Provided by James R. Martin, Ph.D., CMA
Professor Emeritus, University of South Florida
Journal Bibliographies |
Article Summaries | Book Summaries
Journal Updates 2024
Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management 2022-2024
Harvard Business Review 2002-2024
How Fascism Works
Stanley, J. 2018. How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them. Random House. (Summary).
ACC and SEC Football Updates
ACC Football Schedules and Scores as of 12/8-2024
SEC Football Schedules and Scores as of 12/8-2024
Pope, K. R. and L. Black, 2023. Understanding blockchain: Cryptocurrencies aside, knowing blockchain's potential uses and impacts on operations and the finance function is critical. Strategic Finance (March): 38-45. (Summary).
Social Accounting
Dechow, P. M. 2023. Understanding the sustainability reporting landscape and research opportunities in accounting. The Accounting Review (September): 481-493. (Summary).
Ben-Ghiat R. 2023. Epilogue in Rosenfeld, G. D. (Editor) and J. Ward (Editor). 2023. Fascism in America: Past and Present. Cambridge University Press. (Summary).
Eley, G. 2023. Liberalism in Crisis: What is Fascism and Where Does it Come from? in Rosenfeld, G. D. (Editor) and J. Ward (Editor). 2023. Fascism in America: Past and Present. Cambridge University Press. (Summary).
Gordon, L. 2023. The American Fascists in Rosenfeld, G. D. (Editor) and J. Ward (Editor). 2023. Fascism in America: Past and Present. Cambridge University Press. (Summary).
Miller-Idriss, C. 2023. Formulting Policy Responses to the Right-Wing Threat in Rosenfeld, G. D. (Editor) and J. Ward (Editor). 2023. Fascism in America: Past and Present. Cambridge University Press. (Summary).
Rosenfeld, G. D. and J. Ward. 2023. Introduction to Rosenfeld, G. D. (Editor) and J. Ward (Editor). 2023. Fascism in America: Past and Present. Cambridge University Press. (Summary).
Specter, M. and V. Venkatasubramanian. 2023. "America First": Nationalism, Nativism, and the Fascism Question 1880-2020 in Rosenfeld, G. D. (Editor) and J. Ward (Editor). 2023. Fascism in America: Past and Present. Cambridge University Press. (Note).
Stanley, J. 2018. How Fascism Works: The Politics of Us and Them. Random House. (Summary).
Stone, M. 2023. Concentration Camps in Trump's America? in Rosenfeld, G. D. (Editor) and J. Ward (Editor). 2023. Fascism in America: Past and Present. Cambridge University Press. (Summary).
Weber, T. 2023. Anarchy and the State of Nature in Donald Trump's America and Adolf Hitler's Germany in Rosenfeld, G. D. (Editor) and J. Ward (Editor). 2023. Fascism in America: Past and Present. Cambridge University Press. (Summary).
Martin, J. R. 2024. Distribution of U.S. Household Wealth 2024.
Dechow, P. M. 2023. Understanding the sustainability reporting landscape and research opportunities in accounting. The Accounting Review (September): 481-493. (Summary).
Milanovic, B. 2019. Capitalism, Alone: The Future of the System That Rules the World. Harvard University Press. (Summary).
Politics and Trump
A Post About Trump and Various Issues That Are Non-Debatable
Shepard Fairey's Defend Democracy Posters and Billboards
Summary of Trump's Seven Part Plan to Overturn the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election.
Summary of the Policies of a Second Trump Presidency.
