Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Baucells, M. and F. H. Heukamp. 2006. Stochastic dominance and cumulative prospect theory. Management Science (September): 1409-1423.
Baucells, M. and F. H. Heukamp. 2012. Probability and time trade-off. Management Science (April): 831-842.
Baucells, M., M. Weber and F. Welfens. 2011. Reference-point formation and updating. Management Science (March): 506-519.
Bauch, D. J. 1997. Software review. Management Accounting (July): 63.
Bauckloh, T., I. Hardeck, K. K. Inger, P. Wittenstein and B. Zwergel. 2021. Spillover effects of tax avoidance on peers' firm value. The Accounting Review (July): 51-79.
Baucus, M. S. and D. A. Baucus. 1997. Paying the piper: An empirical examination of longer-term financial consequences of illegal corporate behavior. The Academy of Management Journal 40(1): 129-151.
Baucus, M. S. and J. P. Near. 1991. Can illegal corporate behavior be predicted? An event history analysis. The Academy of Management Journal 34(1): 9-36.
Baudoin, P. and M. S. Luehlfing. 1997. Family-owned businesses: A challenge for management accountants. Management Accounting (March): 46-48, 50-51.
Baudot, L. 2018. On commitment toward knowledge templates in global standard setting: The case of the FASB IASB revenue project. Contemporary Accounting Research 35(2): 657-695.
Baudot, L., A. M. Convery and M. Kaufman. 2024. Reflections of women standard setters in the United States. Accounting Horizons (March): 39-48.
Baudot, L. and D. J. Cooper. 2022. Regulatory mandates and responses to uncomfortable knowledge: The case of country-by-country reporting in the extractive sector. Accounting, Organizations and Society (99): 101308.
Baudot, L., K. C. Demek and Z. Huang. 2018. The accounting profession's engagement with accounting standards: Conceptualizing accounting complexity through Big 4 comment letters. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 37(2): 175-196.
Baudot, L., K. Kelly and A. McCullough. 2022. Contemporary conflicts in perspectives on work hours across hierarchical levels in public accounting. The Accounting Review (November, Issue 6): 67-89.
Bauer, A. M. 2016. Tax avoidance and the implications of weak internal controls. Contemporary Accounting Research 33(2): 449-486.
Bauer, A. M., D. Henderson and D. P. Lynch. 2018. Supplier internal control quality and the duration of customer-supplier relationships. The Accounting Review (May): 59-82.
Bauer, A. M., J. Fang, J. Pittman, Y. Zhang and Y. Zhao. 2020. How aggressive tax planning facilitates the diversion of corporate resources: Evidence from path analysis. Contemporary Accounting Research 37(3): 1882-1913.
Bauer, A. M., X. Fang and J. A. Pittman. 2021. The importance of IRS enforcement to stock price crash risk: The role of CEO power and incentives. The Accounting Review (July): 81-109.
Bauer, B. and J. Goldsmith. 2020. After Trump: Reconstructing the Presidency. Lawfare Institute.
Bauer, J. 1913. The accounting of interest and discount on notes. Journal of Accountancy (April): 248-258.
Bauer, J. 1913. The accounting of interest and discount notes. Journal of Accountancy (May): 341-350.
Bauer, J. 1915. Depreciation formula of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Journal of Accountancy (August): 104-111.
Bauer, J. 1915. Rents in public utility accounting. Journal of Accountancy (July): 21-27.
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Bauer, J. 1926. The problem of effective regulation of public utilities. Harvard Business Review (October): 68-79.
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Bauer, J. 1937. The concepts of capital and income in the regulation of public utilities. The Accounting Review (March): 22-29.
Bauer, K. J. 1956. Expense center accounting for retail stores. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 874-879.
Bauer, R. D. M. 1942. Keeping the proper balance between practical and theoretical accounting training. The Accounting Review (July): 233-236.
Bauer, T. D. 2015. The effects of client identity strength and professional identity salience on auditor judgments. The Accounting Review (January): 95-114.
Bauer, T. D., A. C. Bucaro and C. Estep. 2020. The unintended consequences of material weakness reporting on auditors' acceptance of aggressive client reporting. The Accounting Review (July): 51-72.
