Management And Accounting Web

Main Bibliography
Section B: BEN-BIE



Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida

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Ben-Amar, W., E. Garcie-Meca, C. Francoeur and J. Martinez-Ferrero. 2024. Do gender-diverse boards enhance the linguistic features of corporate financial reporting? Accounting Horizons (June): 57-81.

Ben-Assuli, O. and M. Leshno. 2013. Using electronic medical records in admission decisions: A cost effective analysis. Decision Sciences 44(3): 463-481.

Ben-Assuli, O., O. Arzy, N. Kumar and I. Shabtai. 2023. Too much information? The use of extraneous information to support decision-making in emergency settings. Decision Sciences 54(6): 632-650.

Ben-Chorin, O. and T. P. Hedley. 2011. Auditing and monitoring activities help uncover fraud and assess control effectiveness. The CPA Journal (June): 68-71.

Ben-Ghiat, R. 2016. An American authoritarian. The Atlantic (August 10).

Ben-Ghiat, R. 2020. Strongmen: Mussolini to the Present. W. W. Norton & Company. (Clear lessons about how these regimes are built and how they must be opposed).

Ben-Ghiat R. 2023. Epilogue in Rosenfeld, G. D. (Editor) and J. Ward (Editor). 2023. Fascism in America: Past and Present. Cambridge University Press. (Summary).

Ben-Haim, Y. 2001. Information-Gap Decision Theory. Academic Press.

Ben-Hur, S., B. Jaworski and D. Gray. 2015. Aligning corporate learning with strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 53-59.

Ben-Nasr, H., N. Boubakri and J. Cosset. 2012. The political determinants of the cost of equity: Evidence from newly privatized firms. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 605-646.

Ben-Rephael, A., Z. Da, P. D. Easton and R. D. Israelsen. 2022. Who pays attention to SEC Form 8-K? The Accounting Review (September): 59-88.

Benard, R. J. 1936. How we plan, set up and operate our budget. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 1): 575-606.

Benaroch, M., A. Chernobai and J. Goldstein. 2012. An internal control perspective on the market value consequences of IT operational risk events. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 13(4): 357-381.

Benbasat, I. and A. S. Dexter. 1979. Value and events approaches to accounting: An experimental evaluation. The Accounting Review (October): 735-749.

Benbasat, I. and A. S. Dexter. 1982. Individual differences in the use of decision support aids. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 1-11.

Benbya, H. and M. Van Alstyne. 2011. How to find answers within your company. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 65-75.

Bence, A. A. 1966. Value analysis for cost control and profit improvement. Management Accounting (July): 52-57.

Bench, N., S. G. Ginsburg and H. Stern. 1967. Information systems in management science. Management Science (June): B693-B702.

Bendapudi, N. and V. Bendapudi. 2005. Creating the living brand. Harvard Business Review (May): 124-132.

Bendel, C. W. 1946. A simple formula for the accrual of the vacation pay. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 15): 916-922.

Bendel, C. W. 1949. Graphical reporting of operating variances and ratio data. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January 1): 537-546.

Bendel, C. W. 1950. Modified timekeeping for office work. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January): 623-624.

Bendel, C. W. 1950. Streamlining the property accounting procedure. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July): 1361-1370.

Bendel, C. W. 1951. Control of inventory consigned to suppliers. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August): 1446-1456.

Bendel, C. W. 1953. Using statistical tools to keep costs current. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June): 1307-1326.

Bendel, C. W. 1954. Material handling overhead affects unit cost. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (January): 643-652.

Bendel, C. W. 1958. An accountant draws some blue-prints for the foreman. N.A.A. Bulletin (February): 29-35.

Bender, E. A. 1996. Mathematical Methods in Artificial Intelligence (IEEE Computer Society Press). Wiley-IEEE.

Bender, R. and B. Porter. 2003. Setting executive directors' remuneration in listed companies. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 27-47.

Bendle, N. T. and C. K. Bagga. 2016. The metrics that marketers muddle. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 73-82.

Bendock, C. M. 1975. Measuring social costs. Management Accounting (January): 13-15.

Bendoly, E., D. Thomas and M. Capra. 2010. Multilevel social dynamics considerations for project management decision makers: Antecedents and implications of group member tie development. Decision Sciences 41(3): 459-490.

Bene, K. J. 1966. Clerical work measurement. Management Accounting (October):29-34.

Benedek, G., A. Lubloy and G. Vastag. 2014. The importance of social embeddedness: Churn models at mobile providers. Decision Sciences 45(1): 175-201.

Benedetti, C. 2000. 8 ways to protect your business. Strategic Finance (May): 76-80. (Defensive strategies for an economic downturn).

Benedetto, A. F. 1934. Accounting in Mexico. The Accounting Review (December): 340-342.

Benedict, R. 1946. The Chrysanthemum and the Sword: Patterns of Japanese Culture. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle Company Inc.

Benedik, J. 1978. Macroeconomics: The emerging influence on accounting theory. Management Accounting (July): 23-26.

Benedon, W. 1956. What makes up an adequate records program? N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August): 1504-1517.

Beneish, M. D. 1998. Discussion of “Are accruals during initial public offerings opportunistic?” Review of Accounting Studies 3(1-2): 209-221.

Beneish, M. D. 1999. A note on Wiedman's (1999) instructional case: Detecting earnings manipulation. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 369-370.

Beneish, M. D. 1999. Incentives and penalties related to earnings overstatements that violate GAAP. The Accounting Review (October): 425-457.

Beneish, M. D. and E. Press. 1993. Costs of technical violation of accounting-based debt covenants. The Accounting Review (April): 233-257. (Part of a forum on the effects of violating debt covenants).

Beneish, M. D. and E. Press. 1995. The resolution of technical default. The Accounting Review (April): 337-353.

Beneish, M. D. and M. E. Vargus. 2002. Insider trading, earnings quality, and accrual mispricing. The Accounting Review (October): 755-791.

Beneish, M. D. and P. Vorst. 2022. The cost of fraud prediction errors. The Accounting Review (November, Issue 6): 91-121.

Beneish, M. D., C. M. C. Lee and D. C. Nichols. 2015. In short supply: Short-sellers and stock returns. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 33-57.

Beneish, M. D., C. M. C. Lee and R. L. Tarpley. 2001. Contextual fundamental analysis through the prediction of extreme returns. Review of Accounting Studies 6(2-3): 165-189.

Beneish, M. D., C. R. Harvey and P. Vorst. 2022. Unpatented innovation and merger synergies. Review of Accounting Studies 27(2): 706-744.

Beneish, M. D., D. B. Farber, M. Glendening and K. W. Shaw. 2023. Aggregate financial misreporting and the predictability of U.S. recessions and GDP growth. The Accounting Review (September): 129-159.

Beneish, M. D., E. Press and M. E. Vargus. 2012. Insider trading and earnings management in distressed firms. Contemporary Accounting Research 29(1): 191-220.

Beneish, M. D., M. B. Billings and L. D. Hodder. 2008. Internal control weaknesses and information uncertainty. The Accounting Review (May): 665-703.

Benford, T. L. and J. E. Hunton. 2000. Incorporating information technology considerations into an expanded model of judgment and decision making in accounting. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 1(1): 54-65.

Bengel, R. and B. Ikawa. 1997. Where's the profit? Management Accounting (January): 40, 42-44, 46-47. (Related to the film industry and their calculation of net profit participation).

Bengtson, W. P. 2003. Waste in IT. Journal of Cost Management (March/April): 28-33.

Bengtsson, O. 2011. Covenants in venture capital contracts. Management Science (November): 1926-1943.

Benibo, B. R., V. Chambers and B. Thorne. 2016. Breaking bad news to victims of identity theft: Lessons from medical doctors. Journal of Accountancy (August): 30-34.

Beniger, J. R. 1989. The Control Revolution: Technological and Economic Origins of the Information Society. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Benington, H. 1916. Limitations. Journal of Accountancy (May): 333-343. (Limitations of the auditor).

Benis, M. 1979. The non-consolidated finance company subsidiary. The Accounting Review (October): 808-814.

Benis, M., C. Brody and R. T. Johnson. 1976. Utilization of the small group approach to teaching intermediate accounting. The Accounting Review (October): 894-898.

