Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Snavely, H. J. 1967. Accounting information criteria. The Accounting Review (April): 223-232.
Snavely, H. J. 1969. Current cost for long-lived assets: A critical view. The Accounting Review (April): 344-353.
Snavely, H. J. 1987. Needed: An accounting constitution. Management Accounting (May): 43-47.
Snavely, H. J. and L. M. Walther. 1983. Earnings and the FASB - For better or worse? Management Accounting (February): 28-32.
Snead, K. and A. Harrell. 1991. The impact of psychological factors on the job satisfaction of senior auditors. Behavioral Research In Accounting (3): 85-96.
Snead, K., D. Stott and A. Garcia. 2010. The causes of misapplied capacity related manufacturing costs and corresponding reporting implications: A conceptual perspective. Journal of Accounting Education 28(2): 85-102.
Snead, K., D. Stott and A. Garcia. 2013. You should have seen that volume variance coming! Management Accounting Quarterly (Fall): 11-20.
Snead, K. C. 1991. An application of expectancy theory to examine managers' motivation to utilize a decision support system. Abstract. Journal of Management Accounting Research (3): 213-222. (Summary).
Snead, K. C., W. A. Johnson and A. A. Ndede-Amadi. 2005. Expectancy theory as the basis for activity-based costing systems implementation by managers. Advances in Management Accounting (14): 253-275.
Sneider, C. H. 1958. Setting operating goals and measuring achievements. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 25-31.
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Snowball, D. 1979. Human resource accounting information: A comment concerning demand characteristics. The Accounting Review (January): 199-204.
Snowball, D. 1980. Some effects of accounting expertise and information loa: An empirical study. Accounting, Organizations and Society 5(3): 323-338.
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Snowball, D. and W. A. Collins. 1980. Televised accounting instruction, attitudes and performance: A field experiment. The Accounting Review (January): 123-133.
Snowden D. J. and M. E. Boone. 2007. A leader's framework for decision making. Harvard Business Review (November): 68-76.
Snudden, L. W. 1965. A different approach to fund-flow problems. The Accounting Review (October): 880-882.
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Snyder, A. 2008. Wealth harvesting: More than just retirement or succession planning. Journal of Accountancy (July): 28-33.
Snyder, A. V. 1995. Value-Based Management: Highlighting the Resource Allocation Challenge. Boston, MA: Braxton Associates.
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Snyder, H. W. and N. Emerson. 2017. Midland Dairy Products: An ethics case. IMA Educational Case Journal 10(2): 1-5.
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Sokol, M. 2002. Are your financial statements a hidden threat? Strategic Finance (October): 36-39. (Conducting 360º assessment surveys of key people preparing financial statements).
Sokolinskiy, O., B. Sopranzetti, D. S. Rogers and R. Leuschner. 2019. Inventory management and endogenous demand: Investigating the role of customer referrals, defections, and product market failure. Decision Sciences 50(1): 118-141.
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Sopanah, A., M. Sudarma, U. Ludigdo and A. Djamhuri. 2013. Beyond ceremony: The impact of local wisdom on public participation in local government budgeting. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Winter): 65-78.
Sopariwala, P. R. 1998. Using practical capacity for determining fixed overhead rates. Journal of Cost Management (September/October): 34-39.
Sopariwala, P. R. 1999. Measurement of theoretical capacity as a first step to determining practical capacity. Journal of Cost Management (July/August): 35-40.
Sopariwala, P. R. 2000. Capacity measurement in the automobile industry: The case of General Motors. Journal of Cost Management (March/April): 28-38.
Sopariwala, P. R. 2003. Strategic analysis of operating income: An extension to Horngren, Foster and Datar. Journal of Accounting Education 21(1): 25-42.
Sopariwala, P. R. 2004. Cost terminology in the 21st century: Using direct labor costs in a costs vs. resources framework. Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 5-12.
