Management And Accounting Web

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Section W: WES-WIG


Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Wescott, S. H. 1984. Accounting numbers and socioeconomic variables as predictors of municipal general obligation bond ratings. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 412-423.

Wessel, D. 2018. Is lack of competition strangling the U.S. economy? Harvard Business Review (March/April): 106-115.

Wessel, M. and C. M. Christensen. 2012. Surviving disruption: It's not enough to know that a threat is coming. You need to know whether it's coming right for you. Harvard Business Review (December): 56-64.

Wessel, M. and N. Helmer. 2020. A crisis of ethics in technology innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 71-76.

Wessel, M., A. Levie and R. Siegel. 2016. The problem with Legacy ecosystems: They separate you from your customer. Harvard Business Review (November): 68-74.

Wesselius, T. 2019. Publishing note: Introducing article numbering. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (34): 100429.

Wesselius, T. 2019. Publishers note: Introducing article numbering. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 101257.

Wesselius, T. 2019. Publisher's note: Introducing article numbering to Management Accounting Research. Management Accounting Research (December): 100671.

Wesselmann, J. C. 1969. [Illustration]: Test tube people. Administrative Science Quarterly 14(2): 304.

Westfall, S. L. 1969. Stimulating corporate entrepreneurship in U.S. industry. The Academy of Management Journal 12(2): 235-246.

Wesley, R. R. 1948. Speeding up monthly closings and reports to management - It can be done. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October 15): 205-211.

West, A. 1996. The second annual software shoot-out in Raleigh. Management Accounting (February): 42-45.

West, A. 2019. Data-driven decision making for not-for-profit organizations. The CPA Journal (April): 10-12.

West, A. 2022. Employee turnover is impacting not-for-profits too. The CPA Journal (March/April): 46-47.

West, A. and R. Ries. 2017. Top challenges facing not-for-profit CFOs today. The CPA Journal (April): 6-8.

West, A. and R. Ries. 2018. Top challenges facing not-for-profit CFOs today: Revisiting the toughest challenges. The CPA Journal (April): 15-17.

West, D. M. 2019. Divided Politics Divided Nation: Hyperconflict in the Trump Era. Brookings Institution Press.

West, M. A. 2003. Effective Teamwork: Practical Lessons from Organizational Research. Blackwell Publishing.

West, M. A. 2003. Building Team-Based Working: A Practical Guide to Organizational Transformation (One Stop Training). Blackwell Publishing.

West, R. and C. Zech. 2008. Internal financial controls in the U.S. Catholic Church. Journal of Forensic Accounting 9(1): 129-156.

West, R. N. 1998. Chase Industries. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 1031-1042.

West, R. N. 2000. How to design a database. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 18-24.

West, R. N. 2004. Get ready! Strategic Finance (June): 54-63. (Related to CFOs explaining complex issues related to financial reporting to non-financial executives).

West, R. N. and A. M. Snyder. 1997. How to set up a budgeting and planning system. Management Accounting (January): 20-22, 24-26.

West, R. N. and J. A. Girardi. 1998. Executing a successful spin-off and IPO transaction. Management Accounting (February): 20-24, 26.

West, R. N. and M. Shields. 1998. Up and running in nine months. Management Accounting (December): 20-22, 24, 26. (Related to ERP systems).

West, R. R. 1966. Discussion of the determination of long-term credit standing with financial ratios. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 67-70.

West, R. R. 1970. An alternative approach to predicting corporate bond ratings. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 118-125.

West, S. A. 2013. Think like an owner! Strategic Finance (December): 30-34.

West, T. 2011. 2011 Business Reference Guide: The Essential Guide to Pricing Businesses and Franchises, 21st Edition. Business Brokerage Press.

West, T. D. 1999. Examining the conflict between management accountants and external auditors over the adoption of ABC. Advances in Management Accounting (7): 25-46.

West, T. D. and D. A. West. 1997. Applying ABC to healthcare. Management Accounting (February): 22, 24-26, 28-30, 32-33. (Summary).

West, T. D. and M. W. Cronk. 2011. Financial officers as leaders: Lessons from Army medicine. Strategic Finance (April): 30-37.

West, T. D., E. A. Balas and D. A. West. 1998. Health care policy and treatment costing systems: A field study. Advances in Management Accounting (6): 163-193.

West, T. L. and J. D. Jones. 1997. Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook for Small and Midsize Companies. John Wiley & Sons.

West, W. H. 1918. Accounting for cantonment construction. Journal of Accountancy (November): 321-326.