Bauer, T. D., B. Dehning and T. C. Stratopoulos. 2012. The financial performance of global information and communication technology companies. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 119-152.
Bauer, T. D., C. Estep and B. Malsch. 2019. One team or two? Investigating relationship quality between auditors and IT specialists: Implications for audit team identity and the audit process. Contemporary Accounting Research 36(4): 2142-2177.
Bauer, T. D., K. A. Humphreys and K. T. Trotman. 2022. Group judgment and decision making in auditing: Research in the time of Covid-19 and beyond. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 41(1): 3-23.
Bauer, T. D., S. M. Hillison, M. E. Peecher, and B. Pomeroy. 2020. Revising audit plans to address fraud risk: A case of "do as I advise, not as I do"? Contemporary Accounting Research 37(4): 2558-2589.
Bauer, T. N., S. G. Green and T. N. Bauer. 1996. Development of leader-member exchange: A longitudinal test. The Academy of Management Journal 39(6): 1538-1567. 1997. Erratum: Development of leader-member exchange: A longitudinal test. The Academy of Management Journal 40(2): 258.
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Baugh, F. H. 1915. Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting for Accountants, Manufacturers, Mechanical Engineers, Teachers and Students. F. H. Baugh.
Baugh, M., J. P. Boone, I. K. Khurana and K. K. Raman. 2019. Did the 2005 deferred prosecution agreement adversely impact KPMG's audit practice? Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 38(1): 77-102.
Baugh, M., K. Kim and K. J. Lee. 2022. The effect of SEC reviewers on comment letters. Contemporary Accounting Research 39(1): 656-690.
Baugh, M., M. S. Ege and C. G. Yust. 2021. Internal control quality and bank risk-taking and performance. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 40(2): 49-84.
Baugh, M. D. and R. Schmardebeck. 2023. Auditor style and common disclosure issues: Evidence from SEC common letters. The Accounting Review (September): 61-97.
Baughman, G. K. 1967. Economical processing of small orders. Management Accounting (March):55-58.
Baughman, J. P. 1969. The History of American Management: Selections from the Business History Review. Prentice-Hall. Review by R. H. Homburger.
Baughman, R. H. 1970. Accounting for inter-plant sales. Management Accounting (September):41-43.
Baum, A. and N. Colley. 2017. Can real estate investors avoid specific risk? Abacus 53(3): 395-430.
Baum, B. and E. Burack. 1969.Information technology, manpower development and organizational performance. The Academy of Management Journal 12(3): 279-291.
Baum, J. 2020. Book review: Maurizio Catino: Mafia Organizations: The Visible Hand of Criminal Enterprise. Administrative Science Quarterly 65(1): NP4-NP6.
Baum, J. A. 2002. Editor. The Blackwell Companion to Organizations. Blackwell Publishers.
Baum, J. A. C. and C. Oliver. 1991. Errata: Institutional linkages and organizational mortality. Administrative Science Quarterly 36(3): 489.
Baum, J. A. C. and C. Oliver. 1991. Institutional linkages and organizational mortality. Administrative Science Quarterly 36(2): 187-218.
Baum, J. A. C. and C. Oliver. 1996. Toward an institutional ecology of organizational founding. The Academy of Management Journal 39(5): 1378-1427.
Baum, J. A. C. and H. A. Haveman. 1997. Love thy neighbor? Differentiation and agglomeration in the Manhattan hotel industry, 1898-1990. Administrative Science Quarterly 42(2): 304-338.
Baum, J. A. C. and H. A. Haveman. 1998. Errata: Love they neighbor? Differentiation and agglomeration in the Manhattan hotel industry, 1898-1990. Administrative Science Quarterly 43(2): 506.
Baum, J. A. C. and H. J. Korn. 1996.Competitive dynamics of interfirm rivalry. The Academy of Management Journal 39(2): 255-291.
Baum, J. A. C. and S. J. Mezias. 1992. Localized competition and organizational failure in the Manhattan hotel industry, 1898-1990. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(4): 580-604.