Sopariwala, P. R. 2006. Capacity utilization: Using the CAM-I capacity model in a multi-hierarchical manufacturing environment. Management Accounting Quarterly (Winter): 17-34.
Sopariwala, P. R. 2007. Using theoretical capacity to eliminate manipulation of absorption costing income. Cost Management (September/October): 40-47.
Sopariwala, P. R. 2009. The absorption vs. direct costing debate: A compromise solution. Cost Management (November/December): 41-46.
Sopariwala, P. R. 2014. How step-variable costs impact short-term product-mix decisions when input resources are scarce. Cost Management (November/December): 16-23.
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Sopariwala, P. R. 2023. Using variance analysis to evaluate a family clinic's revenues and costs. Cost Management (November/December): 33-48.
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Soper, J. 2004. Mathematics for Economics and Business: An Interactive Introduction. Blackwell Publishing.
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Sorensen, D. 2013. EPM in manufacturing: Finally coming of age. Strategic Finance (September): 38-45.
Sorensen, D. 2003. The value market. Strategic Finance (July): 43-49. (Related to integrated management system software, ABC, balanced scorecard, and budgeting).
Sorensen, E. E. 1967. Regional rain models with space-and time-correlated structure. Management Science (November): 239-249.
Sørensen, J. B. 2002. The strength of corporate culture and the reliability of firm performance. Administrative Science Quarterly 47(1): 70-91.
Sørensen, J. B. 2007. Bureaucracy and entrepreneurship: Workplace effects on entrepreneurial entry. Administrative Science Quarterly 52(3): 387-412.
Sorensen, J. B. and G. R. Carroll. 2021. Why good arguments make better strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 47-53.
Sørensen, J. B. and T. E. Stuart. 2000. Aging, obsolescence, and organizational innovation. Administrative Science Quarterly 45(1): 81-112.
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Sorensen, J. E. 1969. Bayesian analysis in auditing. The Accounting Review (July): 555-561.
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Sorensen, J. E. and H. D. Grove. 1977. Cost-outcome and cost-effectiveness analysis: Emerging nonprofit performance evaluation techniques. The Accounting Review (July): 658-675.
Sorensen, J. E. and T. L. Sorensen. 1974. The conflict of professionals in bureaucratic organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 19(1): 98-106.
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Sorenson, O. 2006. Editorial objectives: Organizations and social networks. Management Science (October): iv.
Sorenson, O. 2012. Book review: Restoring the Innovative Edge: Driving the Evolution of Science and Technology by J. Hage. Administrative Science Quarterly 57(2): 353-355.
Sorenson, O. 2019. Book review: Phanish Puranam: The Microstructure of Organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly 64(2): NP22-NP23.
Sorenson, O. and D. M. Waguespack. 2006. Social structure and exchange: Self-confirming dynamics in Hollywood. Administrative Science Quarterly 51(4): 560-589.
Sorenson, O. and T. E. Stuart. 2008. Bringing the context back in: Settings and the search for syndicate partners in venture capital investment networks. Administrative Science Quarterly 53(2): 266-294.
Sorensen, S. M. and D. L. Kyle. 2007. Valuable volunteers. Strategic Finance (February): 39-45.
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Sorensen, S. M. and D. L. Kyle. 2011. The effects of currency translation. Strategic Finance (September): 34-43.
Sorensen, S. M., D. L. Kyle and M. G. Lamoreaux. 2007. Found in translation: A guide to using foreign financial statements. Journal of Accountancy (February): 38-43.
Sorensen, S. M., Z. Xu and D. L. Kyle. 2012. Currency translation's effects on reported earnings and equity: An instructional case. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 837-854.
Soroosh, J. 1988. Why accountants oppose IRS access to work papers. Management Accounting (June): 44-49.
Soroosh, J. 2022. An overview of the SEC's proposed climate-related disclosures: The potential enhancement and standardization of reporting for investors. The CPA Journal (July/August): 28-33.
Soroosh, J. 2023. What CPAs need to know about the SEC climate-related risk proposal. The CPA Journal (July/August): 30-37.
