Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Bricault, G. A. and C. D. Marshall. 1946. Inventories and the internal auditor. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November 15): 377-390.
Brick, I. E. and D. G. Weaver. 1984. Comparison of capital budgeting techniques in identifying profitable investments. Financial Management (Winter): 29-39.
Bricker, R. 1989. An empirical investigation of the structure of accounting research. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 246-262.
Bricker, R. and K. Brown. 1997. The use of historical data in accounting research: The case of the American Sugar Refining Company. The Accounting Historians Journal 24(2): 1-24.
Bricker, R. and M. DeBruine. 1993. The effects of information availability and cost on investment strategy selection: An experiment. Behavioral Research In Accounting (5):30-57.
Bricker, R. and N. Chandar. 2000. Where Berle and Means went wrong: A reassessment of capital market agency and financial reporting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 25(6): 529-554.
Bricker, R. J. 1988. Influences from early accounting literature on contemporary research. The Accounting Historians Journal 15(2): 83-98.
Bricker, R. J. 1988. Knowledge preservation in accounting: A citational study. Abacus 24(2): 120-131. (andquot;... earlier accounting knowledge may become lost to future generations of accounting scholarsandquot;).
Bricker, R. J. 1989. Accounting Literature in Non-Accounting Journals: An Annotated Bibliography by P. Tantral. The Accounting Historians Journal 16(2): 263-265.
Bricker, R. J. 1991. The importance of history for accounting research. Abacus 27(1): 72-77.
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Bricker, R. J. and G. J. Previts. 1990. The sociology of accountancy: A study of academic and practice community schisms. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-14.
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Brickley, J. A. 2003. Empirical research on CEO turnover and firm-performance: A discussion. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 227-233.
Brickley, J. A. and J. L. Zimmerman. 2010. Corporate governance myths: Comments on Armstrong, Guay, and Weber. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 235-286.
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Brickner, D. R. and L. S. Mahoney. 2018. Factoring in the time value of money with Excel. Journal of Accountancy (March): 34-40.
Brickner, D. R., L. S. Mahoney and S. J. Moore. 2010. Providing an applied-learning exercise in teaching fraud detection: A case of academic partnering with IRS criminal investigation. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 695-708.
Brickson, S. L. 2005.Organizational identity orientation: Forging a link between organizational identity and organizations' relations with stakeholders. Administrative Science Quarterly 50(4): 576-609.
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Brief, R. P. 1977. A note on andquot;rediscoveryandquot; and the rule of 69. The Accounting Review (October): 810-812. (Approximation for determining the number of periods it takes for a sum to double at a given interest rate).
Brief, R. P. 1977. The accountant's responsibility for disclosing bribery: An historical note. The Accounting Historians Journal 4(2): 97-100.
Brief, R. P. 1979. Baily's paradox. The Accounting Historians Journal 6(1): 93-94.
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Brief, R. P. 2007. Accounting valuation models: A short primer. Abacus 43(4): 429-437. (Discussion of the residual income valuation (RIV) and abnormal earnings growth (AEG) models).
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Brief, R. P. and J. Owen. 1970. The estimation problem in financial accounting. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 167-177.
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Brief, R. P. and J. Owen. 1973. Present value models and the multi-asset problem. The Accounting Review (October): 690-695.
Brief, R. P. and J. Owen.1974. Present value models and the multi-asset problem: A reply. The Accounting Review (October): 819-821.
Brief, R. P. and J. Owen. 1978. Accounting for leveraged leases: A comment. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 411-413.
Brief, R. P. and K. V. Peasnell, editiors. 1996. Clean Surplus: A Link Between Accounting and Finance. Garland.
Brief, R. P. and R. A. Lawson. 1992. The role of the accounting rate of return in financial statement analysis. The Accounting Review (April): 411-426.
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Brief, R. P., G. J. Previts and S. A. Zeff (eds.) 1976. The History of Accounting. Arno Press. Review by M. Moonitz. (This set includes 29 volumes).
Brierley, J. A 2008. Toward an understanding of the sophistication of product costing systems. Journal of Management Accounting Research 20 (Special Issue): 61-87.