Journal Updates 2023
Accounting and the Public Interest 2001-2023
Accounting, Organizations and Society 2023
Accounting, Organizations and Society 1976-2023
Administrative Science Quarterly 2023
Administrative Science Quarterly 1956-2023
Advances in Accounting 2022-2023
Advances in Accounting 2009-2023
Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management 2022-2024
Advances in Environmental Accounting & Management 2000-2024
Advances in Management Accounting 2022-2023
Advances in Management Accounting 1992-2023
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 2022-2023
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 2008-2023
Behavioral Research In Accounting 2022-2023
Behavioral Research In Accounting 1989-2023
Contemporary Accounting Research 2023
Contemporary Accounting Research 1984-1992 and 2010-2023
Decision Sciences 1970-1975 and 2010-2023
Harvard Business Review 1922-1930 and 2002-2023
IMA Educational Case Journal 2022-2023
IMA Educational Case Journal 2008-2023
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 2022-2023
International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 2000-2023
Issues in Accounting Education 2023
Issues in Accounting Education 1983-2023
Journal of Accountancy 1905-1925 & 2005-2023
Journal of Accounting and Economics 2023
Journal of Accounting and Economics 1979-2023
Journal of Accounting Education 2023
Journal of Accounting Education 1983-2023
Journal of Accounting Research 2022-2023
Journal of Accounting Research 1963-2023
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 2023
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 2004-2023
Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 2022-2023
Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting 2009-2023
Journal of Forensic Accounting Research 2016-2023
Journal of Information Systems 2022-2023
Journal of Information Systems 1986-2023
Journal of International Accounting Research 2022-2023
Journal of International Accounting Research 2002-2023
Journal of Management Accounting Research 2022-2023
Journal of Management Accounting Research 1989-2023
Management Accounting Quarterly 2021-2023
Management Accounting Quarterly 1999-2023
Management Accounting Research 2022-2023
Management Accounting Research 1990-2023
MIT Sloan Management Review 2023
MIT Sloan Management Review 1960 & 2001-2023
Review of Accounting Studies 2023
Review of Accounting Studies 1996-2023
The Accounting Historians Journal 2022-2023
The Accounting Historians Journal 1974-2023
The Accounting Review 1926-2023
ACC and SEC Football Championships
ACC Football Championships 1953-2023
SEC Football Championships 1933-2023
Crossan, M., W. Furlong and R. D. Austin. 2022. Make leader character your competitive edge. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-12. (Summary).
Update of Inflation Graphics CPI and SS COLAs
ACC and SEC Football Schedules and Scores 2023
ACC Football Schedules and Scores 2023
SEC Football Schedules and Scores 2023
Final AP Polls for Teams with two National Championships Graphic Illustrations
Poilitcal Issues
Levin, B. and L. Downes. 2022. Every company needs a political strategy today: Five principles will help leaders take decisive action when fast-moving laws and regulations conflict with stakeholder values. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-4. (Summary).
Thomason, B., N. Chawla, A. Gabriel, D. Greenburg, C. Lampert, K. Moergren, D. Sumpter and E. Umphress. 2022. How organizations can take a lead in protecting reproductive rights. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-4. (Summary).
Winston, A., E. Doty and T. Lyon. 2022. The importance of corporate political responsibility. MIT Sloan Management Review (Fall): 1-4. (Summary).
Paine, T. 2006. The Age of Reason. The Echo Library. (Rebuff of church dogma originally published in 1796. Summary).
Prothero, S. 2007. Religious Literacy: What Every American Needs to Know - And Doesn't. Harper San Francisco. (Summary).
What is value analysis?
Dummer, W., M. Masters and D. Swenson. 2015. Delivering customer value through value analysis. Cost Management (March/April): 17-24. (Summary).
Hinterhuber, A. 2008. Customer value-based pricing strategies: Why companies resist. Journal of Business Strategy 29(4): 41-50. (Summary).
Hinterhuber, A. and S. Liozu. 2012. Is it time to rethink your pricing strategy? MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 69-77. (Summary).
Jeacle, I. 2022. The gendered nature of valuation: Valuing life in the Titanic compensation claims process. Accounting, Organizations and Society (99): 101309. (Summary).
Pricing Decisions
Abel, R. 1978. The role of costs and cost accounting in price determination. Management Accounting (April): 29-32. (Summary).
Bertini, M. and O. Koenigsberg. 2021. The pitfalls of pricing algorithms. Harvard Business Review (September/October): 74-83. (Summary).