West, W. H. and J. T. Madden. 1926. A message from the American Institute. The Accounting Review (March): 61-63.

Westberg, L. A. 1957. Accounting applied to fleet administration. N.A.A. Bulletin (August): 1547-1556.

Westcott, J. and J. H. Landau. 1996. A Picture's Worth 1,000 Words: A Workbook for Visual Communications. Pfeiffer.

Westerdahl, W. E. 1961. Comparing the company with its industry by ratios. N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 29-42.

Westerfield, R. B. 1954. Building reserves by over-valuation of assets. The Accounting Review (January): 45-51.

Westerman, G. 2016. Why digital transformation needs a heart. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 152-155.

Westerman, G. 2018. Your company doesn't need a digital strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-5.

Westerman, G. 2021. Rethinking assumptions about how employees work. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-5.

Westerman, G. 2022. Developing strategy for new customer expectations. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-4.

Westerman, G. 2022. The questions leaders should ask in the new era of digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-4.

Westerman, G. and A. Lundberg. 2023. Why companies should help every employee chart a career path. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 79-84.

Westerman, G. and D. Bonnet. 2015. Revamping your business through digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 10-13.

Westerman, G., D. Bonnet and A. McAfee. 2014. The nine elements of digital transformation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-6.

Westerman, G., D. L. Soule and A. Eswaran. 2019. Building digital-ready culture in traditional organizations. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 59-68.

Westerman, K. D., J. C. Bedard and C. E. Earley. 2015. Learning the "craft" of auditing: A dynamic view of auditors' on-the-job learning. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(3): 864-896.

Westermann, K. D., J. Cohen and G. Trompeter. 2019. PCAOB inspections: Public accounting firms on trial. Contemporary Accounting Research 36(2): 694-731.

Westfall, T. J. and M. Myring. 2022. Are voluntary internal control weakness disclosures in initial public offerings associated with managerial ability and subsequent financial reporting quality? Advances in Accounting (59): 100617.

Westin, A. F., Ed. 1981. Whistle Blowing. McGraw-Hill Book Co.

Westland, C. 2003. Financial Dynamics: A System for Valuing Technology Companies. John Wiley & Sons.

Westland, J. C. 1992. Reporting strategies for 'events' accounting. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 32-46.

Westley, R. A. 2020. Financial planning strategies for depressed asset values. Journal of Accountancy (June): 64.

Westman, D. P. and N. M. Modesitt. 2004. Whistleblowing: The Law of Retaliatory Discharge, 2nd Edition. BNA Books.

Weston, F. C. Jr. 1973. Operations research techniques relevant to corporate planning function practices: An investigative look. The Academy of Management Journal 16(3): 507-510.

Weston, F. C., Jr., and W. S. Brothers. 1984. Productivity management by the numbers. Production and Inventory Management (Third Quarter): 54-67.

Weston, F. T. 1966. Discussion of audit recommendations and management auditing: A case study and some remarks. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 157-159.

Weston, F. T. 1971. Discussion of the influence of quarterly earnings announcements on investor decisions as reflected in common stock price changes. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 168-171.

Weston, J. F. 1949. Consistency and changing price levels. The Accounting Review (October): 379-386.

Weston, J. F. 1953. Revaluations of fixed assets. The Accounting Review (October): 482-490.

Weston, J. F. 1958. Forecasting financial requirements. The Accounting Review (July): 427-440.

Westphal, J. D. 1998. Board games: How CEOs adapt to increases in structural board independence from management. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(3): 511-537.

Westphal, J. D. 1999. Collaboration in the boardroom: Behavioral and performance consequences of CEO-board social ties. The Academy of Management Journal 42(1): 7-24.

Westphal, J. D. and E. J. Zajac. 1994. Substance and symbolism in CEOs' long-term incentive plans. Administrative Science Quarterly 39(3): 367-390.

Westphal, J. D. and E. J. Zajac. 1995. Who shall govern? CEO/board power, demographic similarity, and new director selection. Administrative Science Quarterly 40(1): 60-83.

Westphal, J. D. and E. J. Zajac. 1997. Defections from the inner circle: Social exchange, reciprocity, and the diffusion of board independence in U.S. corporations. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(1): 161-183.

Westphal, J. D. and E. J. Zajac. 1998. The symbolic management of stockholders: Corporate governance reforms and shareholder reactions. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(1): 127-153.

