, J. Cambell and S. Misner. 2011. Business Intelligence in Microsoft SharePoint 2010. Microsoft Press.

Warren, R. A. and T. J. Fogarty. 2023. Exploring embezzlement by Catholic priests in the United States: A content analysis of cases since 1963. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 15(1): 81-102.

Warren, R. L. 1967. The interorganizational field as a focus for investigation. Administrative Science Quarterly 12(3): 396-419.

Warriner, C. K. 1961. Public opinion and collective action: Formation of a watershed district. Administrative Science Quarterly 6(3): 333-359.

Warriner, P. 1951. How statistical analysis can serve accountants. The Accounting Review (July): 362-370.

Warring, J. D. 2055. Turn unneeded policies into cash. Journal of Accountancy (September): 39-45.

Warsame, H., D. Neu and C. V. Simmons. 2002. Responding to "Discrediting" events: Annual report disclosure responses to environmental fines. Accounting and the Public Interest (2): 22-40.

Warsh, D. 1998. What drives the wealth of nations? Harvard Business Review (July-August): 171-175. This is a review of Landes, D. S. 1998. The Wealth and Poverty of Nations: Why Some are So Rich and Some are So Poor. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.

Warshauer, J. S. 1953. How does accounting stand with electronics? N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 965-972.

Warshavsky, M. S. 2013. The role of forensic accountants in litigation cases. The CPA Journal (June): 58-61.

Warshow, H. T. 1924. Inventory valuation and the business cycle. Harvard Business Review (October): 27-34.

Warshow, H. T. 1925. Taxation of no-par stock. Journal of Accountancy (January): 19-23.

Warthen, W. H. F. Jr. 1972. Mix variances in profit rate analysis. Management Accounting (June): 43-45.

Warwick, W. W. 1907. Jurisdiction of the accounting officers of the treasury. Journal of Accountancy (April): 462-468.

Wasan, R. K. 1965. The problem of dependability of a complex system having two types of components. Management Science (May): 751-754.

Wasan, S. and J. P. Boone. 2010. Do accruals exacerbate information asymmetry in the market? Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 26(1): 66-78.

Washburn, H. L. 1934. The Harris County budget. N.A.C.A Bulletin (October 15): 157-169.

Washburn, N. T. and B. T. Hunsaker. 2011. Finding great ideas in emerging markets. Harvard Business Review (September): 115-120.

Washburn, N. T. and D. Lange. 2013. Does your company seem socially irresponsible? MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 10-11.

Washington, E. F. 2022. The five stages of DEI maturity: How to move from promises to results. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 92-99. (Five stages of diversity, equity, and inclusion. You need to know what stage your company is in to focus most effectively).

Washington, M. and E. J. Zajac. 2005. Status evolution and competition: Theory and evidence. The Academy of Management Journal 48(2): 282-296.

Wasley, C. E. and J. S. Wu. 2006. Why do managers voluntarily issue cash flow forecasts? Journal of Accounting Research (May): 389-429.

Wasley, C. E. and T. J. Linsmeier. 1992. A further examination of the economic consequences of SFAS No. 2. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 156-164.

Wasley, R. S. 1953. Sales planning for the small manufacturer. The Accounting Review (April): 244-248.

Wasley, R. S. 1953. Some instances of practice in by-product costing. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 1006-1012.

Wasley, R. S. 1954. A cash budget for the small manufacturer. The Accounting Review (July): 409-412.

Wasley, R. S. 1957. Cash position budgeting: Bulwark of small business. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February): 783-791.

Wasley, R. S. 1963. A revitalized accounting curriculum. The Accounting Review (January): 151-153.

Wasley, R. S. 1963. Use of mathematical techniques, computers. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 60.

Wasserman, M. J. 1931. Accounting practice in France during the period of monetary inflation (1919-1927). The Accounting Review (March): 1-32.

Wasserman, M. J. 1931. The regulation of public accounting in France. The Accounting Review (December): 249-260.

Wasserman, M. J. 1932. Accounting instruction in France. The Accounting Review (December): 268-272.

Wasserman, M. J. 1934. French enterprise under inflation: A balance sheet analysis. The Accounting Review (June): 130-139.

Wasserman, M. J. 1946. Costs and volume in the milk pasteurizing industry. The Accounting Review (October): 425-429.

Wasserman, N. 2006. Stewards, agents, and the founder discount: Executive compensation in new ventures. The Academy of Management Journal 49(5): 960-976.

Wasserman, N. 2008. The founder's dilemma. Harvard Business Review (February): 102-109.

Wasserman, S. and K. Faust. 1994. Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications. Cambridge University Press.

Wasserstein, B. 2008. Giving great advice. Harvard Business Review (January): 106-113.