Sorrell, M. 2016. WPP's CEO on turning a portfolio of companies into a growth machine. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 33-36.
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Sorter, G. H. and G. Benston. 1960. Appraising the defensive position of a firm: The interval measure. The Accounting Review (October): 633-640.
Sorter, G. H. and M. S. Gans. 1974. Opportunities and implications of the report on objectives of financial statements. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Financial Accounting Objectives): 1-12.
Sosa, M. E., S. D. Eppinger and C. M. Rowles. 2007. Are your engineers talking to one another when they should? Harvard Business Review (November): 133-136, 138, 140-142.
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Soto, H. D. 2000. The Mystery of Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else. Basic Books.
Sotto, R. 1983. Scientific Utopia and accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 8(1): 57-71.
Sougiannis, T. 1994. The accounting based valuation of corporate R&D. The Accounting Review (January): 44-68. (Part of a forum on financial reporting).
Soule, S. A. and L. Z. Li. 2023. The PR power of fessing up. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 13-14.
Sourwine, D. A. 1989. Cost accounting: Does your system need repair? Management Accounting (February): 32-36. (Discussion of how private companies can use the CASB standards).
Sourwine, D. A. 1991. Cost accounting standards: Putting the pieces together. Management Accounting (July): 44-49.
Sourwine, D. A. 1992. Uncompensated overtime: Total time vs. forty-hour week. Journal of Cost Management (Fall): 59-64.
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Southerland, E. W. 1974. Financial personnel recruitment. Management Accounting (December): 17-18, 28.
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Soyer, E. and R. M. Hogarth. 2023. Fooled by experience: What you think you've learned may be wrong. A guide to figuring out the real lessons. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 58-63.
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Spacek, L. 1961. Are accounting principles generally accepted? Journal of Accountancy (April): 41-46. For a note on this paper see the annotated bibliography in Rappaport, A. 1965. Seminar research on uniformity. The Accounting Review (July): 643-648.
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Spanicciati, M. 2019. Building trust in management accounting. Strategic Finance (June): 62-67.
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Spanyi, A. 2011. How to be a transformational CFO. Strategic Finance (December): 28-33.
Spanyi, A. and K. Eibel-Spanyi. 2004. Nurturing innovation. Strategic Finance (August): 25-29. (Focus on long term ROI, not short-term quarterly results).
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Speckbacher, G. and M. Wabnegg. 2020. Incentivizing innovation: The role of knowledge exchange and distal search behavior. Accounting, Organizations and Society (86): 101142.
Speckbacher, G. and P. Wentges. 2012. The impact of family control on the use of performance measures in strategic target setting and incentive compensation: A research note. Management Accounting Research (March): 34-46.
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Spekle, R. F., H. J. van Elten and S. K. Widener. 2017. Creativity and control: A paradox - Evidence from the levers of control framework. Behavioral Research In Accounting 29(2): 73-96. (Development of a structural equation model, based on a survey of 233 business unit managers, indicating that the intensity of use of the levers of control framework system of controls is positively associated with empowerment and creativity).
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Spiller, E. A. Jr. 1981. Capital expenditure analysis: An incident process case. The Accounting Review (January): 158-165.
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Spires, E. E. 1991. Auditors' evaluation of test-of-control strength. The Accounting Review (April): 259-276. (Part of a forum on cognitive research in auditing).
Spires, E. E. 2012. Trade-offs in audit testing. Journal of Accounting Education 30(2): 220-232.
Spires, E. E. and C. J. Ward. 2015. A classroom example of the deleterious effects of auditor predictability. Journal of Accounting Education 33(1): 36-49.
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Spoede, C. W. and D. B. Jacob. 2002. Policing, firefighting, or managing? Strategic Finance (December): 31-35. (Project management with Goldratt's critical chain technique. Four steps: Identify the critical chain, protect the critical chain, subordinate other tasks, paths, and resources to the critical chain, and to forestall contention, add resources).