Westphal, J. D. and E. J. Zajac. 2001. Decoupling policy from practice: The case of stock repurchase programs. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(2): 202-228.

Westphal, J. D. and I. Stern. 2006. The other pathway to the boardroom: Interpersonal influence behavior as a substitute for elite credentials and majority status in obtaining board appointments. Administrative Science Quarterly 51(2): 169-204.

Westphal, J. D. and I. Stern. 2007. Flattery will get you everywhere (Especially if you are a male Caucasian): How ingratiation, boardroom behavior, and demographic minority status affect additional board appointments at U.S. companies. The Academy of Management Journal 50(2): 262-288.

Westphal, J. D. and L. P. Milton. 2000. How experience and network ties affect the influence of demographic minorities on corporate boards. Administrative Science Quarterly 45(2): 366-398.

Westphal, J. D. and M. B. Clement. 2008. Sociopolitical dynamics in relations between top managers and security analysts: Favor rendering, reciprocity, and analyst stock recommendations. The Academy of Management Journal 51(5): 873-897.

Westphal, J. D. and M. K. Bednar. 2005. Pluralistic ignorance in corporate boards and firms' strategic persistence in response to low firm performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 50(2): 262-298.

Westphal, J. D. and M. K. Bednar. 2008. The pacification of international investors. Administrative Science Quarterly 53(1): 29-72.

Westphal, J. D. and P. Khanna. 2003. Keeping directors in line: Social distancing as a control mechanism in the corporate elite. Administrative Science Quarterly 48(3): 361-398.

Westphal, J. D., M. L. Seidel and K. J. Stewart. 2001. Second-order imitation: Uncovering latent effects of board network ties. Administrative Science Quarterly 46(4): 717-747.

Westphal, J. D., R. Gulati and S. M. Shortell. 1997. Customization or conformity? An institutional and network perspective on the content and consequences of TQM adoption. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(2): 366-394.

Westphal, J. D., S. H. Park, M. L. McDonald and M. L. A. Hayward. 2012. Helping other CEOs avoid bad press: Social exchange and impression management support among CEOs in communications with journalists. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(2): 217-268.

Westra, D., M. L. Srikanth and M. Kane. 1996. Measuring operational performance in a throughput world. Management Accounting (April): 41-47. (Summary).

Westwick, C. A. 1966. A graphical treatment of gearing. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 239-244. (Gearing is financial leverage.

Westwood, R. and S. Clegg. 2003. Debating Organization: Point-Counterpoint in Organization Studies. Blackwell Publishing.

Wetherill, E. B. 1985. Estimating and Analysis for Commercial Renovation. R. S. Means Co.

Wetjen, J. F. 1982. A not-for-profit nightmare. Management Accounting (August): 21-23, 42.

Wetnight, R. B. 1958. Direct costing passes the "future benefit" test. N.A.A. Bulletin (August): 83-84.

Wetnight, R. B. 1958. Liberal arts or liberal education for accountants? N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 69-70.

Wetnight, R. B. 1961. What is a good rate of return on employed capital? N.A.A. Bulletin (January): 71-76.

Wettach, R. 1985. Function or focus?-The old and the new views of quality. Quality Progress (November): 65-68.

Wexley, K. N. and E. D. Pulakos. 1983. The effects of perceptual congruence and sex on subordinates' performance appraisals of their managers. The Academy of Management Journal 26(4): 666-676.

Wexley, K. N. and T. T. Baldwin. 1986. Posttraining strategies for facilitating positive transfer: An empirical exploration. The Academy of Management Journal 29(3): 503-520.

Wexley, K. N., R. A. Alexander, J. P. Greenawalt and M. A. Couch. 1980. Attitudinal congruence and similarity as related to interpersonal evaluations in manager-subordinate dyads. The Academy of Management Journal 23(2): 320-330.

Weygandt, J. J. 1970. The CPA and his duty to silence. The Accounting Review (January): 69-75.

Weygandt, J. J. 1977. Valuation of stock option contracts. The Accounting Review (January): 40-51.

Weygandt, J. J., D. E. Kieso and P. D. Kimmel. 2004. Managerial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision-Making. John Wiley & Sons.

Weygandt, J. J., D. E. Kieso, P. D. Kimmel and A. L. DeFranco. 2008. Hospitality Financial Accounting. Wiley.

Weygandt, J. J., M. E. Barth, W. A. Collins, G. M. Crooch, T. J. Frecka, E. A. Imhoff, Jr. C. L. McDonald, L. Revsine and D. G. Searfoss. 1993. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB discussion memorandums and exposure draft: Recognition and measurement of financial instruments. Accounting Horizons (September): 95-104.