Benishay, H. 1965. Managerial controls of accounts receivable: A deterministic approach. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 114-132.

Benishay, H. 1966. Managerial controls of accounts receivable: A reply. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 131-132.

Benishay, H. 1973. Discussion of a prediction of business failure using accounting data. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 180-182.

Benitez, J., X. Luo and G. Vastag. 2020. Information and operational decision sciences: The interplay of information technology and operational decision sciences. Decision Sciences 51(3): 458-463.

Benjaafar, S. and M. ElHafsi. 2006. Production and inventory control of a single product assemble-to-order system with multiple customer classes. Management Science (December): 1896-1912.

Benjaafar, S., W. L. Cooper and J. Kim. 2005. On the benefits of pooling in production-inventory systems. Management Science (April): 548-565.

Benjamin, A. 2015. The Magic of Math: Solving for x and Figuring Out Why. Basic Books.

Benjamin, A. L. 1954. How to get "reproduction cost new, less depreciation". N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May): 1164-1173. (Related to a procedure for determining the insurable value of buildings and equipment).

Benjamin, B. A. and J. M. Podolny. 1999. Status, quality, and social order in the California wine industry. Administrative Science Quarterly 44(3): 563-589.

Benjamin, J. 1973. The accuracy of the period-end method for computing the current cost of materials used. Abacus 9(1): 73-80.

Benjamin, J. J. and D. E. Ricketts. 1973. A profit planning project in the management accounting course. The Accounting Review (October): 794-797.

Benjamin, J. J. and R. H. Strawser. 1974. The publication of forecasts: An experiment. Abacus 10(2): 138-146.

Benjamin, J. J. and V. C. Brenner. 1974. Perceptions of journal quality. The Accounting Review (April): 360-362.

Benjamin, J. J. and V. C. Brenner. 1975. Reaction to NYSE white paper's call for disclosure. Management Accounting (May): 13-18, 38.

Benjamin, J. J., P. E. Dascher and R. G. Morgan. 1979. How corporate controllers view the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Management Accounting (June): 43-45, 49.

Benjamin, L. and T. Simon. 2003. A planning and control model based on RCA principles. 2003.Cost Management (July/August): 20-27.

Benjamin, L. J. 1975. Doctors incorporated? Management Accounting (November): 37-39.

Benjamin, S. J., A. Niskkalan and M. S. Marathamuthu. 2012. Fair value accounting and the global financial crisis: The Malaysian experience. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 53-68.

Benjamin, W. 2004. Introduction to Online Competitive Intelligence Research. South-Western Educational Publishing.

Benke, F. F. 1921. A cost system for an electric cable plant. National Association of Cost Accountants Official Publications (August): 3-15.

Benke, R. L. and C. P. Baril. 1990. The lease versus purchase decision. Management Accounting (March): 42-46.

Benke, R. L. Jr. 1983. A statement of policy. Journal of Accounting Education 1(1): 1-3.

Benke, R. L. Jr. 1996. 150-Hour programs and the preparation of management accountants. Journal of Accounting Education 14(2): 187-192.

Benke, R. L. Jr. and J. D. Edwards. 1980. Transfer pricing: Techniques and uses. Management Accounting (June): 44-46.

Benke, R. L. Jr. and J. D. Edwards. 1980. Transfer Pricing: Techniques and Uses. National Association of Accountants.

Benke, R. L. Jr. and J. D. Edwards. 1981. Should you use transfer pricing to create pseudo-profit centers? Management Accounting (February): 36-39, 43.

Benke, R. L. Jr. and J. G. Rhode. 1980. The job satisfaction of higher level employees in large certified public accounting firms. Accounting, Organizations and Society 5(2): 187-201.

Benke, R. L. Jr., J. D. Edwards and A. R. Wheelock. 1982. Applying an opportunity cost general rule for transfer pricing. Management Accounting (June): 43-51.

Benkler, Y. 2011. The unselfish gene. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 76-85. (The deep-rooted belief about human selfishness is beginning to change. This research indicates that companies should use systems that rely on engagement and a sense of common purpose to motivate people, rather than controls, carrots and sticks).

Benko, C. and B. Pelster. 2013. How women decide. Harvard Business Review (September): 78-84.

Benn, S. I. and G. F. Gaus. 1983. The liberal conception of the public and private. In Benn, S. I. and G. F. Gaus. Public and Private in Social Life: 31-65. Croom Helm.

Benner, C. 2002. Work in the New Economy: Flexible Labor Markets in Silicon Valley. Blackwell Publishing.

Benner, M. 2015. Book review: B. Groysberg and P. M. Healy: Wall Street Research: Past, Present, and Future. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(3): NP44-NP46.

Benner, M. 2023. Book review: Iren M. Duhaime, Michael Hitt, and Marjorie A. Lyles, eds. Strategic Management: State of the Field and Its Future. Administrative Science Quarterly 68(2): NP39-NP42.

Benner, M. J. and M. Tushman. 2002. Process management and technological innovation: A longitudinal study of the photography and paint industries. Administrative Science Quarterly 47(4): 676-706.

Benner-Dale, C. J. 1980. The hammer of andquot;Thorandquot;. Management Accounting (November): 48-51.

Bennett, A. L. 1949. An effective group incentive plan for smaller companies. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April 15): 943-951.

Bennett, B. and M. E. Bradbury. 2007. Earnings thresholds related to dividend cover. Journal of International Accounting Research 6(1): 1-17.

Bennett, B., M. Bradbury and H. Prangnell. 2006. Rules, principles and judgments in accounting standards. Abacus 42(2): 189-204.

Bennett, C. F. 1936. Management reports - Their use and interpretation. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 1): 1028-1043.

Bennett, C. W. 1922. Woolen mill costs. National Association of Cost Accountants Official Publications (September 15): 3-16.

Bennett, C. W. 1932. Cutting the cost of cost accounting. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March 1): 861-874.

Bennett, C. W. 1935. A cost plan for the women's shoe industry. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February 15): 677-704.

Bennett, C. W. 1936. A cost plan for the knitting industry. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October 1): 143-165.

Bennett, C. W. 1938. The Vermont Maple Furniture Company (A cost study). N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 1): 1225-1250.

Bennett, C. W. 1940. The Alachusetts Cotton Mills. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August 1): 1459-1499.

Bennett, C. W. 1942. Internal control principles, practical adaptations, cases; Foreword. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August 1): 1537-1566.

Bennett, C. W. 1943. Some problems of wartime industrial accounting control. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July 1): 1261-1280.

Bennett, C. W. 1948. A case study of small business controls. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (April 15): 991-1026. (Sections include: production control, accounting and cost control, and general control techniques).

Bennett, C. W. 1952. The accountant in industry. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (July): 1283-1291.

Bennett, C. W. 1958. Management services by C.P.A.'S. The Accounting Review (October): 602-614.

Bennett, C. W. and R. W. Bumstead. 1929. Problems in textile costs and management. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March 15).

Bennett, C. W. and W. P. Fiske. 1936. Hattie Hicks Sweets Company. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 15): 1065-1093.

Bennett, E. D., S. A. Reed and T. Simmonds. 1991. Learning from a CIM experience. Management Accounting (July): 28-33.

Bennett, E. E. 1956. Operating statements for bank management. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March): 867-873.

Bennett, G. B. and R. C. Hatfield. 2017. Do approaching deadlines influence auditor's materiality assessments? Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 36(4): 29-48.

Bennett, G. B. and R. C. Hatfield. 2018. Staff auditors' proclivity for computer-mediated communication with clients and its effect on skeptical behavior. Accounting, Organizations and Society (68-69): 42-57.

Bennett, G. B. and R. C. Hatfield. 2013. The effect of the social mismatch between staff auditors and client management on the collection of audit evidence. The Accounting Review (January): 31-50.

Bennett, G. B., R. C. Hatfield and C. Stefaniak. 2015. The effect of deadline pressure on pre-negotiation positions: A comparison of auditors and client management. Contemporary Accounting Research 32(4): 1507-1528.

Bennett, G. E. 1916. andquot;Recruits wantedandquot;. Journal of Accountancy (April): 312-315.