Sponem, S. and C. Lambert. 2016. Exploring differences in budget characteristics, roles and satisfaction: A configurational approach. Management Accounting Research (March): 47-61.
Spraakman, G. 2001. Internal audit at the historical Hudson's Bay company: A challenge to accepted history. The Accounting Historians Journal 28(1): 19-41.
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Spraakman, G. F. and G. P. Spraakman. 2011. The first external auditors of the Hudson's Bay Company, 1866. The Accounting Historians Journal 38(1): 57-80.
Spraakman, G. P. 1999. Management accounting at the historical Hudson's Bay Company: A comparison to 20th century practices. The Accounting Historians Journal 26(2): 35-64.
Spraakman, G. P. 2002. A critique of Milgrom and Roberts' treatment of incentives vs. bureaucratic controls in the British North American fur trade. Journal of Management Accounting Research (14): 135-151.
Spraakman, G. P. and M. Quinn. 2018. Accounting history research topics - An analysis of leading journals, 2006-2015. The Accounting Historians Journal 45(1): 101-114.
Spraakman, G. P., A. Kemper and K. Ogata. 2019. How audited financial statements facilitated shareholder activism for the colonization of Western Canada. The Accounting Historians Journal 46(2): 61-76.
Spradlin, D. 2012. Are you solving the right problem? Harvard Business Review (September): 84-93. (Related to Innovation problems).
Sprague, C. E. 1906. Premiums and discounts. Journal of Accountancy (August): 294-296.
Sprague, C. E. 1907. A fallacy in bond values. Journal of Accountancy (November): 1-4.
Sprague, C. E. 1907. The philosophy of accounts: Chapter I. Nature of the account. Journal of Accountancy (January): 181-184.
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Sprague, C. E. 1907. The philosophy of accounts: Chapter IV. The transaction. Journal of Accountancy (February): 269-275.
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Sprague, C. E. 1907. The philosophy of accounts: Chapter VI. Phases of the assets. Journal of Accountancy (April): 449-452.
Sprague, C. E. 1907. The philosophy of accounts: Chapter VII. Phases of the liabilities. Journal of Accountancy (April): 452-454.
Sprague, C. E. 1907. The philosophy of accounts: Chapter VIII. Proprietorship. Journal of Accountancy (April): 454-459.
Sprague, C. E. 1907. The philosophy of accounts: Chapter IX. Offsets and adjuncts. Journal of Accountancy (April): 459-461.
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Sprague, C. E. 1907. The philosophy of accounts: Chapter XIII. The economic summary. Journal of Accountancy (June): 122-130.
Sprague, C. E. 1907. The philosophy of accounts: Chapter XIV. The trial balance. Journal of Accountancy (July): 198-201.
Sprague, C. E. 1907. The philosophy of accounts: Chapter XV. The journal. Journal of Accountancy (July): 202-210.
Sprague, C. E. 1907. The philosophy of accounts: Chapter XVI. Posting mediums. Journal of Accountancy (August): 287-294.
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Sprague, C. E. 1907. The philosophy of accounts: Chapter XVIII. The ledger. Journal of Accountancy (September): 363-368.
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Sprague, R. H. Jr. 1971. A conceptual description of a financial planning model for commercial banks. Decision Sciences 2(1): 66-81.
Sprague, R. H. Jr. 1972. System support for a financial planning model. Management Accounting (June): 29-34.
Spreier, S. W., M. H. Fontaine and R. L. Malloy. 2006. Leadership run amok. Harvard Business Review (June): 72-82.
Spreitzer, G. and C. Porath. 2012. Creating sustainable performance: If you give your employees the chance to learn and grow, they'll thrive - and so will your organization. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 92-99.
Spreitzer, G., P. Bacevice and L. Garrett. 2015. What your firm can learn from coworking spaces. Harvard Business Review (September): 28-30.