Weygandt, J. J., M. E. Barth, W. A. Collins, G. M. Crooch, T. J. Frecka, E. A. Imhoff, Jr. C. L. McDonald, L. Revisine and D. G. Searfoss. 1994. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB discussion memorandums. Response to the FASB discussion memorandum "Present value-based measurement in accounting". Accounting Horizons (March): 114-118.

Weygandt, J. J., M. E. Barth, W. A. Collins, G. M. Crooch, T. J. Frecka, E. A. Imhoff, Jr. C. L. McDonald, L. Revisine and D. G. Searfoss. 1994. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB discussion memorandums. Comment letter to the FASB discussion memorandum "New basis of accounting". Accounting Horizons (March): 119-121.

Weygandt, J. J., M. E. Barth, W. A. Collins, G. M. Crooch, T. J. Frecka, E. A. Imhoff, Jr. C. L. McDonald, L. Revsine and D. G. Searfoss. 1994. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to the FASB discussion memorandum "Consolidation policy and procedures". Accounting Horizons (September): 120-125.

Weygandt, J. J. , P. D. Kimmel and D. E. Kieso. 2010. Financial Accounting: IFRS edition. Wiley.

Weygandt, J. J., W. A. Collins, G. M. Crooch, L. C. Heath, W. W. Holder, C. L. McDonald, L. Revsine, D. G. Seaarfoss and L. A. Tomassini. 1993. AAA's Financial Accounting Standards Committee response to FASB discussion memorandums and exposure draft: Distinguishing between liability and equity instruments and accounting for instruments with characteristics of both. Accounting Horizons (September): 105-113.

Whalen, J. M. 1953. Taking emergency facilities into property accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January): 670-678.

Whalen, J. M. 1959. What do we mean by return on investment. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 92-93.

Whalen, J. M. 1962. Adding performance control to cost control. N.A.A. Bulletin (August): 67-74. (Pert and input-output charting).

Whaley, R. E., J. K. Cheung. 1982. Anticipation of quarterly earnings announcements: A test of option market efficiency. Journal of Accounting and Economics (October): 57-83.

What's wrong with management. 1982. Dun's Business Month (April): 48-52.

Wheat, G. C. and W. P. Woodson. 1972. A case for electronic business machines. Management Accounting (December): 20-22.

Wheatley, C. and Y. Yan. 2011. New executives and audit fees. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 3(2): 227-244.

Wheatley, C. M., D. Manry and S. L. Tiras. 2001. What price credibility: Is the release of quarterly financial reports delayed by timely reviews? Journal of Forensic Accounting (2): 43-66.

Wheeler, D., K. McKague, J. Thomson, R. Davies, J. Medalye and M. Prada. 2005. Creating sustainable local enterprise networks. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 33-40.

Wheeler, D. J. 1986. Japanese Control Chart. Knoxville, Tennessee: SPC Press, Inc.

Wheeler, D. J. 1990. Understanding Industrial Experimentation. SPC Press.

Wheeler, D. J. 1990. Tables of Screening Designs. SPC Press.

Wheeler, D. J. 1992. Short Run SPC. SPC Press.

Wheeler, D. J. 1997. Investigators Guide to Sources of Information. Diane Publishing Company.

Wheeler, D. J. 1999. Understanding Variation: The Key to Managing Chaos. 2nd edition. Knoxville, Tennessee: SPC Press, Inc.

Wheeler, D. J. 2001. Advanced Topics in Statistical Process Control: The Power of Shewhart's Charts. Knoxville, Tennessee: SPC Press, Inc.

Wheeler, D. J. and D. S. Chambers. 1992. Understanding Statistical Process Control. 2nd edition. Knoxville, Tennessee: SPC Press, Inc. Introduction by W. Edwards Deming.

Wheeler, D. J. and K. Koike. 1992. SPC at the Esquire Club. SPC Press, Inc.

Wheeler, D. J. and R. W. Lyday. 1990. Evaluating the Measurement Process. SPC Press.

Wheeler, D. L. and R. E. Shirley. 1976. Minimizing the LIFO pool sample. Management Accounting (December): 47-51.

Wheeler, D. W. 1963. Seven keys to control of operations. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 47.

Wheeler, J. E. and E. Outslay. 1986. The phantom federal income taxes of General Dynamics Corporation. The Accounting Review (October): 760-774.