Bennett, G. E. 1926. Accounting Systems: Principles and Problems of Installation. A. W. Shaw Company. Review 1926. Harvard Business Review (October): 125.

Bennett, G. E. 1927. The administration of college courses in accounting. The Accounting Review (June): 182-188.

Bennett, G. E. 1933. Assumptions. The Accounting Review (June): 157-159.

Bennett, G. E., R. G. H. Smails and H. T. Scovill. 1926. Some observations on the application of manufacturing expense of production. The Accounting Review (March): 1-8.

Bennett, J. P. 1985. Standard cost systems lead to efficiency and profitability. Healthcare Financial Management (September): 46-54.

Bennett, J. T. 2017. Corporate Welfare: Crony Capitalism That Enriches the Rich. Routledge.

Bennett, J. W. 1963. Measuring project profitability: Rate of return or present value - A reply. The Accounting Review (July): 548-551.

Bennett, K., L. Owen and T. Warner. 1980. Implementing ZBB at Stanford University. Business Officer (May): 21-27.

Bennett, N. and S. A. Miles. 2006. Second in command. Harvard Business Review (May): 71-78.

Bennett, P. 1996. ABM and the procurement cost model. Management Accounting (March): 28-32.

Bennett, R. C. 1971. Corporate divorce and taxes. Management Accounting (January):31-35.

Bennett, R. E. and J. A. Hendricks. 1987. Justifying the acquisition of automated equipment. Management Accounting (July):39-46. (Discussion of justifying CAD, CAM and FMS systems).

Bennett, R. E., J. A. Hendricks, D. E. Keys and E. J. Rudnicki. 1987. Cost Accounting for Factory Automation. National Association of Accountants.

Bennett, R. J. 1912. Audit of a building and loan association. Journal of Accountancy (July): 1-18.

Bennett, R. J. 1912. Educational training of an accountant. Journal of Accountancy (March): 182-193.

Bennett, R. J. 1913. Pennsylvania C.P.A. examinations of November, 1912. Journal of Accountancy (March): 198-230.

Bennett, R. J. 1915. Annuities and bond discount. Journal of Accountancy (June): 405-424.

Bennett, R. J. 1915. Annuities and bond discount. Journal of Accountancy (July): 1-20.

Bennett, R. J. 1916. Reorganization through receivership. Journal of Accountancy (May): 354-362.

Bennett, R. J. 1924. Building and loan associations. Journal of Accountancy (February): 81-90.

Bennett, R. J. and D. Henderson. 1913. Pennsylvania C.P.A. examinations of November, 1912. Journal of Accountancy (April): 273-301.

Bennett, S. 1982. Computer Control of Industrial Processes (I E E Control Engineering Series). Institution of Electrical Engineers.

Bennett, V. E. 1922. Naval-stores accounting. Journal of Accountancy (January): 22-31.

Bennett, W. F. 1951. Point-rating for reliable service life estimates. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June): 1216-1223.

Bennigson, L. and F. S. Leonard. 2013. Bringing opportunity oversight onto the board's agenda. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 57-61.

Benninger, L. J. 1944. Business and withholding taxes. The Accounting Review (July): 302-306.

Benninger, L. J. 1946. State law in regard to paid-in surplus. The Accounting Review (January):57-61.

Benninger, L. J. 1949. The traditional vs. the cost accounting concept of cost. The Accounting Review (October): 387-391.

Benninger, L. J. 1949. Wage incentive standards as costing standards. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (October): 183-184.

Benninger, L. J. 1950. A proposed reconciliation of standard and current material costs. The Accounting Review (April):156-160.

Benninger, L. J. 1950. Standard costs for income determination, control, and special studies. The Accounting Review (October):378-383.

Benninger, L. J. 1951. Needed: A new concept of accounts. The Accounting Review (October):481-484.

Benninger, L. J. 1954. Development of cost accounting concepts and principles: Role of the Committee on Cost Accounting Concepts and Standards. The Accounting Review (January): 27-37.

Benninger, L. J. 1956. Cost control as applied to the smaller business organization. The Accounting Review (January): 95-98.

Benninger, L. J. 1965. Accounting theory and cost Accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 547-557.

Bennis, W. 2001. Leading in unnerving times. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 97-103.

Bennis, W. 2002. Will the legacy live on? Harvard Business Review (February): 95-99. (The bottom line on Jack Welch).

Bennis, W. G. 1959. Leadership theory and administrative behavior: The problem of authority. Administrative Science Quarterly 4(3): 259-301.

Bennis, W. G. 1963.A new role for the behavioral sciences: Effecting organizational change. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(2): 125-165.

Bennis, W. G. 2004. The seven ages of the leader. Harvard Business Review (January): 46-53.

Bennis, W. G. and J. O'Toole. 2005. How business schools lost their way: Too focused on andquot;scientificandquot; research, business schools are hiring professors with limited real-world experience and graduating students who are ill equipped to wrangle with complex, unquantifiable issues - in other words, the stuff of management. Harvard Business Review (May): 96-104. (Summary).

Bennis, W. G. and R. J. Thomas. 2002. Crucibles of leadership. Harvard Business Review (September): 39-45.

Bennis, W. G. and R. J. Thomas. 2002. Geeks and Geezers: How Era, Values, and Defining Moments Shape Leaders. Harvard Business School Press.

Bennis, W. G., N. Berkowitz, M. Affinito and M. Malone. 1958. Reference groups and loyalties in the out-patient department. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(4): 481-500.

Bennouri, M., M. Nekhili and P. Touron. 2015. Does auditor reputation "discourage" related-party transactions? The French case. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 34(4): 1-32.

Benoit, G. N. 1935. Setting standard costs in a metal working plant. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (December 1): 337-358.

Bens, D., S. Huang, L. Tan and W. Wongsunwai. 2020. Contracting and reporting conservatism around a change in fiduciary duties. Contemporary Accounting Research 37(4): 2472-2500.

Bens, D., S. Liao and B. Su. 2023. The effect of banking deregulation on borrowing firms' risk-taking incentives. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(2): 1350-1387.

Bens, D. A. 2002. The determinants of the amount of information disclosed about corporate restructurings. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 1-20.

Bens, D. A. 2006. Discussion of Accounting discretion in fair value estimates: An examination of SFAS 142 goodwill impairments. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 289-296.

Bens, D. A. and S. J. Monahan. 2004. Disclosure quality and the excess value of diversification. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 691-730.

Bens, D. A. and S. J. Monahan. 2008. Altering investment decisions to manage financial reporting outcomes: Asset-backed commercial paper conduits and FIN 46. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1017-1055.

Bens, D. A., M. Cheng and M. Neamtiu. 2016. The impact of SEC disclosure monitoring on the uncertainty of fair value estimates. The Accounting Review (March): 349-375.

Bens, D. A., P. G. Berger and S. J. Monahan. 2011. Discretionary disclosure in financial reporting: An examination comparing internal firm data to externally reported segment data. The Accounting Review (March): 417-449.

Bens, D. A., T. H. Goodman and M. Neamtiu. 2012. Does investment-related pressure lead to misreporting? An analysis of reporting following M&A transactions. The Accounting Review (May): 839-865.

Bens, D. A., V. Nagar and M. H. F. Wong. 2002. Real investment implications of employee stock option exercises. Studies on Accounting, Entrepreneurship and E-Commerce. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 359-393.

Bens, D. A., V. Nagar, D. J. Skinner and M. H. F. Wong. 2003. Employee stock options, EPS dilution, and stock repurchases. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 51-90.

Bensaou, M. and M. Earl. 1998. The right mind-set for managing information technology. Harvard Business Review (September-October): 119-128. (Compares the western approach with how Japanese companies manage information technology). (Summary).

Bensch, J. 2023. Silenced voices: Restoring justice and confidence at work. Cost Management (September/October): 38-41.

Benschop, Y. and H. E. Meihuizen. 2002. Keeping up gendered appearances: Representations of gender in financial annual reports. Accounting, Organizations and Society 27(7): 611-636.

Benson, B. and A. Aljabr. 2022. Artificial intelligence and data science: Next wave change. Cost Management (September/October): 18-22.

