Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Stybel, L. J. and M. Peabody. 2005. Friend, foe, ally, adversary...or something else? MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 13-16.
Stybel, L. J. and M. Peabody. 2005. How should board directors evaluate themselves? MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 67-72.
Su, A. J. 2023. How to prioritize your work when your manager doesn't. Harvard Business Review (Spring Special Issue): 114-116.
Su, B. 2023. Banking practices and borrowing firms' financial reporting quality: Evidence from bank cross-selling. Review of Accounting Studies 28(1): 201-236.
Su, H., M. J. Rungtusanatham and K. Lindeerman. 2023. Retail inventory shrinkage, sensing weak security breach signals, and organizational structure. Decision Sciences 54(1): 8-28.
Su, D., M. S. Johar and R. L. Kumar. 2019. Design of contracts and workflow for knowledge intensive IT service environments. Decision Sciences 50(3): 418-458.
Su, K., H. Jiang and G. Tian. 2020. Government's say-on-pay policy and corporate risk-taking: Evidence from China. Abacus 56(4): 561-601.
Stybel, L. J. and M. Peabody. 2007. Beware the stealth mandate. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 11-14.
Su, A. J. 2024. Five ways to focus your energy during a work crunch. Harvard Business Review (Spring Special Issue): 47-48.
Su, H. and K. Linderman. 2016. An empirical investigation in sustaining high-quality performance. Decision Sciences 47(5): 787-819.
Su, L. 2016. Discussion of The effect of SEC disclosure regulation regarding audit committees' financial experts on foreign private issuers cross-listed on U.S. securities exchanges. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(2): 27-29.
Su, L., X. Zhao and G. Zhou. 2016. Auditor tenure and stock price idiosyncratic volatility: The moderating role of industry specialization. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 35(2): 147-166.
Su, S. and K. Baird. 2023. The impact of the emphasis on budgets and budget difficulty on budget value and job stress: The mediating role of organisational fairness. Advances in Management Accounting (34): 145-175.
Su, S., K. Baird and H. Schoch. 2015. The moderating effect of organisational life cycle stages on the association between the interactive and diagnostic approaches to using controls with organisational performance. Management Accounting Research (March): 40-53.
Su, S., K. Baird and N. A. Nuhu. 2023. The association between the use of strategic management accounting practices and competitive advantage: The moderating role of organisational culture. Advances in Management Accounting (35): 129-157.
Su, S. Y. S. 2007. Optimal smoothing of profit via overhead allocation. Abacus 43(2): 136-155.
Su, X. and S. A. Zenios. 2006. Recipient choice can address the efficiency-equity trade-off in kidney transplantation: A mechanism design model. Management Science (November): 1647-1660.
Suarez, F. F. 2005. Network effects revisited: The role of strong ties in technology selection. The Academy of Management Journal 48(4): 710-720.
Suarez, F. F. and J. Kirtley. 2012. Dethroning an established platform. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 35-41.
Suarez, F. F. and J. S. Montes. 2020. Building organizational resilience: To cope - and thrive - in uncertain times, develop scripted routines, simple rules, and the ability to improvise. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 47-52.
Suarez, F. F. and S. Grodal. 2015. Mastering the 'name your product category' game. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 23-29.
Suarez, F. F., J. Utterback, P. V. Gruben and H. Y. Kang. 2018. The HYBRID TRAP: Why most efforts to bridge old and new technology miss the mark. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 52-57.
Suarez-Battan, M. and M. Degtyarev. 2018. Why design thinking works: Interaction. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 15.
Subcommittee on Accounting by Debtors and Creditors of the Committee on Financial Accounting Standards. 1977. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 178-184.
Subcommittee on Depreciation Accounting - Proposed Statement International Accounting Standard (IASC) of the Committee on Financial Accounting Standards. 1977. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 185, 187-188.