Wheeler, J. T. 1970. Accounting theory and research in perspective. The Accounting Review (January): 1-10.

Wheeler, P. 2001. The Myers-Briggs type indicator and applications to accounting education and research. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 125-150. (Wheeler examines Jungian personality-type theory and the psychometric instrument referred to as the Myers-Briggs type indicator. According to Jungian theory their are eight primary personality traits that divide into two dichotomous pairs of mental functions and two dichotomous pairs of attitudes: Extraversion and Introversion denote the EI attitude; Sensing and Intuition denote the SN perceiving mental function; Thinking and Feeling denote the TF judging mental function; and Judging and Perceiving denote the JP attitude toward the mental functions. For each person, one trait from each of the four dichotomies is predominant and the four predominant traits interact to define the personality type. According Jungian theory their are sixteen combinations or personality types).

Wheeler, P. and D. R. Jones. 2006. The effects of attitudinal ambivalence and exploratory switching behavior on the use of two decision aids. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 7(3): 251-271.

Wheeler, P. and D. R. Jones. 2008. The psychology of case-based reasoning: How information produced from case-matching methods facilitates the use of statistically generated information. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-25.

Wheeler, P. and U. Murthy. 2011. Experimental methods in decision aid research. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 12(2): 161-167.

Wheeler, P. and R. Sriram. 1997. The information criminologist: Litigation services in the EDP environment. Review of Accounting Information Systems 1(3): 63-72.

Wheeler, P. and V. Arunachalam. 2009. The effects of multimedia on cognitive aspects of decision-making. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 10(2): 97-116.

Wheeler, P., C. Jessup and M. Martinez. 2002. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter: Investigating the impact of personality traits in accounting. Advances in Accounting Behavioral Research (5): 247-277.

Wheeler, P. B. 2019. Loan loss accounting and procyclical bank lending: The role of direct regulatory actions. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 463-495.

Wheeler, P. B. 2021. Unrecognized expected credit losses and bank share prices. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 805-866.

Wheeler, P. R. and D. R. Jones. 2003. The effects of exclusive user choice of decision aid features on decision making. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 63-83.

Wheeler, P. R. and V. Arunachalam. 2008. The effects of decision aid design on the information search strategies and confirmation bias of tax professionals. Behavioral Research In Accounting 20(1): 131-145.

Wheeler, P. R., J. E. Hunton and S. M. Bryant. 2004. Accounting information systems research opportunities using personality type theory and the Myers-Briggs type indicator. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-19.

Wheeler, P. R., J. E. Hunton and S. M. Bryant. 2004. Authors' reply to commentary on accounting information systems research opportunities using personality type theory and the Myers-Briggs indicator. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 35-38.

Wheeler, S. and K. Pany. 1990. Assessing the performance of analytical procedures: A best case scenario. The Accounting Review (July): 557-577.

Wheeler, S. and S. J. Cereola. 2015. Auditor scrutiny of unaudited client disclosure outlets: Recognized vs. disclosed financial statement items also appearing in the MD&A. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 31(1): 91-95.

Wheeler, S., K. Pany and E. Chewning. 1993. Inter-firm differences in propensities to modify audit opinions for Pre-SAS No. 58 accounting principles changes. Accounting Horizons (September): 46-54.

Wheeler, S. W., S. J. Cereola and T. J. Louwers. 2014. MD&A disclosure tendencies: The case of LIFO liquidations. Accounting Horizons (December): 805-818.

Wheeler, T. 2022. Mortgage interest credit aids first-time homebuyers. Journal of Accountancy (April): 28-30.

Wheeler, T. A. 1954. Costing fixed assets - Review of considerations. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October): 234-241.

Wheeler, T. R. 1987. Flexible benefits work at smaller companies, too. Management Accounting (October): 37-41.

Wheeler, W. S. Jr. and E. P. Stevenson. 1929. The relation of cost accounting to industrial research. N.A.C.A Bulletin (June 1).

Wheelwright, S.C. 1981. Japan - Where operations really are strategic. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 67-74. (Summary).

Wheelwright, S. C. and S. Makridakis. 1980. Forecasting Methods For Management, 3rd edition. John Wiley & Sons.

Whelan, E., D. McDuff, R. Gleasure and J. V. Brocke. 2018. How emotion-sensing technology can reshape the workplace. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 7-10.

Whelan, E., S. Parise, J. De Valk and R. Aalbers. 2011. Creating employee networks that deliver open innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 37-44.