Benson, B. A. 1984. Computer graphics for financial management. Management Accounting (January):46-49.

Benson, B. B. 2016. Hoshin Kanri: The fundamental starting point for lean success. Cost Management (January/February): 15-18.

Benson, B. B. 2017. Lean: Adapting to changing strategies and market conditions. Cost Management (January/February): 6-10.

Benson, B. B. 2018. Change management as an accelerator of the lean transition. Cost Management (January/February): 36-39.

Benson, B. B. 2019. Lean: Turning transactional work into transformational value in nontraditional areas. Cost Management (July/August): 11-17.

Benson, B. B., A. Aljabr and G. Kapanowski. 2023. Valuation excellence: What it can and should mean in capturing cost improvement. Cost Management (July/August): 22-26.

Benson, B. B. and M. Donahue. 2020. Increase the value of your lean cost management through econometrics. Cost Management (November/December): 6-10.

Benson, B. B. and T. Daniel. 2019. Lean through lead time reduction in human resources: Cost-to-value improvement. Cost Management (May/June): 13-18.

Benson, C. M. and W. H. Donaldson. 1949. Labor cost control without clock cards or individual production time records. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May 1): 999-1003.

Benson, F. D. 1985. Effective operational budgeting techniques. Corporate Accounting (Summer): 3-12.

Benson, G. S., D. Finegold and S. A. Mohrman. 2004. You paid for the skills, now keep them: Tuition reimbursement and voluntary turnover. The Academy of Management Journal 47(3): 315-331.

Benson, H. 2005. Are you working too hard? A conversation with mind/body researcher Herbert Benson. Harvard Business Review (November): 53-58.

Benson, J. K. 1975.The interorganizational network as a political economy. Administrative Science Quarterly 20(2): 229-249.

Benson, J. K. 1977. Organizations: A dialectical view. Administrative Science Quarterly 22(1): 1-21.

Benson, K. and R. Faff. 2013. ß. Abacus 49(Supplement): 24-31. (Discussion of CAPM, the capital asset pricing model).

Benson, L. 2009. Lessons learned from the financial crisis. Journal of Accountancy (October): 52-55.

Benson, L. K. Jr. 2007. All in the family: Multifamily office practice... Journal of Accountancy (July): 62-65.

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Bernstein, A., S. G. Carmichael and N. Torres. 2023. Lead with authenticity. Harvard Business Review (Summer Special Issue): 102-109.

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Bernstein, E. S. 2012. The transparency paradox: A role for privacy in organizational learning and operational control. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(2): 181-216.

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Bertini, M. and J. T. Gourville. 2012. Pricing to create shared value: Rethinking the way prices are set can expand the pie for everyone. Harvard Business Review (June): 96-104. (Principles of shared value pricing: Focus on relationships, not on transactions, Be proactive, Put a premium on flexibility, Promote transparency, and Manage the market's standards for fairness. Includes a case study related to pricing at the London Olympics).

Bertini, M. and L. Wathieu. 2010. How to stop customers from fixating on price. Harvard Business Review (May): 84-91.

Bertini, M. and N. Tavassoli. 2017. Case study: When you have to choose between core and new customers: An extreme sports company considers a VIP tier. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 143-147.

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Bertini, M. and O. Koenigsberg. 2021. The pitfalls of pricing algorithms. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 74-83. (Summary).

Bertini, M., J. Pineda, A. Petzke and J. Izaret. 2021. Can we afford sustainable business? Taking a creative approach to pricing can benefit society, the environment - and your company. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 25-33.

Bertini, M., J. T. Gourville, R. Gonzalez and K. L. Keller. 2011. Time for a unified campaign? Harvard Business Review (June): 129-133.

Bertini, M., L Wathieu, B. P. Sigman and M. I. Norton. 2012. Do social deal sites really work? Harvard Business Review (May): 139-143.

Bertini, M., N. Kumar, G. Tacke and A. G. Gulla. 2010. The upstart's assault. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 159-163. (Case study).

Bertolini, M., D. Duncan and A. Waldeck. 2015. Knowing when to reinvent. Harvard Business Review (December): 90-101.

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Bertomeu, J. and E. Cheynel. 2013. Toward a positive theory of disclosure regulation: In search of institutional foundations. The Accounting Review (May): 789-824.

Bertomeu, J. and E. Cheynel. 2015. Asset measurement in imperfect credit markets. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 965-984.

Bertomeu, J. and E. Cheynel. 2016. Disclosure and the cost of capital: A survey of the theoretical literature. Abacus 52(2): 221-258.

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Bertomeu, J. and R. P. Magee. 2015. Mandatory disclosure and asymmetry in financial reporting. Journal of Accounting and Economics (April-May): 284-299.

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Bertomeu, J., E. Cheynel and D. Cianciaruso. 2021. Strategic withholding and imprecision in asset measurement. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1523-1571.

Bertomeu, J., E. Cheynel, E. Floyd and W. Pan. 2021. Using machine learning to detect misstatements. Review of Accounting Studies 26(2): 468-519.

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Bertomeu, J., L. Mahieux and H. Sapra. 2023. Interplay between accounting and prudential regulation. The Accounting Review (January): 29-53. (Related to banking).

Bertomeu, J., M. Darrough and W. Xue. 2017. Optimal conservatism with earnings manipulation. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(1): 252-284.

Bertomeu, J., P. Ma and I. Marinovic. 2020. How often do managers withhold information? The Accounting Review (July): 73-102.

Bertomeu, J., P. Hu and Y. Liu. 2023. Disclosure and investor inattention: Theory and evidence. The Accounting Review (October): 1-36.

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Bettman, J. R. and B. A. Weitz. 1983. Attributions in the board room: Causal reasoning in corporate annual reports. Administrative Science Quarterly 28(2): 165-183.

Betts, M. 2001. Turning browsers into buyers. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 8-9.

Betty, G. and T. Dimnik. 1993. OOPs. Management Accounting (May): 50-53. (Refers to object-oriented programming used for software development).

Beuren, I. M. and J. C. de Souza. 2009. Analysis of the quality of international accounting journals: A Brazilian study. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 71-87.

Beusch, P., J. E. Frisk, M. Rosen and W. Dilla. 2022. Management control for sustainability: Towards integrated systems. Management Accounting Research (March): 100777.

Beuselinck, C., M. Deloof and A. Vanstraelen. 2015. Cross-jurisdictional income shifting and tax enforcement: Evidence from public versus private multinationals. Review of Accounting Studies 20(2): 710-746.

Beuselinck, C., P. P. M. Joos, I. K. Khurana and S. van der Meulen. 2017. Which analysts benefited most from mandatory IFRS adoption in Europe? Journal of International Accounting Research 16(3): 171-190.

Beuselinck, C., S. Cascino, M. Deloof and A. Vanstraelen. 2019. Earnings management within multinational corporations. The Accounting Review (July): 45-76.

Bevelander, D., J. Nolan and M. Page. 2015. Case Study: Humor or harassment? A manager wonders whether to complain about her boss's insensitive comments. Harvard Business Review (June): 114-117.

Beveridge, C. and M. Joshi. 2011. Monte Carlo bounds for game options including convertible bonds. Management Science (May): 960-974.

Bevis, D. J. 1958. Professional education for public accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 445-449.

Bevis, H. W. 1957. Streamlining auditing techniques. The Accounting Review (January): 26-32.

Bevis, H. W. 1961. Riding herd on accounting standards. The Accounting Review (January): 9-16.

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Bevis, H. W. 1964. APB opinions: Compulsory or persuasive? New York Certified Public Accountant (February): 98-104. For a note on this paper see the annotated bibliography in Rappaport, A. 1965. Seminar research on uniformity. The Accounting Review (July): 643-648.

Bewley, K. and T. Schneider. 2013. Triple Bottom Line Accounting and Energy-Efficiency Retrofits in the Social-Housing Sector: A Case Study. Accounting and the Public Interest (13): 105-131.

Bewley, K. and Y. Li. 2000. Disclosure of environmental information by Canadian manufacturing companies: A voluntary disclosure perspective. Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management (1): 201-226.

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Bexell, J. A. 1921.A proposal for Junior C. P. A. examinations. Journal of Accountancy (March): 161-166.