Subcommittee on Establishing Materiality Criteria of the Committee on Financial Accounting Standards. 1976. Response to the Financial Accounting Standards Board's Discussion Memorandum Entitled "An Analysis of Issues Related to Criteria for Determining Materiality". The Accounting Review (Supplement): 243-256. Committee members are listed in the Front matter.
Subcommittee on IASC Exposure Draft Number 7 of the American Accounting Association's Committee on Financial Accounting Standards. 1977. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 197, 199-204.
Subcommittee on Price-Level Reporting: Statement Prepared for Financial Accounting Standards Board. 1976. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 215-218. Committee members are listed in the Front matter.
Subcommittee on Price-Level Reporting of the Committee on Financial Accounting Standards: Report to the Financial Accounting Standards Board. 1976. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 259-261. Committee members are listed in the Front matter.
Subcommittee on the Accounting Treatment of Changing Prices of the Committee on Financial Accounting Standards. 1977. The Accounting Review (Supplement): 189, 191-196.
Subel, S., M. Stepanek and T. Roulet. 2022. How shifts in remote behavior affect employee well-being. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-6.
Suberlak, S. 1970. [Illustration]: Wiosna, II. Administrative Science Quarterly 15(1): 68.
Subotnik, D. 1987. What accounting can learn from legal education. Issues in Accounting Education (Fall): 313-324.
Subotink, D. 1988. Wisdom or widgets: Whither the school of 'business'? Abacus 24(2): 95-106. ("In the social sciences, and particularly in the business area, quantitative methods have become a fetish and have led to the crowding out of non-empirical work. ‘Wisdom or Widgets’ examines the implications of this disturbing phenomenon.")
Subotnik, D. 1991. 'Knowledge preservation in accounting': Does it deserve to be preserved? Abacus 27(1): 65-71.
Subrahmanyam, A. 2013. Comments and perspectives on 'The capital asset pricing model' Abacus 49(Supplement): 79-81.
Subramani, M. R. and N. Venkatraman. 2003. Safeguarding investments in asymmetric interorganizational relationships: Theory and evidence. The Academy of Management Journal 46(1): 46-62.
Subramaniam, C. and M. W. Watson. 2016. Additional evidence on the sticky behavior of costs. Advances in Management Accounting (26): 275-305.
Subramaniam, M. 2022. How smart products create connected customers. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 33-37.
Subramaniam, M. and M. A. Youndt. 2005. The influence of intellectual capital on the types of innovative capabilities. The Academy of Management Journal 48(3): 450-463.
Subramaniam, M. and M. J. Piskorski. 2020. How legacy businesses can compete in the sharing economy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 31-37.
Subramaniam, N. 2018. On the interplay between strategic performance and managerial accounting. Advances in Management Accounting (30): 175-195.
Subramaniam, N. and J. Ratnatunga. 2003. Editorial: Corporate governance: Some key challenges and opportunities for accounting researchers. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 1-8.
Subramaniam, N. and L. Mia. 2003. A note on work-related values, budget emphasis and managers' organisational commitment. Management Accounting Research (December): 389-408.
Subramaniam, N., K. Hodge and J. Ratnatunga. 2006. Editorial: Corporate responsibility reports assurance trends and the role of management accountants. Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research (Summer): 1-10.
Subramaniam, R. K., S. D. Samuel and S. Mahenthiran. 2016. Liquidity implications of corporate social responsibility disclosures: Malaysian evidence. Journal of International Accounting Research 15(1): 133-153.
Subramanian, G. 2009. Negotiation? Auction? A deal maker's guide. Harvard Business Review (December): 101-107.
Subramanian, G. 2015. Corporate governance 2.0. Harvard Business Review (March): 96-105.
Subramanian, R. 2016. When tragedy strikes the supply chain. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 109-113.
Subramanyam, K. R. and M. Venkatachalam. 2007. Earnings, cash flows, and ex post intrinsic value of equity. The Accounting Review (March): 457-481.
