Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
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Stenzel, J. and C. Stenzel. 2008. From the editors. Cost Management (March/April): 3-4.
Stenzel, J. and C. Stenzel. 2008. From the editors. Cost Management (May/June): 3-4.
Stenzel, J. and C. Stenzel. 2008. From the editors. Cost Management (July/August): 3-4.
Stenzel, J. and C. Stenzel. 2008. From the editors. Cost Management (September/October): 3-4.
Stenzel, J. and C. Stenzel. 2008. From the editors. Cost Management (November/December): 3-4.
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Stenzel, J. and C. Stenzel. 2009. From the editors. Cost Management (March/April): 3-4.
Stenzel, J. and C. Stenzel. 2009. From the editors. Cost Management (May/June): 3-4.
Stenzel, J. and C. Stenzel. 2009. From the editors. Cost Management (July/August): 3-4.
Stenzel, J. and C. Stenzel. 2009. From the editors. Cost Management (September/October): 3-4.
Stenzel, J. and C. Stenzel. 2009. From the editors. Cost Management (November/December): 3-4.
Stenzel, J. and C. Stenzel. 2010. From the editors. Cost Management (January/February): 3-4.
Stenzel, J. and C. Stenzel. 2010. From the editors. Cost Management (March/April): 3-5.
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Stephenson, T. and J. Porter. 2019. Denim Products Incorporated: Creating and using a master budget. IMA Educational Case Journal 12(1): 1-6.
Sterin, M. 2020. The influence of audit committee expertise on firms' internal controls: Evidence from mergers and acquisitions. Accounting Horizons (September): 193-211.
Sterley, A. 2019. Cryptoassets: Accounting for an emerging asset class. The CPA Journal (June): 6-7.
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Strategic Finance. 2017. Share your IMA life. Strategic Finance (January): 11.
Strategic Finance. 2017. Survey: Top 2017 risks. Strategic Finance (January): 14.
Strategic Finance. 2017. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (July): 57. (Asus Zenbook Flip S, Apple iPad Pro 10.5, Apple Homepod, Rocketbook wave notebook).
Strategic Finance. 2017. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (September): 57. (Galaxy Tab S3, Keeper pass-word manager, Samsung Dex station, Gideon Dagan calendar).
Strategic Finance. 2017. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (August): 81. (Dell Latitude 7285, HTC U11, Louis Vuitton Tambour Horizon smartwatch, Nikon Key-Mission 170).
Strategic Finance. 2017. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (October): 57. (iPhone X, iPhone 8, Apple watch series 3, Volterman smart wallet).
Strategic Finance. 2017. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (November): 65. (Google pixel 2, Microsoft Surface Book 2, Google Home Assistant, August Smart Lock Pro).
Strategic Finance. 2017. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (December): 57. (Kindle Oasis 2, Google Home, Nixplay Wi-Fi Cloud Frames, and Razer phone).
Strategic Finance. 2017. Write CSCA exam questions. Strategic Finance (December): 9.
Strategic Finance. 2018. CSCA: A new credential for CMAs. Strategic Finance (October): 14.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Growing our strong global community. Strategic Finance (February): 11.
Strategic Finance. 2018. IMA Accounting Honor Society. The IMA Accounting Honor Society (IAHS) recognizes and honors academic achievement in the study of accounting, and provides an opportunity for students to differentiate themselves as they begin their career journey. Strategic Finance (April): 17.
Strategic Finance. 2018. IMA remembers. Strategic Finance (November): 17. (William "Bill" Ihlanfeldt and Keith Bryant, Jr.).
Strategic Finance. 2018. R. Lee Brummet, CPA: We remember a former IMA Chair and distinguished educator who was a pioneer in management accounting. Strategic Finance (April): 13.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Survey: ASC 606 adoption. Strategic Finance (December): 13.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Survey: Hedge accounting. Strategic Finance (November): 11.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Survey: Gen Z workers. Strategic Finance (October): 11.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Survey: IT audit benchmarking. Strategic Finance (May): 15.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Survey: Small business Cybersecurity. Strategic Finance (September): 12.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Survey: The gig economy. Strategic Finance (March): 13.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (January): 57.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (February): 57.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (March): 65.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (April): 57.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (July): 57.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (August): 89.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (September): 63.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (October): 63. (iPhone XS, iPhone XR, Lenovo Yoga Book C930, Apple Watch series 4).
Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (November): 65. (Google Pixel 3, Google Home Hub, Razer phone, and Kobo forma eReader).
Strategic Finance. 2018. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (December): 55. (Apple ipad pro, Macbook air, Dell Untrawide monitor, Mac mini).
Strategic Finance. 2018. Update to IMA policies. Strategic Finance (June): 9.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Your IMA story. Strategic Finance (January): 11.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Your IMA story. Strategic Finance (July): 11.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Your IMA story. Strategic Finance (September): 11.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Your IMA story. Strategic Finance (October): 8.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Your IMA story. Strategic Finance (November): 9.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Your IMA story. Strategic Finance (December): 11.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (May): 57.
Strategic Finance. 2018. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (June): 57.
Strategic Finance. 2019. Generous contributions to IMA. Strategic Finance (June): 13-14.
Strategic Finance. 2019. Implementing ASC 842. Strategic Finance (January): 15.
Strategic Finance. 2019. Interviews with Kenneth A. Merchant, Marc J. Epstein and Robert S. Kaplan. Strategic Finance (June): 41-43.
Strategic Finance. 2019. Quarterly global survey. Strategic Finance (November): 10.
Strategic Finance. 2019. Survey: Data strategy. Strategic Finance (July): 15.
Strategic Finance. 2019. Survey: Financial services challenges. Strategic Finance (April): 14.
Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (January): 53. (Garmin Fenix 5 plus, UDOQ charging system, MIXCDER wireless headset, Epson scanner).
Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (February): 55. (LG signature Oled TV R, ASUS Zenbook S13, Withings move ECG, and Aerbectic wearable glucose sensor).
Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (March): 63. (Sony RX100 VI, Libreoffice 6, Ominipage ultimate, and Wemo mini smart plug).
Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (April): 55. (Samsung Galaxy Fold, LG V50 Thinq 5G, F(X)Tec Pro1, Microsoft Hololens 2).
Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (May): 61. (Ipad mini 5, Galaxy S10, Google Pixel 3, Ravpwer filehub plus).
Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade - A look back. Strategic Finance (June): 71. (Brunsviga Nova II calculator, Osborne 1, Microsoft multiplan, HP 12C Platinum calculator).
Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (August): 71. (Oneplus 7 Pro, iPhone XR, Remarkable Digital Notepad, and Brother Monochrome Compact Printer).
Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (December): 55. (Panasonic Toughbook 55, Google Pixel 4, Amazon Echo Buds, and Mophie Juice Pack).
Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (July): 53. (Asus Zenbook Pro, Apple Mac Pro and Pro display XDR, Dell Inspiron 27 7000, and Apple IPOD Touch).
Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (November): 55. (Microsoft Surface Pro 7, Microsoft Surface Laptop 3, LG G8X Thinq Phone, and Langogo Pocket AI Translator).
Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (October): 55. (iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11, Apple Watch Series 5, and Garmin Venu GPS Watch).
Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (September): 55. (Hasselblad X System, Hirise Wireless Charger, Staygo USB-C Hub, and Seagate Expansion Drive).
Strategic Finance. 2019. Technology workbook. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (September): 55. (Hasselblad X System, Hirise Wireless Charger, Staygo USB-C Hub, and Seagate Expansion Drive).
Strategic Finance. 2019. Update of an article by S. S. Smith and J. Castonguay about cryptocurrencies that appeared in the November 2019 issue. Strategic Finance (December): 8.
Strategic Finance. 2019. The stats: 48.6% of U.S. CFOs believe that the United States will be in recession by the end of 2019. Strategic Finance (February): 12.
Strategic Finance. 2020. ACE2020 Cancelled. Strategic Finance (May): 12.
Strategic Finance. 2020. Business confidence rebounds. Strategic Finance (February): 10.
Strategic Finance. 2020. CMA: Welcome new CMAs! Strategic Finance (August): 11.
Strategic Finance. 2020. CMA: Welcome, new CMAs! Strategic Finance (December): 10.
Strategic Finance. 2020. COSO issues new risk appetite guidance. Strategic Finance (July): 12.