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Beyer, A. 2008. Financial analysts’ forecast revisions and managers’ reporting behavior. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 334-348.

Beyer, A. 2009. Capital market prices, management forecasts, and earnings management. The Accounting Review (November): 1713-1747.

Beyer, A. and I. Guttman. 2011. The effect of trading volume on analysts' forecast bias. The Accounting Review (March): 451-481.

Beyer, A. and I. Guttman. 2012. Voluntary disclosure, manipulation, and real effects. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1141-1177.

Beyer, A. and K. C. Smith. 2021. Learning about risk-factor exposures from earnings: Implications for asset pricing and manipulation. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August): 101404.

Beyer, A. and R. A. Dye. 2012. Reputation management and the disclosure of earnings forecasts. Review of Accounting Studies 17(4): 877-912.

Beyer, A. and R. A. Dye. 2021. Debt and voluntary disclosure. The Accounting Review (July): 111-130.

Beyer, A. and S. S. Sridhar. 2006. Effects of multiple clients on the reliability of audit reports. Journal of Accounting Research (March): 29-51.

Beyer, A., D. A. Cohen, T. Z. Lys and B. R. Walther. 2010. The financial reporting environment: Review of the recent literature. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 296-343.

Beyer, A., I. Guttman and I. Marinovic. 2014. Optimal contracts with performance manipulation. Journal of Accounting Research (September): 817-847.

Beyer, A., I. Guttman and I. Marinovic. 2019. Earnings management and earnings quality: Theory and evidence. The Accounting Review (July): 77-101.

Beyer, B., D. Herrmann, G. K. Meek and E. T. Rapley. 2010. What it means to be an accounting professor: A concise career guide for doctoral students in accounting. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 227-244. (Summary).

Beyer, B. D., D. R. Herrmann and E. T. Rapley. 2019. Disaggregated capital expenditures. Accounting Horizons (December): 77-93.

Beyer, B. D., S. M. Nabor and E. T. Rapley. 2018. Real earnings management by benchmark-beating firms: Implications for future profitability. Accounting Horizons (December): 59-84.

Beyer, Brickey and Dickerson. 1958. Report on examination of accounts. The Accounting Review (April): 297-301.

Beyer, Brickey and Dickerson. 1959. Report on examination of accounts. The Accounting Review (April): 293-297.

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Beyer, J. M. and H. M. Trice. 1982. The utilization process: A conceptual framework and synthesis of empirical findings. Administrative Science Quarterly 27(4): 591-622. (Part of a special section on the utilization of organizational research, part 1).

Beyer, J. M. and H. M. Trice. 1984. A field study of the use and perceived effects of discipline in controlling work performance. The Academy of Management Journal 27(4): 743-764.

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Beynon, R. 1992. Change management as a platform for activity-based management. Journal of Cost Management (Summer): 24-30. (Summary).

Bezemer, D. J. 2010. Understanding financial crisis through accounting models. Accounting, Organizations and Society 35(7): 676-688.

Bezos, J., J. Kirby and T. A. Stewart. 2007. The institutional yes. Harvard Business Review (October): 74-82. (Kirby and Stewart interview Amazon's Jeff Bezos).

Bhada, Y. 1972. Dynamic relationships for accounting analyses. Management Accounting (April):53-57. (Related to the narrow scope of the learning curve).

Bhada, Y. H. 1970. Dynamic cost analysis. Management Accounting (July):11-14.

Bhada, Y. K., J. P. Conley and T. E. Deacon. 1991. A career development model for management accountants. Management Accounting (June): 36-39.

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Bhagat, S. and I. Welch. 1995. Corporate research & development investments international comparisons. Journal of Accounting and Economics (March-May): 443-470.

Bhagwat, V. and X. Liu. 2020. The role of trust in information processing: Evidence from security analysts. The Accounting Review (May): 59-83.

Bhagwati, J. 2004. In Defense of Globalization. Oxford University Press.

Bhalla, V., D. Gandarilla and M. Watkins. 2022. How to make your matrix organization really work: Shifting the reporting structure to a matrix model has its challenges, but leaders can find success by focusing on four key elements. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-6.

Bhambri, A. and J. Sonnenfeld. 1988.Organization structure and corporate social performance: A field study in two contrasting industries. The Academy of Management Journal 31(3): 642-662.

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Bhamornsiri, S. and R. E. Guinn. 1991. The road to partnership in the and "six" firms: Implications of accounting education. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 9-24.

Bhandari, A., B. Mammadov, A. Shelton and M. Thevenot. 2018. It is not only what you know, it is also who you know: CEO network connections and financial reporting quality. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 37(2): 27-50.

Bhandari, A., B. Mammadov, M. Thevenot and H. Vakilzadeh. 2022. Corporate culture and financial reporting quality. Accounting Horizons (March): 1-24.

Bhansali, C. 2017. Cure your clients' pain - and yours too. The CPA Journal (October): 23.

Bhansali, C., A. Watson, S. Ernst, S. Cook, et al. 2006. Executive roundtable: Accounting software. Journal of Accountancy (May): 94-97.

Bharadwaj, A., V. Karan, R. K. Mahapatra, U. S. Murthy and A. S. Vinze. 1994. APX: An integrated knowledge based system to support audit planning. International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance, and Management 3(3): 149-164.

Bharath, S. T., J. Sunder and S. V. Sunder. 2008. Accounting quality and debt contracting. The Accounting Review (January): 1-28.

Bhardwaj, G., J. C. Camillus and D. A. Hounshell. 2006. Continual corporate entrepreneurial search for long-term growth. Management Science (February): 248-261.

Bhardwaj, P. and S. Sajeesh. 2017. Strategic revenue sharing with daily deal sites: A competitive analysis. Decision Sciences 48(6): 1228-1261.

Bharadwaj, S. S. 2015. Can a work-at-home policy hurt morale? Harvard Business Review (April): 105-109.

Bhasin, S. 2008. Lean and performance measurement. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 19(5): 670-684. (Recommends using a balanced scorecard).

Bhaskar, L. S. 2020. How do risk-based inspections impact auditor behavior? Experimental evidence on the PCAOB's process. The Accounting Review (July): 103-126.

Bhaskar, L. S., G. V. Krishnan and W. Yu. 2017. Debt covenant violations, firm financial distress, and auditor actions. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(1): 186-215.

Bhaskar, L. S., J. H. Schroeder and M. L. Shepardson. 2019. Integration of internal control and financial statement audits: Are two audits better than one? The Accounting Review (March): 53-81.

Bhaskar, L. S., P. E. Hopkins and J. H. Schroeder. 2019. An investigation of auditors' judgments when companies release earnings before audit completion. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 355-390.

Bhaskar, L. S., T. M. Majors and A. Vitalis. 2023. How does depletion interact with auditors' skeptical dispositions to affect auditors' challenging of managers in negotiations? Contemporary Accounting Research 40(4): 2288-2313.

Bhaskar-Shrinivas, P., D. A. Harrison, M. A. Shaffer and D. M. Luk. 2005. Input-based and time-based models of international adjustment: Meta-analytic evidence and theoretical extensions. The Academy of Management Journal 48(2): 257-281.

Bhaskaran, S. R. and S. M. Gilbert. 2005. Selling and leasing strategies for durable goods with complementary products. Management Science (August): 1278-1290.

Bhasin, P. 2011. Genpact's CEO on building an industry in India from scratch. Harvard Business Review (June): 45-48.

Bhat, G. and H. A. Desai. 2020. Bank capital and loan monitoring. The Accounting Review (May): 85-114.

Bhat, G. and S. G. Ryan. 2015. The impact of risk modeling on the market perception of banks' estimated fair value gains and losses for financial instruments. Accounting, Organizations and Society (46): 81-95.

Bhat, G., J. A. Lee and S. G. Ryan. 2021. Using loan loss indicators by loan type to sharpen the evaluation of banks' loan loss accruals. Accounting Horizons (September): 69-91.

Bhat, G., R. Frankel and X. Martin. 2011. Panacea, Pandora's box, or placebo: Feedback in bank mortgage-backed security holdings and fair value accounting. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November): 153-173.