Brierley, J. A. 2011. Why the proper definition of the ABC matters: A note. Advances in Management Accounting (19): 225-249.
Brierley, J. A. 2017. The domination of financial accounting over product costing. Cost Management (July/August): 32-40.
Brierley, J. A., C. J. Cowton and C. Drury. 2006. A note on the importance of product costs in decision-making. Advances in Management Accounting (15): 249-265.
Brierley, J. A., C. J. Cowton and C. Drury. 2006. Reasons for adopting different capacity levels in the denominator of overhead rates: A research note. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 53-62.
Brierley, J. A., C. J Cowton and C. Drury. 2007. The identification and type of costs used in cost reduction decisions. Cost Management (September/October): 34-39.
Briers, M., P. Luckett and C. Chow. 1997. Data fixation and the use of traditional versus activity-based costing systems. Abacus 33(1): 49-68.
Briers, M. L., C. W. Chow, N. R. Hwang and P. K. Luckett. 1999. The effects of alternative types of feedback on product-related decision performance: A research note. Journal of Management Accounting Research (11): 75-92.
Briers, M. and M. Hirst. 1990. The role of budgetary information in performance evaluation. Accounting, Organizations and Society 15(4): 373-398.
Briers, M. and W. F. Chua. 2001. The role of actor-networks and boundary objects in management accounting change: A field study of an implementation of activity-based costing. Accounting, Organizations and Society 26(3): 237-269.
Briggs, F. R. and J. E. Hosking. 1984. Hospitals eye excess capacity and plan to improve productivity. Modern Healthcare (February 1): 114, 116, 119.
Briggs, I. W. and Z. L. Augustine. 1926. The methods employed in Rochester industries of collection and distribution of manufacturing burden. N.A.C.A Bulletin (May 15): 662-673.
Briggs, J., J. Beams, C. P. Baril and L. Betancourt. 2017. Variable lease payments: Implications under the new lease standard. The CPA Journal (February): 38-45.
Briggs, J., M. C. Claiborne and E. Cole. 2006. Total optimal performance scores: A practical guide for integrating financial and nonfinancial measures in performance evaluation. Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 11-23.
Briggs, J. W. and J. D. Beams. 2012. Asset securitization is a changing environment. The CPA Journal (September): 64-67.
Briggs, L. L. 1930. Accounting in collegiate schools of business. The Accounting Review (June): 175-181.
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Briggs, L. L. 1934. Asset valuation in dividend decisions. The Accounting Review (September): 220-236.
Briggs, W. B. 1957. Calculating economic manufacturing quantities for better inventory control. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 57-64.
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Brigham, E. 1966. An analysis of convertible debentures: Theory and some empirical evidence. Journal of Finance (March): 35-54.
Brigham, E. F. 1968. The effects of alternative depreciation policies on reported profits. The Accounting Review (January): 46-61.
Brigham, E. F. and J. F. Houston. 2003. Fundamentals of Financial Management. South-Western.
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Brighenti, W. 2011. How to calculate the healthcare tax credit. The CPA Journal (April): 52-55.
Brighenti, W. 2011. Finding clarity in the IRS's position on barter transactions. The CPA Journal (January): 36-39.
Bright, J., R. E. Davies, C. A. Downes and R. C. Sweeting. 1992. The deployment of costing techniques and practices: A UK study. Management Accounting Research (September): 201-211.
Brightman, H. 1971. The need for repeated measurement designs in organizational research. The Academy of Management Journal 14(3): 398-402.
Brightman, H. J. 1971. Comments on andquot;Applications of spectral analysisandquot;. Decision Sciences 2(3): 375-376.
Brightman, H. J. 1974. A note on alternative rules for selecting a land-use plan. Decision Sciences 5(3): 425-427.
Brightman, H. J. 2006. Mentoring faculty to improve teaching and student learning. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 127-146.
Brightman, H. J. and E. E. Kaczka. 1973. A computer simulation model of an industrial work group. Decision Sciences 4(4): 471-486.
Brighton, G. D. 1954. Aid to management beyond the audit. The Accounting Review (October): 584-590.
Brighton, G. D. 1957. An outline as an aid in teaching tax accounting for property. The Accounting Review (January): 123-124.