Subrahmanyam, K. and P. M. Greenfield. 2008. Virtual worlds in development: Implications of social networking sites. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (November-December): 417-419.
Subramanyam, K. R. 1996. The pricing of discretionary accruals. Journal of Accounting and Economics (August-December): 249-281.
Subramanyam, K. R. 1996. Uncertain precision and price reactions to information. The Accounting Review (April): 207-219.
Sucher, S. and M. Preble. 2017. Case study: Follow dubious orders or speak up? An intern contemplates whether she should compromise her values for a job. Harvard Business Review (July/August): 139-143.
Sucher, S. J. and S. Gupta. 2018. Layoffs that don't break your company. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 122-129.
Sucher, S. J. and S. Gupta. 2023. The elements of a good company apology. Harvard Business Review (Winter Special Issue): 129-134.
Sucher, S. J. and S. Gupta. 2023. The trust crisis: Facebook, Boeing, and too many other firms are losing the public's faith. Can they regain it? Harvard Business Review (Winter Special Issue): 92-101.
Suchodolski, K. 2021. Strategic planning in a crisis. Strategic Finance (July): 28-33.
Suddaby, R. 2006. From the editors: What grounded theory is not. The Academy of Management Journal 49(4): 633-642.
Suddaby, R. and R. Greenwood. 2005. Rhetorical strategies of legitimacy. Administrative Science Quarterly 50(1): 35-67.
Suddaby, R., D. J. Cooper and R. Greenwood. 2007. Transnational regulation of professional services: Governance dynamics of field level organizational change. Accounting, Organizations and Society 32(4-5): 333-362.
Suddaby, R., G. D. Saxton and S. Gunz. 2015. Twittering change: The institutional work of domain change in accounting expertise. Accounting, Organizations and Society (45): 52-68.
Suddaby, R., Y. Gendron and H. Lam. 2009. The organizational context of professionalism in accounting. Accounting, Organizations and Society 34(3-4): 409-427.
Sudhakar, A., J. Tyler and J. Wakefield. 2016. Enhancing student experience and performance through peer-assisted learning. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 321-336.
Sudreau, P. 1976. The reform of the enterprise. Accounting, Organizations and Society 1(1): 97-99.
Suematsu, E. 2000. Planning and controlling the recovery of cash outflows through cash-flow costing. Journal of Cost Management (March/April): 20-26.
Suematsu, E. 2002. Cash-flow costing and the operational employee. Journal of Cost Management (May/June): 30-37.
Sugahara, S. and A. Cilloni. 2021. Mediation effect of students' perceptions of accounting on the relationship between game-based learning and learning approaches. Journal of Accounting Education (56): 100730.
Sugahara, S. and G. Boland. 2011. Effects of exposure to the International Education Standards on perceived importance of the global harmonization of accounting education among Japanese accounting academics. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting 27(2): 382-389.
Sugahara, S., N. Tsunogaya and J. Kim. 2023. Interaction effect of foreign language and obedience pressure on ethical judgment in accounting: Evidence from Japan. Journal of International Accounting Research 22(1): 83-98.
Sugden, K. F. 1981. A history of the abacus. The Accounting Historians Journal 8(2): 1-22.
Sughrue, R. N. 1988. Issues of taxation in a nonprofit environment. Management Accounting (August): 57-60.
Sugirtha, C. M. R. 2023. Case study: When the CEO dies, what comes first: His company or his family? Harvard Business Review (September/October): 144-149.
Sugiyama, S. and J. Islam. 2016. Empirical findings from the reconciliations in the IFRS compliant reports prepared by Japanese-owned subsidiaries in Australia. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (35): 143-158.
Suffern, E. L. 1906. Relative advantages of trust companies and accountants as trustees and executors. Journal of Accountancy (August): 241-247.
Suffern, E. L. 1909. The corporation tax bill. Journal of Accountancy (October): 397-400.