Baum, J. A. C., S. Xiao Li, and J. M. Usher. 2000.Making the next move: How experiential and vicarious learning shape the locations of chains' acquisitions. Administrative Science Quarterly 45(4): 766-801.
Baum, J. A. C., T. J. Rowley, A. V. Shipilov and Y. Chuang. 2005.Dancing with strangers: Aspiration performance and the search for underwriting syndicate partners. Administrative Science Quarterly 50(4): 536-575.
Baum, J. R., E. A. Locke and K. G. Smith. 2001.A multidimensional model of venture growth. The Academy of Management Journal 44(2): 292-303.
Bauman, C. C., M. P. Bauman and S. Das. 2010. Valuation consequences of regulatory changes in revenue recognition: Evidence from advertising barter sales. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 26(2): 177-184.
Bauman, M. P. 2003. The impact and valuation of off-balance-sheet activities concealed by equity method accounting. Accounting Horizons (December): 303-314.
Bauman, M. P. 2013. The effect of the 53-week year on annual growth rates. The CPA Journal (April): 65-67.
Bauman, M. P. and K. W. Shaw. 2014. An analysis of critical accounting estimate disclosures of pension assumptions. Accounting Horizons (December): 819-845.
Bauman, M. P. and R. N. Francis. 2011. Issues in lessor accounting: The forgotten half of lease accounting. Accounting Horizons (June): 247-266.
Baumann, O., J. P. Eggers and N. Stieglitz. 2019. Colleagues and competitors: How internal social comparisons shape organizational search and adaptation. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(2): 275-309.
Baumgartel, H. 1957. Leadership style as a variable in research administration. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(3): 344-360.
Baumgarten, D., U. Bonenkamp and C. Homburg. 2010. The information content of the SG&A ratio. Journal of Management Accounting Research (22): 1-22.
Baumker, M., P. Biggs, S. E. McVay and J. Pierce. 2014. The disclosure of non-GAAP earnings following regulation G: An analysis of transitory gains. Accounting Horizons (March): 77-92.
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Baur, P. C. Jr. 1965. Profit performance index. N.A.A. Bulletin (March): 17-20.
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Bavaresco, R. S., L. C. Nesi, J. L. Victoria Barbosa, R. S. Antnes and C. Moreira. 2023. Machine learning-based automation of accounting services: An exploratory case study. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (49): 100618.
Bavelas, A. 1960. Leadership: Man and function. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(4): 491-498.
Bavishi, V. B. 1981. Capital budgeting practices at multinationals. Management Accounting (August):32-35. (Survey of Fortune 500 multinationals).
Baxendale, S., R. Coppage and A. Levitan. 1998. Lambers CFM Review: Test prep software for the CFM Exam. Lambers CFM Review.
Baxendale, S., R. Coppage and A. Levitan. 2001. The CMA/CFM Exam: Test-Taking Tips, Past Examination Questions and Solutions. Wise Guides CMA/CFM Review.
Baxendale, S. J. 1987. Cost allocation vs. performance evaluation: Observations at five major defense contractors. Akron Business and Economic Review (Winter): 90-97.
Baxendale, S. J. 1999. Software for activity-based management. Journal of Cost Management (March/April): 11-24.
Baxendale, S. J. 2000. An Activity-based costing practicum. Journal of Cost Management (January/February): 46-47.
Baxendale, S. J. 2006. The selection of actionable cost objects for an activity-based costing system. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 9-13.
Baxendale, S. J. and B. P. Foster. 2010. ABC absorption and direct costing income statements. Cost Management (September/October): 5-14.
Baxendale, S. J. and B. P. Foster. 2013. Abnormal unused capacity: A crack in absorption costing's armor. Cost Management (September/October): 16-21.
Baxendale, S. J. and F. Jama. 2003. What ERP can offer ABC. Strategic Finance (August): 54-57.
Baxendale, S. J. and M. Gupta. 1998. Aligning TOC & ABC for silkscreen printing. Management Accounting (April): 39-44.
Baxendale, S. J. and P. Jokinen. 2000. Interactions between ERP and ABCM systems. Journal of Cost Management (March/April): 40-46.
Baxendale, S. J. and P. S. Raju. 2004. Using ABC to enhance throughput accounting: A strategic perspective. Cost Management (January/February):31-38. (Summary).