Bhatia, V. and B. Carey. 2007. Patenting for profits. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 15-16.

Bhatnagar, J. and N. Gupta. 2016. Case study: Should you rehire someone who left for a competitor? Harvard Business Review (December): 103-108.

Bhatt, B. 2020. Beyond the traditional role. Strategic Finance (May): 64.

Bhattacharjee, S. and J. O. Brown. 2018. The impact of management alumni affiliation and persuasion tactics on auditors' internal control judgments. The Accounting Review (March): 97-115.

Bhattacharjee, S. and K. K. Moreno. 2017. The role of informal controls and a bargaining opponent's emotions on transfer pricing judgments. Contemporary Accounting Research 34(1): 427-454.

Bhattacharjee, S., K. K. Moreno and D. A. Salbador. 2015. The impact of multiple tax returns on tax compliance behavior. Behavioral Research In Accounting 27(1): 99-119.

Bhattacharjee, S., K. K. Moreno and J. S. Pyzoha. 2020. The influence of perspective taking encouraged by the audit committee on auditor and client judgments during accounting disputes. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 39(3): 29-53.

Bhattacharjee, S., K. K. Moreno and N. S. Wright. 2019. The impact of benchmark set composition on auditors' level 3 fair value judgments. The Accounting Review (November): 91-108.

Bhattacharjee, S., K. K. Moreno and T. Riley. 2012. The interplay of interpersonal affect and source reliability on auditors' inventory judgments. Contemporary Accounting Research 29(4): 1087-1108.

Bhattacharjee, S., M. J. Maletta and K. K. Moreno. 2007. The cascading of contrast effects on auditors' judgments in multiple client audit environments. The Accounting Review (October): 1097-1117.

Bhattacharjee, S., M. J. Maletta and K. K. Moreno. 2016. The role of account subjectivity and risk of material misstatement on auditors' internal audit reliance judgments. Accounting Horizons (June): 225-238.

Bhattacharjee, S., M. J. Maletta and K. K. Moreno. 2017. Audit reviewers' judgments in multiple client audit environments. Behavioral Research In Accounting 29(2): 1-9.

Bhattacharjee, S., T. Kida and D. M. Hanno. 1999. The impact of hypothesis set size on the time efficiency and accuracy of analytical review judgments. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 83-100.

Bhattacharya, A. K. and D. C. Michael. 2008. How local companies keep multinationals at bay. Harvard Business Review (March): 84-95.

Bhattacharya, C. B. and P. Polman. 2017. Sustainability lessons from the front lines. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 71-78.

Bhattacharya, C. B., S. Sen and D. Korschun. 2008. Using corporate social responsibility to win the war for talent. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 37-44.

Bhattacharya, K. 1984. Are we providing the right information? Management Accounting UK (December): 30-31.

Bhattacharya, N. 2001. Investors' trade size and trading responses around earnings announcements: An empirical investigation. The Accounting Review (April): 221-244.

Bhattacharya, N., B. Chakrabarty and X. Wang. 2020. High-frequency traders and price informativeness during earnings announcements. Review of Accounting Studies 25(3): 1156-1199.

Bhattacharya, N., E. L. Black, T. E. Christensen and C. R. Larson. 2003. Assessing the relative informativeness and permanence of pro forma earnings and GAAP operating earnings. Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 285-319.

Bhattacharya, N., E. L. Black, T. E. Christensen and R. D. Mergenthaler. 2004. Empirical evidence on recent trends in pro forma reporting. Accounting Horizons (March): 27-43.

Bhattacharya, N., E. L. Black, T. E. Christensen and R. D. Mergenthaler. 2007. Who trades on pro forma earnings information? The Accounting Review (May): 581-619.

Bhattacharya, N., F. Ecker, P. M. Olsson and K. Schipper. 2012. Direct and mediated associations among earnings quality, information asymmetry, and the cost of equity. The Accounting Review (March): 449-482.

Bhattacharya, N., H. Desai and K. Venkataraman. 2013. Does earnings quality affect information asymmetry? Evidence from trading costs. Contemporary Accounting Research 30(2): 482-516.

Bhattacharya, N., N. S. Chang and R. Chiorean. 2023. Regulatory interventions in response to noncompliance with mandatory derivatives disclosure rules. Review of Accounting Studies 28(4): 2196-2232.

Bhattacharya, N., T. E. Christensen,  Q. Liao and B. Ouyang. 2022. Can short sellers constrain aggressive non-GAAP reporting? Review of Accounting Studies 27(2): 391-440.

Bhattacharya, N., Y. J. Cho and J. B. Kim. 2018. Leveling the playing field between large and small institutions: Evidence from the SEC's XBRL mandate. The Accounting Review (September): 51-71.

Bhattacharya, R. 2021. Diversity: The importance of managing culture. Strategic Finance (June): 21-22.

Bhattacharya, R. 2022. Books: Going beyond mentoring. Strategic Finance (June): 8. (Review of Sylvia A. Hewlett's The Sponsor Effect: How to be a Better Leader).

Bhattacharya, S. 1999. IT failure: Mitigating the damage. Journal of Cost Management (December): 27-32.

Bhattacharya, S. and W. Wasson. 1997. The implementation of a new financial applications system for the El Camino school district: A teaching case to expose students to the vagaries of software selection during new systems development projects. Issues in Accounting Education (Spring): 113-128.

Bhattacharya, S., R. S. Behara, D. E. Gundersen. 2003. Business risk perspectives on information systems outsourcing. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 4(1): 75-93.

Bhattacharya, U., C. W. Holden and S. Jacobsen. 2012. Penny wise, dollar foolish: Buy-sell imbalances on and around round numbers. Management Science (February): 413-431.

Bhattacharya, U., H. Daouk and M. Welker. 2003. The world price of earnings opacity. The Accounting Review (July): 641-678.

Bhattacherjee, A., M. Limayem and C. Cheung. 2012. User switching of information technology: A theoretical synthesis and empirical test. Information and Management 49(7-8): 327-333.

Bhattacharjee, S., K. K. Moreno and N. S. Wright. 2023. The impact of client response time and message processing fluency on staff auditor judgment. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 42(3): 25-43.

Bhatti, K. and T. Roulet. 2023. Helping an employee in distress. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 38-46.

Bhende, V. P. 1964. Development planning in underdeveloped countries. Management Science (July): 796-809.

Bhide, A. 2010. The judgment deficit: Statistical models have deprived the financial sector of the case-by-case judgment that makes capitalism thrive. That must change. Harvard Business Review (September): 44-53. (Decentralized individual judgment and initiative are essential to the success of the modern capitalist economy.).

Bhide, A. V. 2000. The Origin and Evolution of New Businesses. Oxford University Press.

Bhimani, A. 1993. Indeterminacy and the specificity of accounting change: Renault 1898-1938. Accounting, Organizations and Society 18(1): 1-39.

Bhimani, A. 1994. Accounting and the emergence of andquot;economic man.andquot; Accounting, Organizations and Society 19(8): 637-674.

Bhimani, A. 1999. Mapping methodological frontiers in cross-national management control research. Accounting, Organizations and Society 24(5-6): 413-440.

Bhimani, A. 2003. A study of the emergence of management accounting system ethos and its influence on perceived system success. Accounting, Organizations and Society 28(6): 523-548.

Bhimani, A. 2004. Cost management system design: Balance and organizational knowledge. Cost Management (March/April):26-34.

Bhimani, A. 2006. Contemporary Issues in Management Accounting. Oxford University Press.

Bhimani, A. 2009. Risk management, corporate governance and management accounting: Emerging interdependencies. Management Accounting Research (March): 2-5.

Bhimani, A. and C. Neike. 1999. How Siemens designed its target costing system to redesign its products. Journal of Cost Management (July/August): 28-34.

Bhimani, A. and D. Pigott. 1992. Implementing ABC: A case study of organizational and behavioural consequences. Management Accounting Research (June): 119-132.

Bhimani, A. and H. Keshtvarz. 1999. British management accountants- Strategically oriented. Journal of Cost Management (March/April): 25-31.

Bhimani, A. and H. Roberts. 2004. Management accounting and knowledge management: In search of intelligibility. Management Accounting Research (March): 1-4.