Suffern, E. S. 1911. The man in the ranks. How he benefits through scientific management. Journal of Accountancy (December): 565-572.
Suffern, E. L. 1912. The contribution of the accountant in support of the commission on industrial relations. Journal of Accountancy (June): 401-404.
Suffern, E. L. 1912. The president's address. Journal of Accountancy (October): 254-258.
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Suffern, E. L. 1914. Responsibility of the accountant. Journal of Accountancy (March): 197-202.
Suffern, E. L. 1915. Credit, its principles and practice. Journal of Accountancy (July): 73-74.
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Suffern, E. L. 1922. Twenty-five years of accountancy. Journal of Accountancy (September): 174-181.
Suh, I. S. and T. C. Headrick. 2010. A comparative analysis of the bootstrap versus traditional statistical procedures applied to digital analysis based on Benford's Law. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 2(2): 144-175.
Suh, I. S., T. C. Headrick and S. Minaburo. 2011. An effective and efficient analytic technique: A bootstrap regression procedure and Benford's Law. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 3(3): 25-45.
Suh, S. 2010. Handbook of Input-Output Economics in Industrial Ecology. Springer.
Suh, Y. 1988. Noncontrollable costs and optimal performance measurement. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 154-168.
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Suh, Y. S. 1987. Collusion and noncontrollable cost allocation. Journal of Accounting Research (Studies on Stewardship Uses of Accounting Information): 22-46.
Suijs, J. 2007. Voluntary disclosure of information when firms are uncertain of investor response. Journal of Accounting and Economics (July): 391-410.
Suijs, J. 2008. On the value relevance of asymmetric financial reporting policies. Journal of Accounting Research (December): 1297-1321.
Suit, D. N. and D. Houider. 2006. How companies can avoid a midlife crisis. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 26-34.
Suitt, H. 2003. A blogger in their midst. Harvard Business Review (September): 30-40. (Case study).
Sul, H. K., A. R. Dennis and L. Yuan. 2017. Trading on Twitter: Using social media sentiment to predict stock returns. Decision Sciences 48(3): 454-488.
Sulaiman, S. and F. Mitchell. 2005. Utilising a typology of management accounting change: An empirical analysis. Management Accounting Research (December): 422-437.
Sulger, A. H. 1932. Production control in a small plant. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (June 1): 1330-1333.
Sulkowicz, K. J. 2004. Worse than enemies: The CEO's destructive confidant. Harvard Business Review (February): 64-71.
Sull, D. 2009. How to thrive in turbulent markets. Harvard Business Review (February): 78-88.
Sull, D. 2010. Are you ready to rebound? Harvard Business Review (March): 70-74.
Sull, D. and C. Sull 2018. With goals, FAST beats SMART. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-11.
Sull, D. and C. Sull. 2021. 10 things your corporate culture needs to get right. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-7.
Sull, D. and C. Sull. 2022. How to fix a toxic culture: When it comes to addressing toxicity in the workplace, research shows there are three critical drivers companies should focus on: toxic leadership, social norms, and work design. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-16.
Sull, D. and K. M. Eisenhardt. 2012. Simple rules for a complex world. Harvard Business Review (September): 68-74.
Sull, D., C. Sull and J. Bersin. 2020. Five ways leaders can support remote work. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-10.
Sull, D., C. Sull and B. Zweig. 2022. Toxic culture is driving the great resignation: Research using employee data reveals the top five predictors of attrition and four actions managers can take in the short term to reduce attrition. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 1-9.
Sull, D., C. Sull and J. Yoder. 2018. No one knows your strategy - Not even your top leaders: New research reveals three surprising reasons managers don't know their company's strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-6.
Sull, D., C. Sull, W. Cipolli and C. Brighenti. 2022. Why every leader needs to worry about toxic culture: Pinpointing the elements of toxic culture in an organization can help leaders focus on addressing the issues that lead employees to disengage and quit. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-8.