Brighton, G. D. 1964. Image of the Internal Revenue Service. The Accounting Review (April): 463-467.
Brighton, G. D. 1965. Book income - What is it? Management Accounting (September): 58-61.
Brighton, G. D. 1969. Accrued expense tax reform - Not ready in 1954 - Ready in 1969? The Accounting Review (January): 137-144.
Brignall, S. 1997. A contingent rationale for cost system design in services. Management Accounting Research (September): 325-346.
Brignall, S. and J. Ballantine. 2004. Strategic enterprise management systems: New directions for research. Management Accounting Research (June): 225-240.
Brignall, S. and S. Modell. 2000. An institutional perspective on performance measurement and management in the 'new public sector'. Management Accounting Research (September): 281-306.
Brignall, T. J., L. Fitzgerald, R. Johnston and R. Silvestro. 1991. Product costing in service organizations. Management Accounting Research (December): 227-248.
Brill, R. J. 1964. A visual aid for explaining sources and applications of funds. The Accounting Review (October): 1014-1017.
Brill, R. J. 1983. Analyzing transactions and the statement of changes in financial position: Model. Issues in Accounting Education: 90-94.
Brilmyer, M. 2021. Leadership is about empowering others. Journal of Accountancy (September): 60.
Briloff, A. J. 1958. Price level changes and financial statements: A critical reappraisal. The Accounting Review (July): 380-388.
Briloff, A. J. 1961. Price level changes and financial statements at the threshold of the new frontier. The Accounting Review (October): 603-607.
Briloff, A. J. 1964. Needed: A revolution in the determination and application of accounting principles. The Accounting Review (January): 12-15.
Briloff, A. J. 1966. Old myths and new realities in accountancy. The Accounting Review (July): 484-495. (Discussion of three accounting myths related to: 1. The Gap in GAAP, 2. The communication Gap regarding the auditor's responsibility, and 3. The communication Gap related to management services and auditor independence).
Briloff, A. J. 1967. Dirty pooling. The Accounting Review (July): 489-496.
Briloff, A. J. 1967. The Effectiveness of Accounting Communication. Frederick A. Praeger, Inc. Review by T. J. Burns.
Briloff, A. J. 1972. Unaccountable Accounting. HarperCollins. Review by H. E. Milller. See also Benston, G. J. 1974. Unaccountable accounting. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 348-354.
Briloff, A. J. 1974. Prescription for change. Management Accounting (July): 63-65, 71.
Briloff, A. J. 1976. More Debits Than Credits: The Burnt Investor's Guide to Financial Statements. HarperCollins.
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Briloff, A. J. 2002. Beyond the Brilovian critique: A Brilovian rejoinder. Accounting and the Public Interest (2): 94-96.
Brimm, L. 2015. How to embrace complex change. Harvard Business Review (September): 108-112.
Brimson, J. A. 1986. How advanced manufacturing technologies are reshaping cost management. Management Accounting (March): 25-29.
Brimson, J. A. 1987. CAM-I cost accounting systems project. Cost Accounting, Robitics and the New Manufacturing Environment (Sarasota: American Accounting Association).
Brimson, J. A. 1987. The cost accounting revolution. Journal of Cost Management (Spring): 70-72.
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Brimson, J. A. 1989. Technology accounting. Journal of Cost Management (Winter): 28-33.
Brimson, J. A. 1989. Technology accounting. Management Accounting (March): 47-53. (Discussion of how to choose the right depreciation method).
Brimson, J. A. 1987. Technology, sunk costs, and the make-or-buy decision. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 52-55.
Brimson, J. A. 1987. The world of cost management. Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 68-70.
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Brimson, J. A. 2002. Accounting charlatanism or information fog? Journal of Cost Management (July/August): 36-40.
Brimson, J. A. 2002. The Handbook of Process-Based Accounting: Leveraging Processes To Predict Results. AICPA.
Brimson, J. A. 2007. An ABC retrospective: andquot;Mirror, mirror on the wall...andquot; Cost Management (March/April): 45-47.
Brimson, J. A. 2010. The irrelevance of historical analysis. Cost Management (July/August): 26-32. (Outcome (tomorrow) = Current Conditions (today) x Transformation (process Knowledge) ).