Baxendale, S. J. and R. E. Coppage. 2012. Tax savings from the sale of qualified small business stock. The CPA Journal (August): 36-41.
Baxendale, S. J. and R. E. Coppage. 2014. In-plan Roth rollovers under the ATRA. The CPA Journal (April): 62-63.
Baxendale, S. J. and V. Dornbusch. 2000. Activity-based costing for a hospice. Strategic Finance (March): 60-70.
Baxendale, S. J., L. H. Boyd and M. Gupta. 2006. The absorption costing/inventory management conundrum: A theory of constraints approach. Cost Management (November/December): 30-39.
Baxendale, S. J., M. Gupta and P.S. Raju. 2005. Profit enhancement using an ABC model. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 11-21. (A field study).
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Baxter, G. C. and R. A. Konopka. 1985. Transfer pricing across the Canada U. S. border. CA Magazine (June): 50-55.
Baxter, J. 2004. Professor Bill Birkett (1940-2004). Management Accounting Research (December): 381-382.
Baxter, J. and W. F. Chua. 2003. Alternative management accounting research - Whence and whither. Accounting, Organizations and Society 28(2-3): 97-126.
Baxter, J. and W. F. Chua. 2006. A management accountant from andquot;down underandquot;: The research of Professor Bill Birkett (1940-2004). Management Accounting Research (March): 1-10.
Baxter, J. and W. F. Chua. 2008. Be(com)ing the chief financial officer of an organisation: Experimenting with Bourdieu's practice theory. Management Accounting Research (September): 212-230.
Baxter, J., M. Carlsson-Wall, W. F. Chua and K. Kraus. 2019. Accounting and passionate interests: The case of a Swedish football club. Accounting, Organizations and Society (74): 21-40.
Baxter, J. A. and W. F. Chua. 1998. Doing field research: Practice and meta-theory in counterpoint. Journal of Management Accounting Research (10): 69-87.
Baxter, R., J. C. Bedard, R. Hoitash and A. Yezegel. 2013. Enterprise risk management program quality: Determinants, value relevance, and the financial crisis. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(4): 1264-1295.
Baxter, R. J. and J. C. Thibodeau. 2011. Does the use of intelligent learning and assessment software enhance the acquisition of financial accounting knowledge? Issues in Accounting Education (November): 647-656.
Baxter, R. J. and J. E. Hunton. 2011. Capturing affect via the experience sampling method: Prospects for accounting information systems researchers. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 12(2): 90-98.
Baxter, R. J., D. K. Holderness Jr. and D. A. Wood. 2016. Applying basic gamification techniques to IT compliance training: Evidence from lab and field. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 119-133.
Baxter, R. J., D. K. Holderness Jr. and D. A. Wood. 2017. The effects of gamification on corporate compliance training: A partial replication and field study of true office anti-corruption training. Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 2(1): A20-A30.
Baxter, K. and Y. Schlesinger. 2023. Managing the risks of generative AI. Harvard Business Review (Winter Special Issue): 137-139.
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Baxter, W. T. 1989. Early accounting: The tally and checkerboard. The Accounting Historians Journal 16(2): 43-83.
Baxter, W. T. 1999. McKesson &Robbins: A milestone in auditing. Accounting, Business & Financial History.
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Bay, C. 2018. Makeover accounting: Investigating the meaning-making practices of financial accounts. Accounting, Organizations and Society (64): 44-54.
Bay, D. D. and R. R. Greenberg. 2001. The relationship of the DIT and behavior: A replication. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 367-380. (The Defining Issues Test based on Kohlberg's theory is used to assess the level of ethical development. This study replicates Ponemon's 1993 study indicating that subjects with low scores and those with high scores are more likely to behave unethically).
Bay, M. W. 1953. An experience in teaching accountants' report writing by visual methods. The Accounting Review (January): 113-114.
Baydoun, N. and R. Willett. 1995. Cultural relevance of western accounting systems to developing countries. Abacus 31(1): 67-92.
Baydoun, N. and R. Willett. 2000. Islamic corporate reports. Abacus 36(1): 71-90.