Sull, D., R. Homkes and C. Sull. 2015. How conventional wisdom derails strategy execution: Interaction. Harvard Business Review (May): 16.
Sull, D., R. Homkes and C. Sull. 2015. Why strategy execution unravels - and what to do about it. Harvard Business Review (March): 57-66.
Sull, D., S. Turconi and C. Sull. 2018. Six steps to communicating strategic priorities effectively. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-4.
Sull, D., S. Turconi, C. Sull and J. Yoder. 2018. Turning strategy into results. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-12.
Sull, D., S. Turconi, C. Sull and J. Yoder. 2018. Turning strategy into results. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 97-107.
Sull, D., S. Turconi, C. Sull and J. Yoder. 2018. How to develop strategy for execution. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 130-135.
Sull, D., S. Turconi, C. Sull and J. Yoder. 2018. Four logics of corporate strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 136-142. (Portfolio, Leverage, Federal, and Integrative).
Sull, D., S. Turconi, C. Sull and J. Yoder. 2019. The strategic agility project: Discover how organizations can translate complexity into simple and flexible guidelines and achieve strategic objectives. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 1-39. (This special collection includes: An Introduction; Sull, D. S. Turconi, C. Sull and J. Yoder. How to develop strategy for execution; Sull, D., C. Sull and J. Yoder. No one knows your strategy - Not even your top leaders; Sull, D., S. Turconi, C. Sull and J. Yoder. Turning strategy into results; Sull, D. and C. Sull. With goals, FAST beats SMART; and Sull, D. and S. Turconi. How to recognize a strategic priority when you see one).
Sull, D. N. 1999. Why good companies go bad. Harvard Business Review (July-August): 42-48, 50, 52. (Summary).
Sull, D. N. 2003. Managing by commitments. Harvard Business Review (June): 82-91. ("A commitment refers to any action taken in the present that binds an organization to a future course of action." Types of commitments include investments, disinvestments, making public promises, making public assertions, forging relationships with resource providers, writing an explicit contract, personnel decisions, and information systems decisions).
Sull, D. N. 2004. Disciplined entrepreneurship. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 71-77.
Sull, D. N. 2005. Strategy as active waiting: Huge business opportunities are rare, and their timing is almost never under the control of an individual company. So it's important to be ready when they come and to manage smart during the long periods of business as usual. Harvard Business Review (September): 120-129.
Sull, D. N. 2007. Closing the gap between strategy and execution. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 30-38.
Sull, D. N. and C. Spinosa. 2005. Using commitments to manage across units. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 73-81.
Sull, D. N. and C. Spinosa. 2007. Promise-based management. Harvard Business Review (April): 78-86 .
Sull, D. N. and D. Houlder. 2005. Do your commitments match your convictions? Harvard Business Review (January): 82-91. (What matters most work sheet).
Sullivan, A. A. 1949. Cost reduction through a controlled employee suggestion plan. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (March 1): 791-796.
Sullivan, B. A. and A. C. Smith. 2012. Using fairness opinions to manage risk in middle-market transactions. The CPA Journal (March): 48-51.
Sullivan, C. E. 2004. Conflict and crime in business life: Keeping yourself and others safe. Journal of Forensic Accounting (5): 547-554.
Sullivan, C. T. 2005. A stake in the business. Harvard Business Review (September): 57-64. (Outback restaurant chain's long-term career paths for employees).
Sullivan, D. A. 1954. Survey of cost practices of soybean processors. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (February): 772-783.
Sullivan, E. J. 1996. Teaching financial statement analysis: A cooperative learning approach. Journal of Accounting Education 14(1): 107-111.
Sullivan, F. R. 1959. Accounting for customer service work. N.A.A. Bulletin (July): 19-25.
Sullivan, G. 1985. Accounting and legal implications of the interposed unit trust instrument. Abacus 21(2): 174-196.
Sullivan, G. E. 1971. Modeling the university budget. Management Accounting (November): 47-51.