Strategic Finance. 2020. CSA exam question writers needed. Strategic Finance (May): 11.
Strategic Finance. 2020. Data analytics tools beyond Excel. Strategic Finance (March): 58. (Alteryx, iDashboards, Microsoft Power Bl, Sisense, Tableau, Vena Solutions).
Strategic Finance. 2020. Ethics database. Strategic Finance (April): 9.
Strategic Finance. 2020. Generous contributions to IMA. Strategic Finance (June): 11-14.
Strategic Finance. 2020. IMA award winners. Strategic Finance (August): 12-14.
Strategic Finance. 2020. Latest GECS report published. Strategic Finance (November): 12. (Survey).
Strategic Finance. 2020. New CMA ad campaign. Strategic Finance (October): 8.
Strategic Finance. 2020. New MAQ issue. Strategic Finance (February): 9.
Strategic Finance. 2020. Notice of ethics violation. Strategic Finance (March): 14.
Strategic Finance. 2020. Status quo bias: It isn't just tech. Strategic Finance (March): 59.
Strategic Finance. 2020. Survey: Delayed transformations. Strategic Finance (July): 12.
Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (January): 55. (Surface Pro 7, Motorola One Hyper, Dyson Cryptomic Purifier, and Microsoft Seeing AI).
Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (February): 55. (Samsung Galaxy Chromebook, Withings Scanwatch , Lenovo Yoga 5G Laptop, and GE Kitchen Hub Microwave).
Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (March): 63. (Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon, Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, Dell XPS 13 2-in-1, Yamaha Desktop Audio System).
Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (April): 55. (Samsung Galaxy 520 Ultra, Lenovo Foldable Thinkpad, Acer Conceptd, Moleskine Smart Writing Set).
Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (May): 55. (Apple IPAD Pro 2020, MacBook Air, Onyx Boox Nova2, iStorage Encriypted Drive).
Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (June): 55. (iPhone SE, Microsoft Lifecam, Logitech Digital Office Pro Bundle, TO-Link Range Extender).
Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (July): 57. (Surface Book 3 for Business, Amazon Echo Show 8, Fiora Desk Charger, FitBit Charge 4).
Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (August): 63. (Dell XPs 17, Western Digital My Book, Lapgear Desk, Twelve South Laptop Cradle).
Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (September): 57. (Galaxy Note 20, Google Pixel 4a, Kobo Forma, Galaxy Watch 3).
Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (October): 55. (Microsoft Surface Duo, Remarkable 2, Yubkey 5C NFC, Satechi Powr Bank).
Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (November): 55. (Google Pixel 5, iPad 8th Generation, Apple Watch Series 6, Google Nest Speaker).
Strategic Finance. 2020. Technology workbook: Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (December): 57. (Apple iPhone 12, iPad Air 2020, WD 3TB Elements Drive, Logitch Spotlight Remote).
Strategic Finance. 2020. Welcome new CMAs! Strategic Finance (April): 12.
Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade: Strategic Finance (January): 57. (Dell XPS 13 9310, Microsoft Surface Laptop Go, Boox Note Air, Apple Macbook Air).
Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (February): 57. (Lenovo All-in-one, Samsung Galaxy Chromebook 2, HP Elite Folio, HP Elite Dragonfly Max).
Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (March): 65. (Galax. S21, Acer Chromebook Spin, UTS-1 Wireless Charger, Chipolo Ocean Edition).
Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (April): 57. (Acer Swift 3, Kensington Docking Station, Omnicharge Omni Ultimate, Blueparrott B450-XT Headset).
Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (May): 57. (CAT S62 Pro, Canon Pixma, Onyx Boox Nova 3 Color, Logitech Mouse).
Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (June): 57. (IMAC, iPad Pro, Apple Airtag, iPhone 12).
Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (July): 59. (Zoom Monitor, diskAshur SSD, TCL 20 SE, Mudra Band for the Apple Watch).
Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (August): 67. (Lenovo Yoga Tab 13, Nokia G20, Kobo Elipsa, Lenovo Smart Clock 2).
Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (September): 59. (HP Spectre x360, Apple MacBook Pro, WaterField Cargo Laptop Bag, Logitech Powered 3-in-1 Dock).
Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (October): 59. (Samsung Galaxy Z Fold3, Samsung Galaxy Z. Flip3, Galaxy Watch4 Classic, Dell Portable Monitor).
Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (November): 59. (iPhone 13 Pro, iPad 10.2, iPad Mini, Mophie UV Sanitizer and Charger).
Strategic Finance. 2021. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (December): 59. (Google Pixel 6, MacBook Pro, Fujifilm Instax Printer, Kobo Sage).
Strategic Finance. 2022. Burnout among accountants. Strategic Finance (September): 12.
Strategic Finance. 2022. Call for ethics papers. Strategic Finance (March): 10.
Strategic Finance. 2022. Economic outlook. Strategic Finance (December): 12.
Strategic Finance. 2022. Emphasizing DE&I in employee retention. Strategic Finance (December): 21-22.
Strategic Finance. 2022. IFAC urges cooperation among G20 leaders. Strategic Finance (December): 11.
Strategic Finance. 2022. IMA's new TikTok page. Strategic Finance (November): 12.
Strategic Finance. 2022. Join SCMS. Strategic Finance (December): 10.
Strategic Finance. 2022. Overconfidence in cybersecurity. Strategic Finance (October): 12.
Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (January): 59. (VIVO Desk Converter, Logitech computer speakers, Sonos Roam Speaker, Lampat Led Desk Lamp).
Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade: Strategic Finance (February): 59. (Samsung Galaxy S21FE, ASUS Zenbook 17 Fold, Dell XPS 13 Plus, and Targus Cypress Hero Backpack).
Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (March): 59. (Thinkbook Plus Gen 3, Anker Powerconf, Audeze Conference Speakerphone, and Eufy Video Doorbell).
Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (April): 59. (Galaxy S22 Ultra, Galazy Tab S8 Tablets, Motorola Edge Plus, TCL 30 Series).
Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (May): 59. (Apple Ipad Air 5, Apple Iphone SE, Lenovo Tab P11, Rybozen USB Hub).
Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (June): 59. (GETAC F110, Samsung 17 Shield SSD, Logitech Lift Verical Mouse, Sandisk Extreme Pro Flash Drive).
Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (July): 59. (Google Pixel 6A, Jabra Wireless Earbuds, Anker Charger, Tile Tracking Tags).
Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (August): 59. (Samsung M7 Smart Monitor, Instax Mini Evo, Onyx Boox Poke4 Lite, Iniu Portable Charger).
Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (September): 59. (M2 MacBook Air, Iphone 13 Pro, Surface Pro 8, Sandisk Mp3).
Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (October): 61. (Galaxy Z Fold4, Galaxy Z Flip4, Galaxy Watch5, HP Pavilion Aero 13).
Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (November): 59. (Apple iPhone 14 Pro, Apple Watch Ultra, Kindle Scribe, Fitbit Sense 2).
Strategic Finance. 2022. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (December): 59. (Microsoft Surface Pro 9, Apple Ipad 10th Generation, Google Pixel 7 and Anker 3-in-1 Cube with Magsafe).
Strategic Finance. 2023. CFO priorities. Strategic Finance (February): 12.
Strategic Finance. 2023. Controller and CFO sentiments. Strategic Finance (March): 12.
Strategic Finance. 2023. Generous contributions to IMA. Strategic Finance (June): 11-13.
Strategic Finance. 2023. Notice of IMA's 2023 annual meeting of members. Strategic Finance (May): 9.
Strategic Finance. 2023. Notice of termination. Strategic Finance (March): 10. (Memberships terminated from the IMA.
Strategic Finance. 2023. Notice of termination. Strategic Finance (May): 8.
Strategic Finance. 2023. Share your IMA story. Strategic Finance (February): 10.
Strategic Finance. 2023. Talent retention and recruitment. Strategic Finance (May): 10.
Strategic Finance. 2023. The Stats. Strategic Finance (February): 10.
Strategic Finance. 2023. The stats. Strategic Finance (March): 10.
Strategic Finance. 2023. The stats. Strategic Finance (May): 8.
Strategic Finance. 2023. Tools of the trade. Strategic Finance (January): 59.
Strategic Finance. 2023. Turbulent times. Strategic Finance (January): 12.