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Bayer, F. A., D. M. Hopkins and B. J. Pierce. 1989. Integrating tax and financial accounting concepts into the partnership accounting curriculum. Journal of Accounting Education 7(2): 195-216.
Bayer, H. S. 1973. Planning for cost reductions. Management Accounting (April): 31-36.
Bayer, T. 2021. The ABCs of profitability growth. Cost Management (November/December): 39-42.
Bayer, W. A. 1906. C.P.A. examination questions/solutions. Journal of Accountancy (May): 74-78.
Bayless, R., J. Cochrane, T. Harris, J. Leisenring, J. McLaughlin and J. P. Wirtz. 1996. International access to U.S. capital markets - An AAA forum on accounting policy. Accounting Horizons (March): 75-94.
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Baylis, J., J. J. Wirtz and C. S. Gray. 2010. Strategy in the Contemporary World: An Introduction to Strategic Studies, 3rd edition. Oxford University Press, USA.
Baylis, R. M., P. Burnap, M. A. Clatworthy, M. A. Gad and C. K. M. Pong. 2017. Private lenders' demand for audit. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 78-97.
Baym, N. and C. N. Hadley. 2023. The unequal rewards of peer support at work. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 70-73.
Bayne, L., J. Birt, P. Hancock, N. Schonfeldt and P. Agrawal. 2022. Best practices for group assessment tasks. Journal of Accounting Education (59): 100770.
Bayou, M. E. 1999. Accounting for modular manufacturing: Addressing new challenges. Journal of Cost Management (July/August): 11-20.
Bayou, M. E. 2008. A note on an alternative cost allocation system for municipal service units. Advances in Management Accounting (17): 317-346.
Bayou, M. E. and J. B. Nachtman. 1992. Costing for manufacturing wastes. Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 53-62. (Summary).
Bayou, M. E. and B. L. Gerber. 1997. A 100-year history of the control function at Ford Motor Company. Journal of Cost Management (May/June): 28-33.
Bayou, M. E. and A. Reinstein. 1996. Target costing for product safety. Advances in Management Accounting (5): 1-25.
Bayou, M. E. and A. Reinstein. 1997. Formula for success: target costing for cost-plus pricing companies. Journal of Cost Management (September/October): 30-34.
Bayou, M. E. and A. Reinstein. 1999. Integration of applied thinking to guide management accounting perspective. Advances in Management Accounting (8): 95-112.
Bayou, M. E. and A. Reinstein. 2000. Process-driven cost associations for creating value. Advances in Management Accounting (9): 73-90.
Bayou, M. E. and A. Reinstein. 2003. A management accounting taxonomy for the mass customization approach. Advances in Management Accounting (11): 169-189.
Bayou, M. E. and A. Reinstein. 2004. Accounting for cost interactions in designing products. Advances in Management Accounting (12):151-170.
Bayou, M. E. and A. Reinstein. 2007. Capacity utilization and the BEFCU model: A field study. Advances in Management Accounting (16): 181-203.
Bayou, M. E. and T. Jeffries. 2006. Analyzing the investment decision in modular manufacturing systems within a critical-thinking framework. Advances in Management Accounting (15): 81-101.
Bayou, M. E., A. Reinstein and P. F. Williams. 2011. To tell the truth: A discussion of issues concerning truth and ethics in accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 36(2): 109-124.
Bayou, M. E., A. Reinstein, X. Du and A. Arya. 2014. Using fuzzy set theory to help resolve governmental hospitals' health care decision conflicts. Advances in Management Accounting (24): 163-187.
Baysden, C. 2013. PFP Q&A: Planning for change: Experts discuss implications of tax law changes, new standards, and the retirement of the Baby Boomer generation. Journal of Accountancy (July): 36-39.
Baysden, C. 2013. Supply and demand for accounting talent at record levels. Journal of Accountancy (September): 30-32.
Baysden, C. 2013. Top concern of FVS practitioners: Business development. The financial fallout from the great recession has prompted a shift in priorities of forensic and valuation services accountants, survey finds. Journal of Accountancy (May): 38-42.