Bhimani, A. and K. Langfield-Smith. 2007. Structure, formality and the importance of financial and non-financial information in strategy development and implementation. Management Accounting Research (March): 3-31.

Bhimani, A. and M. Gosselin. 2009. Cost management diversity in a global world: What can we learn? Cost Management (September/October): 29-33.

Bhimani, A. and P. S. Mulder. 2001. Managing processes, quality, and costs: A case study. Journal of Cost Management (March/April):28-32.

Bhimani, A., B. C. De Souza and W. Rocha. 2011. Inter-organizational cost management in a Brazilian context. Cost Management (November/December): 5-16.

Bhimani, A., H. Silvola and P. Sivabalan. 2016. Voluntary corporate social responsibility reporting: A study of early and late reporter motivations and outcomes. Journal of Management Accounting Research 28(2): 77-101.

Bhimani, A., M. A. Gulamhussen, and S. Da Richa Lopes. 2014. Owner liability and financial reporting information as predictors of firm default in bank loans. Review of Accounting Studies 19(2): 769-804.

Bhimani, A., M. Gosselin, K. Soonawalla and M. Ncube. 2007. The value of accounting information in assessing investment risk. Cost Management (January/February): 29-35.

Bhimani, A., M. Gosselin, M. Ncube and H. Okano. 2007. Activity-based costing: How far have we come internationally? Cost Management (May/June): 12-17.

Bhimani, A., M. Ncube and K. Soonawalla. 2006. Intuition and real options-based investment appraisal: A cross-national study of financial executives. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 11-34.

Bhimani, A., N. T. Dai, P. Sivabalan and G. Tang. 2018. How do enterprises respond to a managerial accounting performance measure mandated by the state? Journal of Management Accounting Research 30(3): 145-168.

Bhojraj, S. 2020. Stock compensation expense, cash flows, and inflated valuations. Review of Accounting Studies 25(3): 1078-1097.

Bhojraj, S. and B. Swaminathan. 2009. How does the corporate bond market value capital investments and accruals? Review of Accounting Studies 14(1): 31-62.

Bhojraj, S. and C. M. C. Lee. 2002. Who Is My Peer? A Valuation-based approach to the selection of comparable firms. Studies on Accounting, Entrepreneurship and E-Commerce. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 407-439.

Bhojraj, S. and R. Libby. 2005. Capital market pressure, disclosure frequency-induced earnings/cash flow conflict, and managerial myopia. The Accounting Review (January): 1-20. (Retracted).

Bhojraj, S., and R. Libby. 2015. Retraction: Capital market pressure, disclosure frequency-induced earnings/cash flow conflict, and managerial myopia. The Accounting Review (July): 1715.

Bhojraj, S., C. M. C. Lee and D. K. Oler. 2003. What's my line? A comparison of industry classification schemes for capital market research. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 745-774.

Bhojraj, S., P. Mohanram and S. Zhang. 2020. ETFs and information transfer across firms. Journal of Accounting and Economics (November-December): 101336.

Bhojraj, S., P. Sengupta and S. Zhang. 2017. Takeover defenses: Entrenchment and efficiency. Journal of Accounting and Economics (February): 142-160.

Bhojraj, S., R. J. Bloomfield, Y. Jang and N. Yehuda. 2021. Cost structure, operating leverage, and CDS spreads. The Accounting Review (September): 79-105. (Pricing credit default swaps).

Bhojraj, S., W. G. Blacconiere and J. D. D'Souza. 2004. Voluntary disclosure in a multi-audience setting: An empirical investigation. The Accounting Review (October): 921-947.

Bhojraj, S., Y. J. Cho and N. Yehuda. 2012. Mutual fund family size and mutual fund performance: The role of regulatory changes. Journal of Accounting Research (June): 647-684.

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Bianchi, E. C. 2013. The bright side of bad times: The affective advantages of entering the workforce in a recession. Administrative Science Quarterly 58(4): 587-623.

Bianchi, P. A. 2018. Auditors joint engagements and audit quality: Evidence from Italian private companies. Contemporary Accounting Research 35(3): 1533-1577.

Bianchi, P. A., A. Marra, D. Masciandaro and N. Pecchiari. 2022. Organized crime and firms' financial statements: Evidence from crimnal investigations in Italy. The Accounting Review (May): 77-106.

Bianchi, P. A., M. Causholli and S. Miguel Minutti-Meza. 2023. Social networks analysis in accounting and finance. Contemporary Accounting Research 40(1): 577-623.

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Bick, P., S. Orlova and L. Sun. 2018. Fair value accounting and corporate cash holdings. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (40): 98-110.

Bickman, L. J., and D. J. Rog, eds. 1998. Handbook of Applied Social Research Methods. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Bicksler, J. L. 1972. Discussion of changes in accounting techniques and stock prices. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 39-41.

Bidault, F. and A. Castello. 2010. Why too much trust is death to innovation. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 33-38.

Biddle, G. and R. Steinberg. 1984. Allocations of joint and common costs. Journal of Accounting Literature (3): 1-45.

Biddle, G. C. 1980. Accounting methods and management decisions: The case of inventory costing and inventory policy. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Economic Consequences of Financial and Managerial Accounting: Effects on Corporate Incentives and Decisions): 235-280. (This paper is about cost flow assumptions).

Biddle, G. C. 1980. [Discussion of accounting methods and management decisions: The case of inventory costing and inventory policy]: A reply. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Economic Consequences of Financial and Managerial Accounting: Effects on Corporate Incentives and Decisions): 292-295. (This paper is about cost flow assumptions).

Biddle, G. C. 1987. Discussion comments. In Accounting and Culture: Plenary Session Papers and Discussants' Comments from the 1986 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association, edited by B. E. Cushing. American Accounting Association: 69-72. (Biddle's discussion follows papers by Hopwood and March and discussion by Ashton). (Summary).

Biddle, G. C. 1988. Discussion of "Inventory accounting and earnings/price ratios: A puzzle". Contemporary Accounting Research 5(1): 389-396.

Biddle, G. C. 2016. Book review: Designing for growth: A design thinking tool kit for managers/designing for growth: Field book. The Accounting Review (March): 710-713.

Biddle, G. C. and F. W. Lindahl. 1982. Stock price reactions to LIFO adoptions: The association between excess returns and LIFO tax savings. Journal of Accounting Research (Part II, Autumn): 551-588.

Biddle, G. C. and G. Hilary. 2006. Accounting quality and firm-level capital investment. The Accounting Review (October): 963-982.

Biddle, G. C. and R. K. Martin. 1985. Inflation, taxes, and optimal inventory policies. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 57-83.

Biddle, G. C. and R. K. Martin. 1986. Stochastic inventory model incorporating intra-year purchases and accounting tax incentives. Management Science (June): 714-730.

Biddle, G. C. and S. M. Saudagaran. 1991. Foreign stock listings: Benefits, costs, and the accounting policy dilemma. Accounting Horizons (September): 69-80.

Biddle, G. C. and W. E. Ricks. 1988. Analyst forecast errors and stock price behavior near the earnings announcement dates of LIFO adopters. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 169-194.

Biddle, G. C., G. Hilary and R. S. Verdi. 2009.How does financial reporting quality relate to investment efficiency? Journal of Accounting and Economics (December): 112-131.

Biddle, G. C., P. Chen and G. Zhang. 2001. When capital follows profitability: Non-linear residual income dynamics. Review of Accounting Studies 6(2-3): 229-265.

Biddle, G. C., R. M. Bowen and J. S. Wallace. 1997. Does EVA® beat earnings? Evidence on associations with stock returns and firm values. Journal of Accounting and Economics (31 December): 301-336.

Bidgood, V. H. and D. E. Baldwin. 1992. Opportunities for female accountants. Management Accounting (March): 48-51.

Bidner, L. N. and C. Crawford. 2002. Unabashed artful dodgers of the new economy. Strategic Finance (September): 52-57. (Related to earnings management and ethics).

Bidwell, C. E. and R. S. Vreeland. 1963.College education and moral orientations: An organizational approach. Administrative Science Quarterly 8(2): 166-191.

Bidwell, M. 2011. Paying more to get less: The effects of external hiring versus internal mobility. Administrative Science Quarterly 56(3): 369-407.