Stratopoulos, T. C. 2017. Exercising due diligence in studies of duration of competitive advantage due to emerging technology adoption. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 14(1): 27-35.
Stratopoulos, T. C. 2020. Teaching Blockchain to accounting students. Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 17(2): 63-74.
Stratopoulos, T. C. and V. X. Wang. 2022. Estimating the duration of competitive advantage from emerging technology adoption. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems (47): 100577.
Stratopoulos, T. C., T. W. Vance and X. Zou. 2013. Incentive effects of enterprise systems on the magnitude and detectability of reporting manipulations. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 14(1): 39-57.
Stratopoulos, T. C., V. X. Wang and H. Ye. 2022. Use of corporate disclosures to identify the stage of blockchain adoption. Accounting Horizons (March): 197-220.
Stratton, J. A. 1960. A message from the President of M.I.T. Industrial Management Review (April): 3-4 .
Stratton, W., R. Lawson and T. Hatch. 2004. Scorecarding as a management coordination and control system. Cost Management (May/June): 36-42.
Stratton, W. O. 1993. ABC: An all-purpose solution for financial reporting. Management Accounting (May): 44-49.
Stratton, W. O., D. Desroches, R. A. Lawson and T. Hatch. 2009. Activity-based costing: Is it still relevant? Management Accounting Quarterly (Spring): 31-40. (The answer appears to be yes based on a survey of 348 companies worldwide).
Straub, A. 2000. 'Net returns': Purchasing and selling online. Strategic Finance (July): 46-49.
Strausfeld, D. 2020. IRS grants relief for COVID-19 disruptions on tax residency. Journal of Accountancy (May): 44-45.
Strausfeld, D. 2021. Final regs. cover mandatory postponements. Journal of Accountancy (September): 52, 54.
Strausfeld, D. 2021. IRS launches 'Tax Pro Account' feature. Journal of Accountancy (October): 42-43.
Strausfeld, D. 2021. Planning for education expenses amid change: This Q&A with an expert addresses student loans, saving for college, and making plans in a changing environment. Journal of Accountancy (July): 12-17.
Strausfeld, D. 2021. Safe harbor for ERC gross-receipts test. Journal of Accountancy (November): 52-53. (Employee retention credit).
Strausfeld, D. 2022. How LLCs may obtain tax-exempt recognition. Journal of Accountancy (January): 42-43.
Strausfeld, D. 2023. Like-kind exchange of agricultural property runs into a problem. Journal of Accountancy (August): 1-2.
Strauss, G. 1962. Tactics of lateral relationship: The purchasing agent. Administrative Science Quarterly 7(2): 161-186.
Strauss, N. 2018. Current developments in the private sector. The CPA Journal (August): 42-45.
Strauss, N. 2018. Current developments at the SEC. The CPA Journal (August): 28-31.
Strauss, N. 2018. Implementing the new lease accounting standards. The CPA Journal (August): 32-35.
Strauss, N. 2018. PCAOB: Activities and relationship with auditors, preparers, and users. The CPA Journal (August): 46-49.
Strauss, N. 2019. Current developments in the private sector. The CPA Journal (August): 40-43.
Strauss, N. 2019. Current developments at the SEC. The CPA Journal (August): 26-29.
Strauss, N. 2019. Financial instruments. The CPA Journal (August): 44-47. (Panel discussion: Credit loss standard, derivatives and hedging, equity investments, fair value of a company's debt, fair value disclosure for non-public companies).
Strauss, N. 2019. Implementing standards: How do preparers cope? The CPA Journal (August): 30-32.
Strauss, P. J., L. W. Pierro and E. Forspan. 2019. Financial planning challenges facing older Americans: How CPAs can help. The CPA Journal (May): 22-27.
Strauss, R. J. 2014. Transitioning from the private sector to academia. The CPA Journal (August): 12-13.
Strauss, W. V. 1930. Foreign distribution of American motion pictures. Harvard Business Review (April): 307-315.
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Strawser, J. R. 2024. Do adverse opinions on internal control over financial reporting lead to changes in reporting format? Accounting Horizons (September): 125-134.
Strawser, R. H., J. P. Kelly and R. T. Hise. 1982. What causes stress for management accountants? Management Accounting (March): 32-35.