Wassmer, U., P. Dussauge and M. Planellas. 2010. How to manage alliances better than one at a time. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 77-84.

Watanabe, K., T. A. Stewart and A. P. Raman. 2007. Lessons from Toyota's long drive. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 74-83.

Watanabe, O., M. J. Imhof and S. Tartaroglu. 2019. Transparency regulation and stock price informativeness: Evidence from the European Union's transparency directive. Journal of International Accounting Research 18(2): 89-113.

Watanabe, Y. 1939. The accountancy profession in Japan. The Accounting Review (December): 430-432.

Waterhouse, J. 1992. Discussion of "Towards a framework for not-for-profit accounting". Contemporary Accounting Research 8(2): 504-508.

Waterhouse, J. H. 1988. Discussion of "An empirical analysis of the expenditure budget in research and development". Contemporary Accounting Research 4(2): 588-594.

Waterhouse, J. H. and P. Tiessen. 1978. A contingency framework for management accounting systems research. Accounting, Organizations and Society 3(1): 65-76.

Waters, C. C. 1917. Public accountants and industrial preparedness. Journal of Accountancy (June): 445-449.

Waters, C. R. 1984. Why everybody's talking about just-in-time. INC (March): 77-90.

Waters. S. K. 1942. Oil refinery accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (September 1): 3-26. (Volume 24, issues 1).

Watkins, A. L. and V. C. Brenner. 2003. Regulating external reporting in the municipal bond market: The relevance of nonfinancial information in evaluating hospital financial performance. Accounting and the Public Interest (3): 21-35.

Watkins, C., A. Ferreira, K. Rotaru and L. R. Gaerlan. 2020. Big data prioritization in SCM decision-making: Its role and performance implications. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (38): 100470.

Watkins, J. 2022. Consequences of prescribed disclosure timeliness: Evidence from acceleration of the Form 8-K filing deadline. The Accounting Review (November, Issue 7): 429-463.

Watkins, J. M. and B. J. Mohr. 2001. Appreciative Inquiry: Change at the Speed of Imagination. John Wiley & Sons.

Watkins, K. J. 2005. Will they throw eggs? How to speak with professionalism and pizzazz. Journal of Accountancy (April): 57-61.

Watkins, M. 2001. Taking Charge in Your New Leadership Role: A Workbook. Harvard Business School Press.

Watkins, M. 2003. The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels. Harvard Business School Press.

Watkins, M. D. 2003. Government games. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 91-95.

Watkins, M. D. 2009. Obama's first 90 days. Harvard Business Review (June): 34-35.

Watkins, M. D. 2009. Picking the right transition strategy. Harvard Business Review (January): 46-53.

Watkins, M. D. 2012. How managers become leaders: The seven seismic shifts of perspective and responsibility. Harvard Business Review (June): 64-72.

Watkins, M. D. 2016. Leading the team you inherit. Harvard Business Review (June): 60-67.

Watkins, M. D. and M. H. Bazerman. 2003. Predictable surprises: The disasters you should have seen coming. Harvard Business Review (March): 72-80.

Watkins, P. R. 1984. Multidimensional scaling measurement and accounting research. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 406-411.

Watne, D. A. and B. A. Baldwin. 1988. University-level education of accountants in the People's Republic of China. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 139-155.

Watrin, C. and R. Ullmann. 2012. Improving earnings quality: The effect of reporting incentives and accounting standards. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 28(1): 179-188.

Watson, A. S. 1957. Getting the facts to management for planning. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April): 973-984.

Watson, A. S. 1959. Congratulations Mr. treasurer. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 85-94. (Handling the functions of the treasurer).

Watson, C. J. 1990. Multivariate distributional properties, outliers, and transformation of financial ratios. The Accounting Review (July): 682-695.

Watson, C. M. 2004. Don't blame the engineers. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 26-29. (Managing technology).

Watson, D. J. H. 1974. Students as surrogates in behavioral business research: Some comments. The Accounting Review (July): 530-533.

Watson, D. J. H. 1975. The structure of project teams facing differentiated environments: An exploratory study in public accounting firms. The Accounting Review (April): 259-273.

Watson, E. J. 1965. Computer services for small business. Management Accounting (October): 11.

Watson, G. H. 1994. A perspective on benchmarking. Benchmarking for Quality Management & Technology 1(1): 5-10.

Watson, G. H. 1994. Business Systems Engineering: Managing Breakthrough Changes for Productivity and Profit. John Wiley & Sons.

Watson, G. H. 2002. Peter F. Drucker: Delivering value to customers: You have to manage for results, do the right thing right and make serving the customer the center of everything. Quality Progress(May): 55-61.

Watson, G. H. 2007. Strategic Benchmarking Reloaded with Six Sigma: Improving Your Company's Performance Using Global Best Practice. Wiley.