Govindarajan, V. and R. N. Anthony. 1983. How firms use cost data in price decisions. Management Accounting (July): 30-31, 34-36. (Summary).
Hinterhuber, A. 2008. Customer value-based pricing strategies: Why companies resist. Journal of Business Strategy 29(4): 41-50. (Summary).
Hinterhuber, A. and S. Liozu. 2012. Is it time to rethink your pricing strategy? MIT Sloan Management Review (Summer): 69-77. (Summary).
Martin, J. R. 2022. A note on pricing strategies. (Note).
Shim, E. and E. F. Sudit. 1995. How manufacturers price products. Management Accounting (February): 37-39. (Note).
Shim, E. D. and R. Lim. 2022. A survey of U.S. firms' pricing strategies and costing methods. Cost Management (May/June): 15-19. (Note).
Accounting Theory and Relevant Costing
Hendriksen, E. S. 1977. Accounting Theory. Chapter 1: The Methodology of Accounting Theory. 3rd. ed. Richard D. Irwin, Inc. (Summary).
Leininger, W. E. 1977. Opportunity costs: Some definitions and examples. The Accounting Review (January): 248-251. (Summary).
Martin, J. R. Not dated. Opportunity cost examples. Management and Accounting Web.
Solomons, D. 1966. Economic and accounting concepts of cost and value. In Backer, M. ed. 1966. Modern Accounting Theory. Prentice-Hall Inc. Chapter 6: 117-140. (Summary).
Oganization Structure
Martin, R. L. 2021. It's time to replace the public corporation: We need a model that truly focuses on the long term. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 34-42. (Summary).
Digital Transformation
Bonnet, D. and G. Westerman. 2021. The new elements of digital transformation: The authors revisit their landmark research and address how the competitive advantages offered by digital technology have evolved. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 82-89. (Summary).
Climate Change
Ignatius, A. 2021. "It will need to be the most amazing thing humankind has ever done": A conversation with Microsoft cofounder and philanthropist Bill Gates. Harvard Business Review (March/April): 124-129. (Summary).
Kaplan, R. S. and K. Ramanna. 2021. Accounting for climate change: The first rigorous approach to ESG reporting. Harvard Business Review (November/December): 120-131. (Summary).
How to Manage Yourself
Vozza, S. 2021. Tackle 5 tough job interview questions. Journal of Accountancy (February): 24-27. (Summary).
China Update
Ignatius, A. 2021. "Americans don't know how capitalist China is". Harvard Business Review (May/June): 61-63. (Summary).
Mitter, R. and E. Johnson. 2021. What the West gets wrong about China: The fundamental misconceptions. Harvard Business Review (May/June): 42-48. (Summary).
Book Summary: What is Philosophy?
Miller, E. L. 1992. Questions That Matter: An Invitation To Philosophy, Third Edition. McGraw-Hill, Inc.
The Nature of Philosophy: Chapters 1-2.
Part 1: The Question of Reality - Chapters 3-7.
Part 2: The Question of Knowledge - Chapters 8-11.
Part 3: The Question of God - Chapters 12-15.
Part 4: The Question of Morality - Chapters 16-19.
Part 5: The Question of Society - Chatpers 20-22.
Presidential Wisdom
Memorable Quotes from 14 Presidents
Inflation History
Inflation History: CPI 1920-2023 and CPI-W SS COLAs 1975-2023
Vaccination Incentive
Dezhbakhsh, H. 2021. An incentive to encourage vaccination. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. (June 20): A22. (Summary).
Powerful Investment Strategies
Givens, C. J. 1988. Wealth Without Risk: How to Develop a Personal Fortune Without Going Out on a Limb. Simon and Schuster. (Summary of Part III).
AACSB Salary Report
AACSB Salary Report Update 2019-2020
Why We need Legislation to Improve America's Infrastructure
ASCE 2021 Report Cards on America's Infrastructure
What is a Platform Business?