Strawser, R. H., J. M. Ivancevich and H. L. Lyon. 1969. A note on the job satisfaction of accountants in large and small CPA firms. Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn): 339-345.
Strawser, W. R. and J. W. Strawser. 2014. Discussing variance analysis with the performance of a basketball team. Issues in Accounting Education (August): 43-51.
Strayer, S. I., H. W. Wright and Strayer's Business College. 1918. Modern Bookkeeping, Accounting and Business Practice. The Modern Text Book Company.
Strebel, P. 2004. The case for contingent governance. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 59-66.
Strebel, P. and A. Ohlsson. 2006. The art of making smart big moves. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 79-83.
Strebel, P. and S. Cantale. 2014. Is your company addicted to value extraction? MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 96.
Strebel, P., D. Cossin and M. Khan. 2020. How to reconcile your shareholders with other stakeholders. MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 1-8.
Strebulaev, I. A. and A. Dang. 2024. Make decisions with a VC mindset: The key is to embrace risk, disagreement, and agility. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 132-141. (Venture mindset).
Streck, H. W. 1932. Fatigue as a factor in costs. N.A.C.A. Bulletin (August 15): 1616-1625.
Strecker, M. F. 1971. Accounting for the not-for-profit organizations. Management Accounting (August): 33-36, 40.
Streeck, W. 2017. How Will Capitalism End?: Essays on a Failing System. Verso.
Street, D. and J. Wilck. 2023. "Let's have a chat:" Applying ChatGPT and other large language models to the practice of forensic accounting. Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 15(2): 158-191.
Street, D., J. Wilck and Z. Chism. 2023. Six principles for the effective use of artificial intelligence large language models. The CPA Journal (November/December): 50-56.
Street, D. L. 2002. Large firms envision worldwide convergence of standards. Accounting Horizons (September): 215-218.
Street, D. L. and A. C. Bishop. 1991. An empirical examination of the need profiles of professional accountants. Behavioral Research In Accounting (3): 97-116.
Street, D. L. and B. E. Needles. Editors. 2009. IFRS Digest: What U.S. Practitioners and Entities Need to Know Now. AICPA.
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Street, D. L. and C. L. Linthicum. 2007. IFRS in the U.S.: It may come sooner than you think: A commentary. Journal of International Accounting Research 6(1): xi-xvii.
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Street, D. L., N. B. Nichols and S. J. Gray. 2000. Segment disclosures under SFAS No. 131: Has business segment reporting improved? Accounting Horizons (September): 259-285.
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Strickland, B. 2023. Technology in audit: More than a numbers game. Journal of Accountancy (November): 1-5.
Strickland, D. G. 1980. How an investment banker prepares a company for a tender offer. Management Accounting (February): 26-28.
Strickland, K. G. 2000. "I think you've got it!" Strategic Finance (January): 44-48. (Communication skills).
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Stringer, C. 2007. Empirical performance management research: Observations from AOS and MAR. Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management (4): 92-114.
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Strischek, D. 1983. How to determine the value of a firm. Management Accounting (January): 42-49. (See What is a Business Valuation?).
Strischek, D. 2001. A banker's perspective on working capital and cash flow management. Strategic Finance (October): 38-45.
Ströbele, A. and P. Wentges. 2018. The role of organizational social capital in the design of management control systems. Journal of Management Accounting Research 30(2): 187-205.
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Stroh, P. 2014. The evolving role of business strategist. Strategic Finance (March): 26-33.
Stroh, P. 2017. Opportunity dressed in overhauls. Strategic Finance (April): 64.
Stroh, P. J. 2005. Enterprise risk management at UnitedHealth Group. Strategic Finance (July): 26-35.
Stroh, P. J. 2015. Advancing innovation: What's your role? Strategic Finance (September): 24-31.
Stroh, P. J. 2015. Powerboats vs. sailboats: How do you lead? Powerboats require one driver, whereas sailboats require a team of sailors led by a captain. How you lead determines the wake you leave behind. Strategic Finance (October): 19-20.
Stroh, P. J. 2016. Are you driving innovation value - or stagnating? Management accountants are in a unique position to be value creators in the workplace. Strategic Finance (December): 26-33.
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