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Brimson, J. A. and J. Antos. 1998. Driving Value Using Activity-Based Budgeting. John Wiley and Sons.
Brimson, J. A. and S. Hillin. 2002. Predictive accounting. Journal of Cost Management (January/February): 35-38.
Brincklow, R. 1961. Labor reports - The citrus industry. N.A.A. Bulletin (June): 23-24.
Brindle, V. 1986. Inventory management in an MRP II environment. Production and Inventory Management Review (August): 32, 36, 38.
Briner, E. K. 1973. International tax management. Management Accounting (February): 47-50.
Briner, R. F., D. T. Pearson and J. E. Gauntt Jr. 1987. A microcomputer application for attribute sampling. Journal of Accounting Education 5(1): 161-166.
Briner, R. F., F. A. Wiebe and S. A. Zahra. 1984. Management accountants: Don't overlook quality circles. Management Accounting (December):45-49.
Briner, R. F., M. D. Akers, J. W. Truitt and J. D. Wilson. 1989. Coping with change at Martin Industries. Management Accounting (July): 45-49.
Briner, R. F., M. Alford and J. A. Noble. 2003. Activity-based costing for state and local governments. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 8-14.
Brink, A. G. and B. E. Reichert. 2020. Research initiatives in accounting education: Serving and enhancing the profession. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 25-33.
Brink, A. G. and F. W. Rankin. 2013. The effects of risk preference and loss aversion on individual behavior under bonus, penalty, and combined contract frames. Behavioral Research In Accounting 25(2): 145-170.
Brink, A. G., A. Gouldman and L. M. Victoravich. 2018. The effects of organizational risk appetite and social pressure on aggressive financial reporting behavior. Behavioral Research In Accounting 30(2): 23-36.
Brink, A. G., A. Gouldman, J. M. Rose and K. Rotaru. 2020. Effects of superiors' compensation structure on psychophysiological responses and real earnings management decisions of subordinate managers. Management Accounting Research (September): 100691.
Brink, A. G., C. K. Eller and K. Y. Green. 2018. The effects of corporate social responsibility and wrongdoer rank on whistleblowing. Accounting and the Public Interest (18): 104-128.
Brink, A. G., C. K. Eller and K. Y. Green. 2022. Fraud reporting within an organization and the use of the internal audit function as a training ground for management. Behavioral Research In Accounting 34(1): 1-22.
Brink, A. G., C. K. Eller and L. Gao. 2021. He wouldn't but I would: The effects of pronoun-induced language vividness in whistleblowing policies. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (54): 100545.
Brink, A. G., C. S. Norman and B. Wier. 2016. Attained education and promotion in public accounting. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 301-320.
Brink, A. G., D. Jordan Lowe and L. M. Victoravich. 2013. The effect of evidence strength and internal rewards on intentions to report fraud in the Dodd-Frank regulatory environment. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32(3): 87-104.
Brink, A. G., D. J. Emerson and L. Yang. 2016. Job autonomy and counterproductive behaviors in Chinese accountants: The role of job-related attitudes. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(1): 115-131.
Brink, A. G., D. J. Lowe and L. M. Victoravich. 2017. The public company whistleblowing environment: Perceptions of a wrongful act and monetary attitude. Accounting and the Public Interest (17): 1-30.
Brink, A. G., F. Tang and L. Yang. 2016. The impact of estimate source and social pressure on auditors' fair value estimate choices. Behavioral Research In Accounting 28(2): 29-40.
Brink, A. G., J. C. Coats and F. W. Rankin. 2017. Deceptive superiors and budgetary reporting: An experimental investigation. Journal of Management Accounting Research 29(3): 70-91.
Brink, A. G., J. L. Hobson and D. E. Stevens. 2017. The effect of high power financial incentives on excessive risk-taking behavior: An experimental examination. Journal of Management Accounting Research 29(1): 13-29.
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Brink, A. G., S. J. Cerola and K. B. Menk. 2015. The effects of personality traits, ethical position, and the materiality of fraudulent reporting on entry-level employee whistleblowing decisions. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 7(1): 180-211.
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