Sullivan, J. 2012. Unlocking the Mystery of Healthcare Planning for Retirement. AICPA.
Sullivan, J. 2013. How to help clients make the right social security election. CPAs need to start by focusing on four key aspects of the decision. Journal of Accountancy (December): 52-55.
Sullivan, J. 2015. Guilding clients through the Medicare Part B enrollment minefield: CPA's timely advice can help seniors avoid expensive penalties and coverage gaps. Journal of Accountancy (December): 48-52.
Sullivan, J. 2017. Student loans: What you need to know before signing. Journal of Accountancy (January): 40-45.
Sullivan, J. 2018. Advising chronically or terminally ill clients. Journal of Accountancy (August): 44-48, 50, 52.
Sullivan, J. 2023. Helping clients after an Alzheimer's diagnosis. Journal of Accountancy (August): 1-7.
Sullivan, J. 2023. Six ways to screen job candidates for strategic thinking. Harvard Business Review (Spring Special Issue): 24-26.
Sullivan, J. and J. Sullivan. 2010. CPAs in an aging society: When Alzheimer's disease affects a client. Journal of Accountancy (January): 44-48.
Sullivan, J., R. B. Peterson, N. Kameda and J. Shimada. 1981. The relationship between conflict resolution approaches and trust - A cross cultural study. The Academy of Management Journal 24(4): 803-815.
Sullivan, J. F. 1951. Fire and business interruption claim problems. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (May): 1050-1063.
Sullivan, M. C. and R. L. Benke Jr. 1997. Comparing introductory financial accounting textbooks. Journal of Accounting Education 15(2): 181-220.
Sullivan, T. 2011. Embracing complexity. Harvard Business Review (September): 89-92.
Sullivan, T. 2013. The tyranny of strategy. Harvard Business Review (December): 138-139.
Sullivan, T. 2015. Transparency, trust, and Bitcoin. Harvard Business Review (June): 118-119.
Sullivan, T. 2016. Blitzscaling: The chaotic, sometimes grueling path to high-growth, high-impact entrepreneurship. Harvard Business Review (April): 44-50.
Sullivan, T. 2016. The philanthropist's burden. Harvard Business Review (December): 114-115.
Sullivan, T. 2017. Bockbuster magic: Creating hits in today's cultural marketplace. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 164-165.
Sullivan, W. G. and J. M. Reeve. 1988. Xventure: Expert systems to the rescue. Management Accounting (October): 51-58. (Related to investments in new technology).
Sullivan, W. J. 1972. Budget reports at YSU. Management Accounting (August): 43-46.
Sultan, A. 1993. Linear Programming: An Introduction With Applications. Academic Press.
Sultan, F. and A. Rohm. 2005. The coming era of "brand in the hand" marketing. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 83-90.
Sultan, F. and A. J. Rohm. 2008. How to market to generation M(obile). MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 35-41.
Sultana, N., S. F. Cahan and A. Rahman. 2020. Do gender diversity recommendations in corporate governance codes matter? Evidence from audit committees. Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 39(1): 173-197.
Suminski, L. T. and R. H. Johnson. 1990. Finance, Accounting and Quality. American Society for Quality Control.
Summerhill, G. W. 1953. Administrative accounting in the accounting curriculum. The Accounting Review (January): 64-78.
Summers, E. L. 1968. Observation of effects of using alternative reporting practices. The Accounting Review (April): 257-265. (A study of accounting efficiency (r) in the airline industry).
Summers, E. L. 1969. Accountants productivity increases in a computer-dependent organization. Management Accounting (April): 28-30.
Summers, E. L. 1972. The audit staff assignment problem: A linear programming analysis. The Accounting Review (July): 443-453.
Summers, E. L. 1974. The audit staff assignment problem: A reply. The Accounting Review (July): 575.
Summers, E. L. and J. W. Deskins. 1970. A classification schema of methods for reporting effects of resource price changes. Journal of Accounting Research (Spring): 113-117.