Watson, H. and H. Glover. 1989. Common and avoidable causes of EIS failure. ComputerWorld (December 4): 90.

Watson, H. J., G. Houdeshel and R. K. Rainer. 1996. Building Executive Information Systems and Other Decision Support Applications. Wiley.

Watson, H. J., R. K. Rainer and G. Houdeshel. 1992. Executive Information Systems: Emergence, Development, Impact (Wiley Professional Computing). Wiley.

Watson, I. D. 1997. Applying Case-Based Reasoning: Techniques for Enterprise Systems. Morgan Kaufmann.

Watson, J. D. 1936. Annuities illustrated by diagrams. The Accounting Review (June): 192-195.

Watson, J. D. 1936. Explaining annuity formulas. The Accounting Review (December): 388-389.

Watson, J. G. and L. R. Simpson. 1978. A comparative study of owner-manager personal values in black and white small businesses. The Academy of Management Journal 21(2): 313-319.

Watson, J. G. and S. Barone. 1976. The self-concept, personal values, and motivational orientations of black and white managers. The Academy of Management Journal 19(1): 36-48.

Watson, J. H. and J. V. Baumler. 1975. Transfer pricing: A behavioral context. The Accounting Review (July): 466-474.

Watson, J. W. 1941. Budgetary capital expenditures for an oil company. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October 15): 207-220.

Watson, K. M. 1982. An analysis of communication patterns: A method for discriminating leader and subordinate roles. The Academy of Management Journal 25(1): 107-120.

Watson, L. and D. Smith. 2016. Open source essentials. Strategic Finance (September): 62-63.

Watson, L. A. and D. Wray. 2022. The digital transformation of sustainability data. Digital sustainability data enables better decision making and improves companies' reporting and strategic planning. Strategic Finance (April): 36-41.

Watson, L. A., B. L. McGuire and E. E. Cohen. 2000. Looking at business reports through XBRL - Tinted glasses. Strategic Finance (September): 40-45.

Watson, M. A. and G. R. Lopiano. 2016. Should we fire him for that post? Harvard Business Review (March): 103-107.

Watson, M. W. and K. E. Dow. 2010. Auditing operational compliance: The case of employee long distance piracy. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 513-526.

Watson, M. W., B. K. Klamm, J. Segovia and M. W. Lehman. 2016. Enterprise system case using Microsoft Dynamics GP via DynamicsCloud. Journal of Accounting Education (37): 67-92.

Watson, R. H. 1952. Investment questions which involve the method of distributing partnership profits. The Accounting Review (January): 136-137.

Watson, R. H. 1960. A course in contemporary literature for accountants. The Accounting Review (October): 732.

Watson, R. H. 1960. Two-variate analysis. The Accounting Review (January): 96-99.

Watson, R. S. II. 2009. Harvesting tax benefits of green building incentives. Journal of Accountancy (August): 44-48.

Watson, S. C. 1975. A vote for R&D profit centers. Management Accounting (April): 50-52.

Watson, S. F. 2008. Tax court can be a risky bet for gamblers. The CPA Journal (December): 40-43.

Watson, S. F., B. Apostolou, J. M. Hassell and S. A. Webber. 2003. Accounting education literature review (2000–2002). Journal of Accounting Education 21(4): 267-325.

Watson, S. F., B. Apostolou, J. M. Hassell and S. A. Webber. 2007. Accounting education literature review (2003-2005). Journal of Accounting Education 25(1-2): 1-58.

Watson, S. F., M. Casey and R. B. Bunker. 2019. Sweet (and sour) charity: Examining the deductibility of unreimbursed charitable expenditures. The CPA Journal (May): 46-51.

Watson, W. E., K. Kumar and L. K. Michaelsen. 1993. Cultural diversity's impact on interaction process and performance: Comparing homogeneous and diverse task groups. The Academy of Management Journal 36(3): 590-602.

Watt, G. C. 1965. Unrealized foreign exchange gains arising from funds borrowed in local currency. N.A.A. Bulletin (February): 3-11.

Watt, G. C. 1968. Unrealized foreign exchange gains and losses. Management Accounting (April): 31-38.

Watt, R. G. 2016. Raising the bar. Strategic Finance (October): 64.

Watters, M., K. M. Casey and D. Flaherty. 2002. Survey evidence regarding CPA firms' forensic accounting services. Journal of Forensic Accounting (3): 17-26.

Watts, D. J. and S. Hasker. 2006. Marketing in an unpredictable world. Harvard Business Review (September): 25-30.

Watts, J. S. 1990. Discussion of assessing audit risk from errors and irregularities. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Judgment in Accounting and Auditing): 141-147.