Whelan, M. 2017. Soulcycle's CEO on sustaining growth in a faddish industry: It's all about friendship and community. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 37-42.

Whelan, T. and E. Douglas. 2021. How to talk to your CFO about sustainability: Use this tool for measuring the financial return on ESG activities. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 86-93.

Whetten, D. A. 1978. Coping with incompatible expectations: An integrated view of role conflict. Administrative Science Quarterly 23(2): 254-271.

Whetten, D. A. and T. K. Leung. 1979. The instrumental value of interorganizational relations: Antecedents and consequences of linkage formation. The Academy of Management Journal 22(2): 325-344.

Whetten, D. A. and Z. J. Rodgers. 2012. Book review: Useful Research: Advancing Theory and Practice by S. A. Mohrman, E. E. Lawler, III. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(4): 700-703.

Whicomb, W. D. 1915. Will we co-operate or must we incorporate? Journal of Accountancy (October): 276-282. ("Our profession must appear at times, and to an occasional layman, to be in a condition approaching civil war. Why? Because some of us are failing, in part, in our three-fold duty to the business world, to our co-workers and to ourselves. We are not all professing our profession all the time." ... "Among the menaces which must be warded off through co-operation, competitive bidding perhaps holds the place of honor, heading the list, closely followed by competitive butting, counterfeiting, advertising and lack of moral responsibility. These are merely the leaders.").

Whillans, A., D. Feldman and D. Wisniewski. 2024. The psychology behind meeting overload. Harvard Business Review (Spring Special Issue): 75-77.

Whinston, A. 1962. Price guides in decentralized organizations. New Perspectives in Organizational Research, edited by W. Cooper, H. Leavitt and M. Shelly. New York: John Wiley: 405-448.

Whinston, G. G. A. 1968. A new approach to discrete mathematical programming. Management Science (November): 177-190.

Whisenant, S., S. Sankaraguruswamy and K. Raghunandan. 2003. Evidence on the joint determination of audit and non-audit fees. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 721-744.

Whisler, R. F. 1933. Factory payroll budget of the National Cash Register Company. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 1): 853-861.

Whisler, R. F. 1935. Should we change our wage plan? N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November 15): 278-287.

Whisler, R. F. 1937. Quality, an element of cost. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 1): 969-976.

Whisler, T. L. 1960. The "assistant-to" in four administrative settings. Administrative Science Quarterly 5(2): 181-216.

Whisler, W. D. 1967. A stochastic inventory model for rented equipment. Management Science (May): 640-647.

Whisnant, L. E. 1956. Direct costing for a steel fabricator. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May): 1127-1131.

Whisnant, S. R. and J. W. Martin. 1982. What is cycle auditing? Management Accounting (October): 52-55.

Whitaker, D. A. 2001. Mapping the balanced scorecard to the Baldrige and president's quality criteria. Journal of Cost Management (May/June): 25-29.

Whitbeck, C. L. 1967. A segmental revenue approach. Management Accounting (December): 22-24.

White, A. F. 1939. Cost finding in transportation. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April 15): 1031-1040.

White, A. L. and D. E. Savage. 1995. Budgeting for environmental projects: A survey. Management Accounting (October): 48-54.

White, B. A. 2007. Second Life: A Guide to Your Virtual World. Que.

White, B. C. 1951. Stores accounting in the Veterans Administration. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December): 434-453.

White, B. S., B. I. Davidson and V. Guboglo. 2021. Paycheck, culture, work-life balance: How to attract and retain millennial accountants. The CPA Journal (December): 10-12.

White, C. 2004. Discussion of CAWS model for XML-based accounting systems. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 5(2): 169-173.

White, C. A. 1933. How we run our business on a budget. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 15): 931-938.

White, C. E. 1970. Discretionary accounting decisions and income normalization. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 260-273.

White, C. E. Jr. 2010. Discussion of 'Assurance on XBRL instance document: A conceptual framework of assertions - A discussion and extension'. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 11(3): 274-278.

White, C. E. Jr. 2010. Jim's Sporting Goods: The move to XBRL reporting. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 425-463.

White, C. G. 1952. How to devise an employee suggestion plan. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October): 230-237.

White, C. G. 1955. Work sampling is procedural trouble-shooting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October): 238-245.

White, C. M. and J. K. Dysart. 1956. Leaves from a budget manual for operating personnel. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December): 526-533.

White, D. 1995. Application of systems thinking to risk management: A review of the literature. Management Decision 33(10): 35-45.

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