Summers, G. W. 1973. Editorial comment note from a past president. Decision Sciences 4(2): ix.
Summers, G. W. 1975. The coefficient of concordance and the Q-sort technique. Decision Sciences 6(1): 37-41.
Summers, J. F. 1956. Personnel: Key to better data processing. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August): 1443-1449.
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Summers, S. L. and D. A. Wood. 2017. An evaluation of the general versus specialist nature of top accounting journals. Accounting Horizons (June): 105-124.
Summers, S. L. and J. T. Sweeney. 1998. Fraudulently misstated financial statements and insider trading: An empirical analysis. The Accounting Review (January): 131-146.
Summers, S. L., J. T. Sweeney, and C. M. Wolk. 2000. Problem-solving style and fit in consulting and auditing. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 1-15.
Sumner, J. A. 1960. How to move toward more adequate educational programs. N.A.A. Bulletin (February): 81-82.
Sumutka, A. R. and B. Sootkoos. 2008. 'Personal business' retirement plans. The CPA Journal (April): 52-57.
Sun, C., Y. Wang and C. Yang. 2022. Information security assurance and the role of security configuration management: Substantive and symbolic perspectives. Journal of Information Systems (Spring): 181-199.
Sun, D., R. Easley and B. C. Kim. 2015. Optimal digital rights management with uncertain piracy. Decision Sciences 46(1): 165-191.
Sun, E. Y. 2021. The differential role of R&D and SG&A for earnings management and stock price manipulation. Contemporary Accounting Research 38(1): 242-275.
Sun, I. Y. 2017. The world's next great manufacturing center. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 122-129. (China's investments in Africa).
Sun, J., S. F. Cahan and D. Emanuel. 2011. How would the mandatory adoption of IFRS affect the earnings quality of U.S. firms? Evidence from cross-listed firms in the U.S. Accounting Horizons (December): 837-860.
Sun, L. 2016. Managerial ability and goodwill impairment. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (32): 42-51.
Sun, L. and C. J. Skousen. 2022. CEO power and discontinued operations. Advances in Accounting (58): 100613.
Sun, L. and D. Tobin. 2005. International listing as a mechanism of commitment to more credible corporate governance practices: The case of the Bank of China (Hong Kong). Corporate Governance: An International Review 13(1): 81-91.
Sun, L., B. Walkup and K. Wu. 2019. Sales order backlog and corporate social responsibility. Advances in Accounting: Incorporating Advances in International Accounting (47): 100444.
Sun, L., S. Aryee and K. S. Law. 2007. High-performance human resource practices, citizenship behavior, and organizational performance: A relational perspective. The Academy of Management Journal 50(3): 558-577.
Sun, L., X. Zheng, Y. Jin, M. Jiang and H. Wang. 2019. Estimating promotion effects using big data: A partially profiled LASSO model with endogeneity correction. Decision Sciences 50(4): 816-846.
Sun, M. 2012. How does the variance of product ratings matter? Management Science (April): 696-707.
Sun, P., D. L. Crumbley and K. Reichelt. 2018. CEO compensation and tax loss carrybacks. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 10(1): 135-152.
Sun, Q. T., H. S. Wilson and J. Tong. 2002. How does government ownership affect firm performance? Evidence from China's privatization experience” Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 29(1/2): 1-27.
Sun, T. 2018. The incremental information of the sentiment of conference calls for internal control material weaknesses. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 15(1): 11-27.
Sun, T. 2019. Applying deep learning to audit procedures: An illustrative framework. Accounting Horizons (September): 89-109.
Sun, T. and L. J. Sales. 2018. Predicting public procurement irregularity: An application of neural networks. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 15(1): 141-154.
Sun, T. and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2017. Deep learning and the future of auditing: How an evolving technology could transform analysis and improve judgment. The CPA Journal (June): 24-29. (Deep learning, a cutting-edge use of artificial intelligence).
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