Watts, M. M. 2011. Measuring the value of 100% first-year depreciation. The CPA Journal (November): 52-57.

Watts, R. L. 1971. Discussion of a statistical model of earnings estimation. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 193-195.

Watts, R. L. 1978. Discussion of on the association between net monetary position and equity security prices. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Changes in General and Specific Prices): 148-153.

Watts, R. L. 1982. Discussion of the use of mathematical models in financial accounting. Journal of Accounting Research (Supplement: Studies on Current Research Methodologies in Accounting: A Critical Evaluation): 48-55.

Watts, R. L. 1983. The Evolution of Economics-Based Empirical Research in Accounting, Emanuel Saxe Distinguished Lecture. The Baruch College, CUNY, April.

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Watts, R. L. 2003. Conservatism in accounting Part I: Explanations and implications. Accounting Horizons (September): 207-221.

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Watts, R. L. and J. L. Zimmerman. 1978. Towards a positive theory of the determination of accounting standards. The Accounting Review (January): 112-134.

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Watts, R. L. and J. L. Zimmerman. 1990. Positive accounting theory: A ten year perspective. The Accounting Review (January): 131-156.

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Watts, R. L and L. Zuo. 2016. Understanding practice and institutions: A historical perspective. Accounting Horizons (September): 409-423.

Watts, R. L. and R. W. Leftwich. 1977. The time series of annual accounting earnings. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 253-271.

Watts, R. L., J. L. Zimmerman, R. W. Holthausen, J. E. Core, M. Hanlon and S. P. Kothari. 2011. Editors' statement- 2009 JAE Conference Issue on Contemporary Accounting Research. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 203.

Watts, S. G. 2012. Financial Statement Analysis and the Prediction of Financial Distress, Foundations and Trends® in Accounting by William H. Beaver, Maria Correia, Maureen F. McNichols. The Accounting Review (July): 1445-1447.

Watty, K., J. McKay and L. Ngo. 2016. Innovators or inhibitors? Accounting faculty resistance to new educational technologies in higher education. Journal of Accounting Education (36): 1-15.

Watwood, K. 2023. 2023 IMA student manuscript winner: How IMA has benefited me. Strategic Finance (August): 26-27.

Watzlaff, R. H. 1971. The Bubble Act of 1720. Abacus 7(1): 8-28.

Waugh, J. B. 1968. The interperiod allocation of corporate income taxes: A proposal. The Accounting Review (July): 535-539.

Waweri, N. 2020. Transfer pricing in an imperfect market: A case study of productivity accounting. Cost Management (March/April): 17-25.

Waweru, N. M. and G. K. Riro. 2013. Corporate governance, firm characteristics and earnings management in an emerging economy. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 43-64.

Waweru, N. M., S. Peng and T. Hopper. 2023. Two decades of African accounting research 2000-2019: Synthesis, reflection, gaps, and future directions. Journal of International Accounting Research 22(1): 99-136.

Way, D. 2022. The effects of openness of internal reporting and shared interest with an employee on managerial collusion and subsequent cooperation. Contemporary Accounting Research 39(4): 2456-2480.

Waygren, E. 1954. Practical engineering of burden distribution. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January): 652-659.

Wayland, R. E. and P. M. Cole. 1994. Turn customer service into customer profitability. Management Review 83(7): 22-24.

Wayman, J. G. 1954. Costing of benefits for wage negotiations. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 868-877.

Waymire, G. 1984. Additional evidence on the information content of management earnings forecasts. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 703-718.

Waymire, G. 1985. Earnings volatility and voluntary management forecast disclosure. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 268-295.

Waymire, G. 1986. Additional evidence on the accuracy of analyst forecasts before and after voluntary management earnings forecasts. The Accounting Review (January): 129-142.

Waymire, G. 1988. Discussion of write-offs as accounting procedures to manage perceptions. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Management's Ability and Incentives to Affect the Timing and Magnitude of Accounting Accruals): 120-126.

Waymire, G. and G. Pownall. 1983. Some evidence on potential effects of contemporaneous earnings disclosures in tests of capital market effects associated with FASB exposure draft No. 19. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 629-643.

Waymire, G. B. 2009. Exchange guidance is the fundamental demand for accounting. A forum on the factors associated with the use of financial statements by small and new companies. The Accounting Review (January): 53-62. Errata: "Exchange guidance is the fundamental demand for accounting. The Accounting Review (March): 617.

Waymire, G. B. 2012. Introduction for essays on the state of accounting scholarship. Accounting Horizons (December): 817-819.

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Weick, K. E. 2020. Book review: Thomas B. Lawrence and Nelson Phillips: Constructing Organizational Life: How Social-Symbolic Work Shapes Selves, Organizations, and Institutions. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(2): NP16-NP19.

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