Baysden, C. 2013. Q&A: Top issues in business valuation. Experts discuss topics ranging from changes in fair value measurements to the retirement of the baby boomer generation. Journal of Accountancy (November): 34-36.
Baysden, C. 2014. Making manager: The key to accelerating a career in public accounting. Journal of Accountancy (November): 36-39.
Baysden, C. 2014. Time's up. The benefits and challenges of moving away from the billable hour. Journal of Accountancy (August): 28-31. (A changing pricing model).
Baysden, C. 2015. Q&A: Price check. Billing by the hour isn't the only way to charge clients. But to implement a different approach, you must ask these questions first. Journal of Accountancy (July): 36-40.
Baysden, C. 2015. Q&A: Price-sensitivity training: To price effectively, CPA firms first need to determine clients' price sensitivity. Value-billing expert Ron Baker explains how to do that. Journal of Accountancy (August): 44-46, 48-49.
Baysden, C. 2015. Q&A: Pricing options that boost profits: Firms can increase client satisfaction and firm profits simultaneously by offering different pricing options, according to Ron Baker. Journal of Accountancy (September): 41-44.
Baysden, C. 2021. ESG offers growth opportunities for 2022: Focus on environment, social, and governance issues is rising amid investor and regulator interest. Journal of Accountancy (December): 12-15.
Baysden, C. and J. Wilson. 2014. How to speed the path to partner. Journal of Accountancy (March): 28-32.
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Bazarraa, M. S., J. J. Jarvis and H. D. Sherali. 2009. Linear Programming and Network Flows, 4th edition. Wiley.
Bazerman, M. H. 2001. Judgment in Managerial Decision Making. John Wiley & Sons.
Bazerman, M. H. 2014. Becoming a first-class noticer. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 116-119.
Bazerman, M. H. 2020. A new model for ethical leadership: Create more value for society. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 90-97.
Bazerman, M. H. and A. E. Tenbrunsel. 2011. Ethical breakdowns. Harvard Business Review (April): 58-65.
Bazerman, M. H. and D. Chugh. 2006. Decisions without blinders. Harvard Business Review (January): 88-97.
Bazerman, M. H. and D. Kahneman. 2016. How to make the other side play fair: The final-offer arbitration challenge gives negotiators a valuable new tool. Harvard Business Review (September): 76-81.
Bazerman, M. H. and D. Moore. 2011. Is it time for auditor independence yet? Accounting, Organizations and Society 36(4-5): 310-312.
Bazerman, M. H. and M. D. Watkins. 2004. Predictable Surprises: The Disasters You Should Have Seen Coming, and How to Prevent Them (Leadership for the Common Good). Harvard Business School Press.
Bazerman, M. H. and P. Patel. 2021. SPACs: What you need to know: A guide for the curious and the perplexed. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 102-111. (Special purpose acquisition companies).
Bazerman, M. H., G. Loewenstein and D. A. Moore. 2002. Why good accountants do bad audits. Harvard Business Review (November): 97-102. (Summary).
Bazerman, M. H., G. F. Loewenstein and S. B. White. 1992. Reversals of preference in allocation decisions: Judging an alternative versus choosing among alternatives. Administrative Science Quarterly 37(2): 220-240.
Bazilevich, L. A. 1992. Transition from a command to a market economy: Creation of a valid management information system. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 14-31.
Bazley, J. D. 1974. An algebraic aid in teaching the differences between direct costing and full-absorption costing models: A comment. The Accounting Review (October): 838.
Bazley, J. D. and J. C. Tripp. 1989. The corporate alternative minimum tax: Impacts on financial reporting. Accounting Horizons (March): 54-62.
Bazley, J. D. and L. A. Nikolai. 1975. A comparison of published accounting research and qualities of accounting faculty and doctoral programs. The Accounting Review (July): 605-610.
Bazley, M., P. Brown and H. Y. Izan. 1985. An analysis of lease disclosures by Australian companies. Abacus 21(1): 44-62.
Bazzle, K. L. 1989. Funding postemployment health care benefits. Management Accounting (April): 27-29.
Beach, A. A. and A. H. Segars. 2022. How a values-based approach advances DEI: A new model for developing diversity, equity, and inclusion in the organization can increase employee satisfaction. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 25-32.