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Spreitzer, G. M. 1996. Social structural characteristics of psychological empowerment. The Academy of Management Journal 39(2): 483-504.
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Spremic, M. and I. Strugar. 2002. Strategic IS planning practise in Croatia: Organizational and managerial challenges. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 3(3): 183-200.
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Sprinkle, G. B. 2000. The effect of incentive contracts on learning and performance. The Accounting Review (July): 299-326.
Sprinkle, G. B. 2003. Perspectives on experimental research in managerial accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 28(2-3): 287-318.
Sprinkle, G. B. 2008. Discussion of Measuring and motivating quantity, creativity, or both. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 375-382.
Sprinkle, G. B. and M. G. Williamson. 2004. The evolution from Taylorism to employee gain sharing: A case study examining John Deere's continuous improvement pay plan. Issues in Accounting Education (November): 487-503.
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Sprouse, R. T. 1957. The significance of the concept of the corporation in accounting analyses. The Accounting Review (July): 369-378. (Four concepts of the corporation are examined: Propriety, entity, enterprise, and as a prescribed set of legal relations).
Sprouse, R. T. 1958. Legal concepts of the corporation. The Accounting Review (January): 37-49.
Sprouse, R. T. 1960. Accounting principles and corporation statutes. The Accounting Review (April): 246-257.
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Srinivasan, R., A. K. Jha and N. K. Verma. 2023. To talk or not?: An analysis of firm-initiated social media communication's impact on firm value preservation during a massive disruption across multiple firms and industries. Decision Sciences 54(4): 410-431.
Srinivasan, R. and M. Swink. 2015. Leveraging supply chain integration through planning comprehensiveness: An organizational information processing theory perspective. Decision Sciences 46(5): 823-861.
Srinivasan, S. 2005. Consequences of financial reporting failure for outside directors: Evidence from accounting restatements and audit committee members. Journal of Accounting Research (May): 291-334.
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Sriram, R. and P. Wheeler. 1998. Uncertainty handling in accounting expert systems: A comparison of alternative approaches to knowledge representation. Studies in Managerial and Financial Accounting (7): 163-186.
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Sriram, R. S., V. Arunachalam and D. M. Ivancevich. 2000. EDI adoption and implementation: An examination of perceived operational and strategic benefits, and controls. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 37-52.
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Srivastava, R. P., S. S. Rao and T. J. Mock. 2013. Planning and evaluation of assurance services for sustainability reporting: An evidential reasoning approach. Journal of Information Systems (Fall): 107-126.
Srivastava, R. P., T. J. Mock and J. L. Turner. 2009. Bayesian fraud risk formula for financial statement audits. Abacus 45(1): 66-87.
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Stahl, G. K., I. Bjorkman, E. Farndale, S. S. Morris, J. Paauwe, P. Stiles, J. Trevor and P. Wright. 2012. Six principles of effective global talent management. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 25-32.
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Stalk, G. and D. Michael. 2011. What the west doesn't get about China: Its export-focused economy is giving way to a consumer-driven market more quickly than most companies think. Here's how to adapt. Harvard Business Review (June): 25-27.
Stalk, G. and H. Foley. 2012. Avoid the traps that can destroy family businesses. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 25-27.
Stalk, G. Jr. 2006. Curveball strategies to fool the competition. Harvard Business Review (September): 114-122.
Stalk, G. Jr. 2006. The costly secret of China sourcing. Harvard Business Review (February): 64-66.
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Stalk, G. Jr. and R. Lachenauer. 2004. Hard ball: Five killer strategies for trouncing the competition. Harvard Business Review (April): 62-71. (Devastate rivals' profit sanctuaries, plagiarize with pride, deceive the competition, unleash massive and overwhelming force, and raise competitors' costs).
Stallbaum, S. 2020. Square root costing: Revealing the cost of complexity. Cost Management (March/April): 10-16.
Stallings, M. A. 2017. The potential impact of lease accounting on equity valuation. The CPA Journal (November): 52-56.
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