Bidwell, M. 2015. Book review: P. Fleming: Resisting Work: The Corporationzation of Life and Its Discontents. Administrative Science Quarterly 60(2): NP29-NP30.

Bidwell, M. and F. De Stefano. 2019. Career management isn't just the employee's job. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 17-18.

Bidwell, M. J. and F. Briscoe. 2009. Who contracts? Determinants of the decision to work as an independent contractor among information technology workers. The Academy of Management Journal 52(6): 1148-1168.

Bildstein, L. 2010. Retain clients and help them recover. Journal of Accountancy (February): 20-25.

Bidwell, C. E. 1957. Some effects of administrative behavior: A study in role theory. Administrative Science Quarterly 2(2): 163-181.

Biedleman, C. R. 1973. Valuation of Used Capital Assets. Studies in Accounting Research (7). American Accounting Association.

Bielenberg, L. F. and A. T. O'Rourke. 1964. Expediting credit and collections by computer processing. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 15-18.

Bielstein, M. M. and E. W. Trott. 1992. The new approach to accounting for income taxes. Management Accounting (August): 43-47.

Bienenstock M. J. 2016. Did the critique of disruptive innovation apply the right test? MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 27-29.

Bienz, J. F. 1961. Extending your accounting education. N.A.A. Bulletin (October): 80.

Bienz, J. F. 1969. The Kelson happening. Management Accounting (July):24-26. (Case study related to a small company and computers).

Bierce, T. 1933. Revenue accounting by machine in a large cooperative apartment. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (November 1): 283-304.

Biere, M. 2010. The New Era of Enterprise Business Intelligence: Using Analytics to Achieve a Global Competitive Advantage. IBM Press.

Bierman, H. 1988. Extending the usefulness of accrual accounting. Accounting Horizons (September): 10-14.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1956. The effect of inflation on the computation of income of public utilities. The Accounting Review (April): 258-262.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1957. Capitalization of a public utility and the measurement of income. The Accounting Review (January): 21-25.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1959. A way of using direct costing in financial reporting. N.A.A. Bulletin (November): 13-20.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1959. Pricing intracompany transfers. The Accounting Review (July): 429-432.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1960. Measuring financial liquidity. The Accounting Review (October): 628-632.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1961. Depreciable assets - Timing of expense recognition. The Accounting Review (October): 613-618.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1962. Capital budgeting - The present-value method and a further step. N.A.A. Bulletin (May): 13-18.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1962. Probability, statistical decision theory, and accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 400-405.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1963. A problem in expense recognition. The Accounting Review (January): 61-63.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1963. Measurement and accounting. The Accounting Review (July): 501-507.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1964. Recording obsolescence. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 229-235.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1965. Myths about accountants. The Accounting Review (July): 541-546.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1966. A further study of depreciation. The Accounting Review (April): 271-274.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1966. The bond refunding decision as a Markov process. Management Science (August): B545-B551.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1967. Inventory valuation: The use of market prices. The Accounting Review (October): 731-737.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1968. The growth period decision. Management Science (February): B302-B309.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1968. The term structure of interest rates and accounting for debt. The Accounting Review (October): 657-661.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1969. Accelerated depreciation and rate regulation. The Accounting Review (January): 65-78.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1969. Discussion of the significance of selected accounting procedures: A statistical test. Journal of Accounting Research (Empirical Research in Accounting: Selected Studies): 114-118.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1970. Investment decisions and taxes. The Accounting Review (October): 690-697.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1971. Discounted cash flows, price level adjustments and expectations. The Accounting Review (October): 693-699.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1972. Discounted cash flows, price level adjustments and expectations: A reply. The Accounting Review (July): 589-590.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1972. Discounted cash flows, price-level adjustments and expectations: A reply. The Accounting Review (October): 799-800.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1973. Accounting for capitalized leases: Tax considerations. The Accounting Review (April): 421-424.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1974. Regulation, implied revenue requirements, and methods of depreciation. The Accounting Review (July): 448-454.

Bierman, H. Jr.1974. The implications to accounting of efficient markets and the capital asset pricing model. The Accounting Review (July): 557-562.

Bierman, H., Jr. 1990. A Review of Alfred Rappaport's Creating Shareholder Value. Journal of Management Accounting Research (2): 140-154.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1990. One more reason to revise statement 96. Accounting Horizons (June): 42-46.

Bierman, H. Jr. 1992. Proportionate consolidation and financial analysis. Accounting Horizons (December): 5-17.

Bierman, H. Jr. 2009. The missing concept: What happened to the importance of matching? The CPA Journal (April): 22-27.

Bierman, H. Jr. and C. P. Alderfer. 1970. Estimating the cost of capital, a different approach. Decision Sciences 1(1-2): 40-53.

Bierman, H. Jr. and E. Liu. 1968. The computation of earnings per share. The Accounting Review (January): 62-67.

Bierman, H. Jr. and S. Davidson. 1969. The income concept - Value increment or earnings predictor. The Accounting Review (April): 239-246.

Bierman, H. Jr. and S. Smidt. 1967. Accounting for debt and costs of liquidity under conditions of uncertainty. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 144-153.

Bierman, H. Jr. and S. Smidt. 2006. The Capital Budgeting Decision: Economic Analysis of Investment Projects, 9th Edition. Routledge.

Bierman, H. Jr., L. E. Fouraker and R. K. Jaedicke. 1961. A use of probability and statistics in performance evaluation. The Accounting Review (July): 409-417.

Bierman, H. J. 1957. Some problems in computation and use of return on investment. N.A.A. Bulletin (December): 75-82.

Bierman, H. and S. Smidt. 1960. The Capital Budgeting Decision. New York: Macmillan.

Bierman, J. D, and H. Bierman Jr. 1993. Accounting for replacement investments. Journal of Management Accounting Research (5): 56-60.

Bierstaker, J., D. Janvrin and D. J. Lowe. 2014. What factors influence auditors' use of computer-assisted audit techniques? Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 30(1): 67-74.

Bierstaker, J., K. K. Marshall and J. Greenwald. 2010. Strengthen your CORE: Are you getting the most from your compliance, operations, risk, and enterprise support functions? Strategic Finance (December): 35-40.

Bierstaker, J., L. Chen, M. H. Christ, M. Ege and N. Mintchik. 2013. Obtaining assurance for financial statement audits and control audits when aspects of the financial reporting process are outsourced. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 32(Supplement 1): 209-250.

Bierstaker, J. L. 2007. Using student-centered writing assignment to introduce students to accounting research and facilitate interaction with accounting practitioners. Global Perspectives on Accounting Education (4): 61-68.

Bierstaker, J. L. and S. Wright. 2001. A research note concerning practical problem-solving ability as a predictor of performance in auditing tasks. Behavioral Research In Accounting (13):49-62.

Bierstaker, J. L., D. Hanes-Downey, J. M. Rose and J. C. Thibodeau. 2018. Effects of stories and checklist decision aids on knowledge structure development and auditor judgment. Journal of Information Systems (Summer): 1-24.

Bierstaker, J. L., J. E. Hunton and J. C. Thibodeau. 2009. Do client-prepared internal control documentation and business process flowcharts help or hinder an auditor's ability to identify missing controls? Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 28(1): 79-94.

Bierstaker, J. L., L. S. Kopp and D. R. Lombard. 2016. Are financial professionals ready for IFRS?: An exploratory study. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (35): 1-7.

Bierstaker, J. L., J. R. Cohen, F. T. DeZoort and D. R. Hermanson. 2012. Audit committee compensation, fairness, and the resolution of accounting disagreements. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 31(2): 131-150.

Bierstaker, J. L., M. Howe and I. Seol. 2004. Accounting majors' perceptions regarding the 150-hour rule. Issues in Accounting Education (May): 211-227.

Bierstaker, J. L., T. F. Monahan and M. F. Peters. 2013. Going concern designation and GAAP versus non-GAAP earnings metrics. Issues in Accounting Education (February): 1-5.

Bies, R. J. and D. L. Shapiro. 1988.Voice and justification: Their influence on procedural fairness judgments. The Academy of Management Journal 31(3): 676-685.



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