Beach, C. S. and W. R. Schiefelbein. 2014. Unstructured data. How to implement an early warning system for hidden risks. Journal of Accountancy (January): 46-51. (Unstructured data includes data such as email, desktop documents, internet logs, phone calls, text messages, and social media messages. A people-process approach to risk management).
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Beasley, M. S., F. A. Buckless, S. M. Glover and D. F. Prawitt. 2005. Auditing Cases (3rd Edition). Prentice Hall.
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Beasley, M. S., J. V. Carcello, D. R. Hermanson and P. D. Lapides. 2000. Fraudulent financial reporting: Consideration of industry traits and corporate governance mechanisms. Accounting Horizons (December): 441-454.
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Bedford, N. M. 1963. The laws of learning and accounting instruction. The Accounting Review (April): 406-408. (Old laws: 1) Learning occurs through active practice, 2) People should not try tasks where they are unlikely to succeed, 3) Transfer or using of learned knowledge is to be expected only if the problems encountered are much like those on which the person was trained, 4) Knowledge that leads to a desired goal is easier taught than knowledge motivated only by direct incentives and compulsion. New laws: 1) The law of discovery and 2) The law of transfer. Claimed advantages of the discovery method include: a) It increases the intellectual capacity of the student, b) it shifts the rewards from extrinsic to intrinsic promoting an attitude for continuous life-long learning, and c) it conserves memory by causing the student to develop his or her own associations that are the basis for retrieval).
Bedford, N. M. 1965. Income Determination Theory: An Accounting Framework. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. Review by Y. Ijiri.
Bedford, N. M. 1967. The nature of future accounting theory. The Accounting Review (January): 82-85.
Bedford, N. M. 1968. The foundations of accounting measurement. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 270-282.
Bedford, N. M. 1973. Corporate accountability. Management Accounting (November):41-44. ("To whom is the corporation responsible?" For what is the corporation accountable?")
Bedford, N. M. 1974. Discussion of opportunities and implications of the report on objectives of financial statements. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Financial Accounting Objectives): 13-17.
Bedford, N. M. 1976. The corporate report: A discussion. Accounting, Organizations and Society 1(1): 111-114.
Bedford, N. M. 1982. The impact of Chambers on the scope of accounting: An analysis and extension. Abacus 18(2): 112-118.
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Bednarcik, T. R. 2016. Exceptional students: Double the recognition. Strategic Finance (August): 60-61. (About the IMA Accounting Honor Society).
Bee, S. and D. Hayes. 2006. Student case: Noreen naive and the case of the baffled business owner - A grader-friendly, financial statement analysis case. Journal of Forensic Accounting 7(2): 533-562.
Beechy, T. H. 1969. Quasi-debt analysis of financial leases. The Accounting Review (April): 375-381.
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Beekman, M., R. H Chenhall and K. J. Euske. 2007. Management control systems as a tool for planned organizational change. Cost Management (September/October): 15-25.
Beelde, I. 2011. Accountancy and Empire: The British Legacy of Professional Organization by Chris Poullaos, Suki Sian. The Accounting Review (May): 1119-1122.
Beelde, I. D. 2002. Creating a profession 'out of nothing'? The case of the Belgian auditing profession. Accounting, Organizations and Society 27(4-5): 447-470.
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Beer, M., M. Finnstrom and D. Schrader. 2016. Why leadership training fails - and what to do about it. Harvard Business Review (October): 50-57.
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Beerman, R. E. 1959. Cycle payment of vendor invoices. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 14.
Beers, J. W. 1928. Training classes in the income tax unit. The Accounting Review (June): 177-183.
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Beesack, P. R. 1967. A finite horizon dynamic inventory model with a stockout constraint. Management Science (May): 618-630.
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Beeson, L. J. 1975. An accounting internship program in industry. Management Accounting (March): 59-61.
Beets, S. D. and C. C. Souther. 1999. Corporate environmental reports: The need for standards and an environmental assurance service. Accounting Horizons (June): 129-145.
Beg, Z. 2019. A modern family phone plan. IMA Educational Case Journal 12(3): 1-4.