Cusumano, M. A., D. B. Yoffie and A. Gawer. 2020. The future of platforms: Platforms power some of the world's most valuable companies, but it will get harder and harder to capture and monetize their disruptive potential. MIT Sloan Management Review (Spring): 46-54. (Summary).
Van Alstyne, M. W., Parker, G. G. and S. P. Choudary. 2016. Pipelines, platforms, and the new rules of strategy: Scale now trumps differentiation. Harvard Business Review (April): 54-62. (Summary).
Zhu, F. and M. Iansiti. 2019. Why some platforms thrive and others don't: What Alibaba, Tencent, and Uber teach us about networks that flourish. The five characteristics that make the difference. Harvard Business Review (January/February): 118-125. (Summary).
How to Fix Our Dysfunctional Political System
Gehl, K. M. and M. E. Porter. 2020. The Politics Industry: How Political Innovation Can Break Partisan Gridlock and Save Our Democracy. Harvard Business Review Press. (Summary).
PolitiFact Checks on Statements by Trump and Biden 2020
A Short History of Computers and the Internet
The History of Computers and the Web
Risk of spreading the Coronavirus
Anonymous. 2019. A Warning: A Senior Trump Administration Official. Twelve: Hachette Book Group.
Summary of the Introduction and Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Collapse of the Steady State
Chapter 2: The Character of a Man
Chapter 3: Fake Views
Chapter 4: Assault on Democracy
Chapter 5: A Weakness for Strongmen
Chapter 6: The New Mason-Dixon Line
Chapter 7: Apologists
Summary of Chapter 8 and the Epilogue
Chapter 8: We the Electorate
Oser, J. 1963. The Evolution of Economic Thought. Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Mercantilist School (1500-1776)
Chapter 3: The Physiocratic School
Chapter 4: The Classical School: Forerunners
Chapter 5: The Classical School: Adam Smith
Chapter 6: The Classical School: David Ricardo
Chapter 7: The Classical School: Thomas Robert Malthus
Chapter 8: The Classical School: Bentham, Say, Senior, and Mill
Chapter 9: The Rise of Socialist Ideologies
Chapter 10: Marxism and Revisionism
Chapter 11: The German Historical School
Chapter 12: The Rise of the Marginalist School: Gossen and Jevons
Chapter 13: The Marginalist School: The Austrians and Clark
Chapter 14: The Marginalist School: Alfred Marshall
Chapter 15: Mathematical Economics
Chapter 16: Early American Economists
Chapter 17: The Institutionalist School: Thorstein Veblen
Chapter 18: The Institutionalist School: Commons and Mitchell
Chapter 19: Monetary Economics
Chapter 20: The Departure From Pure Competition
Chapter 21: Welfare Economics and Social Control
Chapter 22: The Keynesian School
Chapter 23: Modern Theories of Economic Development and Growth
Chapter 24: Economic History in Perspective
Thurow, L. C. 1996. The Future of Capitalism: How Today's Economic Forces Shape Tomorrow's World. William Morrow and Company.
Chapter 1: New Game, New Rules, New Strategies
Chapter 2: Mapping the Economic Surface of the Earth
Chapter 3: Plate One: The End of Communism
Chapter 4: Plate Two: An Era of Man-made Brainpower Industries
Chapter 5: Plate Three: Demography - Growing, Moving, Getting Older
Chapter 6: Plate Four: A Global Economy
Summary of Chapters 7, 8 and 9
Chapter 7: Plate Five: A Multipolar World with No Dominant Power
Chapter 8: The Forces Remaking the Economic Surface of the Earth
Chapter 9: Inflation: An Extinct Volcano
Chapter 10: Japan: The Major Fault Line Across World Trade and the Pacific Rim
Chapter 11: Economic Instability
Chapter 12: Social Volcanoes: Religious Fundamentalism and Ethnic Separatism
Chapter 13: Democracy Versus the Market
Chapter 14: A Period of Punctuated Equilibrium
Chapter 15: Operating in a Period of Punctuated Equilibrium