Beg, Z. 2020. Flex budgets and variances at Speedy Tire Co. IMA Educational Case Journal 13(4): 1-6.
Beged-Dov, A. G. 1966. Why only few operations researchers manage. Management Science (August): B580-B593.
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Begley, J. 1990. Debt covenants and accounting choice. Journal of Accounting and Economics (January): 125-139.
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Begley, J. and R. Freedman. 2004. The changing role of accounting numbers in public lending agreements. Accounting Horizons (June): 81-96.
Begley, J., J. Ming and S. Watts. 1996. Bankruptcy classification errors in the 1980s: An empirical analysis of Altman's and Ohlson's models. Review of Accounting Studies 1(4): 267-284. (See Erratum in Volume 2(3) for corrections to two equations in this paper).
Begley, J., S. Chamberlain, S. Yang and J. L. Zhang. 2015. CEO incentives and the health of defined benefit pension plans. Review of Accounting Studies 20(3): 1013-1058.
Begley, J., T. V. Eaton and S. W. Peck. 2003. Managers’ incentives to manipulate earnings in management buyout contests: An examination of how corporate governance and market mechanisms mitigate earnings management. Journal of Forensic Accounting (4): 249-274.
Begley, T. M. and D. P. Boyd. 2003. The need for a corporate global mind-set. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 25-32.
Behavioral Research in Accounting. 2013 Annual editor report. Behavioral Research In Accounting 25(2): 171-175.
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Behling, O. and J. F. Dillard. 1987. Accounting: The intuitive challenge. Accounting Horizons (June): 35-42. (Very interesting discussion of the rational (analytic or computational) decision model versus the intuitive (judgmental) decision model. The authors provide some recommendations related to a balanced approach involving four decision strategies related to when cause and effect relationships are certain or uncertain. The strategies include: computational, judgmental, compromise, and inspirational).
Behling, O., C. Schriesheim and J. Tolliver. 1975. Alternatives to expectancy theories of work motivation. Decision Sciences 6(3): 449-461.
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Behn, B. K. 2012. Introduction: The Pathways commission on Accounting Higher Education: Charting a national strategy for the next generation of accountants. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 593.
Behn, B. K., B. T. Carver and T. L. Neal. 2013. Small firms and the value of improvements in corporate governance mechanisms. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 29(2): 171-179.
Behn, B. K., D. D. DeVries and J. Lin. 2010. The determinants of transparency in nonprofit organizations: An exploratory study. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 26(1): 6-12.
Behn, B. K., D. L. Searcy and J. B. Woodroof. 2006. A within firm analysis of current and expected future audit lag determinants. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 65-86.
Behn, B. K., G. A. Carnes, G. W. Krull Jr, K. D. Stocks and P. M. J. Reckers. 2008. Accounting Doctoral Education-2007: A Report of the Joint AAA/APLG/FSA Doctoral Education Committee. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 357-367.
Behn, B. K., G. Gotti, D. Herrmann and T. Kang. 2013. Classification shifting in an international setting: Investor protection and financial analysts monitoring. Journal of International Accounting Research 12(2): 27-50.
Behn, B. K., J. Choi and T. Kang. 2008. Audit quality and properties of analyst earnings forecasts. The Accounting Review (March): 327-349.
Behn, B. K., J. V. Carcello, D. R. Hermanson and R. H. Hermanson. 1997. The determinants of audit client satisfaction among clients of big 6 firms. Accounting Horizons (March): 7-24.
Behn, B. K., N. B. Nichols and D. L. Street. 2002. The predictive ability of geographic segment disclosures by U.S. companies: SFAS No. 131 vs. SFAS No. 14. Journal of International Accounting Research (1): 31-44.
Behn, B. K., T. V. Eaton and J. R. Williams. 1998. The determinants of the deferred tax allowance account under SFAS No. 109. Accounting Horizons (March): 63-78.
Behn, B. K., W. F. Ezzell, L. A. Murphy, J. D. Rayburn, M. T. Stith and J. R. Strawser. 2012. The Pathways Commission on Accounting Education: Charting a national strategy for the next generation of accountants. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 595-600.
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